Coated tongue
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A lipped tongue can testify to many diseases, including chronic ones, about the presence of which a person may not even guess for years. An experienced doctor in the color of the language will immediately determine that the human body requires careful diagnosis.
If a person is healthy, then his tongue should be pale pink, a light color coating may be present, but not a dense consistency, the texture of the tongue should be seen through the plaque. Otherwise, the plaque is considered thick, which indicates problems in the body. Plaque in the tongue consists of saliva, epithelium, food debris, bacteria and fungi that feed on all this, as well as leukocytes that feed on fungi and bacteria. The degree of plaque in the tongue is affected by oral hygiene. Dentists advise to clean the tongue twice a day. To the imposed language can lead a wide range of diseases - candidiasis of the oral cavity, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious diseases, decreased immunity.
The reasons for the imposed language
It's no secret that some doctors can identify health problems in appearance of the language. Sometimes you can notice that the surface of the tongue is covered with a touch. It can be of different colors, thickness, shape. Plaque appears not just so, the main reason for its appearance is a huge number of bacteria that live in the mouth. If there are no problems with the work of the internal organs, and proper hygiene of the mouth is carried out, then this coating is thin, easily detachable, it is present even in completely healthy people. Such a touch can change due to seasonal changes in the weather. In the summer it is denser, in the autumn it is dry and unobtrusive, and in winter it can have a yellowish shade.
But if the plaque covers the tongue with a thick sphere, or has a strange color, then it can be alarming bells - the body is not all right. The reasons for the imposed language can be:
- Gastrointestinal problems (including worms, inflammatory processes in the intestine, or problems with its normal functioning);
- problems with the kidneys, lungs;
- decreased immunity;
- candidiasis;
- infectious diseases;
- hepatitis, cholecystitis;
- excess water in the body or vice versa dehydration - depends on the color of the plaque and the location of its localization;
- sometimes a touch indicates alcoholism;
The tongue can be imposed due to smoking and the use of certain medications, as well as in the absence of regular and regular oral hygiene.
You can determine many other reasons for the imposed language, but they are clarified individually.
Lipped tongue as a symptom of a disease
The lipped tongue, the symptoms of the disease with it are varied, it can be:
- gastritis;
- cholecystitis;
- stomach ulcer;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- infectious diseases;
- neurasthenia;
- decreased immunity;
- candidiasis of the oral cavity.
A qualified doctor at the reception always examines the patient's language, because by the color of the tongue and the intensity of the plaque on it, a preliminary diagnosis can be made.
Why is the language coated with a white bloom?
Many people believe that a white coating on the surface of the tongue is common, and also a normal phenomenon. Partly you can agree with them. A thin coating of this color is in most people. It is the result of the activity of a variety of bacteria in the oral cavity. But the raid of this kind can be easily removed and the tongue remains pink for a long time.
If the white plaque thickly overlaid the tongue, then this is an alarming symptom. So, there are some problems in the body. It is the thickness of the plaque, the place of its accumulation, and indicates the problems with the state of health.
So, places of congestion indicate the following diseases:
- in the middle of the tongue - inflammatory processes in the stomach (ulcer, gastritis);
- on the root - enterocolitis;
- on the lateral parts of the front of the tongue - problems with bronchi, lungs;
- on the side parts behind the tongue are kidney diseases.
White coating, overlaid the entire language is always a sign of low immunity, malfunction of the intestine, anemia.
If the plaque becomes thicker, the body temperature rises - angina begins.
Plaque in the form of small lumps, which are similar to cottage cheese is a sign of diseases caused by fungi.
A thin coating can be removed with a toothbrush with soft bristles and paste. Light circular motions rub the lingual surface and rinse well. If the plaque is a sign of a disease, then you should consult a doctor. He will find out the problem, prescribe the treatment and the raid will pass.
If the tongue is coated with a white coating, this may indicate that a person suffers from infectious diseases, which means that you need to immediately apply to a medical institution to diagnose the condition of the body, since from infectious diseases there are serious complications. With white plaque, which passes during recovery, dysentery and scarlet fever begin. Also, the tongue is coated with a white coating in case of candidal stomatitis. In addition, a white coating on the tongue indicates that a person suffers from constipation, anemia and vitamin deficiency.
