Birthmark on the labia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Intimate birthmarks are many, but how safe are they? Consider what are the nevi, the reasons for their appearance, signs of malignancy and methods of treatment.
Each person has birthmarks on his body. In some, they are small and barely noticeable, so they do not cause problems, while others - large and require special care. A mole on the labia, at first glance the zest of a woman, but it can bring a lot of problems and inconveniences. Such education does not always look aesthetically pleasing, but the most dangerous is that it can degenerate into a malignant tumor. For all nevi, you need to monitor to not miss this process.
Birthmarks are an excessive accumulation of melanin, responsible for the color of the skin. They can be of different sizes and colors: from small spots to large dark bumps. Nevuses are congenital and acquired, which in turn are divided into benign and malignant. Their size depends on the depth at which the base is located. Benign: flat or slightly convex. Pigmented formations on the genital organs most often have a normal structure. But if their size has increased, the form or color has changed, then it is worth immediately contacting a dermatologist.
Causes of the birthmarks on the labia
As a rule, birthmarks appear due to certain processes occurring in the body. Causes can be associated with both congenital factors and acquired ones. That is, a mole on the labia does not arise by itself, something must provoke its appearance.
The main causes of nevi are:
- Genetic predisposition - pigmented neoplasms are formed during fetal development.
- Changes in the hormonal background - a change in the level of hormones in women during puberty, with the intake of contraceptives or during pregnancy.
- Ultraviolet radiation - its excessive effect promotes increased production of melanin, which provokes the appearance of nevuses on different parts of the body or the growth of already existing ones.
- Diseases of the pancreas, GI or liver, also affect the appearance of cutaneous neoplasms.
Moles on the labia must be distinguished from genital warts and warts, which can act as a symptom of a venereal disease. Nevus, which is regularly traumatized, can trigger an oncological process. For example, convex or hanging outgrowths cling to clothing or are injured during intimacy.
In most cases, such pigmented lesions are benign, but under the influence of a number of factors can degenerate into melanoma. If the birthmark has sharply increased in size, its color or shape has changed, pain, cracks or inflammation has begun, then it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. In this case, operative intervention is indicated to prevent their malignancy.
Birthmark on the labia is a benign neoplasm formed intrauterine or in the extrauterine period. Its characteristic feature is the presence of nevus cells. Pathogenesis is associated with a violation of the migration of melanoblasts into the basal layers of the epidermis from the neuroectodermal tube. Because of this, some of the cells remain in the dermis, not reaching the epidermis. The cells that make up the mole are atypical, damaged, rounded, that is, they are not full melanocytes. They are loosely adhered to each other, and in their cytoplasm still there is a pigment.
For congenital nevi characterized by slow growth, which during puberty generally ceases. About 90% of people have congenital nevuses, as many women face birthmarks on the labia. Congenital growths are less often malignant, but the acquired ones are a rare phenomenon that is prone to malignant degeneration. Most often this is due to traumatizing the skin.
Symptoms of the birthmarks on the labia
Nevuses in the intimate zone, like many other skin lesions are asymptomatic. That is, their appearance is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, headaches or aches in the whole body. Symptoms can be seen with regular examination of the skin. But there are a number of signs that indicate the degeneration of pigmented education, consider them:
- Increase in size
- Discomfort, tenderness, burning and itching in the area of growth
- Color change
- The appearance of roughness, tubercles, and scaling
- Vulnerability of the contour
- Bleeding and sputum on the surface of the nevus
Birthmarks contain melanocytes - these are cells that can be transformed into melanocytes. Regular examination of the body will reveal the slightest changes that occur with the skin. The appearance of the above symptoms, it is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.
Hanging moles on the labia
Papillomas or hanging moles on the labia are a malformation of corporal or pale pink color, with a size of 1 mm. The warty growth is rapidly growing and can take the form of cauliflower. You can get the papilloma virus through personal hygiene products or through a hollow connection. Due to the contact of damaged epidermis and mucous membranes with objects on which there is a virus, infection occurs.
