Zaeda in the corners of his mouth
Last reviewed: 19.11.2021

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Seizures in the corners of the mouth - this is a problem that almost every person came across, at least once in life. Most often, jaunts appear in early spring, when the body's defenses are depleted, there is an acute shortage of vitamins, etc.
Small cracks in the corners of the mouth, which sometimes cause very severe pain when trying to open the mouth, among doctors are better known as angulitis or angular stomatitis. To provoke their appearance can streptococci or yeast-like Candida fungi. Irritation in the corners of the mouth causes a lot of inconvenience to a person - it becomes harder to take food, especially salty, sour, sharp causes very severe pain, it's hard for a person to talk, the affected area constantly itches, burns, and the seizures very much spoil the appearance, making it untidy. Especially often there are seizures in young children, whose immune system is only being formed. In addition, children tend to pull everything in their mouths and taste, which can lead to infection, especially if there are lesions on the skin in the area of the lips or on the oral mucosa.
Sneezing in the corners of the mouth must necessarily be treated, otherwise ugly crusts, bleeding ulcers may appear. But before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the occurrence of seizures, and there may not be one, but several.
The reasons for zaed in the corners of his mouth
The bacterium streptococcus is the most common cause, which leads to the formation of zaed, a little less often cause the disease fungal bacteria, the so-called candidiasis jaundices in the corners of the mouth.
Streptococcal galloping occurs as a result of small cracks, violations of personal hygiene, dry skin, hypothermia or overheating, neglected carious processes in the oral cavity, braces, dentures, the habit of licking lips.
Candida congestion occurs as a result of infection with fungi from the genus Candida. Almost always, candidiasis jaundices in the corners of the mouth are accompanied by a candidiasis of the tongue or oral cavity. In nature, yeast-like fungi have a high prevalence, they are present in fruits, vegetables, in dairy products. They live on skin integuments and mucous membranes, activating their pathogenic properties in case of weakening of immunity. Seizures in the corners of the mouth are formed with immune deficiency, very often against the background of taking antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs, hormones, etc. Often, mischief worries HIV-infected people.
Zaeda is formed in anemia, which is expressed by pale skin, conjunctivitis. The lack of iron in the body is expressed by dry and rough skin, dull and brittle hair, prone to loss, weak nails (brittle, dull, etc.). Anemia can develop as a result of malnutrition, digestive tract diseases, which leads to hypovitaminosis.
The mucous membrane of the lips can be affected as a result of a lack of vitamin B2 in the body, which results from a sharp decrease in the diet of dairy products or chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
Long non-transient, often recurring seizures in the corners of the mouth can disturb patients with diabetes mellitus. With this disease, metabolism is broken, which leads to low resistance of the body to bacterial infections.
Why piss at the corners of the mouth?
Seizures in the corners of the mouth can appear in almost everyone, regardless of age. Cracks in the corners of the mouth are most often disturbed with the advent of spring, against the background of weakened immunity. The causes of the appearance may be different, but usually it is a violation of the body's work, which occurs as a result of improper functioning of the internal organs. In this case, if at some point you feel that you have jumped in the corners of the mouth, you need to listen to your body, maybe this is a signal of a more serious problem.
Also, the reason for snoring is often bacteria that are transmitted by kissing, when using someone else's personal things (lipstick, utensils). Little children often pull everything into their mouths - this is how the infection gets.
As a rule, zaedy in the corners of the mouth begin to appear with weakened defenses of the body, with a deficiency of vitamins (more often in the spring). Often people who suffer from seizures have a deficiency of vitamin B in their bodies. But there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of seizures - for example, seizures may appear as a result of an allergic reaction to toothpaste or any products, as well as incorrect bite, braces or dentures provoke irritation in the corners of the mouth. Therefore, before you start treatment, you need to find out the reason for the occurrence of seizures, because if you only cure the seizures, ignoring the reason for their appearance, this will lead to constant relapses.
If you know for sure that the cause of cracks on the lips is not connected with health or taking medications, but jaunts in the corners of the mouth worry again and again, you need to pay attention to your diet. Cottage cheese, cheese, beef, eggs (yolk), the liver contains a sufficient amount of vitamin B, so regular use of such products will be an excellent prevention of seizures. You can also include in your diet vegetable food - green beans, fresh peas, broccoli, bran, spinach, wheat, rye. You can drink a course of biologically active additive with beer yeast.
Lack of iron in the body, zinc can cause permanent jamming in the corners of the mouth. To prevent the development of anemia, you need to eat as many nuts, potatoes, pomegranates, mushrooms, parsley, peaches, oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, asparagus, rye. Increase the level of iron in the body will help to eat liver, heart, and red meat. To replenish the reserves of zinc, you need to regularly eat seafood, eggs, pumpkin seeds, brewer's yeast, greens, sprouted wheat grains.
Also, when a jaed occurs, you can drink a course of vitamins, which will help strengthen the whole organism.
