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Oils for tonsillitis: effective procedures, precautions, results
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Angina or acute tonsillitis is a serious infectious disease with pronounced symptoms, affecting adults and children, which without effective treatment can lead to multiple serious complications. In the treatment of tonsillitis it is very important to cope with the infection as quickly as possible and to remove the inflammatory process in the pharynx and tonsils. For this, both medications and recipes of traditional medicine are perfectly suitable. Herbal decoctions, compresses, oils in angina, although considered auxiliary, help to recover faster and prevent the development of complications. In addition, thanks to the use of traditional medicine methods, it is possible to reduce the amount and dosage of medications that are less safe for the body than herbs and oils.
Indications Oils from sore throats
Sore throat, worse when swallowing, raising the body temperature to 40 degrees, a sense of weakness and a noticeable weakness are all symptoms of angina familiar to most people since childhood. Few people at least once in their lives have not encountered this unpleasant disease requiring active medical procedures: medication, frequent regular throat rashes, body wiping with fever, compresses on the throat in case of superficial illness, warm drink and gentle throat diet.
Angina can occur in various forms, because it can cause a variety of bacteria and viruses. With catarrhal sinus, treatment options are practically unlimited, while purulent forms of the disease no longer require the provision of thermal procedures that can cause complications of the infectious and inflammatory process and its spread by hematogenous way (through the blood). After all, under the influence of heat, blood circulation increases.
In order to avoid the spread of infection, it is most appropriate to reduce the number of pathogens at the site of their localization by means of local treatment, i.e. In the throat. For this purpose, antiseptic agents are well suited. Such natural antiseptics are some essential oils. Ethers are the oily liquids released from certain plants. They possess not only a strong and mostly pleasant fragrance, but also a great healing power (with their proper application).
It must be said that essential oils are often used in angina and other ENT diseases. Most often they are prescribed as an active agent for inhalations. Essential oils can also be added to the water for rinsing the throat, lubricating them with sore throat, tonsils, nasal passages, which will prevent the spread of infection and improve regenerative processes in diseased tissues.
Essential oils can also be added to baths during bathing. The inhalation of healing vapors in combination with body cleansing will have the effect of medicinal inhalations, but with more extensive exposure.
Some oils, for example, sea buckthorn, have a pronounced wound-healing effect. And with angina on the inflamed mucosa, microcracks and sores can be formed, only aggravating the patient's condition, causing severe pain and being a predisposing factor for the development of a purulent-infectious process. The local use of oils with wound-healing and antimicrobial effect helps to restore mucous throat faster and to alleviate the patient's condition.
But not only essential oils are beneficial for angina. Actively used in the treatment of disease and butter. Inflammatory process in the throat with angina is almost always accompanied by painful sensations, making it difficult to eat, so necessary to maintain the body's strength to fight the disease. After all, food is an additional irritant for inflamed mucous, especially if it has wounds. Butter creates a kind of protective film on the inner surface of the throat and tonsils, and the intensity of the pain syndrome is markedly reduced.
Dosing and administration
Unlike esters, cream and vegetable oils, all known camphor and castor oil are considered to be full-fledged medical products. In pharmacies, they stand on shelves with other medicines, and sometimes are part of other drugs.
Camphoric oil, which is in fact a natural substance isolated from the Japanese laurels, is famous for its antiseptic and warming properties, so with angina it can be used only in the absence of high temperature. Yes, and the drug is used primarily for thermal procedures.
Useful for tonsillitis will be warm baths with the addition of camphor oil (10 drops per bath is enough). The duration of such a procedure should be 20-25 minutes.
The second option of using camphor is warming compresses. For the treatment of adults, you can use pure camphor oil, the children are bred with a neutral plant. Compress, extra warmed with a woolen scarf, it is better to put on a whole night, so that in the morning the patient could feel a noticeable relief.
Some sources recommend to dig in the nose camphor oil mixed with sunflower oil and propolis (2 drops per each nasal passage). But it should be taken into account that it is not recommended to swallow such a mixture.
Castor oil, which many began to get acquainted with during constipation, can also be used to treat sore throats. It helps to soften the sore throat, facilitates the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract, removes pain.
