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Treatment of cervical erosion with candles
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To date, medicine is ready to offer a woman with this diagnosis a large selection of different means and techniques. But an effective treatment course can be prescribed individually in each case only by a doctor. Treatment of erosion of the cervix of the suppository - one of the sparing ways to stop the problem.
Indications for treatment of cervical erosion by candles
The inflammatory process in this area of the sexual female organs can be caused by various causes. Indications for treatment of cervical erosion of the suppository may be as follows:
- Imbalance of the microflora of the genital tract and vagina, leading to the appearance of wounds on the mucous epithelium of the cervix.
- Not stopping watery discharge with an unpleasant "aroma".
- Pain symptomatology in the region of the waist and sacrum, with the passage of menstruation.
- Reduction of the body's defenses, suppression of immunity, which caused the viral diseases to enter the sexual way.
- Venereal diseases. For example, ureaplasma, chlamydin and others - the cause of damage to the cervix with this pathology.
- To lead to the treatment of erosion of the cervix uterus of the suppository can also trauma of the genital organs, obtained during obstetric aid or an abortion.
- Hormonal failure in the body of a woman, which led to the destabilization of the menstrual cycle, and, in the future, an erosive lesion of the mucosa.
- Indications for the treatment of erosion of the cervix of the suppository can also become an inflammatory process that develops in the female organs.
- If a woman has multiple sexual partners, the probability of cervical damage and the need for treatment is high.
Erosion of the cervix is dangerous, first of all, by the fact that it can become a base for the development of cancerous tumors. In the presence of this disease, the risk of cancer pathology increases dramatically. Therefore, this pathology must necessarily be treated. Treatment of cervical erosion of the suppository is caused by the size of the affected area. It should not exceed one to two centimeters. This is especially true for not giving birth to women.
There is an opinion that after birth the pathology will pass by itself. This is fundamentally not true. Erosion of the cervix is not dangerous in itself, its consequences are more dangerous. In addition to oncology, it increases the likelihood of dysplasia, which can make a woman completely barren. Therefore, it is better to treat it. If erosion is found during pregnancy, the treatment course should be better after the birth, but not earlier than six months after the birth of the child.
Preparation for cervical erosion treatment with candles
Before proceeding to solve the problem, the gynecologist necessarily conducts laboratory and instrumental studies to determine the extent of the pathology. Preparation for treatment of cervical erosion of the suppository includes the following activities:
- Analysis of excision of a piece of pathologically transformed tissue of the body with a subsequent microscopic examination of it to determine the nature of the ongoing process (biopsy).
- Diagnosis of blood for syphilis and HIV.
- A study for the presence in a woman's history of such severe diseases as herpes, hepatitis, mycoplasmosis, vulva damage by Trichomonas, human papillomavirus and others.
- Colposcopy. Examination of the vulva, vaginal mucosa and cervix using a calposcope - a special medical device, akin to a microscope.
- Analysis of the composition of the vaginal microflora.
- Ultrasonic examination of pelvic organs (if necessary).
- Additional studies that the doctor assigns to establish a true picture of the disease.
Only after obtaining a real clinical picture and in case of diagnosing small local erosions, it can be stated that the preparation for the treatment of erosion of the cervix of the suppository is completed, and it is possible to begin to restore the pathology.
How is cervical erosion treated?
The medical method of pathology suppression is one of the sparing methods of influencing erosion. But they use it only in case of mild disease, when the process is in its infancy. It is necessary to treat erosion, because afterwards it can cause infertility, and even degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
How is cervical erosion treated? Before it begins, at any degree of pathology, primarily, it is necessary to normalize the very condition of the patient. The complex of measures includes, if necessary: anti-inflammatory measures, methods of immunostimulation and normalization of metabolic processes, restoration of the menstrual cycle.
Only after stabilization of the patient's body condition can one proceed directly to the treatment of cervical erosion with candles. The use of suppositories goes as a local antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral medication. Vaginal suppository affects contact erosion. They promote the accelerated healing of wounds and ulcers, restore the integrity of the mucosa.