Why is the tongue surrounded by yellow bloom?
Yellow coating on the tongue is the second most common after white.
The yellow coating that overlays the tongue is a sign:
- impaired digestion;
- reaction to taking certain types of drugs;
- respiratory, viral diseases;
- the initial stage of the disease of the gallbladder, the liver.
A thin yellowish coating, from which it is easy to get rid of - a signal that the body is full of toxins. Changes in the diet will help to solve this problem.
Plaque of dark yellow color with dense structure and with a bad smell - a signal that stomach diseases develop. Reception at the gastroenterologist, its or his references will help or assist to overcome illness or disease and to clear tongue.
A dense plaque with a greenish tinge and a bitter feeling is a signal that problems with bile or liver have begun. If you immediately pay attention to such a touch, compliance with the diet will help the organs and cleanse the tongue.
Some antibiotics cause the appearance of yellow plaque. This is the reaction of the liver to drugs.
A lined tongue with a yellowish coating may indicate a cold, pharyngitis, sore throat. To the imposed tongue in such cases is added an increased temperature, weakness.
Black coffee, smoking, strong tea can also provoke the appearance of a light yellow coating. If there are no other diseases, then a raid of this kind is a temporary phenomenon, it will take several hours and it will disappear.
If the tongue is covered with yellow coating, it indicates problems with the liver, the work of this organ is broken and urgent diagnostics is needed. As you know, the liver is the main filter of our body, liver problems have a negative effect on the work of the whole organism. Also, the lipped tongue in this case indicates problems with the biliary tract. It is necessary to immediately appear to the gastroenterologist.
Why is the root of the tongue lined?
If a person suffers from problematic intestines, constipation, diarrhea, dysbiosis, then he will have a root of the tongue. However, it is not worthwhile diagnosing the condition and the flight in the language, only the therapist or gastroenterologist can correctly determine the cause of the ligated root of the tongue and prescribe the necessary treatment. But it is worth remembering that problems with the gastrointestinal tract always lead to the fact that the tongue appears plaque. If the root of the tongue is lined, the cause is definitely in the intestine.
Causes of dry mouth and lagging of the tongue
The appearance of such a symptom, as dry mouth and tongue lined, almost always cause the patient anxiety. Dryness in the mouth or xerostomia, a symptom of the fact that saliva is produced in insufficient quantities, or even not produced at all. This leads to atrophy of salivary glands, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, serious problems with immunity. Often, dry mouth and hardened tongue are with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Dryness in the mouth can be caused by taking certain medications.
Why is the tongue covered in a brown bloom?
If the language is browned, there may be many reasons.
Light brown color of the plaque indicates a violation of the outflow of lymph, inflammation in the joints, exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Yellowish-brown color of the plaque signals problems with the organs of the digestive tract, chronic alcoholism, the abuse of medications, the disease of the lungs and bronchi.
Dark brown color of the plaque indicates that the person is sick with ARVI, severe forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, liver and gallbladder diseases, intestinal dysbiosis. In this case, the lipped tongue is the first, but very alarming bell, which should immediately consult a doctor.
There are many illnesses that go through with barely noticeable symptoms and become chronic. It would seem, why the organism did not let know about it? It turns out that people simply do not pay attention to its signals. Such a signal sign can be considered to be a brown-laced tongue.
What does such a touch mean?
- brown plaque on the tongue in the morning is a sign of abnormalities in the functioning of the bronchi and lungs (if it has accumulated closer to the tip) and the digestive system (it is noticeable on the root of the tongue);
- such a touch can appear from smokers, chocolate lovers, strong tea and coffee. Such a coating is harmless, it is easily removed by hygienic procedures;
- brown plaque due to some drugs (antibiotics, pills pharyngocept, drug Malavit and others). The raid will eventually disappear.