With angina, castor oil is used to lubricate the sore throat. The most effective recipe is considered, in which you need to mix the same quantities of the drug "Rotokan", lugol solution, castor oil and aloe juice or Kalanchoe. This composition and it is recommended to lubricate the throat several times a day.
But in the absence of other components, a one-component formulation based on castor oil can be used.
Application for children
In childhood, many human organs and systems continue to develop, therefore, the treatment of the child should be approached no less cautiously than to the therapy of the future mother. Insufficient formation of the immune system in early childhood on the one hand causes frequent colds, but on the other hand is the cause of allergic reactions to the drugs and folk remedies used.
Oils in angina in children are considered a pleasant and safe medicine that helps to cope with the disease more quickly, improve immunity, prevent complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, heart and kidney disorders. But their use will be safe only if the reaction of the child's organism to the natural medicine is taken into account.
The most safe for the treatment of children is butter, which we regularly eat inside as a part of various dishes. And many prescriptions of medicines on the basis of this tasty product turn out to be quite appetizing and the kids gladly accept them.
It will not harm the baby and the local application of castor oil, which is considered a medicine for adults and children. But with camphor oil you need to be careful. Until the age of three, its use is undesirable, although in some cases doctors can prescribe external medical procedures with it before, mainly for the treatment of otitis and complicated sinusitis (buried in the ears and nose).
Older children in the absence of reactions of intolerance and other contraindications can use camphor oil in compresses on the throat and in the form of inhalations, instill in the nasal passages. From the age of 5, it is possible to rub the baby's body with a camphor oil solution (for children up to the age of five, the oil can be added to a child's cream, but only with the permission of the doctor) if the body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees.
Use camphor oil to lubricate the sore throat, rinsing procedure, in the baths is not desirable because of the rather high toxicity of the substance.
To treat the inflamed mucous throat in children can be used and sea buckthorn oil, which has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day. Do not worry about swallowing oil. For children under 3 years, a safe dose for internal intake is 2.5 ml, which also saturates the baby's body with useful vitamins and microelements and increases immunity.
Sea-buckthorn oil can also be added to the water for gargling or inhalation (up to 2 ml). When coughing in children, which occurs as a complication of angina, sea buckthorn oil can be used for compresses on the chest or back (2 tablespoons per glass of water), rubbing with a mixture of sea-buckthorn and camphor oil, instillation into the nose (gradually it drains into the larynx and bronchi , where it exerts a phlegm-diluting effect).
Caution should be observed when using essential oils. The fact is that in children with their insufficiently formed immune system, allergic reactions to oils occur more often than in adults. Moreover, not all aromatic oils are useful for babies.
The safest ether is the tea tree oil, which can be used with angina from the very birth of the child. This oil in the amount of 1 drop, mixed with an equal amount of base oil can be added to the baby bath, used for compresses on the throat. At a high temperature, 3-4 drops of oil can be diluted in half a liter of water and wipe the baby, which will contribute to a more effective reduction in body temperature.
With angina in children can be used and fir oil. It is instilled in the nasal passages (1 drop into each nostril thrice a day) or smears the nasal mucosa upon the onset of a cold, used to treat inflamed tonsils (1 drop per tonsil 3-4 times a day), inhalation, sprayed in the child's room.
Before using essential oil in children under 3 years old, an allergy test is required. In addition, in pure form, fir oil is not recommended. It must be diluted with a base oil of 1: 3.
For treatment of children older than 1 year, you can also use lemon essential oil, which increases immunity and stimulates the defenses of the body to fight the pathogens of angina, which is especially important in the viral nature of pathology and helps prevent complications of bacterial infections.
From the age of two, the use of eucalyptus essential oil is also permitted, which is used to aromatize the air in the patient's room, to rinse the throat in combination with lemon and tea tree oils (1 drop of each ether per glass of water with soda, the procedure is carried out up to 4 times a day ). Eucalyptus ether is also used for inhalation treatment with the help of special devices (inhalers).
