Acne on the forehead
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Acne on the forehead is not as painful as it is unpleasant and not aesthetic. Before you start fighting with them, you need to find out why they appeared in such a prominent place. Of course, you can try to mask the pimple, the tonal remedies cosmetic market today provides a variety, if the hairdress allows, you can cover the rashes with a long bang, but all this is temporary measures and self-deception. And it is completely unacceptable and unpromising to try to squeeze out the pimple yourself, this not only does not help to eliminate the skin defect, but it can also provoke the spread of pimples all over the face.
Causes of the pimples on the forehead
The forehead zone is part of the notorious zone T, which got the name of what is similar to this letter: if you draw a line from the chin along the nose and complete it with a line of eyebrows, the conditional letter T is obtained. The whole area of T is a huge accumulation of sebaceous glands, per one square centimeter of them falls from 500 to 900. These skin integuments in cosmetology are called seborrhoeic, since it is there that the greatest amount of sebum - subcutaneous fat is allocated. Those fatty discharges that are not eliminated are not washed out, quickly covered with an invisible precipitate of dust, provoking the development of microorganisms. Also, one of the reasons for the appearance of pimples on the forehead may be a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, a bad outflow of bile and insufficient functioning of the pancreas. In general, rashes on the forehead indicate that the body needs to cleanse toxins from the inside, and then fight against external manifestations on the skin. In addition to the above reasons, acne on the forehead in this area can be provoked by excessive love of sweets, smoked foods, fatty foods, in a word, this is the cause of digestion and metabolism. Any food intoxication activates the protective functions of the body, it tries to withdraw the products of poisoning, primarily with sweat and sebaceous secretion. If the skin ducts of the T-zone are clogged, pimples appear on the forehead, which indicate that the toxins, microorganisms are in them, inside.
Acne on the forehead can be very shallow, shallow, if they are large enough, it is usually deep, inflamed. Acne on the forehead of the second type, having a base in the deep layers of the dermis, are harder to treat and after themselves often leave defects - scars. Shallow, small rashes are quickly eliminated by independent actions - two-time skin cleansing with antiseptic lotion, tonic or gel (without alcohol). In spite of the fact that the fatty skin wants to be degreased and matted, frequent washing and cleaning can lead to the opposite result. The skin glands will work more actively, as if compensating for the usual portion of fat secretions: thus, the sebum will be formed more intensively, and, therefore, there will be more comfortable environment for microbes. Also, the forehead is often covered with gums, eels, since fat accumulations in combination with mud deposits form a kind of cork in the ducts.
The causes of acne on the forehead:
- Heredity, fatty type of skin;
- Hormonal disorders, the intake of hormonal drugs;
- Disturbance of outflow of bile, conduction of the gallbladder;
- Poor digestion, constipation;
- Violation of personal hygiene rules;
- Use of improperly selected cosmetics.
What's bothering you?
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Treatment of the pimples on the forehead
First of all, make up a normal diet, excluding sweets, fatty, spicy foods and any canned, smoked foods.
Daily to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of well-purified water, can be mineral, but not carbonated;
To monitor the timely emptying of the intestine and bladder, to remove constipation;
Provide a norm of vitamins and minerals with the help of multivitamin complexes;
Minor rashes wipe twice a day with antiseptic solutions. Of drugs pharmacies have proven to be a means of drying the skin of zinc - Kuriosin, Skinorene, containing azelaic acid, salicylic acid.
Larger, deeper pimples on the forehead at night can be pinpointed with levamyles, which will remove inflammation, counteract the reproduction of bacteria and regenerate the skin. In the morning, you can apply a solution of salicylic acid or Panthenol in the form of an emulsion.
Inside, you can take infusion of pharmaceutical collection, aimed at improving the work of the stomach (gastric fee). Fitonasty must be prepared according to the instructions given at the collection, take a course of at least 21 days.
Outwardly you can wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile and sage (take one teaspoon of a dry mixture of grass, brew in 500 ml of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes).
You can not try to squeeze and injure the unseen pimples on your forehead, to warm them or rub them. This can trigger the spread of microbes throughout the face, the appearance of an extensive rash.
In extreme cases, when within 2-3 weeks the acne on the forehead does not pass, you should seek help from a cosmetologist. There are many salon safe and effective procedures that will help get rid of such an unpleasant defect.
Acne on the forehead is not a threatening symptom of any disease, but it causes unpleasant sensations and prevents the "owner" from feeling comfortable. To the forehead was clean at times it is enough to observe a normal diet and hygiene rules, to use well-chosen creams and cosmetics.
More information of the treatment