
Information about doctor

The doctor’s baggage has Galina Shenkerman deep knowledge and almost 40 years of medical practice in diagnosing and treating diabetes, thyroid diseases (including benign and malignant tumors), endocrine disorders that lead to the development of obesity and metabolic disorders.

The doctor Shenkerman received her higher medical education at the Zaporozhye Medical Institute; she took up specialization and internship in Israel - at the Institute of Endocrinology (Tel Aviv University) and leading medical centers.

The doctor Shenkerman manages the Department of Endocrinology of the Center for Diabetes and Obesity at one of the largest clinics in Israel and successfully treats patients with endocrine diseases on the basis of modern diagnostic and innovative therapeutic techniques. He conducts training courses for endocrinologists, consults Israeli and foreign specialists, conducts research on the treatment of hereditary endocrine diseases, and publishes scientific articles in medical journals.

He is an active member of the Israel National Diabetes and Obesity Foundation, the Israel Endocrinological Association and the Association for the Treatment of Diabetes.

He speaks Hebrew, English and Russian.

Education and work experience

  • Zaporozhye State Medical Institute, Ukraine
  • Specialization in the field of endocrinology and treatment of internal diseases at the Institute of Endocrinology, Metabolism and High Blood Pressure at Tel Aviv University, Israel
  • Internship at the Ichilov Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
  • Specialization in the treatment of internal diseases in the medical center "Meir", Kfar Saba, Israel

Membership in international organizations

  • Israeli Medical Association
  • Israeli Endocrinological Association
  • Israeli Association for the Treatment of Diabetes
  • Israeli Association for Overweight
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