Steam inhalation with aromatic oils for babies is allowed to do from the age of six and very carefully so as not to burn the delicate mucous throat and the face of the child.
Among the banned in childhood does not apply, and cocoa butter, which is usually used to combat cough due to the pronounced antitussive effect. But as it turned out, this oil is also characterized by a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect. It can be given to drink with warm milk (as an antiseptic, you can add and honey in the absence of the baby's allergies to beekeeping products). By enveloping the inflamed mucous throat and tonsils, it reduces the severity of the pain syndrome and helps to stop the inflammatory process.
Children recipes based on cocoa butter will be liked, because they have a pleasant aroma of favorite delicacies for children and adults - chocolate, for the preparation of which this natural product is used. But doctors recommend cocoa butter treatment not earlier than the child will be 3 years old because of the danger of developing allergic reactions to cocoa in young children.
Any ethers and vegetable oils can be used to treat young children only after an allergy test. To do this, put a small amount of oil on the elbow of the child's handle or earlobe and wait for 24 hours. You can conduct an allergy test and the reaction of the body when inhaled ether: drip oil on a napkin or handkerchief and several times a day to bring to the spout of the baby. Anxiety symptoms are redness, anus and eruptions on the skin, sneezing, the appearance of a runny nose and watery eyes. In these cases, the use of essential oils is prohibited.
Applying essential oils in angina in children, you must comply with strict dosages. To children under 6 years of age, essential oils are diluted with neutral herbs and 1-3 drops are used. From 6 to 12 years, adhere to the dosage, which is half that recommended for treatment of adults. And from the age of 12, you can switch to standard doses in the absence of a negative reaction from the body of a teenager.
Use Oils from sore throats during pregnancy
Aromatherapy and oil treatment are considered to be one of the safest methods of treating angina. Particular attention is paid to the safety of treatment of a woman during pregnancy, when she has to think not only about her health, but also about the health of a little man in her womb, on the formation and development of which the disease can have the most negative impact.
Pregnancy is a time of pleasant excitement and extreme caution in everything. This also applies to the selection of oils for the treatment of colds. It is known that some essential oils can harm future mother and her baby. These esters are cypress, juniper, cloves, cedar, myrrh, sage, thyme and some others (altogether about 18-20 varieties), many of which are used to treat various diseases, including colds.
But there are also such aroma oils that can benefit the future mother, warning of complications of sore throats, which during pregnancy are extremely dangerous both in terms of impact on the development of the child and the condition of the woman, and with regard to increasing the number of drugs that are not safe during this period for their treatment. So, with infectious diseases of the ENT organs, a pregnant woman can use antibacterial means of pine, eucalyptus, tea tree, if, of course, the woman's organism reacts calmly to them.
But even the essential oils allowed during pregnancy, the expectant mother should apply correctly. Let's not say long that essential oils during pregnancy can be used only as external agents for the treatment of the disease. The dosage of esters should be half the usual, recommended for adult patients (or at least a third less than the standard). In its pure form, aromatic oils should not be used, they must be diluted with any neutral base oil (most often lean or olive).
The future mother can spray aroma oils inside the room, do inhalations with them, use compresses and gargling compositions to avoid swallowing, but with the baths one must be very careful, resorting to such a procedure only in case of emergency. It is very important to listen to your sensations and pre-conduct a skin test for the tolerability of oils.
Symptoms that indicate an allergic reaction will be the appearance on the skin of itching, redness, various rashes, general reactions in the form of dyspnea, tachycardia, hyperhidrosis, shortness of breath, headaches. In this case, the use of aromatic oil should be discarded. In addition, in the bins of traditional medicine, there are many effective prescriptions for sore throats that do not involve the use of ethers and are not dangerous during pregnancy.
For example, absolutely safe and incredibly useful in the period of bearing a child is considered sea buckthorn oil, which can lubricate a sore throat. Do not harm the future mother and her baby, as well as recipes based on butter (in the absence of intolerance to their components).
To treat the sore throat is also great for peach and rose hips. Peach oil can also be buried in the nasal passages (2 drops each) with nasal congestion and difficulty in sputum discharge, which happens in the absence of proper treatment of angina in the early days of the disease.