The main causes of hanging moles:
- Hormonal failure in the body (pregnancy)
- The papilloma virus
- Age features of the organism (pubertal period, old age)
- Reducing the protective properties of the immune system
- Endocrine diseases
- Abortion
- Disagreeable sexual relations and frequent change of partners
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body
- Regular stress and neurosis
Serious diseases that would provoke the appearance of such a form of growths are absent. But this does not mean that they are safe for humans. Papillomas on the labia may cause cancer. Their growth causes a number of complications: trauma and bleeding from pathological sites, discomfort during sex, an obstacle to the normal birth process. Neoplasms cause psychological discomfort, provoke psychosis and depressive state.
Hanging moles on the labia require treatment, which begins with a visit to the gynecologist. The doctor examines the affected areas and takes tests for the definition of HIV infection and the virus of the papilloma. Based on the diagnostic results, surgical removal is performed.
Birthmark on the labia majora
On the body of each person there are pigmented neoplasms, which can serve as an ornament, and deliver aesthetic discomfort. The mole on the labia majora can be both the first and the second, it all depends on its type and size. Consider the main types of nevi that can appear on the large hollow lip:
- Congenital - are laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, manifested in the first year of life of the child. They are small (less than 1.5 cm) and large (from 1.5 cm or more). They require medical supervision, as they can develop into melanoma.
- Hanging and warty - cause inconvenience, which is associated with frequent traumatization. This can lead to their transformation into a malignant form. As a rule, arise because of the human papillomavirus. In order to prevent this process, such moles are removed by various surgical methods and sent for histological analysis.
- Flat pigment spots - in most cases, do not pose a threat. But a woman needs to observe their condition. If there were any changes, for example, the mole began to grow, change color or flake, then it is worth turning to a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.
It is dangerous to remove pigmented lesions on large labia itself, as this can lead to serious complications.
Black birthmark on the labia
There are many pigmented formations that differ in their localization, size and, of course, color. A black birthmark on the labia is a rarity that requires special attention. For such nevuses, a regular rounded shape and a uniform color are characteristic. Usually they appear in childhood, and during puberty can even more darken and increase in size.
There are three main types of formations associated with black pigmentation:
- Melanoma nevus is a safe formation, round or oval, less than 5 mm. Has a smooth or domed surface and distinct edges.
- Dysplastic nevus - its size is more than 5 mm, not a clear shape and asymmetric boundaries. In most cases it has several additional shades and a swelling in the center. If there are several such neoplasms on the labia and body, then they need to be monitored, since they can be regenerated in melanoma.
- Melanoma is a rapidly developing malignancy. It arises from melanocytes, looks like an ordinary birthmark, but quickly transforms. The main symptoms of malignancy: a change in its size, asymmetry, interspersed several colors, tenderness, bleeding.
On their own, black birthmarks are harmless, but if signs of changes appear, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist.
First signs
The mole on the labia does not have symptoms that would indicate its appearance. Only regular self-examinations will allow to reveal neoplasms. Misused nevi can be regularly traumatized, which entails a number of negative consequences.
The first signs of mutation of a birthmark:
- Discoloration, appearance of a new pigment
- The size of the built-up edge exceeds 5 mm
- The boundaries are asymmetric and deformed
- The structure of the pigment spot, its texture or shape is broken.
- Surface of the birthmark becomes rough, dry, cracks and excretions appear
- Touching the nevus gives painful sensations
The appearance of the above-described signs is a signal to immediately consult a doctor to diagnose the altered neoplasm and prevent its malignant degeneration.
Complications and consequences
Intimate birthmarks are not only a unique decoration of the body, but also a risk zone. This is due to the possibility of their transformation into oncology. Negative consequences arise if the pigmented growth is often traumatized, for example, during intimacy, hygienic procedures, wearing tight clothes or when trying to remove it yourself. Any damage causes capillary bleeding, which without antiseptic treatment entails complications.
