

Examination of the body

Kidney biopsy

A kidney biopsy is used to diagnose kidney disease and determine the tactics of therapy. A diagnostic biopsy of the kidney is used after the possibilities of other, less invasive instrumental methods have been exhausted, including a biopsy of the rectal mucosa, nasopharynx, skin, lymph node.

Electromyography of the muscles of the pelvic floor and bladder

Electromyography, as defined by the International Society for Urine Retention. - registration of the bioelectrical potential of the muscle. In the urodynamic study, EMG is used to record the activity of striated pelvic floor muscles: pubic-coccygeal muscle (M. Pubococcygeus), muscle lifting the anus (m.levator ani), anal sphincter (rabdosphincter).

Video dynamics

The most highly technological combination of urodynamic studies and visualization of the urinary tract (radiographic or ultrasound). The method was called "video dynamics".


Cystometry is the basic method of urodynamic studies, during which both phases of the urination cycle are studied - filling (accumulation) and emptying, studying the dependence of intravesical pressure on the degree of filling of the bladder.


Uroflowmetry is a non-invasive screening test for detecting possible dysfunction of the lower urinary tract. In her, the parameters of the flow of urine are measured.

Urodynamic studies

Urodynamic studies (UDI) are classified as the main methods of functional diagnostics in urology. Their theoretical basis is the principles and laws of hydrodynamics. Registration and calculation of research parameters are based on this section of physics.

Mantoux test

For the Mantoux test, special disposable tuberculin syringes with thin short needles and a short oblique cut are used. The ampoule with tuberculin is carefully wiped with gauze moistened with 70% ethanol, then the neck of the ampoule is filed with a knife to open the ampoules and break off.

Tuberculin Diagnosis

Tuberculin Diagnostics - a set of diagnostic tests to determine the specific sensitization of the body to mycobacteria tuberculosis using tuberculin-autoclaved culture filtrate mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Examination of bronchi and trachea

Trachea and bronchi belong to the lower respiratory tract and provide the function of external respiration, therefore the main sign of their diverse pathological states is often the lack of external respiration, which develops as a result of airway obstruction.


Currently, for visual examination of the larynx is widely used microlaringoscopy, a method of accurate recognition and differential diagnosis, as well as micro-laryngosurgical interventions for various diseases of the larynx.


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