It is believed that castor oil will be safe for the pregnant woman, which in addition to preventing constipation can effectively treat and treat inflamed tonsils, creating a film on them and relieving inflammation. If castor oil during pregnancy is not forbidden to take inside, then the local oil with sore throat to lubricate the throat and even more will not do harm.
But the camphor oil used for the treatment of tonsillitis for future mothers is unsafe, because its active substances are able to penetrate the blood. For them, the placental barrier is not an obstacle, but for a child such treatment can be fatal. Applying camphor oil should adhere to the minimum dosage (1% solution for topical application), while damage to the mucosa is already a contraindication to its use, as it increases the permeability of tissues and facilitates the penetration of oil into the blood.
Camphor oil doctors prefer not to recommend to pregnant women for the treatment of angina, except in case of emergency, for single use in minimal doses. It is certainly not worth it to prescribe such a treatment for yourself. If the doctor insists on it, it is important to find out all the nuances associated with treatment, clarify the safe dosages and the frequency of application of the oil, as well as any contraindications and side effects.
Ideally, for the sake of precaution, the expectant mother should consult a doctor about the use of any folk remedies, especially essential oils, and do not use them without first checking for tolerability.
When choosing any medicines for the treatment of a disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the available contraindications to their use. Oils in angina, although considered relatively safe means, they will not be useful to everyone. After all, even the most popular butter and that can contain unsafe substitutes.
Applying to fight the pain in the throat of butter should be to ensure that it is a natural product. Substitutes of vegetable and animal origin, which are sold in stores together with natural butter, based on milk fat, are not able to create an equally good protective film. Moreover, such oil is poorly digested in the body and will be harmful to young children whose digestive system is not designed for heavy food.
As such, there are no contraindications to the use of this product. It can be dangerous only for people with lactose intolerance and excess weight. But in the latter case, you should not worry much, because it's a short course of treatment and very small dosages.
Now let's talk about useful vegetable oils. A common contraindication for any oils is their individual intolerance and the development of allergic reactions against the background of their use. But every natural product has its own contraindications.
Let's start with the sea-buckthorn oil. In the absence of allergic reactions, the external application of this oil is not limited. Contraindications relate mainly to oral administration, which is dangerous in inflammatory pathologies of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and also with diarrhea. Oil is not recommended for internal intake for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.
Virtually no contraindications for peach oil (except for hypersensitivity to it). But it is not recommended for internal reception to too excitable people.
Rosehip oil, which due to its rich chemical composition, with angina can be applied either topically or inward as a general restorative and immunity-enhancing agent, has limitations related specifically to oral administration. It is able to influence the coagulability of the blood, therefore it is prohibited with increased thrombus formation, vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, heart failure. The product is also not recommended for the treatment of patients with ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines developing against the background of increased acidity of the gastric juice.
Black cumin oil, used for angina for ingestion and lubrication of inflamed tonsils, is not permitted for oral administration during pregnancy. The intake of oil is not indicated inside for ischemic heart disease, heart failure, and also in the recovery period after myocardial infarction (increases blood coagulability). It is dangerous even after organ transplantation (can provoke rejection of the implant).
Patients with diabetes who take sugar-reducing drugs should be careful with internal intake of cumin oil, because it acts in a similar way and can provoke hypoglycemia. Using oil of black cumin costs with the consent of the doctor to reduce the dosage of antidiabetic drugs.
But the external use of the means of other contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to its components, does not.
Fir oil in angina is not used for allergy to the ester of coniferous trees, intolerance to the components of the drug, gastric and duodenal ulcer, propensity to convulsions and epilepsy, exacerbations of kidney diseases. Treatment of fir oil is strictly forbidden in the first trimester of pregnancy, and subsequently, next May, it is necessary to be cautious if it generally decides to apply it, given that there are many other safer means for treating angina.
Tea tree oil, known for its excellent antibacterial properties, which put it on a par with local antibiotics, also has virtually no contraindications for external use. It can be used in aromatic lamps, spray the solution in the patient's room, apply in small doses for gargling and inhalation, add to the baths and compresses, but do not use a throat to prevent swallowing.