If the mole was wounded or torn off, the first thing to do is to stop the blood. For these purposes, a cotton swab or bandage is suitable. The wound should be treated with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. If the hanging mole came off, then it should be sent to the study, putting it in saline solution. And it is obligatory to address to the gynecologist or dermatovenerologist, who will inspect the site of the lesion and, if necessary, remove the remnants of the build-up.
In order to avoid serious consequences, it is recommended to follow such rules:
- If the mole itches or itches, then do not burn it with alcohol, you need to see a doctor.
- If the nevus has changed the size and shape, then its surgical removal, which is performed by the surgeon, is shown.
- If the neoplasm becomes inflamed, changes color or begins to bleed, then it is an occasion to immediately consult an oncologist.
If a birthmark was injured, which was not malignant, then it is not dangerous. Serious consequences are caused by melanoma damage. Remnants of melanin from the wound can get into the blood and spread throughout the body, which will lead to skin cancer.
Mole on the labia, like other skin lesions, requires special attention. This is due to the risk of her malignancy. Complications occur with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, with trauma and unsuccessful attempts at self-treatment. The very fact of the appearance of the nevus is not dangerous. It is worthwhile to be cautious in the event that such changes occurred to him:
- Color changed, size
- There were painful sensations
- The skin of the nevus or near it began to peel off, crack
- There was an itch and burning sensation in the area of the lesion
According to medical statistics, about 50% of the genital tracts grow into melanoma, that is, oncological disease. The risk increases substantially if the birthmarks are traumatized.
Diagnostics of the birthmarks on the labia
The international classification of diseases of the 10th revision includes birthmarks on the genitals to class 2 "Neoplasms". Consider the code for mb 10 and the main categories included in its composition:
D10-D36 Benign neoplasm
D22 Melanoma nevus:
- D22.0 Melaniform nevus of the lip
- D22.1 Melaniform nevus of eyelid, including eyelid adhesion
- D22.2 Melaniform nevus of ear and external auditory canal
- D22.3 Melaniform nevus of other and unspecified parts of face
- D22.4 Melaniform nevus of the scalp and neck
- D22.5 Melanoma nevus of trunk
- D22.6 Melaniform nevus of the upper limb, including the region of the shoulder girdle
- D22.7 Melanoma nevus of lower limb, including hip region
- D22.9 Melaniform nevus, unspecified
When diagnosing a dermatologist uses the above-described classifier. This is necessary for indications for surgical intervention and removal of the nevus.
Nevuses of any size and localization require special attention and regular inspections, this is associated with the risk of their degeneration. Diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints and collection of anamnesis. The dermatologist establishes the limitation period of the birthmark (congenital, acquired), the presence of changes (color, size, etc.), whether diagnostic measures were earlier performed or its treatment.
Let's consider the basic diagnostic methods used in the study of the cutaneous growth:
- Analysis from the surface of the pigment - the main indication for its conduct, is bleeding or damage. The collected material is studied under a microscope. This allows you to determine the type of nevus and the likelihood of its transformation into melanoma.
- Luminescent microscopy - with the help of a dermatoscope, not only the skin of the build-up, but also part of the healthy tissues, is taken for examination.
- Computer diagnostics - a birthmark is compared with available samples, diagnoses and prescribes treatment.
The main tasks of diagnosis: to identify a variety of nevus and options for removal, to prevent its transformation into melanoma.
Laboratory diagnostics of skin growths on the genitals, as well as on other parts of the body, is performed by a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist. Analyzes let you know about the state of the nevus and the risk of its degeneration. The patient will have to pass an analysis for oncomarkers. For the study, blood is taken from the vein. This allows us to identify the substances formed during the transformation of the pigment. By its results, additional tests are prescribed.
A study using a dermatoscope is mandatory. A special oil is applied to the mole and treated with a special optical device with illumination. Such an analysis does not damage the skin, but it is very accurate, as it determines the structure of the nevus and the condition of the deep layers of the dermis.
