Treatment of cervical erosion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Erosion of the cervix is diagnosed in every second woman, however, this diagnosis requires additional clarification.
It is worth noting that the treatment of cervical erosion requires an individual and integrated approach. First of all, the specialist removes the inflammatory process. The complex of therapeutic measures depends on the structure and magnitude of the lesion, the condition of the patient, the concomitant diseases. All appointments should be done only by a doctor.
If erosion is diagnosed in a young girl who does not give birth, in the absence of complications, the gynecologist prefers conservative methods of therapy.
Particular importance is given to medicines, nowadays anti-inflammatory drugs, hormone therapy, antibacterial and antiviral agents are being widely used, as well as local drugs that have a general strengthening and immunostimulating effect.
In the early stages of diseases and the timely implementation of a set of therapeutic measures, ectopia of the cervical epithelium can be eliminated without resorting to surgical means.
With conservative treatment often prescribed topical preparations, which are applied directly to the damaged mucosa, cauterize the wound. This method leads to the formation of a crust on the site of endocervicosis. A few days later the crust itself departs.
Usually, this method of therapy is prescribed for small erosive lesions.
Recently, therapy with polychromatic light has become very popular. This method is suitable for young, not giving birth to girls, it has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, restoring effect.
The procedure is carried out by a doctor using a special device that emits ultraviolet and infrared light. Such therapy takes place without destruction of cellular structures, which is important for young girls, to speed up the healing process.
The method of cauterization of the foci of lesion with liquid nitrogen, laser, electric current, and the radio wave method is most effective.
Methods of treatment of cervical erosion
There are several methods for treating cervical erosion, which are radically different from each other: laser, radio wave, cryodestruction, and conservative.
In each case, the doctor chooses the most appropriate method for the particular patient. When choosing a method, the specialist should take into account the cause of the development of ectopia, the features of the course of the disease, the condition of the woman.
Laser therapy has become increasingly popular due to its effectiveness and safety. During the process, the doctor controls the strength and depth of penetration of the laser beam, while the beam is directed exclusively at the affected part of the mucosa.
The advantage is that the pathological cells disappear and there is no scars or other tissue changes in the place of endocervicosis. Appointed mainly to young, nulliparous girls.
Radiowave therapy consists in the influence of radio waves on the damaged parts of the mucosa. The experts have not yet studied the effect of this method, so little is known about its effectiveness and adverse reactions. After the end of the course, there is no scars left on the tissues, besides, it is completely painless, but despite this, some doctors prefer other methods.
Treatment of erosion of the cervix with nitrogen is called cryodestruction. This technology consists in exposure to the affected part of the epithelium with liquid nitrogen, which has a very low temperature and literally freezes the cells. Frozen cells subsequently die off, leaving a healthy part of the mucosa. Cryodestruction does not cause the patient unpleasant sensations or pain, and also does not lead to tissue scarring.
Conservative methods of treatment are based on the use of drugs that are applied to the damaged part of the mucosa and lead to the death of pathological cells in the place of which new healthy cells form.
Widely used drugs such as solvkagin, vagotil.
Many women cure uterus erosion scares more than the development of the disease itself, as they have heard of various complications after therapy. However, all possible complications can not cause significant damage to a woman's health, and modern drugs reduce the probability of complications to almost zero.
Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women
First of all, after treatment on the tissues may remain scarring, in addition, the permeability of the cervical canal is impaired, which will complicate the process of conception. Therefore, gynecologists prefer methods that maximally preserve the mucous membrane and prevent adhesion in the abdominal cavity.
Laser vaporization is one of the most common treatment methods for ectopy, which are assigned to young girls. Vaporization is carried out in the gynecologist's office, and after the procedure, the patient undergoes a recovery period at home.
The principle of the method is to act on the lesion by a laser beam. The peculiarity of this technique is that healthy cells remain intact. The whole procedure takes about half an hour and passes under general anesthesia. In advance, the patient is given an examination of the gynecologist, diagnosing with a colposcope (to exclude the malignant nature of the pathological process).
