Acne: how to clean?
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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"Acne: how to clean?" - a question that not only adolescents solve in the puberty period, when the hormonal system "revolts" two or three years, but also people of a more wise age, regardless of gender and nationality. Moreover, even in the distant times of antiquity, a certain genius of the Roman epigram Mark Martial branded his enemies not with words that speak of their mental deficiency, but with verses that expose acne on the faces of worthy Romans. Acne, pustules and other skin rashes make trouble for man as much time as it exists. The causes are also old as the world, but over time, modern society "enriched" with new explanations for the appearance of acne, associated more with the costs of civilization than with natural factors.
Among the reasons that provoke the appearance of acne, we can note the following:
- Natural, physiological changes in the body, associated with age - the adolescent period, when the testosterone level sharply increases in both boys and girls as well;
- The period before the beginning of the menstrual cycle, when the level of steroid substances - corticosteroids and progestins sharply increases;
- Deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamin A and E, as a consequence - hyperkeratosis;
- Professional intoxication of the skin, as a consequence - hyperkeratosis (lubricating oil, chemicals);
- Inconvenient, tight clothing, as a consequence - constant friction, skin irritation, leading to hyperkeratosis;
- Hyperlipidemia - a violation of lipid metabolism, resulting in the accumulation of fats in cells and sebaceous ducts, their blockage;
- Disturbance of the digestive process, chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Chronic or acute stress;
- Wrong selection of cosmetics, creams that lead to the formation of gums;
- Injury of small vesicles, gums resulting from extrusion, recurrence of pimples;
- Violation of personal hygiene rules;
- Violation of the diet, the use of excessive amounts of sweets, fatty, high-calorie foods, including nuts.
Before making a plan to combat acne, you need to understand why they were formed in this or that zone. It is believed that the location of acne on the face can reveal hidden pathological processes in internal organs and systems. You can remove acne if you need to treat the rash in a complex way - by external means and from the inside. The general "topography" of acne is this:
- Pimples appearing on the forehead. Rashes that are located close to the hair line may indicate problems with the outflow of bile, and in this case it is necessary to check the operation of the gallbladder or for some time to observe the appropriate diet. Pimple, which appeared closer to the eyebrow, signals a malfunction in the intestine.
- Rashes on the bridge of the nose can talk about chronic problems in the liver, and also testify to a stressful situation that a person can not cope with, suppressing feelings and emotions.
- Acne on the upper part of the cheekbone indicates the failure of the hormonal system, about possible problems with the kidneys.
- Rashes on the cheeks, especially the gums, talk about the inadequate functioning of the broncho-pulmonary system. The same signals give pimples formed on the back, in the area of the scapula.
- A favorite place for acne is the nose, no matter where the "spot" pimple - on the tip of the nose or on its wings, can talk about cardiac pathology.
- Rashes around the lips, above the lip or under the lower lip, speak of a violation of the intestine (constipation, diarrhea, colic).
- Rashes on the chin indicate dysfunction of the hormonal system.
Of course, you can only diagnose the cause of acne only by a cosmetologist, who will ask in detail about the diet, sleep and wakefulness, will collect anamnesis on existing diseases, determine the condition and type of skin, and possibly prescribe an additional examination: a visit to a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, dermatological skin studies.
"How to remove acne?" - such a question is not posed by an experienced dermatologist, who correctly determines the root cause, and then makes an action plan to neutralize the rash.
How to remove acne?
What the doctor can appoint:
- Compliance with diet and diet;
- Admission of vitamin and mineral complex, which will need to take a long course;
- External means with drying and antiseptic action - lotions, gels, ointments, specially made "talkers";
- It is possible to designate drugs that have antibacterial properties, both external and internal, in the form of tablets;
- Procedures for cleaning the face with specialized cosmetic centers - cleaning by microcurrents, vacuum, manual;
- Ozone therapy, when an ozone mixture is injected under the skin into the inflammation zone by microinjection, which eliminates the focus of infection;
- Peelings - microdermabrasion, laser peeling. These procedures have not only a curative property, but they also have an instant aesthetic effect;
- Medical masks, which need to be applied in the salon conditions with the help of special equipment. These procedures will help to remove inflammation and neutralize the possibility of recurrence of rashes.
What can I do on my own:
- Limit the use of sweet, fatty, spicy dishes. It should also refuse from smoked products, drinks with gas;
- Drink more purified, high-quality water - at least 1.5 liters per day;
- To develop a regime of the day, which involves staying on air at least 4 hours a day;
- Provide a full rest, sleep;
- Observe personal hygiene, including hand hygiene;
- Do not touch or try to squeeze out a pimple or gum;
- Observe all recommendations of a dermatologist.
As preparations for "emergency home help", when there is no time to visit the dermatologist, and the question "acne how to clean" is very acute, the rash should be eliminated as soon as possible, the following drugs can be used:
- "Levomekol" ointment, which must be applied pointwise to pimples with purulent filling. Levomycetin will fight microbes inside the abscess, and methyluracil will have a regenerative effect on the skin cells.
- Panthenol is an emulsion, cream or ointment. If the pimple is purulent it is better to apply the emulsion, if the pimples are formed in the form of rashes - ointment. Dexapanthenol is able to regenerate the skin, relieve inflammation and has a moderate antimicrobial effect.
- Salicylic acid, which can pinpoint pimples. The acid has antimicrobial, antifungal properties, relieves inflammation, reduces the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands.
How to remove acne? - a problem that people have been solving for many years. However, over time, the immune system can independently cope with this aesthetic defect. After 30-35 years, as a rule, acne leaves the human body alone. If you just do not have the strength, ability and desire to wait for this period, you need to turn to a cosmetologist, a dermatologist, then acne is neutralized with the help of therapeutic measures quickly enough.