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Tablets for the prevention of worms
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Speaking of worms, it is important to remember that their prevention is a simpler and more effective procedure than treatment. Helminths cause quite a lot of various diseases, among which there are also quite serious, that's why each of us needs to think about timely and correct prevention of parasitic diseases. For this, there are various tablets.
Indications for use
Even the most genuine proponents of preventive treatment will say that taking pills constantly is not the right approach. But there are cases when tablets for the prevention of worms are prescribed even in the absence of positive tests.
For example, if at least one of the family members had helminths, it is best to immediately treat with tablets for prevention of the whole family. Also, medications for preventive measures can be taken if the patient has found the main signs of the disease worms: itching in the anal passage, poor appetite, violation of defecation. Also, doctors recommend taking pills for the prevention of worms in such cases:
- Daily contact with pets.
- With constant work with soil.
- After visiting exotic countries.
- If children often play in the sandbox.
- If you are engaged in fishing or beach sports.
- If children or adults stay in a closed and close collective for a long time.
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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Consider pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of tablets for the prevention of worms using the example of the popular drug "Pirantel".
The active component of this pyrantel pamoate agent is active against a wide range of helminths (Ascaris Iumbricoidcs, Enterobius vermicularis, Necator Americanus, Ancylostoma doudenalc, Trichostrongylus colubriformis). In this case, it equally affects both sexually mature and immature specimens of helminths. But it does not show activity towards the larvae.
Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is quite difficult. Partly Pirantel is metabolized in the liver, getting into it from the systemic blood stream. Most of the drug is excreted in the unchanged form. It can also be excreted through the urinary system.
Names of tablets for prophylaxis of worms
To date, all anthelmintic agents can be divided into nonspecific and specific, depending on the range of their effects. When buying, it should be noted that drugs with a narrow focus are usually more toxic. If you only need to take preventive measures, then you will be better suited for a broad spectrum of action. If you suspect that you have already become infected with helminths, you should contact a specialist-parasitologist who will conduct tests and prescribe a special treatment.
The most popular to date tablets for the prevention of worms are the following:
- Pyrantel.
- Vermox.
- Decaris.
- Embonate of primordia.
Each of these drugs has advantages, disadvantages and specific characteristics, which you will learn below.
The most safe means for the prevention of helminths is precisely Pirantel. This can be explained by the fact that the active substances of this drug do not enter the systemic circulation, their mechanism of action is limited to the lumen of the intestine. But he has several important features. First, it is worthwhile to know that Pirantel can not prevent helminth infection, but it helps to quickly paralyze the muscles of the worms, which destroys them with time. A few days after the application of the drug, dead helminths leave the body together with feces.
The active ingredient of the drug is pyrantelum pamoate. This remedy is actively used not only for the prevention of helminths, but also for the treatment of non-carotid, ascariasis, enterobiasis and ankylostomiasis. It is taken during a meal. Dosage is individual and is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the severity of the disease and the weight of the patient. The tablet is chewed.
The drug is contraindicated in a number of cases:
- During the treatment of myasthenia gravis.
- In childhood (up to three years).
- With intolerance of the components of the drug.
- With hepatic insufficiency, take the remedy with caution.
In case of an overdose, a gastric lavage is performed.
Among the main side effects of Pirantel are:
- Headache.
- Drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia.
- Hallucinations and confusion.
- Poor appetite.
- Nausea with vomiting.
- Allergy.
Active active ingredient of the anthelmintic preparation Vermox is mebendazole. It is often prescribed for the treatment of ascariasis, enterobiasis, strongyloidosis, ankylostomiasis, trichinosis, trichocephalosis, echinococcosis, teniosis, capillarosis, alveococcosis, gnatostomotosis. It is worth noting that, despite its effectiveness, this remedy is toxic.
Due to the action of the active substance Vermox, the drug quickly disrupts the metabolism of helminths, which causes their non-viability. Mebendazole does not enter the patient's blood, but accumulates in a rather large amount in tissues and organs. Therefore, in no case do not take this drug without a preliminary examination of the doctor.
Vermox is taken one tablet once a day, with a small amount of water. Therapy is not long - only one day. If there is a risk of re-invasion, the drug can be taken again, but only after two to four weeks.
Vermox has a number of contraindications. Doctors do not recommend taking it in such cases:
- With Crohn's disease.
- With nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
- With liver disease.
- In childhood (up to two years).
- During pregnancy.
- With intolerance of the components of the drug.
In case of an overdose, the patient may have such symptoms: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. For treatment, the drug is removed from the stomach by a washing procedure.
The main side effects of taking the drug can be:
- Pain in the abdomen.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Dizziness.