After laser vaporization, the patient quickly returns to the usual life, the allocation after the procedure is minor, and the period of abstinence from sex is minimal.
The advantage of this technique is that the cervical canal remains intact, which is especially important for young girls.
However, like any other method, laser vaporization has its contraindications, which include diseases of the reproductive system with severe bleeding, inflammation of the peritoneum, including herpes, the virus of the papilloma.
Treatment of erosion of the cervix of large size can be conservative or operative. The basis of therapy is complex and individual approach to the patient.
Nondegenerate patients are usually prescribed conservative therapy with anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, hormonal drugs.
Operative methods include cryodestruction and diathermocoagulation (cauterization with high temperatures). After such procedures, the recovery period is quite long, in addition, scars form on the mucosa.
A good efficacy in the therapy of large ectopies is laser therapy, which today is considered the most effective and safe.
Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion
Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion has become increasingly popular in recent times. The procedure is carried out with the help of the Surgitron apparatus, which allows not only to treat, but also to diagnose some diseases on the cervix.
This method is practically painless and does not lead to heavy bleeding, affects the minimum number of healthy cells. After the procedure, the patient quickly restores working capacity.
It is an apparatus that emits radio waves and evaporates the erosive process on the mucous membrane, while leaving no burns or scarring, in addition, the probability of complications during pregnancy and childbirth after radio wave therapy with the swargon is extremely low.
The procedure lasts only a few minutes and is practically painless. After treatment, the patient may have minor discharge, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which is quite normal.
After therapy, it is not recommended to swim in ponds, bath, lifting weights, and also it's worth while to refrain from sex for some time.
Before prescribing radio wave therapy with the aid of the sargitron apparatus, the physician prescribes a complete examination of the patient, which includes several tests and additional examinations. First of all, a specialist should exclude the presence of inflammatory processes, mental abnormalities, diabetes mellitus. Also, a low blood coagulability is a contraindication.
Treatment of erosion of the cervix with a modern radio wave device Fotek refers to completely new methods of surgical intervention.
The device allows the specialist to perform the operation without traumatizing tissues, thermal destruction, etc.
During the procedure, the patient does not experience discomfort, after the operation there is no scarring, swelling, and the likelihood of re-development of the disease is extremely low.
Radio wave treatment Fotekom appointed on the 5th-7th day of the cycle, the procedure lasts for several minutes, complete recovery is noted through one menstrual cycle.
After surgery, the patient is given control examinations for six months.
Prior to therapy, a specialist prescribes an ultrasound study, a cytological study to exclude a malignant process, a general clinical study,
Treatment of cervical erosion by laser
Treatment of cervical erosion with a laser beam is now considered one of the most effective and reliable methods. Laser therapy or laser coagulation is the so-called evaporation of erosive lesions. The laser beam affects only the affected areas, while healthy cells remain intact.
After laser therapy, the formation of a new layer of epithelium at the site of ectopia occurs within 25-30 days, which reduces the likelihood of endometriosis.
After the procedure, a woman may have watery or slight spotting. If necessary, the specialist prescribes a suppository with anti-inflammatory effect (sea buckthorn, hexicon, etc.) to prevent inflammation.
After the procedure of cauterization of erosion by the laser during the first month, it is recommended to abandon sex, otherwise the risk of infection and complications of the wound healing process is increased.
After laser therapy, patients who plan pregnancy should abstain from conception within three months (during this period the mucosa is completely restored and the probability of conception will be maximum).
Radiosurgical treatment
Treatment of erosion of the cervix by the radiosurgical method has several advantages. First of all, one can distinguish the contactlessness of the method, which prevents infection and the development of inflammation.
Also after the procedure natural processes of tissue regeneration are activated, which has been exposed to radio waves. As a result, this method not only allows you to remove the ectopia, but also triggers the recovery capabilities of the patient's body.
After the radiosurgical effect, the elasticity of the tissue is completely preserved, the cervix retains the ability to open, which is important for patients who are planning a pregnancy in the future.
