Diseases in the mouth and lips in adults and children: as they are called
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The mouth area is one of the most malleable and sensitive areas of the face. Since it is constantly exposed to mechanical, chemical and physical irritants, this provokes the development of local pathological processes. Moreover, many disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, immune defense mechanisms and the central nervous system can affect the skin condition of the face. These diseases are manifested in the form of redness in the mouth and nose, skin peeling, increased secretion of sebaceous glands. There may be acne, boils, bubbles, cracks and other elements. Symptomatically, most pathologies are manifested by burning, itching, pain when touching the affected area of the skin, emotional disorders due to a violation of aesthetic requirements. Sometimes a person can feel pain, weakness, discomfort in the mouth area in the absence of visible changes on the face. This may be due to incorrect work of the nervous system, imbalance of masticatory and facial muscles, as well as other factors.
Diseases in the mouth are counted in hundreds of varieties and subspecies. And if you consider rare syndromes, the number of diseases will become even greater. Therefore, it makes sense to consider only the most common pathologies according to statistics. That is, they are the ones about which people most often turn to dentists, dermatologists and cosmetologists.
Herpes on the lips (herpetic cheilitis)
According to statistics of the World Health Organization, carriers of the herpes simplex virus are almost all inhabitants of our planet. It is believed that up to 30 years, the herpes simplex virus infects 99.9% of people. And only thanks to one-tenth of a percent can not be said that herpes completely conquered humanity. The cause of infection is close contact with the carrier of the virus. When the pathogen enters a new organism, it can immediately cause inflammation of the lips or mucous membrane of the oral cavity. However, often the virus does not show itself at all. During this period, he is "fixed" in his positions and waits for the conditions for its activation to appear. Such factors are: a sharp decrease in immunity, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, the appearance of pathologies of other organs (diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, rheumatism, etc.).
Clinically, the reactivation of the herpes virus is manifested primarily on the lips, which is a disease called herpetic cheilitis. At the same time on the red border of the lips appear bubbles (vesicles) with pale yellow contents. A sick person experiences severe itching and pain in the area of rashes. Therefore, people often comb the blisters, and bleeding wounds appear in their place. Even if the blisters are not injured, a few days later they are opened independently, and serous contents follow from them. Then the liquid that has leaked from the vesicles solidifies and turns into crusts. At this stage, the rash cycle ends. It can be repeated every 3-4 days until the body begins to actively fight the virus.
For the diagnosis of herpetic cheilitis, it is enough to see the clinical picture. Other instrumental and laboratory studies are aimed more at identifying the main factor that triggered the reactivation of the virus.
Treatment of herpes of the lips is the use of antiviral drugs of local or general action. It is recommended to use Gerpevir ointment (5 times a day every 4 hours). In severe forms of the disease, the use of drugs of the acyclovir series (Acyclovir, Valavir - according to the instructions, depending on the age) is indicated. Comprehensive therapy is mandatory. If in parallel with herpes are ARVI, influenza and other acute infectious processes, then in the first place you need to fight them. To draw up an effective treatment plan, you need to contact an infectious disease doctor. The prognosis for recovery is always favorable, most often it comes in about 10 days. However, in the future the probability of reactivation of the virus is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to take preventive measures: monitor immunity, maintain a healthy lifestyle and observe eating and sleeping regimes.
Acne (acne)
Quite often people are faced with the problem of acne on the face. Most often they appear in the area of the nasolabial triangle and chin. This is due to the fact that in this area the secretion of the sebaceous glands is more active than in other areas. At the same time, the sebaceous secret accumulates in the pores, which disrupts the metabolism in the skin tissues. It is sufficient for a healthy person to regularly perform hygienic procedures, so that the facial skin is cleansed of accumulated fat content and other extraneous substances. But, if there are some disorders in the body, then it will not only be necessary to care for the skin, but diagnostics and treatment of provoking pathology.