Instrumental diagnostics
To determine the type of nevus, special attention is paid to instrumental diagnostics. With the help of this method, the diameter, shape, color, localization of the neoplasm, and the presence of additional growths are analyzed. Let's consider the basic tool methods:
- Histology
The surgeon disinfects the skin, applies a local anesthetic and excises the nevus. Remote materials are sent to the laboratory for investigation. This allows you to identify skin cancer in the first stages and begin treatment. Histology is conducted in the direction of the doctor or the patient's personal desire. The procedure is carried out only in medical institutions or laboratories.
- Biopsy
Morphological diagnosis of skin diseases is carried out with suspicion of malignant processes. For biopsy tissue is taken, removal of which does not cause significant cosmetic or functional discomfort. Excision is performed with a scalpel or electrosurgical method. Small nevuses are removed completely, and large ones partially with a piece of healthy tissue.
Despite the informative nature of the above procedures, their main disadvantage is the trauma of the birthmark, which can cause the onset of malignant process.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
When the patient addresses a dermatologist with a mole on the labia, the main task of the doctor is to differentiate the skin growth from pathological formations. For this purpose, the general condition of the skin, the presence of developmental defects in the dermis and its appendages, the number of nevi and their appearance are analyzed. Differential diagnostics is complicated by the fact that today there are about 24 tumor lesions of the dermis that accumulate pigment.
The mole is compared with a common wart, halonews, nevus Ota, papilloma, condyloma, basiolioma, spindle cell (epithelioid) nevus, fibroma and other neoplasms. Many kinds of moles simulate a tumor. For example, congenital growths can be asymmetric in shape or large. But melanoma can also develop from them.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the birthmarks on the labia
If the birthmark on the labia is the cause of discomfort, both physiological and aesthetic, then you need to contact a dermatovenereologist or gynecologist. Treatment depends on the results of the diagnosis (examination with dermatoscope, histology, biopsy). As a rule, for therapy use such methods: surgical, radio-wave and laser.
Let's consider the basic methods of treatment:
- Cryodestruction - the outgrowth is treated with liquid nitrogen, which leads to its death. In place of the wound, a thin film forms, under which a healthy epidermis is formed. The main advantage of this method is that it does not leave scarring, does not affect healthy tissue and does not cause pain.
- Electrocoagulation - removal occurs with exposure to high temperatures. With the help of a special tool, the doctor cauterizes the growth. During the procedure, no bleeding occurs, but only large formations can be removed, since it causes painful sensations.
- Laser removal is a popular method, involving the use of laser beams on any part of the body. Radiation penetrates deep into the skin, does not leave scars or burns. It is not used to treat large pigmented growths.
- Radiosurgery - the affected area is exposed to a radioactive directional beam. Radiation removes the mole, but in the place of its application remains a radiation burn, which turns into a scar. The procedure does not cause bleeding, has disinfectant properties. Suitable for removing small nevi.
If there are large birthmarks on the surface of the genital organs, then they are removed only surgically. This procedure is painful, therefore it is conducted under anesthesia and lasts about an hour. For small skin outgrowths, the radio wave method or electrocoagulation is most often used.
To treat a birthmark on the labia is possible and necessary, but many patients refuse to do this, resorting to more radical methods. Medicines do not act as fast as laser or cryodestruction, but they can achieve the desired results. For treatment apply special ointments, tonics and solutions, which in most cases act the same. Medicines have the following properties:
- Destruction of the epidermis
- Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action
- Antimicrobial and regenerative action
- Deep and normalizing skin relief properties
Consider a number of drugs used to treat intimate moles:
- Solcoderm
An external drug that causes mummification and devitalization of altered tissues. Issued in the form of a solution in ampoules of 0.2 ml.
- Indications for use: treatment of benign surface changes in skin integuments, nevi, plantar warts, genital warts, seborrheic keratosis and actinokeratosis
- The treatment is performed by a doctor or medical personnel, it is not recommended to apply the solution to the skin on your own. In the kit with ampoules there is a special applicator (tube). With its help, the solution is applied directly to the site of the lesion, having pre-treated the skin with alcohol. After applying the solution, it is necessary to wait for it to dry. After 3-5 minutes the treated area will assume a yellow or whitish-gray color. If this does not happen, then the procedure is repeated. At a time, you can process no more than 4-5 nevuses with a total area of 4-5 cm. For a complete removal of the build-up, there are enough pairs of procedures that are carried out with an interval of 4 weeks.