The recovery period after this method is quite short, the patient's general well-being after the operation is good, she can practically lead a habitual life without any restrictions.
In addition, after the removal of endocervicosis by radiosurgical method, recurrences of the disease practically do not happen.
Basically, radiosurgical removal of ectopy occurs with the Surgitron apparatus, which by means of the thermal action of radio waves excludes tissue. During the procedure, healthy cells located near the lesion are practically not affected. After removing the affected area, new healthy epithelial cells form in its place.
It is worth noting that before the start of therapy, a specialist must necessarily perform a cervical tissue biopsy to exclude oncology (in the malignant process, radio-wave therapy is contraindicated).
After the procedure, the patient may have spotting, spasms.
The process of recovery largely depends on the woman, after therapy it is recommended to limit the physical activities as much as possible, exclude trips to swimming pools, saunas, swimming in rivers, ponds and other open water bodies, and also to refrain from sexual intimacy. With all the recommendations, the recovery period is much faster.
Electric current treatment
Appointed by a doctor in the case when the medicines did not show the proper effect. This method is divided into several types, and in each individual case, experts choose the most sparing and effective. Several factors influence the choice of the method: the cause of the development of pathology, the characteristics of the organism, the size of the ectopia,
It is one of the ways to cauterize erosion. After the procedure, blood flows intensively to the site of the lesion, which stimulates the regenerative process.
After such therapy, a scar forms on the site of the ectopia and the pathology completely passes.
Before the current treatment specialist appoints drugs to restore the flora of the vagina, an examination for the detection of infectious diseases, a biopsy for suspected malignant process.
Diathermocoagulation leads to a local burn. The equipment for this procedure is in any gynecological department, so the method is widely distributed, besides the cost of diathermocoagulation is relatively low. But cauterization by a current is a rather painful procedure, because the current leads to a strong reduction in muscle fibers, which causes the patient pain, similar to contractions during childbirth. Damage to adjacent healthy tissue is also possible, as a result of which a coarser scar remains after the therapy, and the healing process takes longer.
Home treatment
Treatment of cervical erosion at home is possible only under certain conditions.
First of all, with this pathology, it is better not to engage in self-medication, since almost every remedy has a number of contraindications and before consulting a specialist consultation is recommended.
Endocervicosis is a dangerous enough pathology and in the absence of proper therapy, the process can develop into a malignant one.
Home treatment of this pathology is long, and to completely get rid of the disease it may take several courses.
In order to maximize the effect of therapy, it is recommended to combine several means, for example, douching should be combined with the introduction of tampons impregnated with a medicinal mixture or taking medication.
Conservative treatment
It is usually prescribed when a patient has a concomitant disease. First of all, the specialist eliminates the cause of the appearance of ectopia, if necessary, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of alternative medicine (syringe decoction of herbs, tampons).
The cervix of the uterus (with a benign nature of education) is treated with drugs that contain acid. This method of therapy is also called chemical coagulation and is more suitable for patients who are planning a pregnancy in the future. However, the main disadvantage of such therapy is a high probability of relapse.
Vaginal Candles
Treatment of cervical erosion with candles (purchased at the pharmacy or prepared independently) is prescribed for local exposure to the affected area. However, despite the fact that the suppository eliminates the inflammatory processes, it helps to restore the damaged mucosa, the cause of the disease remains, therefore, in combination with the suppository, it is necessary to use preparations to restore the vaginal microflora.
Such a complex of medical measures, usually, is assigned to women planning future pregnancies, young girls.
Therapy consists in prescribing tablets, suppositories and other topical preparations.
When erosion, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial pills are prescribed, which heal the affected mucosa and eliminate the cause of the disease.
When ectopic often appointed tablets Terzhinan, which have anti-inflammatory effect and destroy many pathogens of infectious diseases (bacteria, fungi, etc.), in addition, Terginan supports the natural microflora of the vagina.
Alternative treatment
Treatment of erosion of the cervix by alternative methods will be effective only with small lesions of the mucosa, otherwise such therapy can significantly worsen the well-being and lead to undesirable consequences.
