

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer rarely appears on the background of unchanged epithelium. This disease is naturally preceded by dysplasia and / or pre-invasive cancer.

Cervical Cancer

Pre-cancerous diseases of the cervix or dysplasia are diseases characterized by atypia of cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix and the cervical canal.

Cervical leukoplakia

Leukoplakia is a pathological process, the basis of which is the disturbance of the function of multilayered planar epithelium: the absence of glycogenesis and the appearance of keratinization (hyperkeratosis).

Cervical Papilloma

Cervical papilloma refers to the rare form of background diseases, characterized by focal proliferation of the stroma and multilayered planar epithelium with its cornification. In the appearance of papillomas a certain role is played by viral infections and chlamydia.

Cervical polyp

The term "cervical polyp" implies focal proliferation of endocervix in which tree-like outgrowths of connective tissue covered with cylindrical epithelium protrude into the lumen of the cervical canal or beyond.

Cervical Ectopy

Ectopia (synovial pseudo-erosion, glandular erosion, endocervicosis) is a part of the vaginal part of the cervix, covered with a single-layered cylindrical epithelium. Macroscopically, the ectopia has a bright red color, a granular surface; the form and magnitude of ectopy varies depending on the severity of the pathological process.

Diseases of the cervix

In this regard, early diagnosis and treatment of background and precancerous diseases of the cervix is an important measure aimed at reducing the incidence of cervical cancer.

Trophoblastic disease

Trophoblastic (gestational) disease is a general term for the spectrum of pregnancy-related proliferative anomalies derived from trophoblast.

Cancer of the body of the uterus

Cancer of the uterus body is mainly found in postmenopause. In patients with bleeding during this period of life, it is detected in 10% of cases. Diagnostic errors in women at this age are due to an incorrect evaluation of bloody discharge, which is often explained by climacteric dysfunction.

Myoma of the uterus

Myoma uterus is a benign hormone-dependent tumor that develops from the muscular layer of the uterus. Myoma of the uterus is one of the most common tumors of the female genital organs. It is detected in 10-27% of gynecological patients, and for preventive examinations, uterine fibroids are first detected in 1-5% of the examined.


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