Berries with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: what can and can not be used?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Diabetes mellitus is a serious illness that leaves its imprint on the diet of the patient. Now a person, before eating something tasty and useful, should pay attention to the glycemic index of the product. Especially it concerns fruit and berries, the very taste of which already says that they contain sugar. So maybe the berries in diabetes are only harmful, and so they can not be used?
Diabetes mellitus and the gifts of nature
Diabetes is a disease in which the metabolism of carbohydrates, considered to be the main source of energy for adults and children, is disrupted in the body. This is mainly about simple carbohydrates, the main of which is sugar, because such carbohydrates contribute to the rapid increase in glucose in the blood. Due to metabolic disorders, glucose begins to pose a danger to human life, because its high level creates a load on different organs, and in particular on the pancreas, which leads to malfunctions in their work and can lead to the development of glycemic coma.
When a healthy and active person uses carbohydrate food, it benefits him, giving energy for life and activity. Getting into the body, simple (fast) carbohydrates cause a jump in the level of glucose in the blood. But the pancreas clearly controls this moment and in response begins to actively produce insulin, which is involved in the metabolism of sugars, turning sugar into glucose and ensuring its interaction with the tissues of the body. If insulin is not produced enough, some of the glucose does not turn into energy, necessary for human life, but accumulates in the blood. In this case, doctors diagnose diabetes mellitus 1 (insulin-dependent, requiring injection of insulin) or 2 (insulin-independent, in which it is enough to take a sugar reduction and diet) type.
The higher the glucose level in the blood, the greater the load on the pancreas, which must compensate for it, producing the appropriate amount of insulin. This is the only way to maintain normal blood counts. But it turns out to be a vicious circle. And as you do not turn, before and most of all the pancreas suffers, and after it other organs are pulled up. It turns out that high sugar, if not causing someone, then gradually destroys the body.
A person can not completely abandon the use of carbohydrates, otherwise, where will he take the vital energy. Therefore, the energy basis of the diet of diabetics is complex (slow) carbohydrates, which do not lead to a sharp jump in glucose in the blood, because their digestion takes time and energy. In addition, such a complex carbohydrate as fiber, which requires a lot of energy for digestion, even on the contrary helps reduce blood sugar, along the way improving digestion.
What is the glycemic index (GI), to which diabetics are so attached? This is an indication of how quickly the carbohydrate is absorbed and the associated increase in blood sugar levels. It is clear that simple carbohydrates, which are not for nothing called quick, are digested faster than complex carbohydrates. And the simpler the structure has this substance, the faster it will be in the intestine, where it is absorbed into the blood along with other nutrients.
Complex carbohydrates, represented by whole grains, green vegetables, pasta from durum wheat, beans and some other products, do not pose a particular danger to diabetics. But simple carbohydrates, which are found in sugar, honey, sweet drinks, fruit and berry juices, sweet fruits and berries, desserts and sweets, baking from white flour, etc., can sharply raise the level of sugar in the blood, provoking dangerous consequences , because compensatory mechanisms in diabetics are not up to par.
Speaking of simple carbohydrates, we mentioned berries, and in this connection the question arises whether it is possible to eat these fragrant and delicious gifts of nature in diabetes. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because the berries are different in sugar content. But we can say for sure that it is not worth to completely abandon such a valuable in terms of the content of vitamins and other substances necessary for the body of dessert. Just have to somewhat limit the number of berries used. And this moment is directly dependent on the glycemic index of the product.
When asked what kind of berries you can eat with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, you can answer like this: almost any, but in a limited number. For example, berries, the glycemic index of which is in the range from 20 to 50 (and preferably to 40), it is recommended to consume not more than 200 g per day. In such berries are popular on our table: red and black currants, strawberries and raspberries, GI of which is 30, gooseberries, blueberries, blueberries, fruits of juniper (GI approximately 40). In the case of cranberries, the glycemic index is slightly higher: fresh fruits have GI equal to 45, juice from them is 50.
The least hypoglycemic index is black currant, viburnum, cherry and cherry, hawthorn (the glycemic index of these berries is in the range of 15-25 units), which makes them practically safe for diabetes. Next come the blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, the index of which ranges from 25-30 units.
It is necessary to understand that GI - this concept is ambiguous, because berries with one name can differ in grades, and different varieties can have different contents of sugar. An important role is played by the degree of ripeness of the berries, as well as the methods of cooking.