- Side effects occur when the solution hits the mucous membranes. Perhaps temporary redness or the appearance of an ischemic ring around the treated area. These reactions do not require elimination. But if there are pronounced skin reactions that do not pass by themselves, then they use steroidal or anesthetic ointments. Inaccurate use of the product can cause skin burns. When it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they are washed with 1% sodium bicarbonate solution or pure water.
- Solkoderm is contraindicated in: malignant skin lesions prone to metastasis, to remove freckles and keloid scars, with increased formation of scar tissue. The solution is not recommended for use during pregnancy, as there are risks of developing serious adverse reactions.
- In case of an overdose, that is, when applying a large amount of solution to healthy tissues, ulcers and burns can develop. For their treatment, the standard therapy for such injuries is shown.
- Stephalin
Ointment on a plant basis to remove moles, warts and papillomas. The composition of the drug includes the collection of herbal inflorescences and roots, due to which high penetrating ability is stipulated. Before applying the product on the skin, the vial with the ointment should be thoroughly shaken. The drug is applied to birthmarks 30-60 minutes before sleep, since after treatment the treated area is contraindicated to be wet for 4 hours. The procedure is carried out once a day until the defect is completely removed.
- Verrukacide
A drug with a high concentration of phenol, which causes coagulation of the protein structures of the skin. Appliques cauterize the skin, causing detachment of the build-up. Since the drug has a strong coagulating effect, it provokes the destruction of viral cells. The medicine is used to remove papillomas, genital warts, keratomas, warts, that is, skin defects that can be confused with a nevus. The solution is applied with the help of appliqués. As a rule, 5 procedures are necessary to completely remove a defect.
Side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions and a small edema at the site of application. If the product gets on healthy tissue, a burn is possible. It is contraindicated to use for the removal of pigment nevi, growths on the mucous membranes, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, for the treatment of children and extensive skin lesions. In case of an overdose, a burn of tissues develops, for the treatment of which symptomatic therapy is indicated.
- Aldara
Immunomodulator of topical application with active substance is imiquimod. After applying a single dose of cream on the skin, it is quickly absorbed, and a small amount of it enters the systemic bloodstream, is excreted by the kidneys without delay.
- Indications for use: treatment of papillomas and genital warts on the external genitalia and perianal region in patients of adult age. It is contraindicated to use with intolerance of components and for treatment of patients younger than 18 years.
- The cream is applied a thin layer on the cleaned surface of the build-up until it is completely absorbed. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week, preferably at bedtime, as the medicine can not be washed off for 6-10 hours. The product should not be applied under the bandage and used for longer than 16 weeks.
- External application does not cause a systemic overdose, since Aldara has a low absorption. Use during pregnancy is not recommended, but it is possible only if the benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risks to the fetus.
- Side effects are rare. Patients may experience allergic reactions, skin burning and itching. To eliminate local manifestations, the cream should be washed off with soap and water and continued therapy.
All drugs are used only for medical purposes. The dermatologist selects the most effective and safe remedy and gives recommendations on its use.
Alternative treatment
An alternative to classical medicine is alternative treatment. It is used for many problems, including for birthmarks on the labia. Consider the popular recipes used to treat nevi:
- Every day, apply honey to the pigmented formation, this will help discolor it. The juice of onions has the same properties. Care should be taken when using it, as it is possible to get a mucus burn.
- Castor oil is effective not only with moles, but also with papillomas. Apply the oil daily in the morning and evening. The desired effect comes in a month of regular procedures.
- Mix 100 ml of apple cider vinegar with 5 drops of lemon essential oil. The mixture must be applied to the nevus 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and at bedtime.
- Black radish peel and chop into a gruel. The product is applied to the skin 3-4 times a day until the defect disappears completely.