Among the risk factors, an imbalance in the content of hormones plays a special role. Androgenic (male) hormones have the property to stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands. If the amount of hormones is constantly increased, then the secret production will be higher. Therefore, the pathogenesis in this case is quite simple: increasing the level of androgens, hyperproduction of sebum, clogging of pores, the emergence of conditions for the development of microorganisms, the onset of inflammation, the formation of acne. Thus, the cause of the disease is the microorganism (Staphylococcus aureus, etc.), and the provoking pathology is a violation of the hormonal background. In women, this problem can be observed during pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, hormonal changes in puberty. In men, most pathology occurs as a consequence of the intake of androgen hormones from the outside. An example is the use of steroids to increase body weight when exercising by weightlifting or bodybuilding. Also, people can be affected by hormonal balance with prolonged use of glucocorticosteroids as medicines. Therefore, when taking any medications, it is necessary to consult a specialist who can individually calculate the dosages and prescribe a rational therapeutic course.
With acne, diagnosis and treatment are conducted in parallel. This is reasonable, because the use of professional hygienic procedures is shown even to a healthy person. Therefore, the doctor-cosmetologist conducts "cleansing of the facial skin", and at this time in the laboratory conditions determine the causative agent of the disease. If the cause of the disease is a bacterium and antibacterial therapy does not have an effect, then it is worth analyzing the hormonal mirror. It will show the level of the main hormones and will reveal the deviations in their development. Also valuable analyzes are the immunogram and analysis for intestinal dysbacteriosis, which will show the level of working capacity of the organism and will be useful in drawing up a treatment plan.
Local therapy with acne is aimed at eliminating provoking pathology and eliminating inflammation in the mouth. In case a person is practically healthy, but he has a pimple, then complex treatment is not required. However, with the appeared abscess it is necessary to be very cautious with it. Trauma and self-extrusion of the pimple can lead to the fact that it will squeeze out into the "other side". That is, the rupture of the membrane of the bladder will occur towards the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which will allow the purulent contents to get into the venous bed. Thus, there is a high probability of occurrence of serious diseases of the central unequal system, which can lead to a lethal outcome. If the formed abscess is not squeezed out, but to see a doctor, then surgical treatment will be performed by opening the pustule. This is the most reasonable tactic of treatment, which practical always has a favorable prognosis.
Few have heard about this disease, but it is very common in our country. Demodex foliculorum is a mite that lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and is a representative of the saprophyte microflora. That is, he can be in the body without causing any symptoms, but at some point a transition to a parasitic type of existence is possible. Demodex can be localized in any part of the skin of the body: on the scalp, in the follicles of the eyelashes, in the pores of the facial skin and other parts of the body. Without causing any complaints, the tick can exist for years in the saprophytic state. However, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of the intestinal microflora, a decrease in immunity, demodex will make itself felt. Most often it appears on the wings of the nose. In this case, the affected skin in some places becomes red, and in other areas it acquires a characteristic earth-gray shade and begins to peel off. Thus the patient feels a tooth and a burning sensation on a nose. The use of lotions, creams, nourishing gels, frequent washing with soap does not have a positive effect. Often such actions even aggravate the situation. In connection with the use of a large number of different products, the skin even more begins to dry up and peel off. After a while it becomes rough and takes the form of a "lemon peel".
The pathogenesis of demodicosis is a rather primitive disease of the gastrointestinal tract and a violation of the intestinal microflora causes the activation of the saprophyte microflora (demodex) and allows it to lead a parasitic lifestyle. However, it is surprising how the mite reliably adapted to life on the human body. The fact is that the mite leads an active lifestyle mainly at night. After all, at this time the host does not conduct hygienic procedures, the epithelium of the ducts of the sebaceous glands is sloughed off, and the sebaceous glands are continuously functioning. This is all that a given parasite needs for a full-fledged existence.
Demodex spends most of the time in the depths of the sebaceous ducts. It is there where hygiene products can not be even with careful use of them. But the mite feeds, as a rule, closer to the mouths of the ducts. Therefore, a reliable diagnostic method is the following method. At night, you need to wash with soap and dry your face. After that, it is necessary to paste small pieces of transparent adhesive tape (clerical tape) on the problem areas. To sleep it is desirable on a back that slices of an adhesive tape have not come off at a friction of a face about a pillow. During the night, demodex will necessarily come to the surface of the skin and adhere to the surface of the scotch. In the morning, you need to gently tear off the adhesive tape and paste it on the slide (a regular piece of glass with an area slightly smaller than a matchbox). After that, under the microscope, the lab assistant will evaluate the drug and announce the result. In addition to this method of collecting material, there are others. When they are carried out by a doctor or nurse with a spatula, scraping the particles of the cornified skin and transferring them to the slide. This manipulation is carried out in the morning, it is impossible to wash before it. Also for the study, an eyelash is taken, on the basis of which the mite can also be found.
