

Gynecological diseases (gynecology)

Genital herpes in women

Herpes is one of the most common human viral infections. More than 90% of the world's people are infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and up to 20% of them have certain clinical manifestations of infection. Herpes simplex virus causes the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, often leads to "spontaneous" abortion and fetal death or causes a generalized infection in newborns.

Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis

Mycoplasmosis (ureaplasmosis) is widespread among the population. They are transmitted during sexual intercourse. The difficulty in diagnosing mycoplasmal infections, the prevalence of mycoplasmosis and the inadequacy of the therapy led to the predominance of these infections over "classical" venereal diseases.

Urogenital chlamydia

Urogenital chlamydia is one of the most common diseases among sexually transmitted infections. In Europe, chlamydia is a common disease.

Trichomoniasis in women

Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease caused by urogenital Trichomonas (Trichomonas vaginalis), which parasitizes the organs of the genitourinary system of a person. In the structure of vector-borne diseases it is 10-30%. The incubation period lasts from a few days to two months. The following classification of trichomoniasis is currently used:

Gonorrhea in women

Gonorrhea is an infectious disease caused by a specific pathogen (gonococcus), transmitted predominantly through sexual intercourse and characterized mainly by damage to the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs.

Urogenital Candidiasis

Urogenital candidiasis is a fungal disease of the mucous membranes of the urogenital organs, caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Urogenital candidiasis is widespread, occurs chronically and is prone to relapse.


Pelvioperitonitis - inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvis (pelvic peritonitis) - almost always is a secondary process and develops as a complication in inflammation of the uterus or its appendages. In some cases, the formation of pelvioperitonitis can lead to perforation of the uterus (with abortion, diagnostic scraping), acute appendicitis, torsion of the legs of the ovarian cyst and other diseases and pathological processes in the pelvic region.


Parametritis is an inflammation of the ovary cellulose. More often there is a complication of abortions (mostly community-acquired) and childbirth. The development of the disease can be facilitated by surgical interventions (as vaginal - the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, the dilatation of the cervical canal, diagnostic curettage, and abdominal walling - the removal of interligamentally located tumors of internal genitalia, suppurating tumors).

Inflammatory disease of the uterus

The development of inflammatory diseases of the uterus is facilitated by complicated abortions, childbirth, diagnostic curettage of the uterus, hysterosalpingography and other intrauterine interventions, especially those that do not take into account the state of the microflora of the vagina or with violation of the rules of aseptic and antiseptic.

Inflammatory disease of the pelvic organs

Inflammatory diseases of the upper genital organs or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs include inflammation of the endometrium (myometrium), fallopian tubes, ovaries and pelvic peritoneum. Isolated inflammation of these organs of the genital tract in clinical practice is rare, since they all represent a single functional system.


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