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Application of tea tree oil
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Application of tea tree oil covers several areas of use: medical and cosmetology. Essential oil is a strong antiseptic that helps to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. In addition, it affects the body's immune system by stimulating it.
Oil perfectly "calms" the bronchi, thereby reducing their spasm and, accordingly, coughing. In addition, it activates the process of sputum evacuation, making it less viscous. As a result, the accumulated sputum does not stagnate and does not lead to the attachment of a secondary infection.
Oil perfectly copes with catarrhal diseases, which are accompanied by laryngitis, tonsillitis, as well as with inflammatory or fungal infection of the vaginal mucosa. An anesthetic effect was also noted for toothache and anti-inflammatory in case of gingivitis and periodontitis.
In the presence of psychoemotional stress, essential oil has a calming effect, eliminating anxiety, fear, as a result of which a person's performance improves and the concentration ability improves.
In cosmetology practice, oil is used as a component of creams, masks, lotions or shampoos. It eliminates dandruff and resists acne, inflammatory pimples, damage to warts and fungi.
Tea Tree Oil in Pregnancy
Tea tree oil during pregnancy is allowed to use exclusively for external use without ingestion. During pregnancy, a woman may be troubled by symptoms of thrush, such as itching, discharge and redness of the skin. In addition, the oil is effective in the presence of ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity.
Oral intake of oil can adversely affect the fetus. Despite the relative safety of external use, it is still necessary to consult a doctor before use to avoid complications from the mother and fetus.
The use of tea tree oil during pregnancy in the event of ulcerative mucosal defects in the mouth, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a special solution. It is enough to add a few drops of oil in a glass of water. Due to its antiseptic action, the agent reduces inflammatory reaction and stimulates regenerative processes.
Foot baths with oil will help to get rid not only of fungal lesions of the nail plate and skin, but also will calm and relax the body of the pregnant woman.
Tea tree oil for children
The use of tea tree oil in children is allowed only after 10 years of age. Despite a small percentage of allergic reactions to oil, it is recommended to check the reaction to oil on a small part of the body before use. The allergy test is performed on the forearm, where the skin is thin and sensitive.
Tea tree oil for children is widely used for respiratory illnesses, because in childhood, according to the frequency, ARVI occupies one of the leading positions. In addition, given the fact that the most common clinical manifestations of viral infections are a runny nose and sore throat due to pharyngitis, so oil is especially effective in this case.
Also, children often have bronchitis, so essential oil can be used for inhalation. They reduce spasm of the bronchi, help reduce the viscosity of sputum and its excretion.
Oil in children effectively anesthetizes and relieves inflammation when the integrity of the skin is compromised in the results of trauma or the effects of flame.
Tea Tree Oil for Weight Loss
Tea tree oil for weight loss is most often used in combination with other oils, which ensures maximum effect. Oils promote the burning of fat deposits, strengthen the collagen structures of the skin, inhibit the process of fat deposition, activate blood circulation and act as antioxidants.
The use of tea tree oil for weight loss as a component of the mixture allows it to be used for massage, grinding or aroma. The recipe requires the following oils: almonds - 5 ml, grapefruit - 10 droplets and tea tree - 5. By combining these ingredients, you get an effective means for losing weight.
In addition, instead of almonds, which is the basis for this mass, you can add a regular cream or milk. The main point is not to allow the use of mineral oils, as they interfere with the penetration of nutrients from other oils, forming a kind of film on the surface of the skin.
To achieve the goal you need to regularly use this tool and do not forget about proper nutrition and sport, and then the result will not keep you waiting.
Tea tree oil from mold
Mold is a fungus inhabitant of moist warm corners. It causes very much harm, both to surrounding objects, and to human health. In addition, excretion of the fungus is a laborious process.
Tea tree oil from mold is considered to be the most effective among modern natural preparations. To remove the fungus will require a small amount of oil, so one bottle is enough for several cleaning.
The advantage of the oil is its harmlessness for children and animals, therefore, observing certain dosages, it can be used even in children's rooms, however without the presence of children. It is better to first ventilate the room, and then allow the kids to return. Due to the strong antifungal property mold will soon disappear.
Applying tea tree oil from a mold of 5 ml is enough to add a glass of water and apply the spray on the mold. It is also possible to use such a concentration to impregnate the rag and remove the mold. However, cleaning should be done in gloves in order to avoid the development of allergic skin reactions.
