Redness of nipples
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Reddening of the nipples can be a signal having a different etiology.
Inflammatory process, mechanical trauma, allergic reaction, dermatitis, a symptom of lactostasis, as well as a sign of developing oncology - this is far from a complete list of causes of reddening of the areola of the nipple. In any case, this is not the norm for the condition of the mammary glands, the doctor can determine and eliminate the cause of reddening of the nipples.
Causes of the reddening nipples
Causes of reddening of the nipples are detected with the help of a timely call to the doctor (mammologist, gynecologist, obstetrician, oncologist). The symptom itself is that the reddening of the nipples is not always the basis for determining the disease, so the woman needs both an examination and a consultation and, possibly, some kinds of diagnostics related to instrumental examination and analysis. Among the causes of reddening areola nipples are most often found:
- If a woman is breastfeeding, the most common reasons are:
- Mechanical injury to the nipple. This may be due to the incorrect position of the baby when feeding, improperly formed bite of the child or with the wearing of uncomfortable underwear.
- When breastfeeding, the frequent cause of reddening of the nipples is candidiasis, which develops simultaneously with infection with a fungal infection of the baby.
- Stagnation of mother's milk in the ducts of the breast can also provoke redness in the area of the nipples. Lactostasis is caused by a violation of the rhythm of inflow and outflow of milk, redness is more often caused by stagnation.
- If a woman does not fall into the category of parturient women, the cause of the reddening of the nipples, first of all, must be looked for in an incorrectly selected bra. Mechanical friction provokes skin irritation and its hyperemia.
- Causes of reddening of the nipples may have an allergic etiology. In turn, an allergic reaction is a response to such factors:
- Synthetic underwear.
- Linen, when washing it is used synthetic fragrances, washing powders.
- Allergy to aerosols from excessive sweating.
- Irritation from a substandard body cream.
- Food allergies (the areola nipple rarely responds to such a factor).
- Impetigo scabiosa - impetigo or eruptions associated with staphylococcal infection. Impetigo in the nipple is quite rare and most often this disease is preceded by dermatitis or even contact scabies.
- Inflammation of the gland of the nipple mug (Montgomery hillocks, glandulae areolares).
- Psoriasis of the nipples. This is an allergic autoimmune disease, accompanied by burning, reddening of the areola and the nipple itself. Reddish spots, as a rule, do not have clear outlines, and in the beginning of the disease can not cause discomfort (pain or itching).
- Herpes infection, most often it is HSV1 (herpes virus 1). Reddening of the nipples quickly transforms into the formation of characteristic herpetic vesicles.
- Periareolar atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis.
- Exemia-like cancer of the breast (breast). In 90-95% of Paget's disease is combined with another type of breast oncopathology. Most often this disease is diagnosed in women of mature age, but on the whole such a neoplastic pathology is rare - no more than 5% of all detected breast cancer diseases.
Pathogenesis, which would explain such a phenomenon as reddening of the nipples, can not be described briefly. By itself, a symptom can not be considered an unconditional indicator of a particular disease. Therefore, we list the most serious nosologies, excluding mechanical injuries and physiological conditions, for example, related to childbearing and the subsequent feeding of the child.
- Dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Virtually all types of neurodermatitis are associated with neuroendocrine pathologies. The pathogenesis of the reddening of the nipples caused by the neurodermatitis is caused by changes in the functioning of the nervous system, as well as by the violation of the glands of internal secretion, metabolism, less often by factors of the external environment. Dysfunction of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system trigger a cascade of reactions, one of the final consequences of which can be the redness of the areola of the nipple of the breast. As a symptom of hyperemia and itching of the nipples is not always stable, it largely depends on the psychoemotional state of the patient. Violation of the adrenal glands is not really the root cause, but rather, the consequence and result of exhaustion after a constant intense "stressful" processing of certain hormones. Anti-inflammatory substances, such as cortisone, are produced in a minimal amount, which allows the inflammatory process to develop without hindrance. It should be noted that with neurodermatitis the thyroid gland functions in a strengthened mode with simultaneous dysfunction of the gonads.
- Reddening of the nipples caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal infection ( impetigo ). The pathogenesis of the disease is associated with microtrauma or excessive accumulation of fluid in the sensitive skin of the nipple of the nipples (maceration). Impetigo of the parotid zone is most often diagnosed during the hot season, when the coccal infections are particularly active. Mostly this disease affects young women. Impetigo is considered to be a contact form of dermato-infection, if we talk about infection of nipples, it can be transmitted through contaminated clothing and underwear. Enzymes of infectious agents are introduced into microcracks, connect the intercellular substances of the skin surface, then redness appears, and characteristic rashes (flickenes) are formed. Inflammation of the vesicle is accompanied by the accumulation of pus in it and the growth of a specific crust. Flicken often merge into a single spot, which is the clinical sign of impetigo (zircinar ring). The disease develops within 4 weeks, after formation of crusts and their disappearance on the skin are barely noticeable traces. After treatment, the areola nipple does not suffer in a cosmetic sense, the skin does not have scarring or scars.