For example, different varieties of grapes can have GI within 40-45 units, and the more a berry, the higher the index becomes. But the glycemic index of sweet varieties can reach 50-60 units (the raisin index is more -65). Use such grapes and other berries, GI of which is within 50-70 units, can be a couple of times a week. Thus the daily portion should be reduced to 100 g.
But grapes are a fairly high-calorie product, and for type 2 diabetes, there is a strict accounting of calories due to the fight against excess weight. Including grapes in the diet, even 1-2 times a week, you need to reduce these days the consumption of other foods with high caloric content, so that the total caloricity of the daily menu does not exceed 1200-1500 kcal.
A fairly large interval of the glycemic index is characterized by mulberry (depending on the variety and ripeness). Usually GI mulberry varies within 24-32 units, but some varieties with sufficient ripeness can show GI even slightly more than 50. Refuse such a valuable berries, the benefits of which we'll talk just below, not worth it. Just need to choose less sweet varieties and not overripe berries or limit the consumption of mulberries to 150 grams per day.
Benefits of berries in diabetes
As you can see, most berries have a relatively low glycemic index and in small amounts can be included in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. Especially if it is a pathology type 1, blood sugar in which is regulated by a dose of insulin, and the caloric content of products does not play a big role. In type 2 diabetes, you need to consider not only the GI, but also the caloric content of the product, which corresponds to the low-calorie diet prescribed for such patients. But berries usually have a low calorie content (except grapes), so they are allowed for diabetes of any type.
And yet, despite the fact that there is no strict ban on the use of berries in diabetes mellitus, some patients are afraid to include such useful gifts of nature in the menu. Let's talk about what they refuse, and whether it is worth so severely restricting themselves from products that are useful.
It's not a secret for anyone that berries are not just a tasty and fragrant food product, which increases mood and gives pleasure, but also a rich source of nutrients for the body. Any chronic disease, and this is what diabetes is, exhausts a person, draining his strength. And products such as fruits and berries in diabetes, will be just the source of energy and strength, which is not enough for the sick.
Moreover, different berries have not only different vitamin-mineral composition, but also in their own way affect the work of the body. Many of them, having a low hypoglycemic index and high fiber content, even contribute to lowering blood sugar, which is what the patients seek to achieve by taking sugar reducing agents. It turns out that berries, along with a low-calorie diet, can help even reduce the dose of such drugs.
We will not torment the reader with general phrases, but we will talk about the benefits that berries can bring to patients.
Currant is considered one of the safest berries in diabetes, because GI black currant does not exceed 15 units, and red and white - 25, which is considered a low indicator, safe in terms of increasing blood sugar. Moreover, currant (especially black) is considered the leader in the content of vitamin C, which is simply necessary for patients with diabetes mellitus, whose metabolism is slower than in healthy people.
Ascorbic acid (and so called vitamin C in medical reference books) takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions taking place in our body and is capable of accelerating the metabolism. Thanks to him, the vessels become more durable and elastic, and the immune system works at full strength. This is very important in diabetes, because this disease often goes along with atherosclerosis of the vessels, because of which the lumen of the vessels narrows due to the cholesterol on the walls, and the veins and arteries themselves become less elastic and brittle. And immunity, this pathology beats mercilessly, as a result of which diabetics easily pick up various infections.
Vitamin C is also useful as a wound-healing agent. Increased blood sugar levels cause weakening of the walls of small capillaries, which burst with the formation of long-term non-healing wounds. Low immunity is not able to withstand infections, which only aggravates the course of the wound process, leading to the formation of pus. Ascorbic acid will help to combat this situation by increasing immunity, improving the vascular and blood circulation, stimulating regenerative processes in tissues.
But black currant is not only vitamin C. By the content of various vitamins and trace elements, it is approaching pharmacy vitamin-mineral complexes. In its composition we find vitamins A, C, E, P, K, group B, organic acids, essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, which are natural antibiotics.
Vitamin A promotes the renewal of body tissues, prevents the development of pathological processes in the skin and muscles, maintains normal vision, which worsens with diabetes, positively affects immunity. Vitamin P has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E, along with vitamins A and C, is considered an antioxidant, able to slow the progression of the disease. Vitamin K is involved in the synthesis of proteins, which are the basic building blocks of cells, and therefore contributes to their renewal and tissue regeneration.
