Blood from the nipple
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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If you have any type of discharge from the mammary glands from your mammary glands, especially when you notice blood from your nipple, you should immediately contact a mammologist.
This may be a sign of the development of quite serious pathologies and various diseases. Do not pull with a visit, even if the allocation for a time stopped.
Causes of the blood from the nipple
The mammary glands are a paired organ that has glandular tissue, an excretory duct and a nipple. If a woman or a girl wears a tight bra that does not fit her, this can lead to the development of mastitis, in which often there is blood from the nipple.
In addition, the reasons for the discharge of blood from the nipple may be as follows:
- The development of a rather complex disease, which is called "cystadenopapilloma." Papillomas of a special species begin to multiply within the outflow ducts. They are considered benign entities. With cystadenopapilloma, blood from the nipple can go. At the same time, there are no painful sensations. If you do not check in time and do not remove foreign growths, they can develop into a malignant tumor.
- Adenoma of the nipples. This is a benign neoplasm in the nipple, which can only be cured with the help of surgical intervention.
- Mastopathy is a fairly common and serious disease that begins with swelling of the breasts and their soreness. There is a diffuse and nodular form of mastopathy. To get an accurate diagnosis, you need to undergo an examination with a doctor and make a biopsy.
- Malignant tumor or breast cancer.
The pathogenesis of blood from the nipple is an uncontrolled growth of epithelial, connective tissues, which is caused by malfunctions in the hormonal system of a woman. Most of the breast pathologies begin after the amount of estrogen in the body increases. This was confirmed by numerous experimental studies.
Symptoms of the blood from the nipple
Symptoms of blood from the nipple depend on the nature of the disease that caused such unpleasant discharge.
- Blood pressure may appear if a woman develops an internal papilloma. As a rule, it appears in patients after 30 years.
- Sometimes spotting may appear after the usual trauma to the breast. If you remember that recently this site was badly bruised, then it is not worth worrying, the blood does not show the presence of any disease.
- Blood with clots at pressing will go at a cancer of a mammary gland. If you notice such symptoms in yourself, as well as pain or discomfort, you should immediately see a doctor.
First signs
Blood from the nipple is one of the manifestations of the formation of a malignant tumor in the mammary gland. In addition, the first symptoms of this serious disease are: severe pain in the affected chest, visible inflammation of the nipple, an unpleasant feeling inside the breast, increased sensitivity of the breast.
The first signs of mastopathy, in which bloody discharge can also appear, are: painful swelling, discomfort, a special tension of the breast before menstruation.
Intrapropassive papilloma of the breast is always accompanied by the presence of blood from the nipples. But at the same time you can also notice: acute pain, especially when you press on the chest, discomfort.
Blood from the nipple when pressed
Some women after the age of thirty start to notice bleeding from their nipples when they are pressed against them. In this case, pressing can be even slightly. If you notice this symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the blood from the nipple when pressed can be the first sign of the formation of papillomas in the mammary gland or its ducts, benign tumor or even cancer. In order to be sure that the disease does not pose a threat to your health, you need to make a smear, with the help of which the amount of red blood cells is determined. For treatment, surgical intervention is used.
Blood from the nipple during pregnancy
Blood from the nipple very often comes out in pregnant women. This is a common process, especially during pregnancy, because there is a strong squeezing of small blood vessels, which leads to their rupture. Colostrum (the fluid that comes out of the mammary glands of pregnant women immediately before delivery) can turn red due to the rupture of such vesicles.
Note, if you notice that the blood from the nipple during pregnancy does not pass for several days (up to four), go to your doctor right away. Such a symptom may indicate the development of malignant education, which must be treated promptly.
When a pregnant woman needs to be alert?
- If the blood comes from only one breast.
- If in parallel there were painful sensations.
- When the blood from the nipple is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
Blood from the nipple when feeding
During lactation (feeding the baby), some new mothers notice the blood from the nipple. Usually this happens if spotting gets into milk after deep breasts of the breast or cracks in the nipples. In this case, you just need to heal the damage and correctly apply the baby to your chest.
But the blood from the nipple during feeding can be a symptom of a more serious illness. For example, you may have damaged capillaries if you misuse a breast pump. Also, this symptom can be the cause of intralesional papilloma (benign or malignant). It looks like a small wart that can bleed slightly from time to time. In the latter case, it is very important to have an operation to remove the papilloma in time. That's why it's so important to see a doctor if you notice blood from your nipple when feeding.
Blood from the nipple in a child
Sometimes infants have inflammation of the mammary glands. In the first months of life of babies (boys and girls), nipples may swell and blush in 5% of cases, white liquid may be released from them. This is because during the birth, female hormones in a small amount penetrate into the placenta and, accordingly, into the baby's body. Usually the inflammation takes place within a week or two.