Tea tree oil with a cold
Tea tree oil with a cold can be applied in a fairly simple way - apply a small amount of oil on the wings and the area under the nose (not more than the 1st drop). A more laborious process is considered inhalation with oil. It is necessary to drip 1-2 drops of oil in water with a temperature above 50 degrees and breathe over the bowl, providing a closed space above it.
With a preventive purpose baths are used. To make it, just dilute 5 drops of oil in a third of a glass of water and pour the resulting solution into a bath. The water temperature should not exceed 50 degrees.
The relaxation time is 5-10 minutes, starting from the minimum time. Tea tree oil in the cold can be used with aromatherapy. You need to drop a drop of oil in the water and light a candle under the aroma lamp. Oil vapors help get rid of cephalalgia, nasal congestion and activate immune processes.
In addition, an aromatherapy session with essential oil will help calm down, relieve fatigue, stress and anxiety.
Tea tree oil for colds
Everyone knows that the main clinical manifestations of colds are nasal congestion, cephalalgia, sore throat and weakness. However, not everyone is aware that essential oils can quickly get rid of these symptoms.
Tea tree oil for colds is used for aromatherapy. With its help you can fight against viruses and bacteria. In addition, essential oils perfectly tone up the body's immune defense.
Stopping your choice on tea tree oil, you can be sure that in the process of aromatherapy, the death of infectious agents will occur, the intensity of the inflammatory reaction will decrease, and the temperature will decrease.
Tea tree oil for colds can be used in the form of monotherapy or in combination with other oils. To conduct the procedure, boil 1.5 liters of water, cover yourself with a towel over the bowl and add a couple drops of oil. Then, for 5-7 minutes, you need to inhale the vapors. After the procedure, it is necessary to additionally rub the foot with oil and wrap it in a blanket.
For aromatherapy, you can combine tea tree with eucalyptus in equal volume, 2 drops with lavender and eucalyptus, or with sage and mint. In general, recipes - for every taste, depending on whether the coca effect is necessary. However, before aromatherapy, you should consult your doctor about its use.
Tea tree oil for coughing
Cough accompanies many respiratory diseases, including acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, tonsillitis and other pathological conditions, which were complicated by tracheitis or bronchitis.
At the beginning of the development of cough, it can be both dry and immediately moist with sputum discharge. However, in the case of a viscous secretion of the bronchi, it can not exit without medical assistance, as a result of which pain in the chest is observed. To this end, it is necessary to use means to facilitate the drainage function of the bronchi.
Tea tree oil for cough is recommended to use in the form of inhalations, especially if the bronchitis in children. It is worth remembering that there is a restriction on age for the treatment of essential oil - this is 10 years.
Application of tea tree oil for cough is allowed in the volume of 10 drops in the inhaler or one drop - on the baby's pillow. Adults can apply 5 droplets on a handkerchief and during the day to conduct the so-called aromatherapy. In addition, they can breathe over a steam of boiling water with the addition of a few drops of essential oil for 5 minutes. The oil will provide relaxation of the bronchi and a decrease in the viscosity of the sputum, which favorably affects the process of secretion.
Tea tree oil with angina
The healing properties of the oil provide a strong antiseptic effect, so a solution based on tea tree can fight with angina. The causative agent of angina is bacteria, which, through their toxins, affect the mucous membranes of the tonsils and oropharynx, resulting in a reaction of the body to the damaging factor.
Thus, there is swelling, redness and even the appearance of purulent raids. This may be the so-called "white grains" or purulent masses in lacunae or furrows of tonsils.
Tea tree oil in angina was first used in Australia by Maurice Humphrey in the 30th years of the 20th century. His discovery was published in the journal, since then oil has been widely used to treat inflammatory foci of the oral cavity, pharynx, in particular, angina.
Further, the popularity of oil captured America and England. As a result, the possibilities of tea tree began to be used not only to treat the throat, but also other pathology.
The use of tea tree oil in angina gives an effect when certain proportions are observed. So, you should use a rinse solution several times a day with a concentration not exceeding 2 drops per glass of comfortable temperature water.
Tea tree oil with genyantema
Sinusitis is a consequence of chronic rhinitis, whose treatment was ineffective, as well as in the presence of concomitant pathology of the nasal sinuses with a predisposition to stasis secretions. When he does not have access to the exit or the process is very slow, secondary infection occurs with the formation of purulent masses.
