Sore throat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Such a sensation as a sensation in the throat, is known to any person from a young age. There was discomfort in the throat area, and we immediately climb into the first aid kit for medicines.
But before you drink pills, it is worthwhile to understand and find out the causes of perspiration in the throat, since this symptom is not considered a separate disease, but is considered merely an investigative manifestation of another pathology.
Causes of the sore throat
In most cases, the cause of perspiration in the throat is progressive inflammation in the throat:
- Acute or chronic pharyngitis, associated with fever, pain.
- Angina.
- Tracheitis.
- Nasopharyngitis.
- Whooping cough.
- Laryngitis.
- Flu.
Pharyngeal neuralgia. The pathological condition of the swallowing apparatus, the cause of which are failures in the work of the central nervous system or nervous analyzers in the brain. In addition to sadness in the larynx, accompanying symptoms also appear: loss of sensitivity by the mucous membrane, burning sensation, a sensation of a constant lump in the throat, soreness that "gives" to the tongue and ear, excessive sensitivity of the pharynx tissues. To such pathology result:
- Syphilis.
- Malignant and benign tumors.
- Other neuropsychic disorders.
Allergic reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli:
- Book dust.
- Dry air in the room, leading to the drying of the mucous folds of the pharynx.
- Work in a dusty, poorly ventilated room.
- Pollen of plants.
- Wool of animals.
- Reception of medicines.
- Voice load on bundles (the work of a teacher, lecturer, singer, announcer, etc.)
Faults in the digestive tract:
- Reflux gastroesophagitis. Failure in the operation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which results in the partial casting of the acid product of the stomach back into the esophagus, which leads to irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa and esophagus.
- Gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa).
- Stomach ulcer disease.
- Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder mucosa).
- Hernia, the place of localization of which is the esophagus.
- Nodal neoplasms that progress on the glands of the thyroid gland. Growing neoplasms begin to exert pressure on the trachea. There is a worsening of appetite, changes in the voice timbre are heard, general weakness appears throughout the body.
- Smoking.
Symptoms of the sore throat
Such a symptom, as a swallowing in the throat, is in itself a symptom of a fairly large number of diseases, but is not considered a disease. Symptoms are manifested as a state of discomfort, there is a tickling sensation, a desire to cough as quickly as possible.
As soon as such a sign arises, the person involuntarily begins to cough. In this case, the cough can be both dry and wet (with sputum secretion). These sputum, performing the role of lubrication, for some time dull sensation of sorrow. But if the cough is dry, it even more traumatizes the mucous, provoking more and more seizures and causing persistent swelling in the throat. Thus the respiratory ways are not cleared of slime, therefore "dry tussis" consider unproductive.
Such manifestations are "famous" for whooping cough - an infectious disease that affects the upper respiratory tract, as well as other diseases of cold and viral nature. Inflammation quickly enough covers the respiratory system, provoking first the perspiration and pain in the throat, dry cough, other symptoms of the disease gradually begin to manifest: the general tone of a person falls, he becomes listless, apathetic, the temperature may rise, or may remain normal, fatigue, chills , drowsiness, headache increases.
If signs of hypothermia or a viral disease stay more than two weeks, then doctors believe that the disease has passed into a chronic form.
It is not uncommon for cases when the sore throat and dry cough are worse at night. This is due to the fact that in a state of sleep, the muscles of the nasopharynx are relaxed, the mucosal discharge more intensively begins to flow down the posterior wall of the pharynx, irritating it. The second reason for an intensified night cough may be the fact that in the prone position, there is a slowing of the circulation - the process of resorption of sputum in the lungs also slows down.
But it is worth especially to sound the alarm, if the perspiration in the throat and cough only occur at night - this can be evidence of a malfunction of the respiratory system itself: bronchial asthma, whooping cough. Pertussis cough patient "coughs" for many months (up to six months, or even longer).
It often happens that after a hypothermia or progressive spread of a viral lesion from the area of inflammation into nearby tissues and organs, there is an acute manifestation of the disease (for example, acute pharyngitis). Almost immediately there is a strong perspiration in the throat, a dry cough is provoked, the process of swallowing is given away with pain. At visual examination through a pharyngoscope, the doctor observes a hyperemia of mucous walls of a larynx from easy reddening to a scarlet color. If you spend a quick and adequate treatment, the disease is stopped quickly enough. Provoke a similar sign, can not only hypothermia, but also the reception is very cold or very hot food - there is a temperature irritation of the mucosa.