Microscopy can reveal its presence, put the right diagnosis and plan treatment.
The fight with demodicosis should begin with the correction of the intestinal microflora. For this purpose, probiotics are prescribed : Lactile (2 capsules per day after meals), Probiz (1 capsule 2 times a day). It is recommended to use dairy products, yogurt in a liquid state or capsules, taking multivitamin complexes. Locally used protivodemodekoznye emulsions, which contain in their composition: Levomitsetin 1% (directed at combating Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria), Metronidazole 1% (effective against obligate anaerobic and ticks genus demodex folliculorum). Benzyl benzoate 10% (has a toxic effect on larvae and mature forms of tick).
As additional ingredients, oily substances (for example, castor oil) and various emulsifiers are used. Before using the emulsion, you should wash with soap and thoroughly dry your face. After this, the cotton swab is applied to the affected areas and washed off after 40 minutes. After the application of the medicine, a burning sensation of the skin appears. It is worth saying that this is a normal reaction of the body, which has no negative consequences. Usually the course of therapy lasts 10 days. However, it can be prolonged by a doctor as a dermatologist depending on the therapeutic effect obtained. There are also factory tools to combat demodicosis. Such are the "Stop demodex" and "Demodex complex" sets. The effectiveness of these sets manifests itself in every clinical case in different ways.
The prognosis of demodectic disease depends on the speed of its diagnosis. For example, a person can fight with acne for 5 years, use various anti-acne preparations, experiment with alternative methods and even not suspect that he is suffering from demodectic disease. As a result, the affected skin will be all the time inflamed, and eventually grow stiff and change its appearance. In this case, the treatment of demodectic disease is likely to be very long and complicated. But, if a person noted his suspicious symptoms and immediately turned to a dermatologist, then the treatment of demodicosis will take place at a standard rate.
Meteorological cheilitis (airing of the lips)
In the autumn-winter period there are constant changes in temperature and humidity of the environment. Due to this, the lips can be simultaneously affected by wind, moisture and cold. Due to the influence of these factors, a meteorological cheilitis may occur in humans. The reason for this condition is explained by the fact that constantly acting stimuli cause the body to adapt to unfavorable conditions, and this leads to disruption of the local metabolism. Thus, in the tissues of the red border of the lips there is an inflammatory process and the rate of keratinization of the epithelium increases. This type of cheilitis is mainly affected by those people who already have any skin diseases and disorders of local metabolism. Also, a predisposing factor is the presence of dry, sensitive, thin skin type. Representatives of the male, in view of the non-use of hygienic lipsticks and other means for lip care, are sick more often than women.
Clinically, meteorological cheilitis is manifested by redness and tightness of the lips, uncomfortable in this area. Since the epithelium actively keratinizes, a large number of scales appears on the lips. Very often people consciously or subconsciously bite the horny plates and occasionally injure the red border. This leads to the formation of wounds, bleeding and the appearance of blood crusts from the dried blood. The constantly present dryness of the lips provokes a person to lick them, which further exacerbates the situation. In this case, the appearance of the lips becomes very unattractive.
Differential diagnosis of this disease is carried out with other types of cheilitis. It should be noted that in the formulation of the correct diagnosis the main role is played by the correct collection of anamnesis. Therefore, when talking with a doctor, it is necessary to tell specifically and fully when complaints have arisen, what they can be related to, how they are concerned.
Treatment of meteorological cheilitis is primarily to minimize adverse effects on the lips. This can be done by using hygienic lipstick when going out. This tool is shown to both men and women. But, in view of the fact that many women use colored lipstick, various gels and lip balms, they already perform a protective role and the use of hygienic lipstick is not mandatory. To very effective medicines for the treatment of meteorological cheilitis are the complexes of vitamins of groups A and E. They contribute to the restoration of the integrity of the epithelial layer of the red border of the lips, normalize the processes of keratinization and improve the local metabolism. An example of such a drug is Radevit ointment (applied to the lips 2 times a day). Also vitamins A and E exist in the form of capsules, for example, the drug Aevit (1 capsule once a day for 30-40 days). After the symptoms of the disease disappear and the lips recover, you can think about carrying out preventive procedures. They do not require the taking of any medication, but are usually performed by alternative methods.