With special care, you need to treat small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. They can only use tea tree oil as prescribed by the doctor for procedures during which the oil can not penetrate the digestive system.
Apply tea tree oil to the skin in its pure form can not, because it can provoke burns mucous.
Cocoa butter, which is mostly used with angina, is not recommended for increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders. It is not very suitable for people with excess weight or those who adhere to a low-calorie diet.
Camphor oil is not recommended if there are micro- and macro damage, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, pustular diseases on the skin. Pediatricians are not advised to use it to treat children under the age of two.
Castor oil, when applied externally, does not pose a hazard to patients without hypersensitivity to the drug. But for internal reception there are other limitations: diarrhea caused by poisoning or gastrointestinal diseases. Doctors do not recommend drinking castor oil to children under the age of three.
As we see, before choosing effective folk remedies based on vegetable and animal oils, you need to ask what contraindications to use this product has. This will help to avoid the influence of side effects and worsening of the patient's well-being.
Side effects Oils from sore throats
We knowingly in the previous paragraph mentioned the side effects, which, alas, are peculiar not only to full-fledged medicines. The use of oils in angina and other diseases can also be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.
Usually it is a question of local allergic reactions or irritation of mucous throat. Sometimes an allergy occurs against the background of an increased sensitivity of the body to a certain kind of oil (mainly oils from vegetable matter and ethers). But it also happens that after the purchase of essential oil, its use did not cause side effects, and after 1.5-2 years the body began to react to it with itching, rashes on the skin, reddening of mucous membranes and even general reactions: lacrimation, sneezing, coughing, swelling throat, etc.
Such "belated" allergic reactions are characteristic for a long time of stored and overdue oils, which contain specific substances that are considered to be strong allergens.
Lemon oil has a tonic effect, so before going to bed it is not advisable to use it, so as not to provoke insomnia.
Citrus essential oil, for example, the same lemon, can increase the sensitivity of the skin to light, so in the sun it can quickly blush and burn. An identical situation can be observed if cologne or alcohol is applied to the skin.
Burns cause and tea tree oil, if it is applied to the skin and mucous in its pure form. To provide a pronounced antibacterial effect of this substance, low dosages are sufficient.
Applying oils for internal reception it is necessary to watch your feelings especially carefully. Nausea, vomiting, indigestion, stool disorders (diarrhea), abdominal pain, various manifestations of allergic reactions should be alarming. Most often, a similar situation is observed in patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but may occur in a relatively healthy person.
Oils used in angina, do not have a negative effect on the organs of hearing, liver, kidneys, do not have a narcotic effect and are usually tolerated by patients well. But they should not be abused. Excess doses of essential oils, i.e. Overdose, increases the incidence and severity of the above side effects. Nausea, increased nervous excitability, incomprehensible anxiety or loss of strength, psychoemotional exhaustion (prostration) may also appear.
When these reactions occur, immediately ventilate the room, rinse the throat and nasal passages with warm water, and if possible go out into the fresh air. If it is an internal intake of oils, you should immediately wash the stomach and take sorbents, which can attract and allergens, and toxins, and other substances harmful to the body. With severe nausea, you can take anti-emetics (for example, "Metoclopromide").
Storage conditions
The appearance of unpleasant bitterness indicates the damage to the oil. To ensure that the vegetable or butter regularly served during the allotted period, storage conditions must be observed.
Butter is usually stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of up to 6 degrees, the remaining oils retain their properties well at room temperatures. However, the opened bottle can no longer be stored as well, so it can be placed in the refrigerator on the lower shelves, trying as little as possible to subject temperature changes. Before using the oil from the refrigerator it is kept for half an hour at room temperature (the required dose, not the entire bottle).
Sunlight and air have a negative effect on the properties of essential oil, so usually these substances are placed in bottles of dark glass and tightly sealed. If the bottle is transparent, it needs to be stored in a cardboard box protecting the ether from light. In plastic containers, essential oils are strictly forbidden, because as a result of reactions they can acquire toxic and carcinogenic effects.