Clinical manifestations of sinusitis are headache, fever, heaviness and pain in the area of the paranasal sinuses and forehead. Tea tree oil in sinusitis can reduce the severity of symptoms and activate the drainage function for outflow of a viscous secretion.
Tea tree oil with genyantritis in the form of steam baths is used in the stage of chronic inflammation. To carry them out, a small bowl with 2 cups and 5 drops of oil is needed. Water should be above 50 degrees, only in this case the procedure will be effective. Three times a day you need to hold such steam baths.
In addition, this procedure is used as a prophylaxis of sinusitis with a prolonged runny nose. It is also effective to wash the nasal passages with a solution of 100 ml of water and 5 drops of oil. It is desirable for this to use a special device for washing.
Tea tree oil for adenoids
In order for adenoids to be successfully defeated, it is necessary not only to use essential oil, but also to act with other solutions. Tea tree oil in adenoids is recommended to be used in a diluted form in order to avoid trauma to the mucous membrane.
Before using essential oil, you should clean the nasal cavity from the detachable and crusts. To this end, it is desirable to use the saline solution in the finished form or prepared with your own hands. It will require an incomplete teaspoon of salt for a glass of water with a comfortable temperature.
For washing it is desirable to use a special device. After a quarter of an hour after washing, you need to drip the essential oil. If, during this period of time, nasal cavities are again blocked, then it is recommended to drip with any vasoconstrictor.
Now, after waiting another 10 minutes, you can use the oil. Tea tree oil in adenoids should be prepared in a certain concentration: one part of the oil should take 10 parts of olive oil. Bury the solution three times a day for a couple of weeks.
Tea tree oil for otitis
Otitis is most often manifested by pain syndrome, exudation, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Before using any means for local effects, you should check the integrity of the tympanic membrane.
The use of tea tree oil in otitis perfectly relieves pain and reduces exudation. This is due to the antiseptic effect of the agent, which ensures the death of pathogens. As a result, the process of recovery is faster, since there is no secondary infection.
Despite this, the main task in the treatment is the elimination of the causative factor, which became a starting point in the development of otitis media. Tea tree oil should be diluted before use, since a concentrated solution may damage the integrity of the skin.
To make it is enough to make a solution in a ratio of 1: 5, diluting the oil with boiled water. Then it is necessary to soak a cotton swab and place it in the external auditory canal, but do not go too far. In order to cover the tampon with the drug, you need to use a piece of cotton wool.
Tea tree oil with tonsillitis
Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of oil are used in the practice of ENT doctor, as it effectively affects the inflammatory process in the mouth and promotes early healing of wounds.
Tea tree oil in case of tonsillitis with a volume of 4 drops per glass of water should be used to rinse the throat three times a day. On the first day, the effect may not yet be noticeable, but starting from the second day, the pain syndrome will decrease, and the reddening will gradually turn pink.
Using tea tree oil in tonsillitis for 5 days, it becomes possible to reduce the tonsils in the amount of chronic tonsillitis and relieve the clinical manifestations.
Also, as a preventive method, you can use oil, as with the appearance of the slightest pain in the throat it is enough to rinse 2-3 times and inflammation will not develop longer. Tea tree can be used in combination with eucalyptus, as a result of which the effect will develop more rapidly than with monotherapy.
Tea tree oil with hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a common pathology of the venous system, when the hemorrhoidal veins do not cope with their work, as a result of which there is inflammation of the nodes with an increase in their volume. Most often, a factor that predisposes to the development of hemorrhoids is dysfunction of the intestine with frequent constipation.
In addition, the influence of a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy and increased gassing in the intestine is possible. Clinical manifestations of the disease include burning near the anus, drawing pains in the inguinal region and excretion of blood with feces.
Tea tree oil with hemorrhoids can be used both in undiluted form, as an additive to the bath. Due to its anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, oil has a good effect in treatment.
Undiluted, the use of oil as applications with a cotton swab or special rectal suppositories is allowed. Moistened in solution, the tampon is injected into the rectum for 5-10 minutes.
Tea tree oil with hemorrhoids is also used to add 5 drops to a bath of water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. This bath should be taken every day 7-10 days to reduce pain in the anal area and reduce discomfort.
The use of tea tree oil also extends to skin diseases and wounds obtained after a bite or under the influence of a flame or other damaging factor. Due to the antiseptic property, the wound surface is disinfected, which promotes rapid healing.
Especially it concerns wounds with the presence of purulent masses and with pain syndrome. Even with a tick bite, essential oil helps to get rid of it.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Application of tea tree oil" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.