One of the effective alternative methods of fighting endocervicosis are pumpkin tampons.
This requires the pulp of raw pumpkin, which must be wrapped in cheesecloth and well tied, leaving rather long tips. The resulting tampon should be inserted into the vagina and left overnight. Duration of the course is 4 days.
Another effective way of treating pathology is tinctures from the herb of winter-lovers. You can prepare the tincture yourself - pour 50g of crushed dry grass with alcohol or vodka (0.5L) and insist for two weeks in a dark place, periodically shaking the jar.
After this, strain and take 15g (1 tablespoon) three times a day for 30 minutes before eating.
Tincture you need to drink to the end.
In combination with tincture, you can use an onion tampon, which requires one small bulb (preferably an oblong form) and melted butter. The bulb should be wrapped with gauze and leave long tips for a more convenient extraction of the tampon. The bulb in the gauze is soaked with hot oil for 5-7 minutes, then injected into the vagina at night. The course of therapy - 10 tampons.
1-2 hours before the introduction of a tampon with a bulb, it is recommended to make a syringing with a decoction of marigold (2 tablespoons of flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 4 hours).
After removing the tampon, it is necessary to rinse the vagina with a broth of onion husks (pour a half-shell of 0.5 liter of boiling water and insist an hour).
You can also use tampons with natural aloe juice (1 tablespoon), castor oil (5-7 drops), honey (0.5 tbsp).
The tampon impregnated with the drug mixture is injected into the vagina at night for 15 days. In the morning, after removing the tampon, you must do douching with the decoction of marigold.
According to alternative healers, it is quite a powerful tool and helps to cure even neglected forms of the disease.
As a remedy, douching with the following solution is recommended: for 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. Salt and 1 tsp. Soda, all boil and cool. Douche twice a day for two weeks.
Using leeches
Treatment of cervical erosion with the help of leeches should be carried out only under the supervision of a hirudotherapist. Leeches refers to one of the most powerful tools that help restore health. As a rule, the course consists of 3-4 procedures, 3-5 leeches are used at a time.
The specialist puts leeches in the perineum, the area above the womb, groin, inside the vagina.
But it is worth noting that leeches are contraindicated for violations of blood coagulability, severe forms of anemia, during pregnancy, malignant processes, reduced pressure.
Honey does not irritate the delicate mucous, thanks to its unique composition it promotes healing, eliminates inflammation. Thanks to the properties of honey, some experts recommend using honey to treat erosion in pregnant women.
Treatment with honey shows good results, but it is worth remembering that this therapy is contraindicated in cases of allergies to honey or other beekeeping products.
There are various recipes for the treatment of erosion with the addition of honey:
- syringing - for 200ml of warm water 15g of honey, the mixture should be allowed to infuse for about 10 minutes, so that the honey is completely dissolved. Douching with honey solution is better done at night, then it is recommended to insert a suppository with honey into the vagina.
- The course of therapy - 7-10 douches.
- candles with honey - tincture of propolis (1 tsp), butter (150 g), natural honey (75 g). All ingredients must be melt in a water bath, thoroughly mixed. After cooling, small suppositories are formed from the mixture and are removed to the refrigerator.
The suppository should be inserted into the vagina (preferably after syringing with honey water) overnight.
Suppositories with honey are a very effective method, and even with severe forms of the disease, when there are secretions.
The course of therapy - 10 days.
- honey tampons - a prepared swab (wrap a small piece of cotton wool with gauze or a wide bandage, leaving long ends) soak with natural honey and put into the vagina for the night. This method is recommended for patients who have severe discharge. At first the procedure can cause unpleasant or painful sensations, but after 2-3 procedures the discomfort should pass.
- tampons with honey and aloe - peeled from the aloe skin, mix with 5g of honey, carefully form a tampon of gauze or a wide bandage with long ends, in the middle of which instead of cotton wool, put in a mixture of honey and aloe. Tampons are administered overnight for 10 days.
