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Cough syrup for children
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cough syrup in children is almost always prescribed for various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by coughing, inflammation, the development of infection.
The drug belongs to the group of secretolitics because it has the ability to dilute the secretion of the respiratory tract, including sputum, and also promotes its accelerated excretion, thereby reducing the inflammatory process, and normalizing the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
The active substance of this drug is carbocysteine. Refers to the pharmacological group of secretolytics and stimulators of the motor function of the respiratory tract. The main application - for various diseases of the respiratory tract, and as an auxiliary agent is prescribed for chronic and acute otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Quite an effective remedy for the treatment of the common cold (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.). Can alleviate the patient's condition even with asthma, bronchiectasis, obstructive pulmonary disease. Sometimes used even in the diagnosis of respiratory system. Also, the drug is prescribed for all diseases associated with sputum production.
The main active substance is carbocitein. As auxiliary substances, such components as sucrose, caramel, purified water are considered. Due to the fact that the composition contains the natural essence of cherry, the preparation has a rather pleasant taste and aroma. Therefore, it should be given to children only under the supervision of adults.
Indications Syrup Fluviert
The drug is recommended to prescribe for various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the first place, these are all diseases that are accompanied by a strong cough, and also with strong, viscous and difficult to separate sputum. The drug is quite effective in diseases such as tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. It can be effective even with bronchiectasis.
Helps ease the condition with a strong cough against the backdrop of severe infectious diseases, such as measles, whooping cough. Sometimes it helps to relieve the condition even with a cough that occurs against the background of tuberculosis. Can have a positive effect also in diseases of the inner and middle ear. This is due to the fact that the ear and nasopharynx are connected to each other through the nasolacrimal canal. The drug reduces inflammation in the nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract. Accordingly, the inflammation in the ear, simultaneously, will be eliminated.
We can say that the drug has activity against diseases such as inflammation in the middle and inner ear. Also used for diseases such as rhinitis, adenoiditis, otitis media and tubo-otitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. In addition, the drug is prescribed in preparing the patient for such procedures as bronchoscopy, bronchography.
For more information on syrups used for cough for children, see this article.
Release form
The composition includes auxiliary substances, such as sucrose, dextrose, cherry essence. It is produced in the form of dark cherry syrup, which is presented in a 100 ml bottle.
By pharmacological action, the drug belongs to the group of expectorant and mucolytic properties.
With regard to pharmacodynamic properties, it can be noted that the drug has expectorant and mucolytic properties, that is, it helps to dissolve sputum and speed up its excretion from the body. As a result, coughing may intensify. Positive effects can be observed with dry, as well as with a damp cough. Dry cough usually turns to wet. As a result, sputum is quickly released, is discharged outward from the mucous membrane. Strengthening of cough occurs due to the fact that sputum is separated, and begins reflexively irritating the mucous membrane. Cough is seen as a reflex reaction that occurs in response to any irritation.
In addition, the activity of the sialated transferase enzyme is enhanced. This is a specific enzyme, which is produced by goblet cells of the mucous membrane. As a result, the activity of the respiratory tract increases, broncholytic activity increases.
In addition, the synthesized secret becomes more liquid, as a result of which it is more easily excreted from the body. Accordingly, the inflammatory process is reduced, the infection is eliminated, the condition of mucous membranes is normalized. Also, the secreted mucous components contribute to the fact that the secret restores the condition of the mucous membranes (we are talking about the process of regeneration). Also an important effect is the normalization of the structure and condition of the ciliary epithelium. The intensification of epithelial activity contributes to the fact that immunoglobulin begins to be synthesized more intensively, which performs protective properties in the body.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug is also of some interest. For example, it is worth noting that the drug is absorbed rather quickly after it was ingested. Absorption occurs in full. The maximum concentration occurs in the blood, and then in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. This concentration can be achieved within an hour after administration. The therapeutic concentration in the blood lasts about 8 hours. The half-life is approximately 2 hours. Derivation of the main amount of the drug is carried out through the urine. At the same time, about a third of the substance is excreted unchanged, while the remaining two-thirds are excreted as metabolites.