B vitamins in the currant actively participate in the energy metabolism, stimulate the synthesis of hormones, fight with the dominance of cholesterol, positively affect the condition and functionality of the nervous system. The latter is very important in terms of prevention of polyneuropathies, which are considered quite a frequent complication of diabetes mellitus.
Mineral composition of black currant is:
- sodium (maintains the acid-base balance, is necessary for the normal functioning of the muscles and peripheral nervous system),
- potassium (a mineral that improves heart function and normalizes the pressure, which in diabetes can increase due to problems with the vessels),
- calcium (frequent urination, characteristic of diabetes, causes calcium leaching out of the body, which affects the condition of bones, joints, teeth, nails, and hair, so diabetics need additional sources of this microelement)
- phosphorus (like calcium, is necessary for the normal functioning of the joints, the condition of which patients complain),
- (a quarter of patients with diabetes suffer from iron deficiency anemia caused by kidney damage, bleeding from damaged vessels, destruction of erythrocytes, so the need to replenish iron stores is not even discussed),
- magnesium (takes an active part in metabolic processes).
Is it really necessary to refuse such a useful, aromatic and tasty berries, especially since the sugar in it is represented mainly in the form of fructose, which does not lead to a sharp increase in the level of glucose in the blood, and high fiber content inhibits this process (if you use berries, but not the juice of them).
Red currant and its white counterpart can not boast such a high level of ascorbic acid, but the iron and potassium content they are in no way inferior to the black berries. Glycemic index of red and white currants about 25 units, which allows you to use these berries daily (100-200 g per day).
In addition to fresh berries with diabetes, you can consume currants, drink freshly squeezed juice, make jelly (without the addition of sugar). Tasty and healthy drinks can be obtained by brewing shoots of currant bushes in combination with leaves and branches of raspberries or blueberries, hips and hawthorn.
The berries of blueberries in diabetes are considered no less useful. This plant is the leader among berries and fruits in the content of vitamin A, which inhibits the development of diabetic retinopathy, i.e. Visual disturbances caused by abnormal and slow metabolism.
Dark blue berries, in addition to retinoids contains vitamins C, group B, as well as nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). The latter activates carbohydrate metabolism, protects the pancreas from overload, increasing the sensitivity of tissue receptors to insulin. In addition to organic acids, iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, characteristic of currants, blueberries also contain copper, which improves tissue respiration, hemoglobin synthesis, activates insulin action, which allows insulin-dependent patients to reduce the dosage of a regularly administered hormone.
It must be said that in case of diabetes, the berries and shoots of blueberries are equally useful. But since the glycemic index of berries is quite high (about 40-42 units), they can be consumed no more than 100-150 g per day. But shoots and leaves of the plant contain much less carbohydrates, and besides, they help reduce blood sugar, which allows them to be used to make healthy drinks for diabetics and even add to jam.
So the recipes of useful jam from blueberries in diabetes in addition to berries themselves contain leaflets of the plant in the company with leaves of the Kalina. For a half a kilogram of blueberries you need to take 30 grams of fresh leaves of both plants. First, berries are boiled for 2 hours, and then leaves are added to the composition. After 10 minutes in the jam, you need to add any authorized sugar substitute, as well as flavor additives to taste (allowed vanillin and cinnamon).
Because of the fact that blueberries have a high enough GI, and with boiling it can even increase, jam nutritionists recommend using no more than 2-3 tsp. A day, diluting it with water or washing down tea without sugar. Such a dessert will give diabetics a real pleasure, without causing a sharp increase in blood sugar and helping to prevent the unpleasant consequences of the disease.
Overseas guests in the treatment of diabetes
So far, we have talked mainly about berries, which our homeland can boast. Such delicacies in the season we collect on their gardens and dachas, we buy in the markets from domestic producers. Many of the local berries are not only a valuable food product, but also a kind of medicine that helps reduce blood sugar. This makes it possible to reduce the dosage of the intake of hypoglycemic agents and insulin.
But not only popular domestic berries can be beneficial for diabetes. Now on the Internet and specialized pharmacies, you can buy some strange berries for our people, which, nevertheless, help to effectively combat excess weight and various diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Moreover, in their homeland the fruits are equated according to the effect they have on medicines and are widely used in the practice of doctors of alternative medicine.
As a natural remedy for diabetes, use and berries of mahonia. A tall decorative shrub with rounded blue fruits can be found on the expanses of North America, Europe, the middle belt of Russia. In Ukraine, this plant, used to decorate streets and treat people with skin and digestive system diseases, is not so common.
