Strawberries with type 1 and 2 diabetes
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Beautiful and juicy strawberries leave no one indifferent. During the whole berry season, we are trying to get enough full of ripe, fragrant fruits, because this period is so fleeting. And, if eating healthy berries is useful for healthy people, is it possible to have strawberries in diabetes?
What berries are allowed to eat with diabetes?
Berry bushes and fruit trees are the main suppliers of vitamin and mineral components for the body. For people with diabetes, it is important that such beneficial compounds are available continuously and in sufficient quantities. Vitamins present in the berry and fruit pulp, improve immunity, facilitate the function of the pancreas. In addition, many of them contribute to a decrease or normalization of the sugar content in the bloodstream, since they ensure the entry of a new portion of insulin into the circulatory system.
Consuming sufficient portions of fiber is another need for diabetes. It is fiber that helps “expel” the “bad” cholesterol from the body, stabilize the sugar level, prevent the development of obesity.
Which berries are allowed for diabetic patients? These are blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants and even strawberries. All marked berries have a low glycemic level and in adequate quantities will not cause damage to a sick person. But we must not forget that it is preferable to use any herbal products fresh, not thermally processed. In addition, you can not add honey and, especially, sugar.
What fruits can you eat with diabetes? It is allowed to add apples, pears, apricots, oranges and grapefruits, kiwi and lemons to the diet. These fruits will not lead to a significant glucose level difference, therefore they will not harm a person with diabetes. Of course, the volumes eaten should remain reasonable, and even allowed apples should not be eaten in pounds.
Is it possible to eat strawberries with type 1 and 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus is usually divided into two types of course: it is type 1, or insulin-dependent diabetes, and type 2, or insulin-independent diabetes. Insulin-dependent pathology used to be called "youthful", as people of 20-35 years are ill with it. Type 2 diabetes is considered more common, many people of different age categories suffer from this type.
The principles of nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetes are mostly similar. First of all, this is an exception to the so-called fast carbohydrates in the form of sugar and sweets. However, it is impossible to completely abandon carbohydrates, because it is a necessary component of the normal metabolism. Patients with diabetes are advised to replenish their glucose reserves by consuming certain types of fruits and berries, including strawberries.
For some expectant mothers, the question of whether strawberries can be included in the menu for diabetes is also an urgent one. We are talking about women who have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes - a disorder that occurs during pregnancy and safely disappears after the birth of a baby. The reason for this violation is to reduce the sensitivity of cellular structures to insulin, which is explained by a sharp jump in the hormonal level. After the baby is born, the level of glucose in the blood usually stabilizes, however, there is a certain risk that the gestational form of the disease will turn into full type 2 diabetes. To this transformation did not happen, it is very important to adhere to a special diet. In addition, the diet is needed in the period of gestation, in order not to harm and not disturb the intrauterine growth and development of the future baby.
Women with gestational diabetes are allowed to use strawberries, but in small amounts, up to about 400 g per day. It is very important that the berries are fresh, do not contain nitrates and other toxic substances, so it is better to choose strawberries, in the safety of which there is strict confidence.
As you can see, strawberry with diabetes will only benefit, provided it is properly consumed in moderation. Abuse berries, include in the diet of unripe or suspicious-looking strawberries should not even healthy people who do not suffer from endocrine pathologies and diabetes.
Strawberries with elevated sugar
Endocrinologists advise to add strawberries to the diet with increased sugar in the bloodstream, since this berry contains a large number of important components that are extremely necessary for the sick body. What are the beneficial qualities of strawberry diabetes?
- Strengthens immune defense.
- Improves the condition of the blood vessels.
- Prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
- Improves blood properties, prevents blood clots.
- Stabilizes blood pressure.
A large set of antioxidants present in strawberries speeds up metabolic processes at the cell level, prevents the intracellular accumulation of toxic substances, and regulates the level of sugar. If you use strawberries in diabetes regularly, you can contribute to weight loss, optimize bowel function, and improve the absorption capacity of the small intestinal mucosa.
In addition, strawberry is a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. This property is important for patients suffering from diabetes, as they have a slowdown of the regenerative processes, and even a small tissue damage can transform into a long sluggish wound.
The benefits and harms of strawberries in diabetes
Limiting changes in nutrition is one of the prerequisites that a diabetic patient must fulfill. However, strawberries are not included in the list of prohibited products for diabetes, as it is more acidic and less sweet berries, with a low glycemic index.
There is evidence that diabetes strawberries will help stabilize the level of glucose in the bloodstream. And this is not surprising, because one small cup of berries contains at least 3 g of fiber.
Strawberries are low-calorie and on average contain 45 kcal per 100 g. After consuming just one glass of berries, you can get at least 11 g of protein, 12 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat. Among other things, strawberries can boast a high content of ascorbic and folic acid, B-group vitamins, as well as many minerals, including magnesium and potassium, phosphorus and iron, iodine and calcium, zinc, cobalt, selenium, etc.
A wide list of useful components allows you to protect the body at the cellular level, to improve the course of oxidative processes. A high content of polyphenols (dietary fiber) retards the absorption of glucose in the digestive system, which contributes to a more smooth and gradual increase in the level of sugar in the bloodstream, without intensive spikes.
In some cases, you should still be careful not to add strawberries to your diet?
