

Muscles (muscular system)

Deep neck muscles

Deep neck muscles are divided into lateral and medial (pre-invertebrate) groups. The lateral group is represented by three staircases. According to their location, the front, middle and back stair muscles are distinguished.

Muscles attached to the hyoid bone

The muscles that lie above the hyoid bone are the muscles, the sub-lingual muscles (mm. Suprahyoidei), and the muscles lying below the hyoid bone are the sub-lingual muscles (mm.infrahyoidei).

Breast-clavicular-mastoid muscle

The sternocleidomastoid muscle (m. Sternocleidomastoideus) is located under the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, with the head turned to the side, its contour is designated as a pronounced cushion on the anterolateral surface of the neck.

Subcutaneous Neck Muscle

The subcutaneous muscle of the neck (platysma) is thin, flat, lies directly under the skin. It begins in the thoracic area below the clavicle on the superficial plate of the thoracic fascia, passes upward and medially, occupying almost the entire anterolateral region of the neck.

Neck muscles

Muscles and fasciae of the neck have a complex structure and topography, which is due to their unequal origin, different functions, relationships with the internal organs of the neck, blood vessels and nerves. Neck muscles are divided into separate groups according to their origin and topographic features (by neck areas).

Inguinal canal

The inguinal canal (canalis inguinalis) is an obliquely slotted gap between the lower edges of the broad muscles, the transverse fascia and the inguinal ligament, in which the men have a seminal cord, and the women have a round ligament of the uterus.

White line of the abdomen

The white line of the abdomen (linea alba) is a fibrous plate that extends along the anterior median line from the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis. The line is formed by the intersecting fibers of the aponeuroses of the wide abdominal muscles (oblique and transverse) of the right and left sides.

Square lumbar muscle

The square muscle of the waist (m. Quadratus lumborum) is located at the side of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. It begins on the iliac crest, ilio-lumbar ligament and on the transverse processes of the lower lumbar vertebrae.

Pyramidal muscle

The pyramidal muscle (m. Pyramidalis) is triangular in shape, located in front of the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. The muscle begins on the pubic symphysis.

Straight abdominal muscle

The rectus abdominis muscle (rectus abdominis) is a flat, long ribbon-shaped muscle that is located on the side of the median line. Separated from the same muscle of the opposite side with a white belly line.


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