- diseases of the mouth caused by fungi. In such cases, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor;
- brown plaque on the tongue with signs of dizziness, general weakness and nausea - a signal of poisoning. A doctor's examination and recommendations will help to get rid of all the symptoms;
- Started stomatitis requires an urgent appeal to a doctor;
- dehydration of the body. More water is not always helpful, consultation with a specialist is required;
- a touch of brown can mean a lack of vitamins, in particular - group B.
The main thing you should know is that you first need to eliminate the causes of the brown plaque in the tongue, and then fight it (but most often it disappears together with other symptoms after the course of therapy).
Why is the language overlaid with a gray bloom?
If the language is grayed, and this does not happen very often, it means that there is a serious problem in the body, the solution of which must be addressed immediately. The presence of gray plaque in the language indicates serious, dangerous diseases.
Often the appearance of a gray plaque on the tongue causes discomfort - it does not look beautiful, there is a bad smell from the mouth. Depending on the thickness, the shade of the plaque, you can judge what signs of what diseases it is.
But not always a gray raid is a signal about a problem. A thin transparent, which is not difficult to remove, is a product of the vital activity of bacteria that live in everyone's mouth.
But if the raid is dense, then it requires attention.
Plaque gray can be a reaction of the body to taking certain types of antibiotics. But such a raid quickly disappears, it is easily removed by a brush. Frequent rinsing of the oral cavity is recommended.
Transparent gray coating after a night's sleep is not a cause for alarm, it's normal. Of course, if it disappears after cleaning teeth and tongue. You can rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions, balms - there will be no bad smell and plaque.
Patients with HIV infection often have a dense gray coating. Their digestive system suffers from this infection.
With angina, a grayish plaque can be observed which, after recovery, passes (the plaque can be still white, yellow - it is individual). Recommend rinsing your mouth with herbal decoctions.
If a gray-yellow coating appears on the tongue, then the intestine or stomach is not in order. Without painful sensations or other symptoms, you can do with a simple diet, and the plaque will gradually disappear.
The gray color of the plaque indicates excess moisture in the human body or a deficiency. Everything depends on the humidity of the formed plaque.
Light raid disappears from regular hygiene procedures, and with more dense - it is necessary to apply to specialists.
Serious, often chronic, problems with the gastrointestinal tract also lead to the appearance of a touch of gray on the tongue.
Why is the tongue coated with a black coating?
In most cases, black plaque in the tongue is found in men.
When a black raid on the tongue does not need to panic and call an ambulance. If the tongue is coated with a black coating, it is quite possible that there is an innocuous explanation for this - it is likely that you overeat the currant, blueberry and drank activated charcoal more than you should. As you know, these berries and activated charcoal stain not only the tongue, but also the stool black. Those who do not know this, the appearance of a black raid on the tongue can scare. In other cases, acidosis leads to acid damage - a violation in the body of the balance of alkalis and acids.
When the tongue is coated with a black coating, this can be explained by several reasons. Probably everyone is aware of the fact that the linguistic surface consists of small, sensitive papillae. They are oblong and protrude above the surface. Such a form of these papillae provoke the settling of small pieces of food between them. Thus, a favorable environment for the life of bacteria (which is full in the mouth) is obtained. They feed on these remnants, and so is the imposition of language, that is, there is a raid.
What is the cause of the black color of the raid? Here are a few reasons:
- improper or rare oral hygiene procedures. It is necessary to brush with a soft bristle not only the teeth, but also the tongue, the inner side of the cheeks. Must twice a day.
- smoking. Tar from tobacco settles on the tongue surface and changes the color of the papillae (sometimes the tongue is black). Here the only way out is to quit smoking.
- very frequent use of strong tea and coffee. These products have the ability to stain the tongue. You can recommend - rinse your mouth after each drink.
- reception of antibiotics. They can disrupt the normal function of oral bacteria, and as a reaction to this - a blackened tongue.
- insufficient amount of water in the body;
- drug use;
- disturbed balance of acids and alkalis and other reasons.
If simple hygiene is not enough, then you should seek help from a doctor. First, let him examine the therapist, and only then he decides who should direct the patient further.
Why is the language surrounded by green bloom?
