Excretions in cervical erosion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Allocations during erosion of the cervix are not observed in all cases, since local pathological changes in its mucosa may not manifest itself in any way.
Often a woman does not even know that she has erosion, and turns to the gynecologist only with the appearance of abnormal leucorrhoea.
Causes of the discharge during cervical erosion
In clinical gynecology, the causes of excretions in cervical erosion are associated with the etiology of this epithelial damage. Pathological processes include cervical ectopy (i.e., actually endocervicosis), congenital ectopia, ectropion (postnatal reversal of the cervical canal), and simple leukoplakia (corneal mucosa in the form of a prominent white spot) and erythroplasty (red spot with atrophied epithelial cells) .
In addition, the pathogenesis of cervical erosion (ectopia) is associated with factors such as sporadic or pre-existing infections, menstrual disorders and gender hormone imbalances (especially in young women taking birth control pills), mechanical post-coital lesions of the altered mucosa. Thus, with inflammation of the mucosa consisting of a multilayered flat epithelium, its loosening occurs, followed by desquamation and the entry of deceased cells into the vaginal secret.
Intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs) can lead to endocervicosis and belyh , especially if they are used for a long time.
Symptoms of the discharge during cervical erosion
The main symptoms, more precisely, varieties of leucorrhoea largely depend on the causes.
Bloody discharge during erosion of the cervix can appear after sexual intercourse - as a result of mechanical damage to the erosion site. When a woman discovers brownish or pink discharge, this is also evidence of the presence of an admixture of blood in them. They can give the presence on the mucosa endocervix leukoplakia, erythroplasty or polyps. Since through the cervix in the vagina get whites from the uterus, it must be borne in mind that the pathology can be exacerbated, for example, chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometritis).
If there are yellow secretions, then most likely, in addition to mucosal damage, the activated bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus haemolyticus, as well as Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, will be detected.
In the presence of genital candidiasis (caused by fungus Candida thrush) white whites are noted.
But the mucopurulent and purulent discharge in case of erosion of the cervix is a signal of the development of a serious inflammatory process of an infectious nature associated with such pathogens as Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Mycoplasma genitalium, Human herpesvirus 5. That is, the patient can be identified vulvitis, vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, various cervical canal diseases (eg, purulent cervicitis).
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Diagnostics of the discharge during cervical erosion
Diagnosis begins with a routine gynecological examination of the patient. A colposcopy is also used, in which the endocervix is examined by a special instrument equipped with a minimiscroscope.
Patients must pass tests:
- a smear from the vagina to determine the composition of microflora;
- a blood test for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV;
- molecular (PCR) diagnostics for detection of herpes and human papillomaviruses, chlamydia, myco-and ureaplasma and other infections.
To determine the presence of atypical cells and exclude oncology, a biopsy of eroded tissues and their cytological examination is carried out.
For effective treatment it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the pathology, therefore, differential diagnosis is necessary, which allows excluding other diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis, vaginal infections (vaginitis, colpitis), cervical canal lesions and cervical dysplasia.
How to examine?
What tests are needed?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the discharge during cervical erosion
Treatment of discharge during erosion of the cervix can be carried out conservatively - with the help of pharmacological agents. A radical method of treating this pathology is the destruction of the affected tissue.
When prescribing drugs for whites, gynecologists take into account an anamnesis, a general clinical picture of the pathology, the presence of a microbial or viral infection, the intensity of the inflammatory process, and other factors. Therefore, antibiotics and antifungal agents can be used.
Anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory suppository Depantol (Chlorhexidine, Hexicon) effectively fight with many bacteria, candida fungus and herpesvirus. And the component dexpanthenol (a derivative of vitamin B5) promotes the regeneration of cells damaged by the mucosa. These suppositories are used intravaginally - one suppository twice a day, the course of treatment - up to 10 days.
Bactericidal suppositories Betadine is used by insertion into the vagina (once or twice during the day). The drug also has a bactericidal, antifungal and antiviral effect.
The vaginal granules of Polizinax contain antibiotics (polymyxin and neomycin sulfate) and an antifungal drug nystatin, which is effective for bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis of various etiologies. It is recommended to administer one granule per day, the duration of application is determined by the attending physician (from 6 to 12 days).
If drug therapy did not lead to a complete cure, cauterization of ectopic epithelium - electrocoagulation or destruction by chemicals, liquefied nitrogen or laser. Possible discharge after treatment of cervical erosion by such methods.
Specialists explain the discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion by the fact that the destroyed tissue is rejected by the mucosa and is taken out. The release of the prune area of the mucosa from the scab (about the end of the second week after the procedure) explains the yellow discharge after cauterization. Often there are pink discharge (with a mucus), which is also a natural temporary consequence of this method of treatment. A woman should be alerted with bright bloody leucorrhoea, and in this case it is necessary to immediately call a doctor.
Alternative treatment and homeopathy
Here the basic means - sea buckthorn oil and natural honey, which have long been used and quite effective.
It is recommended to inject a sterile tampon with sea buckthorn oil for the night, alternating with honey (for 15 days). You can add honey to honey with aloe. It is also advised to use propolis to impregnate the tampon, dissolving the tablet of the drug in a small amount of boiled water. Treatment of herbs secretions during erosion of the cervix is carried out with the use of syringings with St. John's Wort, flowers of calendula or chamomile, sage, celandine.
When excretions, medicinal plants (calendula and thuja) are also used. In addition, with abundant vaginal whites (yellow or with a trace of blood), homeopaths designate metallic silver in the form of Argentum metallicum or Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate). If discharge during erosion is white, then Calcium carbonicum (calcium carbonate) and Carbo animalis can be used. Offensive leucorrhoea is treated with Carbolicum acidum (carbolic acid), stiff purulent leucorrhoea requires the appointment of dicarbic potassium - Kali bichromicum, which, according to homeopaths, can treat even syphilis.
With bloody discharge, homeopathic remedies such as Sulfuricum acidum, Phosphorus, Kreosotum (beech tar) can be used. Alternative treatment with these drugs does not guarantee the cessation of excretions in endocervicosis and especially getting rid of the disease itself.
According to gynecologists, the prevention of this symptom is treatment of ectopia of the cervical epithelium, and to detect it - visit the women's consultation at least once a year. And, of course, every woman needs to take care of her health and observe the rules of intimate hygiene.
The prognosis of discharge during erosion of the cervix with a timely treatment is positive.