Tonsillitis is a one-sided or bilateral inflammation of the tonsils (usually flowing with swelling), which is also accompanied by severe burning, perspiration and pain symptoms in the pharynx. Monitoring of the disease showed that children are more likely to get sick than him and if the exacerbation is observed quite often (several times a year), it is worth talking about the transition from the acute form of tonsillitis to its chronic status (the acute form, as a rule, lasts up to seven days).
If in a room where a person lives or works, dry and dusty air, the nasopharyngeal mucous membrane begins to dry out, becoming covered with a hard crust. Dry air as an emery paper injures mucous. In this situation, first begins to feel perspiration and dryness in the throat, which provokes an unproductive cough. This development of the inflammatory process leads to diseases like laryngitis.
The vocal cords do not receive the proper oxygen supply, the voice begins to "sit down" or disappears altogether. Straining the bundles more actively to squeeze out even a sound, a person even more irritates the mucous, exacerbating a similar sign and, accordingly, a cough. Cough in case of illness, if it is wet, it's good. The body releases its airways from mucus, in which viruses and bacteria "gather", thereby removing irritation.
Probably this time it is hard enough to find a person who at least once in his life has not experienced pain and perspiration in the throat, which is a consequence of severe hypothermia, bacterial or viral defeat of the nasopharyngeal region. But before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to put an accurate diagnosis, given the accompanying manifestations, so as not to miss a more serious disease than a common cold.
To remove the pain and sore in the throat is possible, only getting rid of the root cause of their provoked. And only a specialist can answer this question.
From the biology course, each opponent knows that the ear, throats and nose are inextricably linked. And if one organ of this trinity is exposed to the pathogenic effect of external or internal factors, the inflammation captures the other two.
Often the discomfort in the throat is accompanied by a rapid temperature rise and the appearance of other unpleasant phenomena. This symptomatology is inherent in many diseases of a viral nature, for example, angina. Sore throat and temperature up to 39 ºС are the first signs of its manifestation. The symptomatology is very similar to the common cold, but such diseases as angina are transferred to the patient much harder. These signs quickly grow into acute pain when swallowing, burning and swelling of the pharynx. There is an increase in lymph nodes. Tonsils, skies, arches and tongue become burgundy-red and are covered with abscesses. The temperature is high. The patient experiences general weakness at the same time. Such a condition, with proper treatment can last up to seven days.
With the help of a cough in the mouth, the body produces a mixture of saliva and mucus, which accumulates in the lungs. Thereby purifying the respiratory system. Persecution in the throat and sputum can be indicators of a cold or infection of the body, as well as smoking and allergic reactions.
Sputum is a product produced by the body as a response to the aggression of harmful substances (smoking), external factors (severe hypothermia), internal diseases (viral and bacterial infections). Identification of sputum is an unambiguous sign of the present illness.
Essentially, the amount of mucus secreted, its color and odor. The volume of excretions can vary from several grams (with acute bronchitis) to one - two liters (with purulent abscesses and gangrenes). Unpleasant color and odor joins, if in addition to inflammatory, there are also putrefactive processes, the disintegration of cancer cells of the lung tumor.
Many patients who often get sore throats have noticed that as soon as there is a tickle in the throat and nausea, to mean again begins to attack the infection causing this disease. Often, a cold, starting with a sore throat, gradually adds another symptom, among which nausea is a response to high temperature, a general intoxication of the body.
In the human body everything is thought out and interconnected. A healthy nose is a pledge of a full protection of the pharynx from getting pathogens. Progressing or incompletely cured rhinitis, allergic edema of the nasal mucosa - all this leads the patient to forced oral breathing. Direct air intake in the throat injures her.
But if in the daytime a person can blow his nose, clearing the nasal passage for breathing, then falling asleep, he ceases to control this process, so perspiration in the throat at night increases, provoking coughing attacks. In order to improve the quality of rest at least a little, it is necessary to provide sleep in a room with air of optimum humidity, on a high pillow (preferably not downy), while limiting food intake (no later than two hours before sleep) and watering the nasal passages with saline solution.