What should I do if there are sniffs in the corners of my mouth?
If zaedy in the corners of the mouth, even after a certain treatment, do not pass, you need to scrape to identify the pathogen (streptococcus, staphylococcus, yeast-like fungi), do a blood test to determine the level of vitamin B in the body.
If the fungus is the reason for the zaed, the doctor prescribes antifungal preparations, the selection of which is carried out individually, taking into account the sensitivity to medicines and the particular disease.
The cause of seizures may be carious teeth, tartar, poor-quality dentures or crowns, so you need to monitor your oral cavity and regularly visit the dental office. Smoking people are advised to limit the number of cigarettes per day or completely abandon the bad habit.
You should pay attention to your diet, you should add to your diet foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamins B. It is best to eat whole grains (bran, brown rice), green leafy vegetables, avocados, nuts, in which the maximum content of this vitamin. Among the animal products with a large amount of riboflavin (Vit. B), egg yolk, poultry, fish, and cheese differ.
Also, you should eat foods that contain vitamin E - cold pressed vegetable oil, legumes, cabbage, corn.
You need to eat more vegetables and fruits, include dairy products in your diet. It is necessary to abandon the sour, spicy, salty. Meat is best in boiled form. When binging, caused by yeast-like fungi, you need to limit the consumption of sweet.
To accelerate the healing of cracks, it is possible to apply to the affected areas an oil solution of vitamin E, olive, linseed oil. The delicate skin of the lips in the cold season is necessary to protect with special lipstick.
Well facilitates the state of the set of lotions from the infusion of oak bark and alder cones, which has astringent and antibacterial properties. The tea tree oil also has a good bactericidal effect, which is used twice a day.
Treatment of snacks in the corners of the mouth
In order for the jam at the corners of the mouth to safely disappeared, it is necessary first of all to eradicate the source of the disease. If there is a suspicion that seizures have appeared after any disease, medication, etc., you should consult a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate effective treatment.
The habit of licking lips, consuming a lot of sweet, alcohol, unbalanced food - all this will provoke the appearance of seizures. Therefore, if zaedy become frequent "guests" on your lips, you need to change your diet.
In the event that seizures in the corners of the mouth did not appear due to a disease or medications, you can cure them yourself. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the daily menu acute, sour, salty - everything that causes irritation of the mucosa. Also need to increase the amount of daily drunk fluids, since the body needs it to restore the skin. You need to buy a pharmacy shintomitsinovuyu ointment, which has good anti-inflammatory properties.
It is possible to treat seizures in the corners of the mouth independently with the help of rather effective alternative means:
Lotion of herbs
It has long been known that nature is rich in a variety of medicinal herbs and plants. At galling, grasses that have anti-inflammatory properties are good: chamomile, sage, calendula, celandine. Also an ordinary green tea helps (you can use sachets, which after brewing warm apply to the affected areas of the lips). Also an excellent tool for jamming is a lotion from the infusion of oak bark and cones of alder.
Oil of dogrose, avocado, tea tree, linseed, olive, sea-buckthorn perfectly soften the skin, relieve unpleasant sensations. A couple of times a day you need to apply a cotton pad, moistened with oil to the affected areas.
Propolis has excellent anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, so it can rightfully be considered one of the best means for getting rid of snacks. For treatment, you need to prepare propolis oil: mix 10 grams of propolis and 100 grams of butter, warm in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then strain, store in a jar of dark glass. Obtained oil should be greased a few times a day.
Good helps with deep cracks on the lips of the cream from the rhizome of the tinder. This cream is easy to prepare at home: you need 200 grams of butter and 5 grams of rhizome (you can buy at the pharmacy). Powder from the rhizome is mixed with butter and cooked over low heat for about 20 minutes. This cream is recommended to lubricate the corners of the mouth and lips 2 - 3 times a day.
An apple mask effectively helps to cope with seizures. To prepare such a mask, it is necessary to mix the grated apple with butter (in equal proportions) and apply to the affected areas.
Plants such as aloe and calanchoe (which can often be seen on the windowsill of grandmothers) have anti-inflammatory and softening properties, to treat snacks, you just need to squeeze out a little juice from the leaf and apply them to the affected areas.
At night, it is good to lubricate the corners of the lips with honey or melted wax mixed with hemp oil.
How to treat snacks in the corners of the mouth?
It is easier to prevent seizures than to cure, so if you know the reasons that provoke a seizure, it is better to avoid them. But if all the same zaedy appeared, then the treatment should be started immediately, so as not to start the process.
If you feel the first signs of the disease, you need to drink a course of vitamins B, where there must be vitamin B2. You can buy vitamins in a pharmacy or make your menu in such a way that it contains products containing a large amount of this vitamin - eggs, especially yolk, chicken, avocado, bran, cabbage, cheese, brown rice, legumes. For children it is good to give brewer's yeast mixed with boiled water.