Vaginal suppositories have several advantages:
- Due to the soft texture and spreading on heating basis, the suppository evenly envelops the mucosa with its active components.
- There is a direct contact of the medicine with the affected area.
- Suppositories help to "wash out" the pathogenic flora from the vagina, cleaning it.
- They do not injure the epithelium.
Answering the question: "How is cervical erosion treated with suppositories?" - we can state that it is quite simple. The modern pharmacological market is ready to provide a wide range of diverse vaginal suppositories.
Treatment of sea-buckthorn candles
The most commonly prescribed are sea-buckthorn candles. They have no contraindications and can be used even during pregnancy and lactation.
The scheme of their application is quite simple: one suppository is administered vaginally twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Due to the included vitamins, fatty acids, such as, stearic, palmitic, linoleic and oleic, seabuckthorn oil effectively tightens ulcers and cracks, it stops the inflammatory process. The recommended treatment course is about two weeks.
The only contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn oil is the individual intolerance of the woman's body.
Treatment of cervical erosion suppositories Depantol
The medicine, freed from the protective shell, is used intravaginally. One suppository neatly, so as not to cause injury to the genitals, is inserted into the vagina. The procedure is repeated twice a day for seven to ten days. When medically necessary, the treatment course is extended to three weeks.
It is not recommended to use Depantol in case of hypersensitivity of the woman's organism to its components. During the period of treatment with this drug, toilet soap can not be used, since the components included in it are antagonists for Depanthol.
Treatment of suppositories Gecikon
Effectively restores the reparative properties, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, while stabilizing the microflora of the vagina, the drug Hexicon, which has no contraindications in its recommendations, except for hypersensitivity to its constituents. Apply Suppository Hexicon similar to previous drugs intravaginally, one suppository in the morning and at night. The duration of treatment varies from seven to ten days.
This medicine is used one suppository twice a day (morning and evening before bedtime). The recommended duration of treatment is from seven to ten days. If there is a clinical need, the course of treatment can be brought to 20 days.
To prevent a venereal infection, prophylactically, vaginal suppositories can be used immediately after intercourse, but no later than two hours after coition.
Do not use this drug for dermatitis, individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug and a tendency to allergic reactions.
Suppositories Livarol
The medicine is administered once a day. Vaginal suppository should be used before bedtime. With mild disease, three to five days of treatment will suffice, with a severe degree of disease - up to ten days.
To contraindications on the use of suppositories Livarol include pregnancy (especially the first trimester), breast-feeding, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Suppositories Clotrimazole
The vaginal suppository is administered once a day at night, as deep as possible. It is recommended that vaginal suppositories be placed in the vagina, lying on the back, slightly bending the legs. The course of treatment is six days.
This drug is cautious, only on the advice of a doctor, apply in the first trimester of pregnancy, with individual intolerance to the components of the medication, during lactation.
Proctal-vaginal Fitor Candles
A medicinal product created on a natural basis. Are applied according to the doctor's prescription. Usually once or twice a day. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology. There are no obvious contraindications. The drug is not recommended for use only in case of individual intolerance of the components of the drug.
Suppositories Suporon
The basis of the drug is the mineralized Tambukai mud (ginseng, cocoa butter, propolis). The protocol of taking the drug is signed by the attending physician individually.
Intravaginal administration of suppositories lasts for 20 to 30 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergic reaction to one of the constituent Supposon suppositories.
It is fashionable to treat erosion of the cervix by candles made at home (recipes of alternative medicine).
Treatment of cervical erosion with honey candles
For their preparation, only natural honey is needed, which has already had time to be sugared. Such a consistency is necessary in order to be easy to "sculpt". We put honey into the vaginal suppository and put it in the freezer for a while. Such suppositories can be safely used up to three times a day. Do not use them only if a woman has a tendency to allergic reactions to bee products.
During treatment it is desirable to avoid sexual contact with a partner. Practice shows that the treatment of erosion of the cervix of the suppository is quite effective, especially when it is used simultaneously with other methods of affecting the pathological zone.