Treatment of cervical erosion with herbs
Treatment with herbs is possible as an additional means to basic therapy.
A decoction of St. John's wort that helps to remove inflammation and heal the mucous membrane. To prepare the broth you need to take 15 g of dry grass and 200 ml of water, all boil for 10 minutes on a small fire, then strain.
The broth should be drunk for 0.5 cup in the morning before meals.
Also noticeably improve the condition will help the decoction of the flowers of the bed. For the broth you need 45g of dried flowers, 300 ml of water, boil the mixture for about 5 minutes, after cooling, drain the mixture. Drink the resulting broth during a meal of 100ml in the morning and in the evening. Therapy lasts 10 days.
To heal damage on the mucosa will help juice fresh nettle. It will require fresh juice of grass from 5-6 small twigs. To prepare the juice you need to wash the nettle twigs, finely cut with a knife and squeeze juice using a gauze or a wide bandage.
Impregnated with a juice tampon from gauze to enter into the vagina for at least two hours.
The course continues until complete extinction of ectopia.
Remove erosive lesions and restore the normal microflora with the help of the rhizome of thick-leaved balan. For the broth you need 45 g of dry roots and 200 ml of boiling water. Mixture on a small fire boil for about half an hour, then immediately strain and warm (you can pour into a thermos), let it brew for 24 hours.
The broth is used warm for douching before bedtime. The therapy will last 14 days.
Cure endocervicosis can be with the help of alcohol tincture of the marry root (peony evading).
For tinctures you need 75 g of dry roots and 0.5 liters of vodka.
The mixture must be infused in a cold dark place for at least 30 days.
Take tincture you need 15ml together with a meal three times a day.
Tincture should drink 15 days, then take a break for 5 days, after which again, repeat the course until the full healing of the mucosa.
Purity also helps to get rid of an unpleasant disease.
For the broth you need 45 g of dry grass and 1 liter of boiling water, insist for at least an hour and strain. The resulting volume should be divided into six equal portions and used as a vaginal flushing (previously diluted a portion of celandine infusion with warm water). Duration of the course is 21 days.
A powerful way to get rid of ectopia is the decoction of wormwood, which should be used if the previous methods did not show the proper effect.
For the decoction, 30 g of grass and 1 liter of water are necessary. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes, drain. Ready to boil should be stored in a cold dark place in a glass jar.
Broth of wormwood is used to wash the vagina (pre-dilute 1:10 with warm water). The procedure is best done before bedtime.
Tincture of calendula and green tea is also an effective method, helping to remove inflammation and heal the mucous. Take 30 g of dried flowers of calendula for tincture, 15 g of green tea, 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is warmed or poured into a thermos bottle and allowed to stand for 24 hours, then strain.
Tincture is used to wash the vagina (pre-dilute 1: 1 with warm water).
The procedure should be performed before bedtime, then it is recommended to enter a gauze swab soaked in this tincture. Douching done before complete healing of the mucosa.
Aloe juice, which helps even in the late stages of the disease, also shows good effectiveness.
For the drug mix, you need 10 large leaves of the plant, whose age is more than years. Leaves to stand in the refrigerator for 10 days, then pass them through a meat grinder and squeeze juice well (through gauze), which is mixed with honey 1: 1. Then add and add pork fat to the mixture (melt 100g in a water bath, lightly cool). From the obtained cooled mixture make small candles that keep in the refrigerator.
Prepared in this way, the suppository should be administered in the morning and evenings in the vagina.
It is recommended to use sanitary napkins, since after a candle on clothes there can be a stain.
The simplest, but rather effective way is the introduction of a peeled aloe leaf wrapped in sterile bandage or gauze for the night.
If you combine with aloe with honey, then you can increase the therapeutic effect several times. On a tampon of gauze, apply a small amount of honey, cover with a cleaned sheet of aloe and gently roll. Tampons should be administered overnight for 10-15 days. This method will not only remove the inflammation, but also normalize the microflora in the vagina.
