

MRI diagnostics

MRI of the wrist joint

The wrist joint has many features: despite its small size, this articulation is subjected to constant and significant loads.

MRI of the joints of the hands

Magnetic resonance imaging of extremities allows you to carefully diagnose the condition of bone and soft tissues, joints. MRI provides a three-dimensional image.

MRI of the knee: what shows the decoding of the results

The knee is one of the joints that is most often subjected to various injuries and injuries, both in childhood and in the elderly.

MRI of the lumbar spine

Back pain, impaired mobility and sensitivity of the body in the lumbar region, difficulties with changing the posture, flexion and extension of the trunk are all symptoms that disrupt the habitual life, creating problems in everyday life and at work that limit the activity of a person.

MRI of the elbow joint

Indications for magnetic resonance imaging include trauma, as well as inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of this joint, accompanied by pain and mobility restriction.

MRI of the shoulder joint

And although the danger of x-ray radiation, used in modern radiography and computer tomography devices, is significantly exaggerated, human health is nevertheless put on the forefront.

MRI of the hip: what does it show and how do they do it?

Magnetic resonance imaging provides the most accurate and detailed images, that is, the maximum information for setting the right diagnosis, and also facilitates differential diagnosis of joint syndromes.

MRI of the eye orbits

Magnetic resonance imaging - a method of diagnostic research of various human organs, combining the knowledge of nuclear physics and medicine.

MRI of the ankle: preparation, technique

Today, magnetic resonance imaging is increasingly being used to diagnose various internal and external injuries and injuries. It is used in various fields of medical practice: from gastroenterology and neurosurgery to traumatology and orthopedics.

MRI of the pituitary: evidence, preparation, how to do, normal results

The diagnostic radial method, to which magnetic resonance imaging belongs, is one of the most informative methods for determining even small changes in the structure of tissues.


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