Very often, these manifestations people refer to developing colds or ARVI. But this is true in part. Persecution in the throat and cough is not a disease, but only symptoms of many diseases of different genesis. For example, indicators of a simple allergy to house dust, a strong smell of domestic plants or animal hair. Therefore, to make the correct diagnosis, it is better to consult a specialist. Otherwise, the problem can only be exacerbated, because effective treatment for acute respiratory disease with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetylsalicylic acid, antibacterial and antiviral drugs is extremely harmful for allergies.
Today, many respondents know that puffiness and sore throat are not always signs of a cold. Therefore, if there is a regularity in which there is a sensation in the throat after eating or when the patient has to rest, there is heartburn and belching, a lump "rolls up a lump", do not hesitate to consult a gastroenterologist, as these symptoms may indicate the presence of such diseases:
- Ulcerative lesions of the walls of the stomach.
- Cholecystitis (inflammation in the walls of the gallbladder).
- Hernia of the esophagus (displacement of some internal organs located in the peritoneum, in the chest cavity, a disease of recurrent chronic nature).
- Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach.).
- Ultrasonic neoplasms on the thyroid.
Before you understand the cause of the sore throat, you need to understand the principle that allows reflex cough to provoke irritation of the mucosa. An impetus to the disease is the infection of the mucous virus or bacterium. Hyperemia and swelling begin to appear, the mucous membrane loses moisture, drying out, and it is not able to produce the "lubricant" in the required amount. The body begins to take emergency measures. With the help of a cough trying to bring the mucous secret of the bronchus to the throat, but since it is not enough, the cough turns dry, aggravating the attack. At the same time, irritation of the mucosa only increases. Breaking into the chest, air injures the larynx.
Patients' complaints have increased that they feel perfectly normal, they have sudden attacks of perspiration in the throat that provoke an angry convulsive cough. During an attack, there is a spasm of the muscles of the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult. After a couple of minutes the spasm passes, the breath is leveled.
It is worth consulting with a doctor, because allergies, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, malfunctions in the work of metabolic processes, nasopharyngeal diseases show such symptomatology.
Not always obvious catarrhal manifestations signify the defeat of a neurological genesis, a pathology of an infectious or allergic nature. If there is a tickling in the throat in the morning, the root causes may be different:
- Sleep in a hot room with low humidity, accompanied by mouth breathing and snoring.
- Inflammatory process of a chronic nature, taking place in the walls of the pharynx (chronic tonsillitis).
- Gastroesophageal reflux (a pathology in which a partial return of the contents of the stomach back to the esophagus).
In this case, either eliminate the source of irritation or undergo a course of treatment.
Particularly unpleasant can be called a condition in which a patient experiences chronic sore throat. Constantly I want to clear my throat, remove the coming sputum. Irrigation of the tonsils (with tonsillitis of a chronic nature), washing of the nasopharynx (cuckoo) does not always help. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination with an allergist doctor to exclude the body's reaction to external factors. To address to the gastroenterologist. Such a sign may be a consequence of a night return to the esophagus of the gastric product. And since the enzyme of the stomach is hydrochloric acid, then even a small amount is enough to get a chemical burn of the mucosa.
On the background of acute respiratory disease or common cold, acute pharyngitis may develop. In this case, there is a sudden perspiration in the throat, there are pain when swallowing, coughing and runny nose.
Saddles in the throat can cause chronic pharyngitis. In this case, there may be no other symptomatology. To get rid of this problem, you need to stop the very reason, after passing the treatment course.
Etiology, provoking burning sensation in the throat is quite extensive.
- Reflux esophagitis.
- Prolonged vocal loads.
- Increased goiter.
- Malignant tumor in the larynx.
- Allergy.
- Take hot, hot or too cold food.
- Pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
- Pharyngeal neuroses.
Do not self-medicate. It is necessary to make an initial appointment with a doctor-otolaryngologist.
If a patient has frequent swelling in the throat, then it is necessary to undergo an examination with an ENT doctor to exclude diseases that damage the ear-nose-throat area and can cause this phenomenon. But do not forget that the same symptomatology has an allergy, especially if its pathogen is always nearby: dust, pet hair, houseplants, household chemicals.
