Pimples on the chin
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Acne on the chin is not so much a medical problem, as an aesthetic, plus it is that sooner or later acne on the chin with proper treatment is virtually without a trace. First of all, it is necessary to find out the main cause of the appearance of rashes on the chin, and the second to learn the truth - any external defect of the skin always indicates problems in internal organs and systems. Therefore, to treat acne on the chin you need not only external means, but also take care of eliminating the internal cause.
As a rule, rashes on this part of the face appear in the puberty period and cause a lot of trouble for adolescents. According to research by American dermatologists, about 40% of the depressed states of young people have, it would seem, a commonplace cause - acne on the chin and blackheads. However, in addition to the typical hormonal storms, there are many reasons that provoke the appearance of pimples on the chin.
Pimples on the chin, the reasons for their appearance
- Activation of the production of sebum (cutaneous sebace secret) due to the high sensitivity of cutaneous receptors to hormonal changes. This is typical for the adolescent period. In older people, rashes on the chin can talk about increasing the level of androgens - steroid hormones.
- Seizure of sebum in the follicles of small hairs, which are located on the chin. This blockage provokes the reproduction of Propionibacterium acnes - microorganisms that cause pimples on the chin or more precisely, acne. Often such acne have a characteristic black point from the outside, with time they are transformed into small pustules.
- Seizure of sebum in the ducts that remove the sebaceous secret. As a rule, the pimples on the chin are deep, they do not turn into purulent for a long time and do not break through.
- Damage to the thin walls of small hair follicles on the chin. All the contents accumulated as a result of the activity of microbes penetrate into the surrounding tissues. The skin of the chin inflames whole sites.
- Colds associated with hypothermia. Especially characteristic acne on the chin in the inflammatory process in the ovaries in young women.
- General puffiness, which provokes intense sweating, including through the sebaceous glands of the face. The glands do not have time to secrete sebum, as a result of stagnation inflammation begins in the form of pimples on the chin.
- Wrong selection of cosmetic products - medical and decorative. Containing mineral and vegetable oils, creams, including tonal, often provoke the appearance of acne.
- Admission of hormonal drugs.
- Disturbance of the digestive process.
- Excessive and intensive cleansing of the face with abrasive agents (scrubs), which can lead to mechanical damage, irritation and bacterial infection.
- Systemic chronic diseases, for example, diabetes, thyroid gland pathology, polycystosis.
- Inflammatory process in the nasopharynx.
- Inflammatory process in the oral cavity, dental diseases.
- Avitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins of group B, zinc, magnesium, sulfur).
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How to remove acne on the chin?
- Acne on the chin, which look like a tubercle with a comedom, you can try to neutralize yourself. Depending on what kind of comedo - a closed type with a white nodule under the skin (milium) or open - with a black tip, the method of treatment is chosen.
- Purification of pores with steam. For the bath you need to brew a handful of dry chamomile (better buy in a pharmacy) in 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 10-15 minutes and put on a very slow fire for barely visible signs of boiling. So let it boil for another 10 minutes, take off. Cleaned face tilted over a wide receptacle with broth, cover with a large towel to create a steam bath effect. Keep your face above the steam for no more than 15 minutes. As a rule, the open pores willingly "release" the outside of the sebaceous formations, they can be carefully removed with a bandage or cotton swab, then it is necessary to treat the chin with an antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide). Steam cleaning should be repeated once a week for a month.
- Every morning and evening wipe pimples on the chin with a decoction of a mixture of string and St. John's wort: take 1 tablespoon of dry grass, brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. St. John's wort contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory components, and in the course of many polyphenols with bactericidal action. The broth should be stored in the cold, slightly warming up the dock at room temperature before application. Such procedures should be carried out regularly until the pimples on the chin disappear.
- The use of special pharmacy drugs aimed at eliminating acne, acne, such as antibacterial ointment "Fusikutan", gel "Kuriozin", "Fuziderm", "Acne-derm", "Zinerit", give good results.
- As a skin cleanser, you should not use products containing alcohol. It is better to buy seboreguliruyuschie gels, which, without drying the skin, have antiseptic effect.
- Buy in the pharmacy a "talker" for lotions or do it yourself: crush as much as possible 5 tablets streptocide (grind into flour), mix with 30 mg of salicylic acid (2% concentration). Use this "homemade" chattle carefully, if during the day there are no additional redness and irritation around the pimples, then the remedy can be used at night for a week, no more. If there are signs of an aggressive reaction to the skin, the "talker" can not be used.
- Compliance with the diet, excluding sweets, spicy, salty foods, various smoked and canned foods. Any pharmacy drug - sorbent (activated carbon, Enterosgel) will help quickly remove toxic substances from the body, thereby regulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
- The intake of vitamin-mineral complexes has a therapeutic effect from the inside, supports immunity. Also vitamin A and ointments containing it, contribute to the fastest skin regeneration.
Pimples on the chin, which do not pass for a month, and do not succumb to home methods of treatment, it is necessary to show the dermatologist, beautician. This form of acne is treated longer (from 3 months to 6 months), under the supervision of a doctor, using hardware technologies and with the help of specially selected medicinal ointments, creams. Nevertheless, even the most stubborn, extensive rashes with timely competent treatment sooner or later give up, most importantly - do not crush them, and generally try not to touch them with your hands unnecessarily.
More information of the treatment