Sometimes such discharge can take a bloody character. This is due to the fact that there is a blockage in the benign character of the mammary gland passages. Doctors call this phenomenon "ectasia". It does not harm the health of the baby and passes within a month.
If you notice blood from the nipple in a child, do not try to press on the mammary glands or in any way to stimulate the release of secretions. This can lead to quite serious consequences.
Where does it hurt?
Complications and consequences
Blood from the nipple is the cause of the pathology of the breast, so if you do not pay attention to the discharge and do not start treatment, the consequences can be quite serious. Remember that in most cases, spotting indicates the formation of benign tumors and papillomas, which over time can develop into malignant tumors.
The complications of blood from the nipple depend on why it appeared such secretions. If the blood became the cause of inflammation of the breast and the penetration of bacteria (telith), the development of mastitis may become a complication.
After the formation of intralesophageal papillomas, bloody discharge always appears. It is a benign tumor, but there is a high risk that it will degenerate into a malignant tumor. Therefore, women at risk (nulliparous, with alcohol dependence, smoking, overweight) should carefully monitor their health and regularly visit a doctor.
Sometimes blood is a complication in the process of lactation.
Diagnostics of the blood from the nipple
Blood from the nipple is an alarm signal, therefore it is necessary to undergo an examination with a mammologist who will conduct the appropriate diagnosis.
- First of all, a general survey is conducted, which helps to determine which disease led to the appearance of bloody discharge. Usually the mammologist asks when the blood has appeared, what other symptoms accompany it.
- After the survey, the doctor decides whether to do a blood test. Usually this procedure is very important for determining the type of pathology and its severity.
- Mammography is an x-ray study of the mammary glands. Thanks to this method of diagnosis, a doctor can well consider the internal structure of the breast.
- Ultrasound - helps to see the internal structure of the breast and track the development of pathology. Due to ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine whether pathology is a benign papilloma or a malignant tumor.
- MRI or breast mammography is a study of the mammary gland, which is carried out by introducing a special fluid into its ducts. It usually takes place if the doctor can not determine the presence of a tumor through palpation. Do not use if there is inflammation in the nipples.
- Sometimes it may be necessary to carry out an analysis of the bloody fluid.
- The analysis of a blood - is spent, if the doctor after survey has diagnosed "a cancer of a mammary gland". Of course, a general blood test will not be able to disprove or confirm such a disease, but with its help you can notice any negative changes (high white blood cell count, abnormal ESR, decreased hemoglobin level). Remember that such changes appear not only in oncology, so you need to conduct a number of tests.
- Biochemical blood test - allows you to see if there are special cancer markers in the blood (antigens and proteins). They are produced during the growth of a cancer cell.
- Spectral analysis is a new modern method, which was developed relatively recently. It differs in that it helps to obtain very high accuracy in the diagnosis of diseases. The physician will be able to determine, with an accuracy of 93%, which pathology caused the blood from the nipple.
- Genetic analysis of blood - allows you to see if a woman has a predisposition to developing breast cancer at the genetic level.
Instrumental diagnostics
- Mammography - this method of examining the mammary glands uses irradiation in a very small dose. It allows to see the development of pathology already at an early stage of the disease. This method is not only the oldest, but also the most popular. Recently, a special kind appeared - digital mammography. Here, semiconductor detectors are used, by means of which ionizing radiation is converted into an electrical signal.
- Ultrasound - this method is fast, painless and completely safe. Today, 80% of all women suffer from mastopathy, so a timely diagnosis of the growth of the seals in the breast will help stop breast cancer in the first stages. Ultrasound is performed to detect cysts or seals that can develop into malignant tumors.
- Ductography - in the ducts of the mammary gland is introduced a contrast fluid, which allows you to see any pathology. This is a modern and effective method. The doctor will be able to determine with a very high accuracy exactly where a benign or malignant tumor is located, and also what size it is.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
Differential method of diagnosing blood from the nipple can be called mammogram. It has been used for a very long time, but even today it has not lost its popularity, as it helps to see the full picture of the pathology of the breast.
Treatment of the blood from the nipple
Treatment for the discharge of blood from the nipple depends on which disease caused such an unpleasant symptom.
- With the development of nipple adenoma, the only method of treatment is surgical intervention.
- If you have diffuse mastopathy, then the introduction of a 25% solution of potassium iodide into the nipple will help. With nodal mastopathy, the decision can only be an operation.
- When mastitis antibiotics are prescribed, and also treatment with various solutions and ointments with antiseptic effect is carried out.
- Malignant breast cancer can be overcome only by surgical intervention.
- In the body (inflammation of the nipples), multivitamins and antiseptics are prescribed.
