

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)


Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the large gland of the vestibule located in the lower third of the labia majora. Bartholinitis is caused more often by non-spore-forming anaerobes, gonococcus or staphylococcus, less commonly streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas, and mixed infection.


Endocervicitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the neck canal. The etiological factor in the development of endocervicitis is penetration into the cervical canal of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, enterococci, and various viruses.

Bacterial vaginosis

The leading and often occurring symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are complaints of heavy whites with an unpleasant odor. At the beginning of the disease, whites have a liquid consistency, white or with a grayish hue of color.

Vaginitis (colpitis)

Vaginitis is an acute inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The peculiarities of the course of vaginitis depend on the age of the patients (in young girls vulvitis and vulvovaginitis are usually caused by some general pathology: diabetes mellitus, diathesis, immunodeficiency, helminthiosis, foreign body of the vagina, leukemia, and hygiene errors, masturbation, senile vaginitis is caused by a decrease in the estrogenic effect on the mucosa of the genital tract


Vulvit - acute or chronic recurrent inflammation of the vulva. In women of reproductive age, vulvitis usually occurs as a result of infection of the external genitalia with pathogenic microorganisms contained in vaginal discharge in colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis.

Inflammatory diseases of genital organs

Inflammatory diseases in the structure of gynecological morbidity account for about 60% of outpatient and 30% of inpatients. Anatomical and physiological features of the female body, as well as social conditions determine the presence of risk factors for the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitals, as well as natural biological barriers.

Hypermenstrual syndrome

Hypermenstrual syndrome - an increase in the volume and duration of menstruation up to permanent bleeding. The development of hypermenstrual syndrome can be associated with both delayed rejection of the thickened mucous membrane of the uterus against the background of relative or absolute excess of estrogens, and slowed-down regeneration at the end of the next monthly.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in women

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding - regulatory bleeding caused by a violation of the function of one of the links of neurohumoral regulation of menstrual function.


Algodismenorea - the appearance during menstruation of sharp cramping or aching pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar and sacral areas of the spine, accompanied by general malaise and disability.

Ovulation syndrome

Ovulation syndrome is a painful sensation in the area of the ovulating ovary, sometimes accompanied by bloody discharge. Pain syndrome occurs most often against the background of an excess of prostaglandins, which regulate pressure within the dominant follicle and are involved in the process of rupture of its wall with the release of a mature egg.


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