Caution should be followed and with the use of oils, because these are highly flammable substances.
Special instructions
Oils with angina are not included in the first line drugs used for this disease. These are rather auxiliary tools that are used to treat and conduct medical and hygienic procedures. Some oils can not cure angina, but they help make the course of the disease easier and prevent dangerous complications.
Despite the fact that vegetable and animal oils are not considered full-fledged medicines, they are used for medicinal purposes along with medications. Usually no dangerous drug interaction is observed. But you need to consider that interaction with other drugs can have a slightly different character.
For example, essential oils can enhance the action of antibiotics, which allows you to reduce the dosage of the latter. But homeopathic treatment should not be carried out simultaneously with the use of essential oils, since it will not have the desired effect.
Lubricating or rinsing the sore throat with oils, it is necessary to observe the interval between the procedures carried out using various oils or other antiseptics. Especially it concerns liquid solutions. Oils form a film on the surface of the tonsils, through which liquid antiseptics are difficult to break through, so there is no sense to increase the lubrication of the throat with the subsequent use of an antiseptic spray.
It is not recommended to use several different oils at the same time or to increase the multiplicity of procedures, referring to the fact that the oils used in them are different. There are special means based on several essential oils, in which the dosages of each component are relatively small. So if you want to use several oils at once to improve the effect, it is better to give preference to complex products than to drip a few drops of different oils in a glass with water to rinse your throat.
Choosing oils for the treatment of sore throat should be preferred to natural products, rather than their synthetic and other analogues. This applies to butter, and ethers. "Counterfeits" not only will not have the expected effect, but can even harm your health. They are especially dangerous for children, teenagers, pregnant women and the elderly.
Shelf life
For your own safety, you need to pay attention to the shelf life of the oils. So, natural butter packed in parchment in the refrigerator should be stored no more than 10 days, and what is placed in the foil - up to 20 days. In the freezer, the product can retain its properties for up to 3 months. Store butter, which has a longer shelf life, has various additives, which means it is considered less secure.
The shelf life of various essential oils manufacturers point to the packaging. Usually it is within 1-3 years, after which the product is better discarded.
Castor and camphor oil can also be stored for 2 years. Further use them for medicinal purposes is not worth it.
Treatment of angina with various vegetable and animal oils has quite ancient roots, so that humanity can fully evaluate the effectiveness of this type of therapy. And the fact that prescriptions for pain and sore throat inflammations are transmitted from generation to generation only confirms their effectiveness.
At a time when even local antiseptics, oils with angina are an excellent alternative. This is a truly budgetary treatment, because the dosages of the oils used are minimal and the consumption is very economical, and the effect is quite good.
By the way, many patients liked the fact that the effect of using oils comes much faster than from the use of local antiseptics. Warm milk with butter and honey helps to remove pain and choking in the throat almost instantaneously, while a pharmacy antiseptic requires more than one application to achieve the same effect.
Just as quickly, compresses that relieve inflammation, and sometimes also temperature, lubrication and gargling of the throat, act. A deposition of essential oils on the nasal mucosa provides good protection of the respiratory system from the additional invasion of infection into the weakened organism, while instillation helps create a protective film on the back of the throat, which is difficult to do with lubrication.
A great opportunity is provided by the treatment of tonsillitis in children who are sick more often and heavier than adults. Tasty and fragrant oil medicines like babies are much more than bitter antiseptic solutions and many sweet syrups. In addition, some essential oils have a calming effect and contribute to a complete rest of the baby, despite the illness with its unpleasant symptoms. And rest to a weakened child or adult is necessary, so that his body can fight infection.
Applying oils with angina, you need to understand why and for what purpose we use them. Different oils have their own healing properties, so mindlessly to their application should not be treated. For each oil, there are their recommended dosages for the disease, which are adjusted depending on the age of the patient, as well as in certain periods of a woman's life. Taking into account these features, contraindications to the use of various oils, their side effects, which can usually be avoided with the help of allergens, make the treatment of sore throat not only effective, but also safe.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Oils for tonsillitis: effective procedures, precautions, results" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.