Prolonged sore throat should cause a person to be wary and force him to turn to a specialist. The reason for this symptomatology may be:
- Trauma, not only external appearance, but also internal: a foreign object (for example, a fish bone ...)
- Neurosis. The defeat of nerve endings located on the pharyngeal mucosa.
- Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
- Diseases of the pharynx associated with the profession.
- Allergy.
- Failure in the motor-evacuation function of the stomach.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland.
After a hike without an umbrella in the rain, often there is a sharp perspiration in the throat, foreshadowing a cold or SARS. But the result of such a reaction may be improper operation of household chemicals, leading to a minor or significant chemical burn of the nasopharynx, allergies to an external or internal factor (pollen of plants or the use of medications containing substances to which the patient's body is hypersensitive).
Problems with voice ligaments suffer, most often, people of such professions as teachers, singers, lecturers, presenter .... Often after a hard working day, they feel a sensation in the throat and hoarseness, sometimes the voice disappears completely. But if the singers, thanks to specially designed exercises, train their ligaments, then representatives of other specialties are more difficult. Such a symptom of a person can feel and after ordinary household quarrels on increased tones, smoking, taking medication. The cause may be inflammatory, infectious lesions of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, thyroid disease.
Percolation in the throat during pregnancy
The main thing in the treatment of the future mother is not to harm the baby and help the pregnant woman as much as possible. If it was not possible to avoid the disease, and the woman felt a sore throat during pregnancy, put off going to the doctor and do self-treatment is not worth it. Even alternative medicine should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, they are able to harm the fetus.
The same can be said and expressed in the throat during lactation. The careless use of medications can inflict irreparable harm to the health of a newborn, having got into his body through mother's milk.
- To relieve symptoms:
- Rinse the throat with a solution of salt, iodine and soda; furacilin or propolis.
- Drink warm milk, with a pinch of soda and a small amount of honey.
- Use the lozenges recommended by pharmacists for pregnancy and lactation.
Sore throat in the child
Acute laryngitis, infectious and viral diseases - all this can provoke a throat in the child's throat. Impact on the severity and frequency of illness can affect the adverse domestic and climatic conditions of living, weakened immunity. First of all, it is necessary to properly organize the food and atmosphere in the room in which the baby lives: •
- Balanced, diverse diet, which includes vitamins and trace elements.
- Long walks on fresh air.
- Frequent wet room cleaning.
- Airing the room, even in winter.
In case of detection of the disease, it is necessary to undergo, under the supervision of a doctor, a full course of treatment, because a non-cured disease recurs, turning into a chronic condition.
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Treatment of the sore throat
Before you start any treatment, you should diagnose the cause of the pathology.
With inflammatory diseases, the treatment of perspiration in the throat is caused by the use of local antiseptic agents:
- Hexorhal
The solution of the drug is used without diluting. After meal. Rinse mouth and pharynx spend for 30 minutes, a volume of 10 - 15 ml.
The drug in the form of a spray is sprayed on the inflamed area about two seconds twice a day.
Contraindication is the patient's hypersensitivity to hexoral constituents and age to three years.
- Pharyngosept
It is recommended to dissolve 1 tablet three to five times a day for adults and children over seven years of age. Use the drug can be a quarter of an hour after eating. After the procedure, do not drink or eat for two hours.
Babies of three to seven years of age give 0.01 g of medicine three times a day
Contraindications - individual intolerance of the drug.
Accept, as do palimint, libeksin and other drugs of this group.
In case of bacterial etiology, the doctor attributes antibiotics and locally bioparox.
- Cefaclor
Dosage is set individually. Adults on average 250 mg three times a day, with medical need, the daily dosage is increased to 4 g of the drug.
For babies, the amount of medication is given at the rate of 20 mg per kilogram of weight per day, divided into three doses.
Do not attribute to hypersensitivity to cephalosporins.
- Tetracycline
The tablet is taken 0.5 to 1 hour before meals.
Adults - 100-150 mg four - six meals a day.
To babies up to three-year age the daily dose - 12,5 - 25 mg per kilogram of weight, broken into four - six times.
Children older than three years - 50 - 75 mg at one time.