Active active ingredient of this anthelminthic drug is levamisole hydrochloride. With its help you can quickly get rid of human Ascaris, as well as mixed types of helminth infections, which can simultaneously parasitize in the human body. Levamisol acts on the respiratory tract of worms, which causes their death. The main advantage of Decaris can be called the fact that with his help you can activate immunity.
One tablet is taken once in a dosage (150 mg). It is best to use the remedy after meals in the evening. Take the tablet with a small amount of liquid. If necessary, the reception can be repeated after one or two weeks.
The drug is contraindicated in:
- Lactation.
- Pregnancy.
- In childhood (up to three years).
- Agranulocytosis.
- With liver or kidney disease.
After taking too much levamisole hydrochloride, the following symptoms are possible: vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, convulsions, dizziness. Treat with gastric lavage.
Among the main side effects of taking the drug are:
- Pain in the abdomen.
- Insomnia.
- Headache.
- Increased palpitations.
- Allergic reactions.
Primary embouch
Anthelminthic drug with selective action. It shows activity only in relation to pinworms, which belong to the group of roundworms.
It blocks specific enzymes in the body of helminths, so they die fast enough. Are withdrawn together with feces. Note that after taking Embonate, the primary stool may turn red.
The drug is taken once with one tablet after meals. It can cause some side effects: allergies, rashes, irritation, headache.
Method and dosage of tablets for the prevention of helminths
For the prevention of helminths, all pills that exist today are taken once. Dosage, as a rule, is standard (one tablet), but in some cases advice from the doctor is needed, since sometimes drugs are prescribed based on the patient's weight (for example, "Pirantel").
To drink a tablet you need a sufficient amount of liquid, preferably with ordinary water. As a rule, they take antihelminthics after eating in the evening.
Use of tablets for the prevention of worms during pregnancy
During pregnancy, anthelmintic tablets are contraindicated. They are prescribed only by a doctor in very extreme cases.
Contraindications for use
Like any medicine, tablets for the prevention of worms have their contraindications. Therefore, before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions to it. The most common contraindications in this case are:
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Intolerance of the components of the drug.
- Early age of the patient (usually up to two to three years).
- Allergic reactions to substances that are part of the drug.
- Liver failure.
Side effects
As already mentioned above, all anthelmintic agents can be specific or nonspecific. The former are more toxic, although they are effective against most worms. They often cause strong side effects, so they should be taken only after a visit to the doctor.
The most common side effects from taking tablets for the prevention of worms can be called:
- Headache.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Pain in the stomach.
- Irritations and rashes on the skin.
- Other allergic reactions.
Unfortunately, when a patient prescribes tablets for prophylactic purposes, an overdose is a common and common problem. It should be understood that such funds are usually taken only once, and repeated therapy can be carried out only after one or two weeks. In case of an overdose, the patient often has nausea, dizziness, vomiting, and abdominal pain. For treatment, gastric lavage is performed.
Interactions with other drugs
Despite the fact that tablets for the prevention of worms seem to us harmless, they can not be taken together with some other drugs.
Pyrantel, for example, can weaken the action of piperazine, and also increase the concentration in the plasma of theophylline.
When using Vermox in patients on diabetes mellitus, the need to take insulin may decrease. Do not use this drug with lipophilic substances. With the simultaneous intake of Vermox and Cimetidine, the concentration in the blood of the first can increase.
Decaris is not recommended for taking with alcoholic beverages, since disulfiramoid-like phenomena may occur. If you use tablets that act on hematopoiesis, take Decaris with caution. The simultaneous use of this drug with tetrachlorethylene, tetrachloromethane, chloroform and ether is prohibited.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Keep the tablets for the prevention of worms recommended in a cool (+ 13-15 degrees) and dark place. Do not allow young children to take drugs.
Shelf life is quite long and is about five years. Do not take the pill after the expiration date.
Good tablets for the prevention of worms
Often people do not even notice that they are infected with helminths, because the symptoms in some cases can be quite blurred and incomprehensible. That is why prevention plays an important role in the treatment of many diseases that are associated with worms.
Doctors recommend to carry out prophylaxis in spring and autumn, when the body is most susceptible to attack worms. Today there is a huge number of tablets for the prevention of helminths. The most common among them we mentioned above, but apart from them, the following drugs are quite effective:
- Biltricide (active acting substance praziquantel).
- Vormil (active ingredient albendazole).
- Nemocide (active ingredient of pyrantel).
Whichever drug you choose, the most important thing to remember about precautions and personal hygiene. If you always wash your hands before meals and after contact with pets, take a shower twice a day and cook properly, the possibility of infection with worms will decrease.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets for the prevention of worms" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.