Mahonia gadolobustnuyu sometimes called oregan grapes or American barberry. This is another plant, the fruits of which are famous for the high content of ascorbic acid and many other useful substances that allow you to fight against age-related diseases, bacterial and viral infections, strengthen immunity, heart and blood vessels.
Curative properties are not only fruits, but even the bark and roots of the plant, the extract of which is actively used to treat diseases of the digestive system: the gallbladder, intestine, liver, etc. Extract from the bark of mahonia homeopaths used in the treatment of psoriasis, and infusion of flowers used to treat gout.
Sweet and sour fragrant mogonia berries are widely used in cooking. But in alternative medicine, they should be used as a medicine for herpes, eczema, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus. Australian scientists have found that the use of mahogany berries can significantly reduce elevated blood sugar and fight excess weight. It is believed that the fruits of the plant help even with severe forms of diabetes.
Useful for diabetes, the sugar-reducing effect of berries gives the alkaloid berberine, which also lowers cholesterol and increases insulin activity.
Berries of mahonia, taste like barberry, you can use fresh, used for making desserts, compotes, kissels, add to the porridge. Sweetheads can be offered to prepare jam on the basis of berries, adding sorbitol instead of sugar. To cook the jam from the mahogany is better in several approaches with large intervals for infusion.
What berries are not possible for diabetes?
This issue is even more controversial than the allowed products. Many endocrinologists and nutritionists categorically do not recommend the use of berries with a glycemic index of more than 70, because they can provoke a sharp increase in blood sugar and a coma. The benefit under this category is very few berries.
In our region this is the biggest berry, which many are considered to be a vegetable. We are talking about a juicy and ripe watermelon, which is simply adored by children and adults. Do diabetics have to give up such pleasure?
If you understand, the sugar in the watermelon is presented by fructose, which is not forbidden to diabetics, after all, with the assimilation of fruit sugar, insulin costs are minimal. True, the upper limit of the norm for such patients is 50 g per day, which corresponds to 200-300 grams of watermelon. In addition, vegetable fibers in the composition of a huge berry prevent the rapid absorption of sugars.
Therefore, despite the high GI, do not deny yourself a piece of berry, which brings us back to a happy childhood. Just buying a watermelon, you need to give priority to its early varieties or unripe specimens that do not absorb enough sugar. GI of such watermelons will certainly be less than 70.
As for the ways of cooking berries, the greatest danger for diabetics is candied fruits, jam, jams, marmalade from berries and fruits. It is not desirable to include in your diet and dried fruits (in this case raisins), having a higher GI and calorie content. It is safer to eat fresh berries (but raw jam with sugar - taboo) or cook them compotes.
Another popular berry that we have not mentioned is the dog rose, the glycemic index of which (about 25 units) allows its use in diabetes of any type. But in its raw form, very few people use it, especially in large quantities, and the GI of useful decoctions and compotes of rose hips is generally minimal. This speaks only in favor of the use of such a product and drinks on its basis in diabetes.
Contraindications for use
And our relatives, and berries delivered from distant edges with diabetes, can have both a general restorative and therapeutic effect. And this again shows that it is not worth to refuse such a treat. Observing the recommended dosages, a person with diabetes can diversify their diet, replenish it with nutrients and help their body to fight the disease. But it is important to remember that not only medicines and herbs can have contraindications to the use. Berries can also bring certain harm in certain diseases and conditions of the body, and this is important to consider when drawing up a diet or using fruits for medicinal purposes.
Above we considered the benefits that various berries can bring with diabetes, but now we will pay attention to the cases in which treatment with berries can harm the patient's body. We will consider this issue regarding certain types of berries, because the chemical composition of fruits can differ in quality and quantity, which can play a role in various concomitant diseases. But diabetes has a destructive effect on various organs and systems, so it is not surprising if a person with an elevated blood sugar level has a whole bunch of pathologies.
Black, white and red currants. This berry has undoubted benefits for diabetics, but in the presence of such a pathology as thrombophlebitis, the use of berries can only do much harm. Because of the high content of phenolic compounds and vitamin K, it is able to increase blood coagulability, which is dangerous with a tendency to thrombosis.