To adolescents 8 - 14 years - on 100 - 150 mg three - four approaches a day.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- Fungal infection of the epidermis.
- Individual intolerance.
- Failures in the work of the kidneys and liver.
- Bioparox
Inhalation of the nasal and oral cavity. For adults - 4 procedures per day. Children two - four inhalations a day.
Contraindications include age of the patient up to 2.5 years and hypersensitivity to the constituent components.
You can rinse your throat and infusions of herbs, anti-inflammatory effects (calendula, oak bark, chamomile). It is necessary to correct and food: to remove acute, salty, mineral drinks, alcohol, smoking.
If souring in the throat caused an allergy, ascribe antihistamines. But first of all in a residential building you need cleanliness, wet cleaning and frequent airing.
- Tavegil
Patients over 12 years are credited with 1 mg of the drug twice a day. Before meals. When medically necessary, the daily dose is increased to 6 mg. Children older than six years - 0.5 - mg twice a day. Babies over the age of one year recommend Tavegil in syrup for one teaspoon.
- Zirtek
Patients older than six years - 5 - 10 mg once a day.
From two to six years - a daily dose of 5 mg in 1 or 2 approaches.
From one to two - a daily dose of 5 mg, divided into two doses.
From six months to a year - 2.5 mg once a day.
With neuralgia of the pharynx, the doctor attributes a course of treatment, according to a specific disease that causes symptoms.
With reflux esophagitis, it is necessary to correct the nutrition (remove the acute, salty, fatty, alcohol and tobacco), introduce a fractional meal.
Than to gargle at a persecution?
A modern network of pharmacies is ready to offer a variety of remedies that stop the signs of a cold, and alternative medicine is not far behind.
- Angilex Solution
Swallow and use the drug in undiluted form is not worth it. Two teaspoons of solution dilute a quarter of a glass of warm water. Before the procedure, rinse the mouth with ordinary clean water. The procedure itself should be repeated two to four times a day. The course of treatment is not more than five days.
- Givalex
The solution is prepared immediately before use. In the measuring cup attached to the preparation, add 10 ml of medicine (two teaspoons) and bring up to 50 ml with water (a quarter of a glass of water). The temperature of the solution is recommended 30-35 ° C. Two - four rinses per day, but not exceeding five days.
Perfectly suitable solution is Jox, tincture of calendula, bark of oak, tincture of propolis and many others.
Remedies for throat pain
Modern pharmacology is ready to offer a variety of remedies against throat swelling.
This and all possible absorbable tablets, sprays, injections, rinse solutions, aerosols for inhalation. Not the last place is occupied by alternative medicine.
Tablets for resorption of Angi sept. Contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to the drug and children under 5 years. The rest of 1 tablet every two hours, but not more than 8 per day.
Septefril (until complete resorption). From 5 to 15 years - a tablet of three to four doses per day. Adults - a pill four - six meals a day. The course of treatment is three to four days, but not more than seven.
Septepril is contraindicated in pregnancy, individual intolerance to the drug and children under 5 years of age.
Sprays from perspiration in the throat
Widely used and aerosol forms of medicines for inhalation.
Spray Givalex is applied locally, for irrigation of the nasopharynx. After the procedure, do not eat for 10 minutes.
Patients over 15 years of age are assigned 1 procedure 4 to 6 sprays per day.
To teenagers from 12 to 15 - on 1 procedure 2 - 3 sprays a day.
The duration of treatment is five days.
Aerosol preparations Cameton and Ingalipt. Irrigation is carried out for 1-2 seconds three to four times during the day.
Yox. The composition includes iodine. Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Chlorophyllipt. 1% solution of the drug diluted with water, and used in the form of rinses three to four times a day.
Lollipops from a sore throat
A convenient remedy are lollipops from a sore throat.
The Trachman. Every 2 hours 1 tablet is absorbed, but not more than 6 pieces per day for adults and children under 12 years.
- Children under 4 years.
- Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
- Pregnancy and lactation only with the agreement of the doctor.
Strepsils. Patients older than five years to resolve the pill. The interval between doses is two to three hours. Do not exceed the daily dose of 8 lollipops. The procedure should be performed either half an hour before a meal or after a meal.
Contraindications are the same as in trahisan.
