Cherries and cherries for type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cherry is a popular and very affordable berry, which grows literally in every homestead.
It is unlikely that anyone particularly thinks how much these round, round fruits can be healthy, what a rich composition lurks with a shiny skin, which changes color from green to dark red, almost black, during maturation.
In terms of vitamin C content, cherry, like cherry, does not pretend to lead, but it has a lot of vitamin P (second place after aronia), which together with ascorbic acid helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. There are also vitamin A in the ripe fruit, necessary for preserving the vision, and 5 essential for the diabetes of B vitamins, as well as biotin with insulin-like action and vitamin E, improving metabolism and skin regeneration.
Many cherries are also considered a cherry variety because of the external similarity of the fruit. In fact, these are completely different trees, the fruits of which differ somewhat in their composition and properties.
Caloric content and glycemic index of sweet cherry is the same as that of cherries, and the content is even slightly less, despite the fact that the berries seem more sweet. To eat cherries is also recommended in fresh form in the amount of 100 grams per day. If the berry is not sweet, you can slightly increase the dose, but with type 2 diabetes do not forget to take into account the other calories eaten per day.
Only the vitamin composition of the berries is of great value in diabetes mellitus. But in the composition of the fruits there is also a lot of mineral substances. The highest content of potassium, supporting the work of the heart, and about 20 different microelements, each of which contributes to the health of the diabetic, makes the cherry important for diabetes mellitus berries.
High antioxidant properties of berries help to fight the existing disease and prevent its complications. Chereshnes are peculiar: the ability to control blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels, a large amount of substances that stimulate the pancreas and thus reduce blood sugar, and a rich vitamin-mineral composition that allows you to replenish the stores of nutrients that are rapidly depleted in diabetes.
All this speaks in favor of using cherries for this disease, but the preference should be given to red berries, because natural stimulants of the pancreas are also a coloring pigment that gives the fruits a red or purple hue.
The calorie content of fresh cherry fruit is relatively small - 50-52 kcal, and the carbohydrate content in 100 g of product is about 11.5 grams, of which sugar is slightly more than 10 g, which is quite acceptable in diabetes, considering the presence of vegetable fibers in berries that inhibit the assimilation of fast sugars . Thanks to them, the glycemic index of the cherry is very small - 22 units.
Nutritionists recommend that people use diabetes in fresh or frozen form with diabetes, without adding any sweeteners that increase calorie and GI of the product. The daily dose of cherries in type 2 diabetes should not exceed 100 g. This is sufficient to maintain blood glucose levels and saturate the body with beneficial substances.
In addition to berries, other parts of the plant (leaves, stems, bark, cooking medicinal infusions and decoctions) can be used for food. Delicious and healthy drinks are obtained if the cherry raw materials are combined with currant, raspberry, blueberry, etc. Leaves.
Cherry fruits contain vitamin C in moderate amounts, 5 vitamins of group B, vitamin E and a large number of bioflavonoids, which affect enzymatic activity and improve the state of the vascular system.
Noteworthy and the mineral composition of berries. In addition to the standard set of trace elements inherent in almost all berries, cherry includes iodine, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, chromium and fluoride in sufficient quantities. Cobalt and manganese are actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, enhance the defenses of the body and help the rapid recovery after disease. The metabolic disorder observed in diabetes is very often accompanied by the development of anemia, so the replenishment of cobalt stocks to diabetics does not hurt. For the same reason, the condition of the teeth also deteriorates, so the inclusion of fluoride in the composition of the cherry will also come in handy.
Vitamin C along with coumarins give the cherry the ability to reduce the viscosity of blood and reduce high blood pressure. Quite popular is cherry and as a preventive remedy for arteriosclerosis of blood vessels. But most importantly, sweet and sour fruit with a rich taste contain in large quantities anthocyanins - substances that increase pancreatic activity and stimulate the production of insulin. Thanks to this, you can achieve the desired reduction in blood sugar.
Cherry is considered useful in joint diseases (it removes excess salts), improves digestion, prevents constipation, normalizes the nervous system, which contributes to a full night's rest.
Cherry. The fruits of cherry tree due to the high content of organic acids have a pronounced sweet and sour taste. With normal and low acidity of gastric juice, this property of berries will not do harm, but for patients with high acid levels in the stomach, the use of cherries is fraught with gastric pains, the appearance of heartburn, the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum. In the case of aggravation of these diseases, it is strictly forbidden to eat cherries.
Restriction of the number of berries used is recommended for chronic pulmonary pathologies.
To consume cherries in large quantities is dangerous for everyone, because its bones and even fruits contain the substance amygdalin, the metabolism of which in the intestine occurs with the release of prussic acid, considered a poison.
Cherry. This is generally safer and less acidic than cherry, the berry still has some limitations in its use. Any variety of sweet cherry is dangerous to use with a commissural disease that affects the intestines, and with violation of the patency of the rectum. Acid varieties of berries are not recommended for high acidity of gastric juice, with stomach ulcers and gastritis in the acute stage.
The fruits of cherries and cherries are not recommended for eating on an empty stomach, however, as immediately after eating. The interval between eating and drinking berries should be at least 40 minutes.