The use of essential oils in angina
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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We have already said that each etheric has its own properties and application features for various diseases. Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account the methods of application and doses of esters recommended by the doctor. After all, essential oils are considered to be a concentrated product, therefore, a few drops are usually sufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect, and excess doses negatively affect the patients' well-being.
Tea tree oil
This fragrant ether has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect, so it helps to remove almost all the symptoms of the infection in 3-4 days. With angina tea tree oil relieves pain and irritation in the throat, helps to quench heat and swelling of the mucosa, because its use reduces the number of pathogens at the site of inflammation.
Tea tree oil efficiently copes with gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens, reduces the activity of viruses and yeast-like fungi, in other words has a wide spectrum of action, which is very important in angina, which pathogens can cause pathogens. Moreover, it helps to remove toxins and decay products of bacteria and viruses from the body tissues, which only increase the sensitivity of the organism to pathogens and allergens, and thus increases local immunity.
Tea Tree Oil is among the leaders in the number of active ingredients that provide it with remarkable properties of a local antiseptic. The bactericidal action of the oil is due to the high content of terpineol.
Applied tea tree ether in angina for the following purposes:
- Gargling. To a glass of warm water, add 4-5 drops of oil. The procedure is 2-3 times a day.
- Steam inhalation (in the absence of temperature). For 1 liter of hot water we add 2-3 drops of ether and conduct the procedure for 5 minutes.
- Dry inhalation. We put a few drops of oil on a clean napkin and inhale the fragrance coming from it for half an hour. Repeat aromatherapy 3 times a day.
The above procedures are effective for any form of angina. With purulent angina, they are carried out after rinses with soda and salt and cleansing the tonsils from purulent deposits with a finger and a bandage.
Fir oil
This oil will pass any checks for cleanliness and safety, because fir is a plant that prefers ecologically clean areas for living. Yes, and by themselves conifers can clean and disinfect the air around them. It is not surprising that fir oil is actively used to treat children.
It is an oil with a high content of vitamins, tannins and phytoncides, which provide it with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antimicrobial and wound-healing effect. All these effects will come in handy with acute tonsillitis, other, like the soothing effect, which gives the patient a full night's rest.
How can you apply fir oil in angina:
- For carrying out steam inhalations. For 1 liter of hot water, only 3 drops of oil are enough. Breathing with healing steam should not take more than 15 minutes. And the frequency of the procedure is 3-4 times a day.
- For lubricating the tonsils. For the treatment of adults, a non-diluted drug is used, the children are diluted with a base oil in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. The procedure is carried out up to 3 times a day.
- To rinse your throat. For 1 glass of warm water you need to take 3-4 drops of fir oil. To enhance the effect, a salt can be added to the rinse solution. With purulent angina, it is better to first rinse the throat with saline solution and then with a solution of essential oil. Gargle should be at least 4 times a day.
- For compresses on the neck area. In this case, mix the fir oil with olive or sunflower, taking 1 part of the ether for 10 parts of the base oil. We moisten this napkin and apply it on the neck, leaving it to act for a couple of hours.
It is a good idea to spray fir oil in angina sprays in the patient's room, adding a few drops of it to the water of the nebulizer or filling the bay into the aroma lamp. This procedure will have a general health effect, disinfect the air in the room, improve the patient's sleep.
Black cumin oil
The ability to effectively combat bacteria and remove inflammation of the mucous throat has this unusual product, which is also a reliable support for general and local immunity. And with the appearance of a cough, cumin oil will promote a more easy and comfortable sputum discharge.
One of the main symptoms of angina is a high body temperature. Cumin oil in angina will help quickly and safely return the thermometer to normal. It is enough to lubricate the patient's skin with this medicinal product.
To fight the infection, settled on the tonsils, they are smeared with pure cumin oil. The same can be done with the nasal passages. For rinses, 1 bowl of oil is added to 1 glass of warm water. To conduct inhalations on 1 liter of water, add 5 drops of medicinal ether and inhale the vapors for a quarter of an hour.
Sometimes, when the disease occurs, aches and pains in the joints and muscles. Painful places can also be lubricated with cumin oil, and unpleasant symptoms will recede.