To soften the lips, you can use masks made of honey, pumpkin juice, essential oil of lemon balm, rose petals, etc. Recommendations that should be used for the prevention of lip diseases: do not bite your lips, do not lick them on the street, use only high-quality cosmetics, observe the rules of hygiene.
Angular cheilitis (zaida) is an inflammatory process in the area of the corners of the mouth, in which the mucous membrane and the skin of the corresponding area are affected. The causative agent of this disease is streptococcus or fungi of the genus Candida. The attachment of these microorganisms is due to a variety of factors. If the hygiene of the oral cavity and skin of the face is not observed, food remains may accumulate in the corners of the mouth. Later in these places streptococci or fungi begin to multiply. Also, a mechanical or chemical injury to the corners of the mouth can precede the disease. In this case, the wound heals quite a long time. This is because the skin in the angular region is constantly moving and stretching when opening the mouth, the work of mimic muscles. Also these areas periodically contact with food, which people use. And it can be different: hot, acute, acid-containing, this prevents normal epithelialization and healing of the wound. If a person's immunity is reduced, there are hypovitaminosis, chronic diseases of internal organs, then the saprophyte flora is sharply activated and begins to lead a parasitic life. Steptokokkovaya Zayed occurs most often in children.
The first sign of the disease is the appearance in the region of the corner of the mouth of the bubble, which is quickly opened. In its place erosion is formed and soon becomes covered with a crust. When removing the skin, a horizontal crack can be detected on the skin, which is then re-covered with a crust. Patients complain of itching, burning in the angular region, pain when opening the mouth, increasing symptoms when eating. Candidomycotic jaeda is different from streptococcal not only because it is caused by yeast-like fungi. It has a characteristic feature in the clinical course - there is no crust in the affected areas. At the same time, erosions are defined in the corners of the mouth, which can be covered with a whitish-grayish coating.
Symptomatic fungal angulitis almost does not differ from streptococcal. However, candidal convulsion tends to be chronic, which allows it to recur after treatment. The appearance of this disease is often associated with dental pathologies. With a decrease in the height of the bite (a decrease in the distance between the upper and lower jaw), folds are formed on the skin in the region of the corners of the mouth. In these formations, food remains are accumulated, which often causes the reactivation of Candida fungi. These microorganisms are very comfortable to live in the folds of the skin, so the use of antifungal drugs can eliminate the pathological process only for a short period of time.
Diagnosis of angular cheilitis is based on the study of scrapings from affected areas. In the laboratory, the drug is analyzed and the type of microorganism that caused angulitis is determined.
Treatment of seizures is aimed primarily at combating the pathogen. If he is streptococcus, then antibacterial drugs (Levomikol and Metiluracil ointments, they should be applied to the affected areas in the morning and in the evening) are used. If the cause of the disease are mushrooms, then the use of antifungal drugs (ointments Levorin, Nystatin) is indicated. For effective treatment, all risk factors must be eliminated. With a decrease in immunity, you should consult an immunologist and correct the body's defense system. If there are chronic systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, rheumatism), angulitis treatment should be performed with the assistance of an endocrinologist, therapist or other specialists depending on the underlying pathology. With a decrease in the height of the bite, it is necessary to consult a dentist for rational prosthetics. After the prosthesis is installed, the skin folds will disappear, which will eliminate one of the conditions for the existence of Candida fungi in the corners of the mouth.
If you eliminate all the factors that contributed to the emergence of angulitis, then the treatment will be effective, and the prognosis for complete recovery is favorable.
Dermatitis in the perioral region is quite common. The causes of this pathology are not very specific. As in previous diseases, the emergence of dermatitis is provoked by a decrease in the protective forces of the body, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract and imbalance of the hormonal background. Local risk factors are mechanical, chemical and physical effects. An example of mechanical irritation can be the use during the shaving of a machine with a blunt blade. As you know, an unsharpened blade injures the skin more than an acute one. Therefore, after this procedure, symptoms of dermatitis may occur. Chemical irritants are mainly represented by means for make-up and skin care. Paradoxically, this does not sound, but it is substances that are aimed at making the skin healthy and beautiful, bringing her most harm. Of course, we are talking only about products made from substandard ingredients. It, as a rule, has a very low cost, which attracts many buyers. However, it is much more useful to wash with usual children's soap, than to use lotion for the same cost. Better yet, from home ingredients, prepare nourishing face masks. They do not contain preservatives, emulsifiers and other excess substances. Physical factors are represented by unfavorable weather conditions, which can manifest as anomalous heat or windy and rainy weather.
