

Neck, throat, mouth

Bitterness in the mouth after eating

Bitterness in the mouth after eating manifests itself quite often. To determine the cause of this phenomenon, you need to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Only he can diagnose this or that disease.

Why is the upper lip swollen and what should I do?

Beautiful, slightly swollen lips - the dream of any woman and a seductive fruit for a man. But if the upper lip is unexpectedly swollen, becoming exaggeratedly large? Such a picture in the mirror does not please the look, but often brings also physical and psychological discomfort.

Black coating on the tongue

Everyone knows that the language of a healthy person should be a mild pink color. Any, and even more so, black plaque on the tongue is an indication of any malfunction in the body.

Brown coating on the tongue

Brown plaque on the tongue, like any appearance on the surface of the tongue of strata that are unusual for a healthy state, in most clinical cases is a symptom of one or another pathology.

Green coating on the tongue

Green plaque on the tongue is able to indicate the presence of a fungal infection in the body. A qualified doctor is able to ascertain the presence of many diseases by the level of consolidation of the neoplasm and its color.

Burp with rotten eggs

Eating a rotten egg can occur after eating a large number of eggs, and then there will be nothing strange about it.

Dehydrated burp

Not always an unpleasant smell from the mouth is a sign of sick teeth. Often it indicates a violation in the digestive tract. Namely rotten belching out of the stomach and is the reason why a man publishes this unpleasant ambre.

Sore throat

Such a sensation as a sensation in the throat, is known to any person from a young age. There was a discomfort in the throat, and we immediately climb into the first aid kit for medicines.

Coated tongue

A lipped tongue can testify to many diseases, including chronic ones, about the presence of which a person may not even guess for years.

Plaque on the tonsils: white, gray, purulent, without temperature

Tear on the tonsils - a common phenomenon, both among children and adults. Plaque, as a rule, is not a disease, but only its symptom.


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