Experts do not recommend eating berries in diabetes on an empty stomach, especially when there are problems with the digestive tract - for example, with hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastroduodenitis. You also need to be careful if diabetes in a patient is combined with urolithiasis, cystitis, gout. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the high allergenic ability of strawberries: if the patient suffers from hypersensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions, then it is desirable to minimize the use of strawberries.
Forest strawberries with diabetes
Forest berry is not less tasty and useful than its garden relative. In diabetes, components such as dietary fiber, prevent changes in the level of sugar in the bloodstream, accelerate metabolism and stimulate the elimination of toxins. The biological composition of forest strawberries is rich enough: the fruits are represented by sugars, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, carotene, thiamine, pectins, tannic and flavone substances, organic acids and essential oils, phytoncides. Phosphoric acid, manganese, copper, chromium and aluminum are also present in the pulp.
Necessary fiber and other useful components of wild strawberry easily cope with the wrong balance of sugar, control its excess. The bottom line is that in the digestive apparatus, thanks to dietary fiber, glucose loses the ability to easily penetrate the bloodstream. Therefore, the increase in sugar level occurs slowly, without sudden drops.
The antioxidant components present in wild strawberry protect the cell structure membranes from oxidation, and the antiseptic effect inherent in the berry accelerates the healing of various tissue damage - including wounds and sores.
It is recommended to eat forest strawberries for diabetes in the amount of 100 g per day.
What to replace strawberries with diabetes?
Diabetes strawberries should be used as a snack between breakfast and lunch, or lunch and dinner. You should not eat berries in the morning instead of breakfast, on an empty stomach.
It is better to use strawberries fresh, and in no case - in the form of jam or jam. With diabetes it is forbidden. It is allowed to add to the berries 100 ml of natural yoghurt or ryazhenka, or a handful of ground nuts.
Since fresh strawberries are not available all year round, it can be replaced with other berries and fruits in the off-season, for example:
- Blueberries are another berry recommended for diabetic patients (for treatment, you can use not only fruits, but also the foliage of the plant, for making infusions and herbal teas). Bilberry successfully copes with the correction of the balance of sugar in the bloodstream, suitable for patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Among the beneficial qualities of the berries, the following can be singled out:
- strengthening of vessels (including ocular ones);
- skin cleansing;
- restoration of the pancreas;
- improvement of metabolic processes.
In addition to vitamins and trace elements, blueberries contain glycosides and astringents.
- Watermelon - it is allowed for patients with diabetes, but in small quantities. For example, it is allowed to use 300 g of watermelon three times a day (no more than a kilogram per day is obtained). However, it is impossible to eat the entire kilogram at a time, since the watermelon pulp has a rather high glycemic index, which can lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. With diabetes banned the so-called watermelon mono diet, which are very popular in the season of melons. Moreover, with the appearance of watermelons on the shelves, they should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 200 g per day. Daily use of fragrant pulp will help to improve the work of the digestive system, improve metabolism, and strengthen the immune defense.
- Sweet Cherries - tasty and juicy berries, which are recommended for use by patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Sweet cherries can be eaten fresh or frozen for long-term storage. The composition of the berries is really healing:
- ellagic acid, inhibiting the development of cancer cells;
- anthocyanidins, removing uric acid from the body, as well as improving insulin production by the pancreas;
- tanning components that help strengthen blood vessels and improve cardiac activity;
- rich vitamin and mineral composition (ascorbic acid, fluorine, potassium, calcium, iron, chromium, etc.).
It is not recommended to eat more than 100 g of cherries in one sitting to avoid a sharp excess of glucose in the bloodstream. The optimal daily number of sessions is no more than three times. Cherry and strawberries in diabetes during the season should be consumed daily, primarily because they are represented by substances that contribute to the prevention of thrombus formation. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by high blood viscosity and the risk of blood clots. Therefore, in order to eliminate complications, it is necessary to include the specified berries in the daily menu.
- Raspberry in type 2 diabetes is especially recommended - it can be consumed fresh, frozen or dried. In raspberry there is a sufficient amount of fruit acids, accelerating carbohydrate metabolism, and thereby normalizing the level of glucose in the blood. In addition to acids, raspberry contains dietary fiber, vitamins (A, E, PP, C), phytosterols, mineral components, choline, tannin, pectin, essential oils. In addition to speeding up metabolic processes, raspberry improves thermoregulation, strengthens the immune system. In diabetes, you can eat half a glass of fresh raspberry three times a day, or 1 tbsp. L dried berries (you can brew and drink as tea).
Raspberries and strawberries in diabetes are recommended by nutritionists and endocrinologists. These berries have a pronounced antioxidant effect and inhibit pathological processes in the body, support and restore tissues - including the pancreas, which is primarily responsible for the production of insulin.
- Apples for diabetes are not only allowed, but recommended for consumption. It is apples that are able to maintain a stable sugar level in the bloodstream for a long time, preventing periodic “jumps” and drops. In addition, the fruits of apple trees are the best sources of pectin and iron. Only for obtaining a therapeutic effect, apples should not be peeled from the skin, since it contains the necessary antioxidants that help normalize the condition of a patient with diabetes. You just need to rinse the fruit well under a stream of warm water (of course, for eating it is better to choose "your" apples, and not products from the supermarket, which are processed with silicone and other means).
Strawberries have excellent taste and aromatic qualities. And besides this, it is recommended for patients with diabetes of various types. Both fresh and frozen fruits provide the body with essential fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Research has proven that strawberry in diabetes is an important natural product that can be safely included in the diet.