

Muscles (muscular system)

Muscles of the shoulder girdle

The deltoid muscle (m.deltoideus) is located superficially, directly under the skin, covers the shoulder joint from the lateral side, front, top and back, forms a characteristic roundness of the shoulder).

Muscles of upper limb

The great diversity and freedom of hand movements as an organ of labor is ensured by the peculiarities of the structure of the joints of the upper limb, to which numerous muscles act.

Chewing muscles

Chewing muscles develop on the basis of the first visceral (mandibular) arch. These muscles originate on the bones of the skull and attach to the lower jaw - the only movable bone, providing a variety of its movements in humans in the temporomandibular joint.

Muscles of the auricle

Muscles of the auricle are weak in man. Very rarely is the ability to move the auricle, which is combined with the simultaneous contraction of the occipitus-frontal muscle. There are anterior, upper and posterior ear muscles.

Muscles surrounding the orifice of the mouth

There are several well-defined muscles around the mouth opening. These muscles include the circular muscle of the mouth, the muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth, the muscle that lowers the lower lip, the chin and the buccal muscles, the muscle that lifts the upper lip, the small and large zygomatic muscles, the muscle that raises the corner of the mouth, and the muscle of laughter.

Muscles surrounding the nasal aperture

In the area of the nasal apertures there are several small, weakly developed muscles that widen or narrow these openings. This is the nasal muscle and the muscle that lowers the septum of the nose.

Muscles surrounding the fissure

The eye slit is surrounded by bundles of the circular eye muscle, in which several parts are prominent. The circular muscle of the eye (m.orbicularis oculi) is flat, occupies the periphery of the orbit circumference, is located in the thickness of the eyelids, partially enters the temporal region. Lower tufts of muscle continue into the cheek area. The musculature consists of 3 parts: age-old, ocular and lachrymal.

Muscles of the cranial vault

The skull of the skull is covered by a single muscular-anoneurotic formation - the supracerebral muscle (m.epicranius), in which the following parts are distinguished: occipular-frontal muscle; a tendon helmet (supracranial aponeurosis); temporomandibular muscle.

Mimic muscles

According to the location (topography) of the facial muscles (mimic) are divided into the muscles of the cranial vault; muscles surrounding the ocular gap; muscles surrounding the nasal aperture (nostrils); muscles surrounding the mouth opening and the muscles of the auricle.

Muscles of the head

The muscles of the head are divided into mimic and chewing muscles. Mimic muscles differ from the muscles of other areas of the human body in origin, attachment and functions. They develop on the basis of the second visceral arch, located under the skin and not covered with fascia.


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