Dosing and administration
Take the drug is recommended in accordance with the instructions. A measuring cup is attached to the package. Fissions are observed in accordance with measured doses. A child aged 1 to 5 years is given one dose every three times a day. Children over 5 years can be given 2 doses about 3-4 times a day.
Duration of treatment can vary from 3 days to 6 months, depending on the underlying disease and the severity of the disease, the severity of the symptoms. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. So, with usual bronchitis, ARI, other types of cough, prescribe the drug for 3 to 10 days. Usually this is enough to cure the disease in full. If the disease is protracted, you can extend the treatment to a month. Several months are required for the treatment of chronic and inflammatory diseases. As for the treatment of such serious diseases as tuberculosis, infectious diseases, it may take several months for treatment, up to 6-7 months. The treatment is well tolerated even by people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as against liver and kidney disease. People with diabetes should take the drug with caution, because this drug contains sugar, and can dramatically increase blood glucose levels.
There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug. For example, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug with hypersensitivity to active substances, as well as with intolerance of individual components of the drug, or in general, this drug.
It is not recommended to appoint children under the age of one year. Also, the drug is contraindicated in various acute and chronic diseases, especially those that affect the gastrointestinal tract. It is highly not recommended to prescribe the drug for gastritis of different stages and severity. Absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is ulcerative gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Strictly contraindicated drug with gastric diseases in the acute stage. In the remission phase, you can take in extreme cases, after a preliminary consultation with your doctor.
Side effects Syrup Fluviert
There are also side effects when using this drug. If side effects occur, you should immediately reduce the concentration, or completely stop taking the medication. The main side effects are gastritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Most often, complications arise from the digestive system. Also, all this is often accompanied by pathologies such as dizziness, headache, general malaise. Weakness, excessive sweating, and other signs, directly or indirectly indicating a poisoning, also accompany side effects and an overdose.
Also, a skin rash, irritation, itching and burning in the area of the chest, abdomen, back often occurs. Less often there is a bridle in the area of the palms and feet.
Usually no additional treatment is required. It is enough just to stop taking the medication, less often - to reduce its dosage. Usually, all side effects disappear within 1-2 days after stopping the drug or reducing its dosage. Thus, it can be said that the data of pathology are of a transitory nature. In any case, if there is any side effect, you should immediately consult a doctor, consult about this. Self-medication is highly discouraged, as this can be fraught with serious consequences.
Cases of overdose are practically not observed. When using a large dosage of the drug, it is recommended that you call an ambulance immediately. In addition, it is necessary to induce vomiting, diarrhea in order to remove the drug from the body. Usually the symptoms of an overdose are associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and you can recognize them by pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting. Treatment is predominantly symptomatic. In a hospital, a gastric lavage is performed. There is no specific antidote.
Interactions with other drugs
Cases of interaction with various drugs are not known. Usually they are quite well combined with various drugs that are used to treat various respiratory diseases. Also, during the study, no interaction of the drug with food was found.
It is known that the drug can not be combined with antitussive and anticholinergic drugs, because they have opposite properties, so drugs act as antagonists, respectively, they reduce the activity of drugs. When you take this drug with antibiotics, and other antibacterial properties, their effect is mutually reinforced. It is also worth noting that the drug can be taken together with theophylline, since its effect is enhanced by the influence of similar drugs.
Special instructions
Among the special instructions worth noting is the fact that it significantly enhances the secretion from the body. Improving the withdrawal of medicinal secretions from the body occurs even from the first days after the initiation of therapy. It is also indicated that sucrose enters the syrup, which is broken down to glucose. Accordingly, the drug is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus (or the dosage should be minimized as much as possible). Addiction to the drug does not arise, in connection with which the drug can be taken quite a long time. Metabolic dependence also does not develop. Cough syrup in children is well combined with physiotherapy, and sometimes even intensifies the effect.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Cough syrup for children" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.