Currant, like many other berries, in its composition has organic acids (high content of ascorbic acid), which in turn have an irritant effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, some caution is required if, in addition to diabetes, a person has an increased acidity of gastric juice and developed on this soil gastritis, as well as stomach and duodenal ulcer (especially in the acute stage). Recipes from leaflets and shoots of the plant in this case are not dangerous.
Despite the fact that the berry has a positive effect on the liver with inflammation of the body (hepatitis), it can not be used.
Even more restrict the use of black currant berries for women during pregnancy and young children, because they can cause allergic reactions. Red and white berries rarely cause allergic reactions.
Blueberry. This is a pretty sweet berry, which does not have a noticeable irritant effect on the gastric mucosa; therefore, with gastritis, stomach ulcer and other diseases of this organ, blueberries are not prohibited. But with exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, it is better to resort to unconcentrated teas from leaflets and shoots of the plant.
True, with inflammation of the pancreas and a strong violation of its functionality, the use of blueberries is considered undesirable because of the high content of biologically active substances. This is mainly about the acute stage of the disease, and with remission, you can eat a small amount of fresh berries so useful in diabetes.
Harmful blueberries can also occur with urolithiasis if oxalate stones (oxalic acid salts) are formed in the bladder, and in case of allergic reactions to individual components of the berry. But with violations of the intestine (constipation and diarrhea), the fruits will come only by the way.
Restriction of the number of berries used is actual during pregnancy and in childhood, which again is associated with the rich chemical composition of the plant.
The berries are a mahogany deciduous. These berries, which are actively used in the production of confectionery products, are generally safe. They rarely cause allergic reactions, but with individual intolerance of plant components from its use it is better to abstain. The same can be advised women in an interesting situation and nursing mothers.
Absolute contraindication for the use of any berries and their compositions, as well as leaves, shoots and other parts of plants, is considered hypersensitivity to the substances contained in each particular plant. The fact is that the reactions of intolerance are not always limited only by discomfort in the abdomen and a rash on the skin, they can have a severe course, life-threatening.
Possible complications and side effects
It would seem that such delicious and useful gifts of nature as berries can harm a person, especially when it comes to edible fruits, which we regularly eat from year to year. If we are talking about the inclusion of berries in the diet, taking into account contraindications to their use, then if there is a measure in the amount of food eaten, there is really nothing to be afraid of. But the abuse of berries, especially in diabetes mellitus, is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and all sorts of complications.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a patient is obliged to constantly monitor blood sugar levels throughout his life. The entire diet of the patient is tied precisely to this indicator, and that it does not increase, the diet should be low-carbohydrate.
The low carbohydrate content in berries does not yet indicate their complete safety for diabetics. After all, the amount of carbohydrates entering the body depends on the weight of the food being eaten. The limitation of the daily dose of berries in diabetes is not accidental, because 100-200 g of berries is a norm that can not negatively affect blood sugar, but the excess of the permissible norm will affect the glucose indices and worsen the patient's condition.
It is better to diversify the diet as much as possible, including various types and varieties of berries in it, than to consume the same fruits for a long time. The fact is that berries differ in the content of various nutrients, and regular use of the same type of berries can lead to an overdose of individual components. And doctors consider it dangerous for health as a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, and their excess.
A varied diet allows you to balance the content of nutrients that enter the body, which helps to make the patient nutrition balanced.
It must be said that the use of berries for various diseases is a special science, as many nuances have to be taken into account: the recommended time of fruit consumption, safe combinations, the effect on various organs of different recipes, the content of potentially hazardous substances.
For example, cherry and cherry berries contain a component that in the human body is converted to hydrocyanic acid, which in certain quantities can cause severe poisoning. 1 glass of berries a day will not bring harm, but the pounds are harmful even to healthy people.
Juice from strawberries can adversely affect the joints and pain in gout and arthritis, so patients who have similar problems are better off picking other berries.
The fruits of hawthorn can not be washed down with cold water, because this often leads to spasms of the intestine. By the way, this rule applies to other berries.
Cowberry requires taking into account the time of reception and its correlation with the intake of food. The use of cranberries after eating can provoke an intestinal disorder (diarrhea).
Rosehip is a plant that our teeth do not like because it has a devastating effect on them. It's not for nothing that doctors recommend that after taking berries or strong infusions always rinse your mouth with clean water.
Gooseberries have the ability to relax the stool and increase the formation of gas, so eating a lot of berries can trigger diarrhea and bloating.
