Symptoms of cervical erosion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Symptoms of cervical erosion in most cases are completely absent. Most often, a woman learns of the presence of such a disease from a gynecologist, in the process of conducting a gynecological examination.
However, sometimes there are some signs of erosion, manifested in the form of pain during sexual intercourse and the appearance of bloody discharge after it. With the development of this disease, mucopurulent discharge can also occur, which arise as a result of the inflammatory process provoked by this pathology. In any case, this disease should be treated immediately, since in the advanced stage it promotes the development of complications and even precancerous conditions.
Erosion of the cervix is a very common female disease, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process and the onset of the cervix so-called. "Erosion" (small sores). The reasons for the development of this disease are very different. This is too early a beginning of sexual life, and frequent change of partners; various sexual infections, as well as inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs; traumatic effects (childbirth, abortion, surgical interventions); immune glitches and hormonal disorders, etc.
What are the symptoms of cervical erosion?
Symptoms of cervical erosion can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the course and varieties of this pathological process. In medicine, there are three main forms of this disease. So, there is:
- congenital,
- true,
- pseuderosion.
The first type is manifested due to the displacement of the boundaries between the planar multilayered and cylindrical epithelium. The reason for this physiological feature is the incomplete process of differentiation (structural and functional changes) of epithelial tissues during intrauterine, as well as early postnatal development. With this form of the disease, the symptoms of the inflammatory process are practically absent.
The true erosion of the cervix is manifested in the presence of a wound surface, most often having a bright red color and bleeding when touched. The main cause of the appearance of mucopurulent discharge in this form of the disease is the inflammatory process, - so-called. "Cervicitis."
The development of pseudo-erosion occurs as a result of modifications of true erosion. This form represents a stage of gradual healing of the wound due to replacement of the flat epithelium of the cervix with a cylindrical one. This process is fraught with consequences in the form of hypertrophy of the cervix and the appearance of large cysts. In addition, pseudo-erosion becomes a hotbed of chronic inflammation.
Despite the fact that the development of erosion very often occurs asymptomatically, the presence of some signs of them is still present. Usually this:
- purulent, mucous or spotting;
- unpleasant pain in sexual contact;
- violation and malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.
Unfortunately, erosion of the cervix may not manifest itself for a long time, but at the same time cause the development of chronic inflammation of the female genital organs, as well as more dangerous conditions, in particular, malignant neoplasms. That is why for timely detection and treatment of this serious disease it is necessary to visit the gynecologist regularly, because only as a result of a full gynecological examination can you put an accurate diagnosis and confirm the presence of such a dangerous pathology.
Excretions in cervical erosion
Symptoms of cervical erosion concern changes in color and consistency of vaginal discharge. It should be noted that normal in a healthy woman, there should not be any excreta as such. Therefore, this symptom indicates a variety of pathologies and possible infection of female genital organs.
The discharge during erosion of the cervix is called "whites" in another way and is a thick white liquid without a pungent odor, which often leaves traces on the underwear. Such secretions usually indicate the presence of inflammation or latent infection, often accompanying the disease. With the development of erosion of the cervix (in its neglected form), the discharge can also be bloody, most often this symptom is manifested after sexual contact. This is due to the fact that the eroded surface loses the protective layer of cells, so it is easily susceptible to damage. In this case, the secretions are observed in small amounts, they can leave a brown or pinkish trace on the laundry. In the presence of erosion in pregnant women, blood can be released in large quantities due to a decrease in its coagulability and increased vulnerability of the mucous membranes.
Allocations are one of the main signs of the development of cervical erosion in women. Less common symptoms are a slight soreness in the lower abdomen and discomfort during sexual contact.
Symptoms of cervical erosion
Symptoms of erosion of the cervix often appear not immediately, but only when the disease has a neglected form. To guess about the development of erosion is almost impossible, the course of the disease most often passes asymptomatically. Only a thorough gynecological examination using special gynecological mirrors and colposcope (special microscope) can reveal this disease.
Symptoms of running erosion of the cervix often manifest in the form of abundant leucorrhoea - thick mucous discharge, and in some cases - bloody discharge. Also, a woman may be bothered by pain in the lower abdomen. What is dangerous is the neglected form of cervical erosion? First of all, the fact that in the absence of treatment, it can develop into leukoplakia - a seal in the form of a white spot, or erythroplasty - a red bleeding spot. This provokes the multiplication of various bacteria, entry into the infection, the emergence of a hotbed of inflammation. Pathology makes the uterus unprotected from external infections, because it is the cervix that is a kind of "protective barrier". The risk of inflammation and infection with erosion is increased several times.
If the inflammation resulting from the advanced stage is not treated, the rate of cell division of the epithelium increases, which leads to dysplasia, a change in the properties of the epithelium. The most serious complication of this process is the overgrowth of dysplasia in a malignant tumor (cancer). To prevent such an outcome, pathology should be treated as early as possible.
The consequence of neglected diseases is often female infertility. Erosion can also cause miscarriage or premature birth, since it helps premature opening of the uterus during pregnancy.
Thus, in order to avoid serious complications in the presence of erosion in women, the need for regular visits to a gynecologist for timely detection and treatment of pathology increases.
Symptoms of inflammation in cervical erosion
Symptoms of cervical erosion occur infrequently, i.e. Usually this ailment does not cause any significant signs, but in the presence of the disease most often observed cervicitis (endocervicitis) - an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which can be identified through gynecological examination.
Symptoms of inflammation in the erosion of the cervix are reduced to the emergence of secretions (whitish), as well as itching and pain in the lower abdomen. Because of inflammation, there is swelling, which provokes hypersecretion of secretions and causes hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the cervix. Cervicitis is a pathological process that depends on the state of the immune system of the female body and the degree of neglect of the disease. Usually inflammation is indicated by thickening and consolidation of the cervix.
Sometimes, with inflammation of the cervix due to erosion, the woman has frequent and painful urge to urinate. The discharge is usually white and thick, but there may be a different consistency and color, especially if the wound surface is infected with erosion.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that most infections in the presence of erosion of the cervix are transmitted sexually. The main prevention of inflammatory diseases of the cervix is the use of condoms. The presence of several sexual partners in a woman has a negative impact on health and increases the risk of inflammatory diseases, as the load on the immune system of a woman increases. With prolonged inflammation of the cervix, the properties of the cells change, and the rate of their division increases, which causes the formation of a tumor - at first benign, and then - malignant.
If gynecological inflammatory processes are detected, do not self-medicate, it is very important to entrust this to an experienced gynecologist. Neither the use of gynecological candles, nor the use of tampons with sea buckthorn oil or honey will not give an effective result.
With regard to treatment, most often with erosion of the cervix is used not medicamentous, but the operable method. The most convenient for today is the surgical laser, which allows to completely eliminate the defect without damaging the tissue and leaving no scars.
Symptoms of erosion of the cervix should immediately alert the woman - this is the reason for an unannounced visit to a gynecologist, as he will be able to accurately diagnose the disease. The presence of an inflammatory process in the cervix leads to a disruption of the integrity of the epithelium, which provokes the development of dysplasia. And this, in turn, leads to infertility, adnexitis, endometritis and the appearance of malignant tumors.
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