The first signs of dermatitis are redness of the skin, dryness and peeling. Thus the person feels a burning sensation, a dyscomfort, feeling tightness, sometimes a small itch. Soon, small rashes appear in the form of vesicles. They are filled with serous transparent exudate, due to which the rash has a pale yellow color. Often, rashes in the mouth area tend to be in groups. Some of the vesicles can turn into pustules (ulcers).
To diagnose dermatitis is a simple task. But to identify the cause of its appearance - this is only by experienced experts. It is necessary to assess the general condition of a person, the level of working capacity of all body systems, identify associated pathologies, and analyze the composition of all cosmetic products that have been used recently.
Treatment of dermatitis begins with the exclusion of the use of all skin care products that were previously used. Initially, the skin may feel some stress from the fact that the technique of hygienic care has changed dramatically. Therefore, in the first days, deterioration of the condition is possible. However, after 2-3 days the situation improves and at this time the medical therapy is already shown . Treatment is carried out in a complex, with the participation of several specialists (dermatologist and doctors who treat associated pathologies). Effective are the drugs: Radevit, Panthenol, Panthekrem, Solcoseryl (apply ointment 2 times a day on the affected areas). Among the drugs of other groups, antihistamines are given (Loratadin, Cetrin (1 tablet once a day for 7 days), phytotherapy (prepare chamomile infusion, rub the face 3 times a day) Vitamins, immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors, probiotics, hormonal drugs are prescribed by an immunologist , gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, depending on concomitant diseases.
If you have any kind of skin disease, then always contact the doctors of different specialties. After all, most doctors will not be able to cure the dermatologist alone. Most often, the skin serves only as an indicator of the disease of the internal organs, which require treatment. Therefore, carefully examine your body before starting therapy.
Other diseases that occur in the mouth
Many diseases can be symptomatically manifested by pain in the mouth, although the pathological process is localized elsewhere. This is due to the fact that all pain signals from the receptors enter the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). There, the data on the stimulus are processed, which is accompanied by excitation of the nerve centers. With intense or prolonged pain, the excitation of the nerve centers gradually grows and accumulates. Over time, excitation can move to neighboring structures of the nervous system, which are responsible for the innervation of very different areas of the body. Thus, with prolonged pain in the back or neck region, in the course of time, similar symptoms may appear in the area of chewing or facial muscles near the mouth. Although, when examining the muscles of the face it will be revealed that they work completely correctly and balanced. Such clinical cases are very difficult to diagnose. As a rule, a person visits dozens of clinics, consults with many doctors, however, the correct diagnosis is not always possible to find out. When calling a doctor it is important to tell him about other health problems. After all, pain, weakness in the face can be triggered by many diseases of the spine, improper operation of the muscles of the back, neck, etc. In this case, the treatment will be aimed at eliminating provoking pathology and monitoring changes in the "reflection zone", i.е. In the face area.
One of the unpleasant moments in the course of many diseases is a symptom of the irradiation (spread) of pain. Everyone is familiar with situations in which the tooth is very sore and pain is given to the temple, ear and other areas. This is also related to the structure of the human nervous system. Due to abundant innervation, nerve fibers, like the web, interlace all body structures. And irritation of some nerve endings can pass to others. Often, this syndrome occurs in chronic diseases of the temporomandibular joint.
The first signs of the disease is a small local pain in the joint. However, later a person begins to complain of pain when opening the mouth in the ear, soreness in the muscles near the mouth, headache. Interestingly, in such cases, people tend to turn to a neurologist, a psychotherapist, a homeopath and other specialists, but not to the dentist. This is to some extent logical, but not entirely correct.
No acupuncture, dietary supplements and monotherapy homeopathy can not eliminate the inflammatory process in the joint. The therapeutic effect can be achieved only through the use of careful diagnosis and rational medication.
These syndromes are very difficult to diagnose. Their identification becomes a challenge even for an experienced specialist. Therefore, do not try to diagnose yourself at home and start treatment. After all, to conduct quality treatment is the work of a doctor, and to carry out preventive maintenance and constantly monitor your health is the task of the patient. Be healthy!