Green plaque on the tongue is very rare. As it is correct, the green plaque accumulates in the middle of the tongue, closer to the root. If the tongue is surrounded by green bloom, then the person is suffering from candida, yeast or mycotic glossitis, provoked by excessive use of steroids, antibiotics and drugs that suppress the immune system. Do not be nervous, modern medicine successfully, quickly and effectively copes with this problem. The key to success is timely diagnostics and proper treatment, which will cure not only the imposed tongue, but also the disease at the root.
Why language is imposed in the morning?
As a rule, the plaque - white, yellow, gray, brown, green and black (depending on the problems in the body) appears in the morning. Even in quite healthy people in the morning there can be a plaque on the tongue. If the language is imposed in the morning, then, most likely, there are minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to visit the gastroenterologist. Often, if you brush your tongue with a toothbrush in the evening, then it is easy to get rid of the plaque in the mornings. In this case, the imposed tongue can easily be "eliminated" by additional measures for oral hygiene.
Lipped tongue in a child
Language - a kind of mirror of the body. By flying on the tongue an experienced doctor will immediately determine with which body a person problems or failures. The pediatrician at the reception always examines the language of the child. Most often, children have a white tongue. Other colors of plaque are extremely rare. In infants, white plaque in the tongue is from the thrush, in more older children, the lipped tongue indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and possibly a stomatitis disease. The encased tongue of the child is also with infectious diseases, scarlet fever and flu. Also, white coating may indicate dysbiosis and gastritis.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of a linguistic language
As you know, each part (region) of the language is responsible for the state of this or that organ. Diagnosis of a linguistic language involves the study of mobility, size, shape, color, the presence and nature of the plaque, the surface of the tongue.
Healthy language in a healthy person should have a color from red-pink to pale pink, without noticeable plaque, with an even fold in the middle of the tongue, the surface of the tongue should be smooth, with visible taste buds.
What should I do if my tongue is laid?
Plaque in the language suggests that in the human body there is a problem that requires diagnosis and treatment. A thick opaque coating on the tongue, through which the body itself (the tongue) is not visible, indicates that there is an infection in the body or chronic diseases have become aggravated. What should I do if the language is imposed? Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, but visit a gastroenterologist who will conduct the necessary diagnosis and prescribe treatment. By itself, the plaque on the tongue, if it is provoked by the disease, and is not the cause of poor oral hygiene, will not pass.
Treatment of a lax tongue
Plaque on the tongue can be the cause of many diseases, among them - infectious diseases, gastrointestinal problems, including worms, decreased immunity, candidiasis, lung diseases and even oncology. Treatment of the lice is begun with its diagnosis and revealing the cause of the raids. The tongue can be coated with white, yellow, gray, green and black bloom. Each color indicates certain diseases, including even HIV infection.
Treatment of Candida glossitis in adults and children
The cause of candidal glossitis is most often the use of antibiotics. As a result of such therapy changes, the microflora in the human body is disturbed. Signs of glossitis of this type will be swellings of the tongue, the appearance on it of a white coating, grooves on the surface of lingual plaque.
To treat Candidiasis glossitis prescribed drugs that suppress the fungus:
- Nystatin. Indication for the use of the drug is the prevention of candidiasis, its treatment, treatment of candidiasis glossitis. Adults appoint - 1 tablet of 500 thousand units, which with glossitis should be absorbed behind the cheek. This should be done three to five times a day after meals. When glossitis children, a tablet of nystatin 250 thousand units. Pounded into powder and diluted with 1 ml of liquid vitamin B12. The resulting solution lubricates the mucous membranes of the mouth. Contraindication to the use of this drug is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, ulcers, impaired functionality of the liver.
- Hexalysis. Assign adults for local treatment. Indications for use are infectious, inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. Tablets are absorbed into 6 or 8 pieces per day. Contraindication can be considered individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Trypsin. Assign to remove the plaque from the tongue. Apply as a solution for rubbing. Cotton swab with Trypsin light movements tinder on the surface of the tongue. The procedure is carried out twice a day. For young children - once. Contraindications to the use of Trypsin include - intolerance, allergy.