Contraindications to the treatment of cervical erosion with candles
Treatment of suppositories is not considered a conservative treatment. Most often it is used as a healing factor before or after more radical measures: diathermocoagulation (cauterization with electric current), laser cauterization, chemical coagulation (effects on erosion with liquid nitrogen), and others. As an independent method of managing the problem at home, cervical erosion of the suppository is not practiced, and self-imposed measures can be dangerous and can do more harm than good.
Substantiated contraindications to the treatment of erosion of the cervix of the suppository are large, more than two centimeters, erosion, which already react poorly to the medication and require more serious interventions.
Complications of cervical erosion treatment with candles
After the diagnosis is established, only the gynecologist should prescribe the treatment technique and protocol of the drugs, otherwise you can get a result that is opposite to the expected recovery. But some women are slow to consult a doctor, afraid of complicating the treatment of cervical erosion with candles. However, in reality, the negative consequences of drug therapy (for example, scars on the epithelium of the vagina, which can complicate the baby's bearing and delivery itself, etc.) is an insignificant defect that does not exert any influence on the quality of life of the woman. In this case, such a trauma to the female body causes only diathermocoagulation (electric cauterization). Other, more modern techniques, sparingly relate to the body of a woman. The use of vaginal suppositories, in the following, practically does not harm the health and plans of a woman.
But not cured pathology of the cervix, threatens, where much more complications. Damaged mucous weakens its protective functions, not coping with the incoming infection. This time several times increases the risk of inflammatory diseases, open the "gate" for fungal and viral lesions. Primarily, such a picture can lead to infertility of the first stage (when after a course of treatment a woman is able to regain its reproductive functions), with long neglect of the problem, infertility passes into the II stage (when a woman can never become pregnant).
Not treated with erosion may not be predictable in the course of pregnancy. It can catalyze the premature opening of the uterus, provoking early birth or miscarriage, but you can get the opposite - at birth, the uterus is opened with great difficulty, the process of opening is accompanied by ruptures and bleeding. But one of the most dangerous complications is the degeneration of pathologically damaged epithelial cells into cancerous tumors, and in other words, the development of uterine cancer is provoked.
Therefore, the complications of cervical erosion treatment of the cervical suppository are "flowers", but if you do not undertake treatment, pathological "berries" will appear. And if the gynecologist insists on treatment, it should not be postponed!
Cost of cervical erosion treatment with candles
The decision, what method to stop a pathology, can accept only the obstetrician-gynecologist. And on the basis of the method chosen, the price of the course depends. The cost of treating cervical erosion of the suppository includes the price of the drug itself, multiplied by the amount necessary for the patient's complete recovery. If the institution, where the woman applied, the state - this can be stopped, but if the clinic is private, then you will have to pay for the advisory services.
The price of vaginal suppositories on average varies from 100 to 130 hryvnia per package of 10 suppositories. Lower costs will cost the suppository based on sea buckthorn oil - about 10 - 15 hryvnia per package.
Reviews about the treatment of cervical erosion with candles
Erosion of the cervix is a rather scrupulous topic. Are there discussions in the forums on the topic of treatment or not? Agree immediately to moxibustion or try to stop the problem medically, vaginal suppositories? I think this article has already answered this question. It is necessary to treat. Numerous and reviews about the treatment of cervical erosion with candles. Most of them are positive. Having passed, appointed by the gynecologist course, the woman completely gets rid of the problem. This method, which is gentle for the body, does not require much effort and patience from the patient. The duration of the course is insignificant, the woman does not have to adjust the habitual way of life.
Health in a person is one thing and it needs to be protected from the young, and the woman is entrusted with additional social functions: conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child, and, in reality, her health belongs not only to her, but also to her unborn children. Therefore, if the doctor has prescribed treatment for cervical erosion with candles, it is worthwhile to heed his advice. Having saved on treatment, you can lose, in the future, much more on the quality of your life. Therefore, be more attentive to yourself and your health.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of cervical erosion with candles" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.