At the time of illness, you must abandon the acute, salty, smoked. It is better to eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, dairy products, which will help to get rid of snacks more quickly. Of course, vitamins and a special diet will not help immediately get rid of itching and burning, which bring maximum discomfort, so it is recommended in combination with vitamin nutrition to use local therapy - ointments, lotions, creams that will help to reduce, and in some cases, sensations. Well soften the dry skin of oil solutions (vitamin E, olive, sea buckthorn, etc.). You can also lubricate the affected areas with ordinary tea brewing.
In the event that zaedy in the corners of the mouth acquired a neglected form or can not be cured by home remedies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is necessary to treat seizures, since they will not pass independently without your participation, all large areas of the skin will be involved in the inflammatory process, and the soreness will become stronger every day.
Ointment from zaed in the corners of the mouth
If zaedy in the corners of the lips appeared as a result of a fungal infection, it is necessary to use antifungal agents - nystatin, levorin. It also helps to reduce painful symptoms of mercury 5% or erythromycin 1% ointment.
Teimurova paste, tetracycline ointment, levomycol are quite effective drugs for treatment of seizures. Tetracycline ointment is an antibacterial agent, which contains an antibiotic that prevents bacteria from multiplying. Levomikol is a combined preparation that has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity, it helps to suppress the reproduction of staphylococcal, pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. Also, the ointment has regenerative properties. Paste Teymurova has good disinfecting properties, it effectively destroys microbes, dries the skin.
The doctor must prescribe the ointment for the treatment of seizures, taking into account your condition and the reason for the occurrence of seizures, the specialist will be able to prescribe effective therapy.
Vitamins from zaed in the corners of the mouth
Sneezing in the corners of the mouth can talk about the lack of vitamins in the body. So our body gives us to understand that you need to pay attention to nutrition. If there are no health problems, but the seizures periodically make themselves felt, you need to drink a course of vitamins, in particular, with vitamin B2 content.
Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, helps our skin to maintain a young and beautiful appearance. Lack of this vitamin can cause nervous disorders, breakdowns, digestive disorders, gastritis, general malaise, a variety of skin diseases, lower immunity.
Also at zaedah the organism experiences an acute shortage of iron and zinc. The lack of these microelements causes anemia. When anemia the body lacks red blood cells, the level of hemoglobin decreases. As a rule, anemia develops as a result of an insufficient amount of iron. To a deficiency of iron can result in strict diets, inadequate nutrition, in particular, quick snacks on the go. In childhood, anemia often develops from excessive consumption of sweets and the rejection of useful foods. Therefore, the first symptom of iron deficiency in the body can be zaedy in the corners of the mouth.
Choosing vitamins, you can buy a full complex, which will also include vitamin B2, iron and zinc, and you can buy drugs separately, for example, vitamins of group B (be sure to pay attention to the vitamin complex included vitamin B2) and drugs with the content of zinc and iron. Preparations with iron or zinc, can also contain vitamins, for example vitamin C, which activate the defenses of the body, which, when seized on the lips, will not be superfluous.
Prevention of zaed in the corners of the mouth
If you often get stuck in the corners of the mouth, you must adhere to a certain diet, which includes foods with a high content of vitamins B2, E, iron and zinc. You need to limit sweets, eat more vegetables, fruits. Reduce the use of smoked, salty, hot, etc.
It is necessary to undergo a preventive checkup twice a year at the dentist, as, as it was noted above, the started caries of teeth can be the reason of regular jam on the lips. It is necessary to ensure that dental prostheses, crowns do not cause discomfort, were convenient, because this too can lead to irritation of the mucosa and the appearance of seizures.
Harbinger of zaed are dryness and flaking of the lips, therefore, to prevent the occurrence of seizures, you can use some tips:
Thermal water is an excellent preventive against seizures. To prevent the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips, you just need to moisten your lips with thermal water several times a day. Also, lip liner based on thermal water will help very well.
Decoction of the flax seed will also help to prevent the occurrence of seizures. To prepare a decoction you need 2 teaspoons of a seed and a glass of water. Boil the mixture on low heat to a cough-like condition and apply several times a day to the lips and corners of the mouth. You can also use any honey, which for the night to lubricate the lips.
An interesting tool that helps prevent the emergence of snacks is a mixture of lard and rose petals (from one flower). Mix with a tablespoon of lard petals, carefully grate, obtained a mixture of grease the lips.
Sneezing in the corners of the mouth can appear at any age, both in men and in women. In this case, the main timely and effective treatment. The inflammatory process, started on its own, will eventually infect all new skin areas, deep cracks, bleeding ulcers may appear. The earlier the treatment is started and the reason for the occurrence of zaed (the deficiency of vitamins, weak immunity due to the disease or taking medications, caries, etc.) is established, the more effective and faster the recovery will come. Eliminating the reason for the occurrence of seizures for a long time will save you from this unpleasant disease.