Peach oil
This fragrant product, although not among the top three among essential oils for the effectiveness of treatment of angina, but also actively used to relieve the symptoms of the disease. This oil is obtained from the purified grains of fruits (internal contents of bones).
When applied to the oral mucosa, it promotes their moisturizing and reduces the feeling of dryness and perspiration in the throat, promotes the rapid healing of microcracks and the restoration of inflamed tissues, relieves inflammation and swelling of the throat and tonsils. Moreover, peach seed oil is considered to be one of the safest both for topical application and for oral use, so it is chosen for the treatment of children and expectant mothers.
In the treatment of angina, the most effective procedure is rinsing the throat, which reduces the number of bacteria, moisturize the throat and heal microdamages. For rinses, 5-6 drops of peach oil should be dissolved in a glass of water. Cleaning procedure with this composition should be carried out up to 5 times a day.
Breastfeeds and small children who do not know how to gargle, with a ready-made rinse aid with a finger and moistened in a solution of bandage rub the amygdala.
Adults will benefit from the lubrication of inflamed mucous with pure oil, which has a rather pleasant aroma and does not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, characteristic for fir oil.
Use peach ether for steam inhalations, adding to the water 4-5 drops of oil and inhaling its vapor for at least 10 minutes.
The use of this oil is more effective in catarrhal angina. To treat purulent forms, it should be used in combination with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents.
Butter of lemon
Acid citrus with sun color is listed among the leaders in the content of vitamin C, which is simply irreplaceable for colds, because it can restore immunity and reduce high body temperature. The ethereal little lemon is a concentrate of all those useful substances that are contained in ripe fruits, so its action is stronger than lemon juice.
With sore throat, lemon oil is used in combination with other esters, applying for rinses and inhalations. A few drops of oil can be added to warm drinks recommended for tonsillitis and colds in large volumes. The ether is good for use in aroma lamps and spraying indoors.
Lemon oil has good antioxidant properties, thanks to it any diseases go away faster.
Rosehip oil
Rose hip oil is also appreciated for the high content of vitamin C and other nutrients that provide it with a good anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, softening and wound-healing effect. The greatest benefit it brings, if used to lubricate the inflamed tonsils, but it can also be added to the rinsing composition. Thermal procedures with oil of lemon or dogrose are best avoided, because in this case, the destruction of such a valuable vitamin C.
Eucalyptus oil
This incredibly aromatic ether is often used to treat diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. It promotes the rapid healing of inflamed mucous throat, effectively fights pathogens, facilitates breathing and promotes more efficient sputum discharge. Eucalyptus is also useful as an excellent stimulant of immunity.
With angina, eucalyptus essential oil is used to rinse the sore throat. In this case, a glass of warm water should be added no more than 2 drops of oil. 2-3 procedures on the first day of the disease, and the next morning the patient will feel a noticeable relief of symptoms: a decrease in temperature, intensity of sore throat, edema of the mucous.
Eucalyptus oil treatment is suitable for both catarrhal and purulent forms of angina due to the good disinfecting action of the active substance. In chronic angina, rinsing of the throat will increase local immunity and reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease, and if acute, they will prevent complications.
Cacao butter
This is a bit unusual oil, which can be attributed to essential oils with great stretch, although the product has a rich flavor of chocolate. The fact is that the consistency of this oil is firm, and with angina it is measured not by drops, but by pieces.
Cocoa butter was used most often for the treatment of cough and bronchitis, but over time, its healing properties in acute tonsillitis were found. The cocoa butter melts easily (the melting point is 32 degrees), so it can be used in the same recipes as the butter, adding a piece (5-10 g or melted 1-2 tsp) to warm milk with honey or without it. The oil will perfectly soften the throat, relieve pain and perspiration, promote the regeneration of damaged mucosal tissues, and when coughing - contribute to an easier sputum discharge.
The aroma of chocolate attracts small sweet tooth, so they like cacao-based medicines even more than those in which butter is added. But it's good, when the treatment of the disease passes without tears and persuasion. True, oil alone can not cure angina, and can not do without taking medication.