Inhalation in throat swelling
On the shelves of modern pharmacies you can find a wide selection of drugs. One of them is Ingalar.
For the procedure, you need 0.5 - 1 teaspoon of ethereal-oil substance. Place Ingalar in the container of the inhaler, filled with half a liter of water at a temperature of 65 ° C. Breathe alternately with your mouth and nose. The duration of the session is 5 - 10 minutes, two - three sets per day.
Pastilles from perspiration in the throat
Not so long ago, but there were also lozenges, which have already won the approval of the consumer.
Dr. Mom is a phytopreparative with anti-inflammatory characteristics with expectorant properties. The effectiveness of pastilles is due to the constituent components.
Adults need to dissolve the lozenge in the mouth every 2 hours. But the daily dosage is limited to 10 pieces. The duration of the course is two to three weeks.
Throat syrup
Especially small patients liked the syrup, which is produced with all sorts of tastes.
Erespal. It is prescribed for adults to three to six tablespoons of syrup (45-90 ml) per day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually in a particular case.
Erespal is credited with adolescents at the rate of 4 mg per kilogram of the child's weight.
Crumbs from birth to 2 years - two - four teaspoons a day.
Children from 2 to 16 years - two - four tablespoons a day.
Alternative means of throat swelling
If there are first signs of a cold, do not discount the alternative funds.
It will be good to carry out inhalation with essential oils that will relieve inflammation, destroy the pathogenic flora.
- In boiling water, add sea salt and a few drops of oil (lavender, eucalyptus, clove). Cover your head with a towel and breathe well with fumes.
- Ingredients: 2 h l dry eucalyptus leaves, 1 hrs garlic and onions, 0.25 briquettes of pine extract or chopped pine branches. Brew everything and breathe over the steam.
- Make a collection of 30 grams of sage, 25 grams of mother-and-stepmother, 20 grams of crimson leaves, 25 grams of woods paddy. 3 teaspoons of collection pour a glass of boiling water. Insist, drain. The resulting composition rinse the pharynx.
- All the components to grind: leaves of peppermint and sage, flowers of medicinal chamomile (all 15 grams) and 5 grams of fennel rhizomes. 1 teaspoon of the mixture is infused in a glass of boiling water. Rinse.
Recipes from a sore throat
Has alternative medicine and all sorts of recipes.
- Prepare the mixture: 1 part lemon juice, 1 part fat badger or bear and 2 parts honey. Carefully connect. Take one teaspoon. The interval between meals is three hours.
- In this case, the juice of black radish is also effective. Root the root, wash it with a knife, pour honey into it. As the honey is absorbed into the radish, it will begin to give its juice, which must be drunk 1 tablespoon three times a day.
- And there are a lot of such recipes.
Homeopathy in throat swelling
A large percentage of the population, trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not want to "drink chemicals" and prefer natural medicines. Homeopathy has long occupied a worthy place in this row.
- Aconite
The drug is used sublingually (under the tongue). Take the drug should be 20 - 30 minutes before meals or after an hour after eating.
If signs of a cold are accompanied by chills, it is worth taking a dosage of eight, five approaches a day (40 pellets a day). Subsequently, reduce to three pellets a day. The course of treatment with phyto drugs can last up to two weeks.
The third and fourth weeks. Reception is recommended for eight pieces twice a day.
- Bryonia
The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. The average daily dosage is recommended - five pieces six times a day (acute stage of the disease), five pellets three times a day (rehabilitation dosage).
Karapuzam to two years - one - two granules.
Children from two to ten years - two - four pieces.
Older than ten - four - five pellets.
Reception is conducted from one to six times a day. The medicine dissolves on an empty stomach. Babies can be diluted in a small amount of water.
But homeopathy is also unsafe, if the patient is hypersensitive to the components of the drug, has problems with the metabolism of carbohydrates.
"A little cold - I drank a pill and it will all go away." But not so simple. Sore throat is a clear sign of the inflammatory process in the body, but it can be caused not only by colds, but also by diseases of a more serious nature, and it should not be ignored. Only a graduate is able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment. Therefore, you should not self-medicate or let things go by themselves. Everyone's health is one thing and to protect it "you need a young man".
More information of the treatment