- Cystadenopapilloma is treated only by surgery.
When mastitis:
Osmapox. Antibiotic, which is released in the form of capsules, granules for suspension and tablets. Can in a small dose penetrate into the milk of a nursing mother, which requires a revision of the therapeutic dose. The concentration of the maximum amount of the drug in the blood plasma is seen two hours after the intake.
Flemoxin-Solutab. Another popular antibiotic for mastitis. It is relatively safe, so it can be prescribed to pregnant women in some cases. Tablets can be chewed, taken in batches or dissolved in water. It does not contain sugar, it has a pleasant taste of apricot syrup.
Hiconcile. A very popular antibiotic, which is often prescribed during pregnancy and lactation. Has no contraindications. They produce Hiconcil in several forms, including tablets and capsules.
Vishnevsky ointment. One of the most effective antiseptic agents with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The composition includes tar, castor oil and xerobes. There are practically no contraindications, except for the sensitivity to the substances of the drug.
In the body:
Antiseptic cream "Medela Purelan". An effective tool that helps quickly and without much effort to heal cracks and other damage to the nipples. In the composition there are no dyes, the smell is neutral, the consistency is thick. Can be applied to the nipples immediately before feeding, as it is safe for the baby's health. There are no contraindications to use.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment of blood from the nipple is possible only if you are certain that the discharge has appeared after a trauma or a crack in the nipple. Do not try to cure your own papillomas or benign tumors. This can lead to serious consequences.
Often cracks on the nipples that lead to bloody discharge appear after breastfeeding. A popular alternative treatment is to lubricate the nipples with a small amount of breast milk. Be sure to let it dry. Also it is possible to grease the damaged surface with fat at night. A good remedy is apple-carrot juice, which is also applied to the nipple.
Sea buckthorn oil is used to treat cracks in the nipples and to prevent them. At home, you can prepare your own ointment from dry buds of black poplar (two tablespoons). They need to be mixed to make a powder and add to butter. Apply directly to the nipples.
Herbal Treatment
Treatment with herbs of blood from the nipple during cracks during breast-feeding is carried out with the help of flax seeds. They must be crushed thoroughly (preferably in a coffee grinder) and boiled in milk until a thick mushy consistency is formed. While the mush is still warm, it needs to be wrapped in gauze and put on to the chest.
Kalanchoe leaves help in some cases to cure blood from the nipple during feeding. Cut the leaves along and their juice lubricate the damaged nipples. Wait for the juice to dry completely. If you prefer to use compresses, then you can squeeze out the juice and moisten the gauze in it.
If the blood from the nipple is allocated due to mastitis, you can try to use homeopathic ointments.
Traumeel S. Ointment is characterized by anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic, regenerating effect. Apply a thin layer on the damaged nipple two or three times a day, lightly rubbed. With acute mastitis, you can apply up to five times a day. Among the side effects of allergic reactions. There are no contraindications.
Arnica. Accelerates skin regeneration. Consists of natural ingredients, therefore it is completely safe for health. Apply externally to the nipples in small amounts, rubbed to the sensation of dry skin. It is used no more than three times a day.
Operative treatment
In benign breast formations, which are the cause of the appearance of blood from the nipple, it is necessary to conduct surgical treatment. It will help in time to stop the development of malignant tumors.
Surgical therapy is one of the most popular methods of treating blood from the nipple when developing benign or malignant tumors. Today there are several types of this operation:
- With the preservation of organs. The tumor is excised only from a certain area of the breast, but retains most of it. This method is only valid if the tumor is small in size. In case of relapse a second species is used.
- Full operation. The removal of the mammary gland completely. Sometimes a small or large pectoral muscle is also excised. Some specialists can save the nipple and breast skin so that implants can be inserted in the future.
Sometimes surgical treatment also involves the removal of certain lymph nodes. Thus, the risk of relapse is reduced.
To prevent the appearance of cracks in the nipples, from which bloody discharge may appear, use such methods:
- Regular use of specially formulated creams or ointments, which are applied before or after the baby's feeding.
- Change your position when you feed your baby.
- Sometimes cracks appear when too much milk is allocated between the feeds. Try to use gaskets.
To prevent the formation of benign tumors:
- Removal of any kind of seals that can appear in the mammary glands.
- Normal physiological rhythm of a woman's life.
- The minimum number of abortions.
- Passage of regular examination.
- Conducting an annual mammogram.
With the timely detection of pathology, the prognosis of blood from the nipple can be quite positive. Even if the doctor puts you a serious illness, remember that with the right approach it can always be cured. That's why it's important right away, as soon as you see the blood from the nipple, you should see a doctor. Remember that women's health can not be joked. Try to visit a mammologist on a regular basis, so that you do not face such an unpleasant problem.