- Iodinol. Applied as a disinfecting drug for tonsillitis, inflammatory processes on the skin, on the mucous membranes. Assign children and adults for treatment (Iodinol solution) of the tongue surface, and the oral cavity. Use 4 to 6 times a day. Contraindication is sensitivity to iodine.
You can treat candidal glossitis with alternative methods.
- Method 1. Grate the washed raw potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Treat the tongue and mouth with this juice two or three times a day. Treatment can last for three weeks.
- Method 2. Make chamomile infusion (one tablespoon per cup of boiling water, soak for half an hour and drain) and rinse mouth at least six times a day after meals.
- Method 3. Prepare an infusion of herbal mattress (one tablespoon per glass of boiling water, soak for half an hour, strain) rinse mouth six times a day and overnight.
Treatment of stomatitis in adults and children
Stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa. They are sick more often than children. Sometimes it develops as an accompanying disease in other diseases. To treat stomatitis appoint a number of drugs.
- Metrogil Denta. The drug in the form of gel, used to treat gingivitis in acute form, stomatitis, periodontitis. The gel is applied to the gums, to the affected areas of the oral cavity two times a day. After the procedure, you are not allowed to eat for a quarter of an hour. Contraindications include individual sensitivity and a child up to six years of age.
- Metronidazole. It is prescribed for stomatitis as an antimicrobial agent. For adults, the recommended dose is 500 milligrams three times a day for a week. When stomatitis to children this drug is not prescribed. Contraindications to taking Metronidazole - the period of pregnancy, lactation, renal or hepatic insufficiency.
- A solution of hydrogen peroxide. Recommended for stomatitis, as an antimicrobial agent. Apply as a rinse. Doses, duration of treatment the doctor determines individually. Contraindication is considered a hypersensitivity to the drug.
- Miramistin. The drug in the form of a solution is applied externally. It is prescribed for stomatitis, paradontitis, treatment of wounds, burns, etc. Assign adults. In the treatment of stomatitis, the drug is used for washing, or as an application. Withstand no more than fifteen minutes. Contraindications to the use of this drug - burning, slight irritation on the surface of the skin, dryness.
You can begin treatment of stomatitis in the home by such methods.
- Method 1. The rinse with propolis tincture accelerates the recovery. Alcohol tincture is diluted with water one to one, you can try three or five times.
- Method 2. Excellent results are obtained by rinsing the oral cavity with fresh aloe juice. It is recommended to chew even small pieces of plant leaves.
- Method 3. Fresh carrot juice diluted half-boiled water and rinse the mouth several times throughout the day.
Such simple methods can also be used for children if they can rinse their mouth.
Treatment of the tongue with a black touch
For treatment with a black coating, the following recommendations are followed:
- properly conduct hygienic procedures of the oral cavity. It is necessary to brush a surface of a tongue with a soft brush, but without special efforts, easy movements.
- a good effect is provided by resorcinol (in a solution of 5 or 10 percent). This drug has a disinfectant effect. They rub their tongue.
- You can disinfect the tongue with alcohol and salicylic. They clean the tongue four times a day.
Treatment of black plaque should be started after it became clear the reason for its appearance.
Prevention of lined tongue
In addition to various diseases, the tongue can be put on with insufficient oral hygiene. Dentists recommend that you cleanse your tongue every time you brush your teeth. Language requires hygiene no less than the rest of the oral cavity.
Preventive maintenance of the put on tongue begins with the attentive attitude to own health, an organism. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are most often the cause of the plaque in the language, need to be treated in a timely manner, so that they do not go into a chronic stage.
Forecast of a foreign language
The forecast of the linguistic language depends directly on the prognosis of the cure for the disease, which caused the appearance of the plaque. Plaque in the language can be caused by diseases of a very wide spectrum. In most cases, the lined tongue indicates that the person suffers from problems with the gastrointestinal tract. However, fungal diseases of the oral cavity, reduced immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infections, as well as HIV and cancer, are also brought to the touch on the tongue.
Timely and accurate diagnosis of the disease, which led to the formation of a plaque on the tongue, often gives a positive prognosis for treatment. The encased tongue will cease to be a problem, as soon as the cause that activated the above-mentioned "bell" has been cured.