Also another common and effective way is the introduction of suppositories from melted pig fat (100 g), fresh aloe juice and honey (in equal parts). In the melted pork fat add the rest of the ingredients and cool the mixture (the fat is recommended to melt in a water bath). Then from the received mass to make candles which to store in a refrigeration cabinet.
Suppositories are administered twice a day, the course of therapy is two weeks.
The most famous method is syringing tincture from dried flowers of calendula (2% alcohol solution of calendula diluted with water - 1 tsp per 1/4 of st). However, such treatment is suitable only at the initial stage of the disease.
Douching should be done with warm solution no more than 5 days, as the microflora of the vagina may be disturbed.
Some gynecologists recommend syringing with discomfort, but the important thing in this case is strict adherence to a woman's personal hygiene.
A perfect decoction from the flowers of calendula for drinking.
For the broth you need 30g of calendula and 400ml of boiling water, to insist for several hours and drink 3-4 times a day before meals.
You can also use tampons soaked in calendula tincture. For the tincture you need 200ml of oil (unrefined) and 5g of calendula flowers, insist the mixture in a warm place (preferably in the sun) for two weeks.
Tampons need to be injected for no more than three hours.
When ectopy is not recommended to use all recipes with calendula, you can choose two recipes and undergo a full course of therapy. For example, the reception of the decoction inside can be combined with tampons or syringing.
Propolis treatment is possible only in the early stages of the disease, when the inflammatory process is not yet started.
A good remedy is a mixture of royal jelly with propolis and vaseline, which is impregnated with tampons and injected into the vagina for the night.
10g of ground propolis, 1g of milk, 25g of Vaseline is well mixed and applied to a cotton-gauze swab.
It is also possible to impregnate tampons to obtain a ready-made 3% alcohol tincture of propolis. Impregnated tampons enter at night no more than seven days.
You can also take a 10% alcohol solution of propolis, but dilute it with warm boiled water 1: 3, otherwise mucous burns are possible.
This method of therapy is suitable for patients who have erosion as a result of rough sex or abortion. Also, the celandine shows good results in the treatment of infectious and venereal diseases, which is especially important for patients in whom the ectopy occurs against a background of any disease.
For the therapy, a herb infusion is used to wash the moisture.
For the tincture you need 15g of grass and 300ml of boiling water, brew for at least an hour. After this, the infusion is filtered, it is possible to squeeze out through the gauze. Douching should be done three times a day for two weeks.
After the course of celandine, it is recommended to undergo a two-week syringing session with tincture of peony (the principle of preparation is similar to tincture of celandine).
Among all the variety of recipes can be identified tampons with onions.
To prepare the medicinal mixture, you need three large onions, grated and a glass of water. The mixture should be boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes, then strain and add 75g of fresh aloe juice (stored in a glass container).
Tampons of cotton wool and gauze (wide bandage) soak the drug mixture and insert into the vagina as deeply as possible, leave for the night.
In the first few days, unpleasant sensations (burning, pain) may appear, which is a natural reaction of the body. Duration of the course is 30 days.
Use of tampons
With the introduction of tampons, the drug mixture, which is impregnated, comes into contact directly with the affected area - the cervix, which enhances the therapeutic effect and makes the therapy more effective.
Recently, specialists have developed special tampons with a therapeutic effect that absorb pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina, thereby normalizing the microflora and eliminating inflammation. In addition, various medicinal herbs are included in the composition of tampons, which contribute to the regeneration of the mucosa, prevent the development of the tumor and, on the whole, have a beneficial effect on the female's reproductive system.
When ectopic is recommended to enter at night a cotton-tampon swab impregnated with a solution of a natural mummy. Before you insert a tampon, you need to wash the vagina with a weak soda solution (15 g of soda per 1 liter of water).
The course of therapy with the mummy is two weeks, then a five-day break and repeat the course. Usually, even a neglected process passes after three courses, but it is recommended that the gynecologist's examination be done after each course.