- 1-2 cloves garlic chop, mix with a spoonful of vinegar and flour. The result should be a tight dough. Take a plaster and make a hole in it for the size of a birthmark, this will protect healthy tissue. Glue the patch on the skin, and on the mole, attach the dough, pasted on top with another plaster. After 1-2 days, remove the bandage.
- Sour the apple sour on a fine grater and mix with honey 1: 1. Well spread the mole with this mixture and cover it with a band-aid, leaving it for the night. The procedure should be carried out within three days.
Use the above described recipes without consulting a doctor is not recommended. Since inaccurate treatment or accidental injury to intimate nevi can lead to serious consequences.
Herbal Treatment
To remove moles on different parts of the body use a variety of methods, but special attention should be paid to the treatment of herbs. Consider the effective recipes of herbal medicine:
- In the flowering season of dandelions, dig out the root of the plant. It must be thoroughly rinsed and crushed into a gruel. The received means to apply in the form of a compress to a nevus for 1-2 hours. With regular procedures, after 7-10 days, it begins to dry out and disappears.
- The juice of celandine grass is the most popular remedy for the treatment of pigmented neoplasms. Cut off the stem of the plant and apply the juice on the growth, during the procedure it is recommended to tie the nevus with a thread and pull it down as it dries. With the correct and accurate use of this method, even large birthmarks will come off within a month.
- Grind fresh squeezed milk and put compress on the site of the lesion. On the formation can be applied the juice of the plant, which is released when pruning the stem. For treatment 3-4 procedures are carried out.
- Extract of grape and grapefruit bones suitable for discoloration of flat moles. Paint a mixture of extracts 1-2 times a day for a week.
Treatment with herbs, as well as methods of alternative medicine should be coordinated with the attending physician.
Operative treatment
The surgical method of treatment of a nevus is the most common method that does not require special equipment, but it has good results. Operative treatment is often used to remove convex and hanging moles on the labia. The procedure is carried out with large neoplasmous neoplasms.
Excision is performed with a scalpel. The doctor makes a fringing incision with the capture of healthy skin and the surface layer of cellulose. The very birthmark is excised, and the wound formed is sutured with a cosmetic suture. The removed tissues are sent for histology. The whole point of the method is to get rid of the defect in one procedure, having warned its malignant degeneration.
There are a number of indications for the operation:
- Nevuses of the big sizes
- Presence or suspicion of an oncological process
- The spill disintegrated into several parts
- Frequent trauma
- Cosmetic problems
Surgical treatment has no contraindications, but it will not be carried out if the patient has genital herpes, infectious or inflammatory diseases. Despite the safety and effectiveness of the surgical method, it has disadvantages:
- Risk of formation of keloid scars and scars
- Long rehabilitation period
- After the procedure, it is contraindicated in the sun
- The use of anesthesia: for adults, local, and for children of general
After the procedure, the patient is given advice on the care of the wound. Daily the skin needs to be treated with hydrogen peroxide and apply an ointment with an antibiotic under the bandage or plaster. Perform procedures before the wound is fully healed. If the medical recommendations are not observed, complications can arise: infection, the appearance of new pigment spots, scars and keloid scars.
More information of the treatment
To date, there are no methods that would help protect the skin from the appearance of moles. Prevention of nevi is aimed at preventing their transformation into melanoma. Let's consider its basic rules:
- Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- Places with nevuses of large sizes should not tan. Therefore, with birthmarks on the labia, refuse from sunbathing naked or relaxing on nudist beaches.
- Special creams and lotions protect the skin from sunburn, but do not reduce the risk of developing melanoma.
- At the slightest changes from the pigmentary lesion, you need to see a doctor.
In no case do not self-medicate and do not try to remove, tear or cut off the mole. In addition to bleeding, this will entail a number of other negative consequences.
A mole on the labia with the correct approach to its treatment and compliance with all medical recommendations has a positive outlook. If her malignancy occurred, that is, a degeneration into melanoma, then the prognosis depends on the timely diagnosis of the changes. In this case, the level of survival is determined by the thickness of the tumor and the number of layers affected by the oncological process. Thin melanomas are well treatable, as are malignant moles with a deep structure.