The same can be said about the blueberry berries that are allowed for use in diabetes. Eats eat a lot, you can not only increase blood sugar, but also get a kind of intoxication with substances contained in the berry in large quantities. Symptoms of overdose will be nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, the appearance of headaches and increased fatigue, a decrease in muscle tone.
Nausea and diarrhea are also complaints from those who have tried to be treated with berries of mahonia.
Goji berries, which saturate the body with energy, are not recommended for use before bed, because there may be problems with falling asleep. If you eat the product in the morning, such difficulties can be avoided.
In some people, the use of dry berries (and it is not recommended to eat them fresh) can provoke abdominal pain. In this case, doctors recommend to go to the reception of juice, which can also be purchased on the Internet or specialized phyto-pharmacies.
Berries of dogwood can provoke such unpleasant symptoms as flatulence and constipation, and eating them in the evening can be left without sleep until the morning.
Most berries are characterized by a high content of organic acids, which, like any other acid, can destroy tooth enamel. In diabetes mellitus, due to a metabolic disorder and a large loss of minerals, teeth are not particularly strong and tend to deteriorate quickly, and if they are regularly treated with acid, they can be completely lost. To avoid damage to the teeth after eating berries, always rinse your mouth with clean water.
Berries that can lower blood pressure should be used with caution for those with low or normal blood pressure. Regular reception of such berries can lead to a drop in blood pressure, the appearance of weakness, nausea, rapid fatigue, dyspnea.
Do not abuse and sour berries. Even in people with normal stomach acidity they can cause the appearance of heartburn and unexpressed pain in the abdomen.
Any fresh berries are recommended to be consumed outside meals, but not on an empty stomach. The combination of berries with other products can inhibit their digestibility and cause fermenting processes in the intestine.
Since many berries in diabetes have the ability to influence blood glucose and blood pressure, the possibility of combining their use and taking medication should be agreed with the doctor. In this case, the dosage of antihypertensive and sugar reducing drugs can be reduced, and in some cases, they can generally be discarded.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that places severe restrictions on the patient's diet. But since it is associated with a metabolic disorder, the body is constantly experiencing a kind of hunger. Some nutrients are poorly digested, others are prematurely excreted from the body, which means that the stores of useful substances need to be replenished regularly.
This can be done in two ways: by taking vitamin-mineral complexes or by including in the diet products with a rich chemical composition that will have a curative effect on diabetes and even contribute to lowering blood glucose levels. I must say that vitamin preparations in our time have a considerable cost, and their reception in no way affects the desire to eat something sweet and safe at the same time.
Restriction of the use of carbohydrate products, among which fruits and vegetables occupy not the last place, according to the patients themselves, is not easily transferred. Deficiency of sugar provokes a constant weakness and drowsiness. In this case, patients are constantly tormented by a feeling of hunger, which appears after a short time after eating and especially in the mornings.
A person with diabetes is forced to limit himself in using his favorite sweet desserts, and this for many is no less painful than constant hunger. Berries in this disease can serve as a safe and very useful dessert, which also helps regulate the blood glucose, which provokes complications of the disease. Moreover, they can be used for a snack, which helps overcome the feeling of hunger.
Different berries can have different effects on the patient's body, in addition, the glucose values at different stages of the disease are different. If you keep glucose at a low level, you can even maintain it with currants, strawberries, raspberries and other local berries. Then, for more serious figures of hyperglycemia, people turn to the goji berries, mahonia, velvet tree, the sugar-reducing effect of which is more pronounced.
Whatever the benefits of berries in diabetes, their use is not a valid reason to refuse the use of sugar-reducing drugs, if it is insisted on by the attending physician. Many berries are able to enhance the action of such drugs, as evidenced by multiple reviews on the Internet, and this allows you to reduce the dose of such drugs. But to refuse from their reception it is possible only if the endocrinologist (and the glucometer) will agree with the similar decision. Otherwise, you can provoke various dangerous complicated diabetes and shorten your life time.
Berries with type 1 diabetes do not always bring relief. In severe situations with severe pancreatic damage, when insulin production is extremely small, no stimulation will help or cause the diseased organ to work much more actively. Relief will bring only those fruits that increase the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, or contain components that have insulin-like action (ie, are able to break down glucose), which makes it possible to reduce the dose of drugs administered. Nevertheless, any berries will help the body maintain the necessary balance of vitamins and minerals in order to maintain a normal state of health. This will provide an opportunity to resist the disease and live on, no matter what.