For the solution, the mummy will require a natural remedy (the tablets in this case are not effective). Mummy needs to be dissolved in warm boiled water (2.5 g per 100 ml of water).
Applications Solkovagin especially suitable for young girls and patients planning a pregnancy in the future.
The use of this drug significantly reduces the likelihood of damage to the mucosa and shortens the recovery period.
After therapy with the drug, the wound on the mucosa heals in a fairly short time, while scar tissue remains on the tissue.
The procedure does not last long and is performed in the gynecological office, during the application of the drug the patient does not experience unpleasant sensations, so there is no need to use anesthesia.
Solkovagin is appointed on the eighth day of the cycle, a month after the procedure, the patient is given an examination and tests, after which the doctor decides on the expediency of a repeat procedure.
The drug in 90% helps to overcome the pathology after the first procedure.
Solkagin is a solution of zinc and acids, which is reliably fixed to erosion, which promotes early healing.
Malawit is an antiseptic with a natural composition. In medical practice, the remedy is widely used, in particular in gynecology with inflammation. Malawit comes in two forms - drops and gel cream. The cream is good for joint pain, for the treatment of acne.
The drug in the form of drops is prescribed by gynecologists, usually with vaginitis, vulvitis, with endocervicosis, colpitis, endocervitis.
The drug is usually prescribed as an adjunct to the main method of therapy.
The effectiveness of complex therapy depends on the degree of erosive process.
When the product gets into the mucous membrane, it penetrates into tissues, deeper layers, relieves inflammation, and helps repair damaged tissue. Treatment of erosion of the cervix is carried out in three directions:
- douching (2 teaspoons of the drug, 200 ml of water)
- tampons with malavit (a cotton-gauze tampon to enter for several hours, the course to continue for 10 days in a row).
- baths (200ml of water, 2 tsp of the drug)
Due to natural ingredients in the preparation, it is suitable for pregnant women, during feeding, but in any case, a specialist consultation is necessary.
Cauterization of cervical erosion
After such therapy on the mucosa there is a wound, which eventually tightens.
Before assigning cauterization to the patient, the doctor should conduct a complete examination for the presence of infectious diseases or inflammation in the abdominal cavity. The procedure is scheduled for the second half of the cycle and is performed under general anesthesia.
Moxibustion is performed on a gynecological chair, during the procedure the specialist introduces a special instrument that widens the vagina, then with a cotton swab impregnated with a solution, the cervix of the uterus is cleared. During the procedure, you need to ensure that the chemical does not damage the adjacent healthy areas of the mucosa. After purification and examination, a specialist specializes in burning the ectopia.
This type of therapy shows good effectiveness with deep lesions.
The shortcomings of the method include cervical contraction, future menstrual irregularities, painful menstruation. On the cervix after cauterization there is a scar that prevents its full opening, which can become a problem during childbirth, for this reason, moxibustion is not prescribed for young girls or patients planning future pregnancies.
After the procedure, bleeding may occur, headaches.
After cauterization, the patient needs to lie for at least an hour, after which the doctor can go home.
Full healing of the wound occurs in 2-3 months, the first two to three weeks after the procedure, the liquid can be released from the vagina (transparent or yellowish), then the scab leaves and bleeding appears, which is quite normal and should not cause concern.
The first two days after the procedure, it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen - do not lift weights, do not take a hot bath, do not go to sauna or bath, do not have sex, otherwise the effect of treatment will decrease and the erosive process may develop again.
In 90% of cases, cauterization helps to cope with ectopia.
Treatment with argon
Therapy is based on the use of ionized argon gas, which cauterizes erosive lesions.
The advantage of this method is minimal traumatism of adjacent healthy tissues, painlessness, and there is no scars after the treatment on the mucosa, so it can be prescribed to young girls or patients planning a pregnancy.
It should be noted that with the help of argon, you can cure not only endocervicosis, but also other pathologies (endometriosis, leukoplakia, etc.).
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 15 minutes.
Cauterization with argon occurs without contact, which excludes infection and discomfort during the procedure.
After the procedure, there may be small discharges, which usually go away after a few days. Complete healing takes place depending on the patient's condition, compliance with the doctor's recommendations, etc. (30 to 70 days).
Therapy with argon is appointed from 6 to 10 day of the cycle. Contraindications to such a method are inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.
Cauterization of pathological foci by substances cooled to extremely low temperatures is called cryotherapy.
When this method is used, the affected area is destroyed by a mucous flow of liquid frozen nitrogen, which is produced by a special cryoprobe.
During the procedure, the expert only affects the affected area, which excludes the damage to adjacent healthy tissue. The whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes and proceeds absolutely painlessly, perhaps a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
Nitrogen treatment
For cauterization, liquid nitrogen is used, cooled to a very low temperature (up to -1500C).
This procedure is completely painless and does not require anesthesia, and the whole process takes less than 10 minutes. When the tissues are frozen with nitrogen, the vessels strongly contract, which makes the method bloodless, besides, the defeat of healthy adjacent tissue is excluded.
After moxibustion with nitrogen, the mucous membrane is completely restored, there is no scars left on the tissue, and the elasticity of the cervix is preserved, which is why the method is ideal for young girls and women planning pregnancy.
Cryodestruction is not prescribed for any inflammation or diseases of the abdominal cavity. It is also worth noting that nitrogen has a less profound effect on tissues, in contrast to cauterization with high temperatures.
Before treatment, the patient must undergo examination, colposcopy, and pass the necessary tests (swabs, blood).
Usually, nitrogen therapy is prescribed on the 7-10th day of the cycle.
After the procedure, the fluid begins to discharge from the vagina within 3-4 weeks, in rare cases, there is weakness, dizziness, nausea, but, as a rule, all reactions have a short-term character (about 2-3 hours).
Complete recovery of the mucosa occurs in a month - one and a half after the session, if necessary, a repeated cryodestruction is prescribed.
The shortcomings of the method include a small depth of nitrogen penetration, in addition, there are often situations where repeated therapy is required.
Effects of treatment
Some surgeons profit from surgical erosion treatment, and especially unscrupulous doctors may not mention some of the negative consequences of such therapy.
Surgery for endocervicosis in the future can lead to serious problems with conception.
After surgery, less mucus is produced in the cervix, the neck is deformed due to scar formation, the menstrual function is disrupted, the diseases of the genitourinary system are aggravated, and an incorrect examination can lead to the development of the cancer process.
Care should be taken when choosing erosion treatment, especially if a pregnancy is planned in the future. Surgical intervention should be carried out only in the most extreme case, when all other methods were ineffective.
But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to treat erosion of the cervix, otherwise the process can develop into a malignant one.
Cost of treatment
Prices for treatment of cervical erosion depend on the chosen method of therapy.
Radio-wave therapy on average will cost 1000-1500 UAH, cryodestruction - 500-600 UAH, diathermocoagulation - within 200-300 UAH. The cost in different clinics may vary, depending on the skills of specialists, equipment and other factors that may affect the price.
The cost of conservative therapy includes the price of medicines prescribed by a specialist.
Feedback on treatment
According to the patients, a good effect is observed with radio wave treatment, most women note the painlessness of the procedure, a small recovery period. The disadvantages of therapy often include vaginal discharge for a long period (about 2-4 weeks), pulling pains in the lower abdomen, in addition, this method is quite expensive.
Cauterization by electric current (diathermocoagulation) also receives many positive reviews, but to the disadvantages of this method, many add a burnt smell during the procedure.
With conservative treatment, there are also positive reviews, but in any case, the effectiveness of therapy depends on the timely diagnosis of the disease, concomitant diseases and properly selected therapy.
Treatment of erosion of the cervix should be carried out necessarily, otherwise serious consequences are possible that can threaten not only the woman's future health, but her life as well.
Modern medicine represents a rather large selection of methods and means of therapy of this disease, which in most cases help to get rid of the pathological process forever. Do not be afraid to ask the specialist questions, learn all the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed treatment, be interested in alternative methods.