- Psoriasis, which develops in the nipple region, like other types of psoriasis, does not have a clear pathogenetic description. The etiology of the disease is still being studied, doctors have never established a single reason. Reddening of the nipples with psoriasis is quite fast, giving way to another symptom, the formation of psoriatic plaques. From a morphological point of view, psoriatic changes are associated with an incorrect process of dividing epidermal cells. This is a complex system process, most often due to a genetic factor. Changes in this process can also be explained by the following reasons:
- Immune disorders.
- Viral etiology.
- Neurogenic factors.
- Disruption of the endocrine system.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Genetic factor.
- Parasitic diseases.
- Eczema of the nipples of the chest. The pathogenesis of this disease is complex and consists of multiple stages of disorders in all vital systems. It is believed that the triggering factor of eczema development or fading is genetics and the work of the central nervous system. Redness of the nipples of the breast as a symptom of eczema can develop with nervous stress, relapse of the disease often occurs against a background of severe fatigue or mental trauma. Studies have shown that a mother who has a history of eczema, including in the nipple, in 35-40% of cases transmits this condition to her child. If both parents suffer from eczema, their children risk getting a "legacy" disease in 55-60% of cases. Pathogenetically eczematous inflammation is caused by an allergic reaction of a delayed type, this is a consequence of immunodeficiency in the cellular, phagocytic and humoral links.
- Cancer of the nipples of the breast. The pathogenesis of Paget's disease is the primary oncopathology of the mammary ducts, in which the cancer spreads to the epidermis. The process can be in invasive form, as well as in situ (intraepithelial cancer). The eczemasis reddening of the nipples always develops with an increase in the intraluminal tumor in the mammary gland. When examined in the ducts, Paget cells are detected - characteristic neoplastic cells with an enlarged nucleus and a slightly stained cytoplasm. Nipple cancer is diagnosed quite rarely, more often in women after 50 years, less often in young patients, and also in men.
Symptoms of the reddening nipples
Symptoms of reddening of the nipples can be considered one of the signals of the disease, but most often it is associated with physiological changes in the life of a woman, that is, either with pregnancy, or with childbirth and the subsequent process of feeding the baby. Oncopathology can also be manifested by the reddening of the areola or the nipple itself, but this is extremely rare.
The most common symptoms are associated with the following conditions:
- Inflammatory process in tubercles of Montgomery. These are specific glands that are considered vestigial. The tubercles become noticeable during pregnancy, become inflamed, aching and can turn red due to inflammation. At the same time, the skin in the paranasal zone becomes very sensitive, any irritation causes itching.
- Eczema nipples (or eczema of the pigmented portion of the nipple). The skin in this zone is inflamed, visually marked foci of characteristic red color, covered with scaly crust. Symptoms of reddening of the nipples are accompanied by severe itching, burning. The development of the process leads to the appearance of cracks, wet sores.
- Herpetic infection. Symptoms of redness, bubble rashes, itching, pain, burning - all this can affect the nipples and the parasol. The rash has the form of vesicles, it is accompanied by severe itching, hyperemia, the general poor condition of the patient.
- Dermatitis areole nipples. The process has clear boundaries, the reddening of the nipples looks like a symmetrical circle. The skin is edematic, often eroded, exudation is observed, the cracks are covered with a wet crust.
- Candidiasis or thrush of nipples. This condition is characterized by general nervousness, the nursing mother quickly becomes tired. Reddening of the nipples can be considered the first signal of the development of the process, then there is a white coating, cracks, wet sores, itching and pain.
- Mechanical irritation of the skin around the nipples. Symptoms of redness are a consequence of wearing uncomfortable underwear, which irritates the delicate skin. Sensations rarely painful, most often redness accompanied by a slight itch.
- Nipple cancer or Paget's cancer. Symptoms of eczematic cancer are not always evident in the early stages of the process. Therefore, any discomfort in the area of the areola or the nipple should alert the woman and give an occasion to consult a doctor. Redness, less often itching, burning or pain is already an alarming sign. In most cases, the disease begins with small seals in the mammary gland, they do not cause pain, do not cause discomfort. Hyperemic area near the nipple can look like eczema, there are also uncharacteristic discharge from the nipples. As a rule, Paget's cancer is diagnosed in women older than 50-55 years with preventive examinations.
In case of any disturbing symptoms, including reddening of the nipples, a woman needs to establish the cause as soon as possible with the help of a doctor's consultation and a full breast examination.
Redness around the nipple
Redness around the nipple, not associated with serious pathology, is most often a consequence of irritation in the process of breastfeeding, and refers to physiological postpartum discomfort phenomena. However, one should not forget about the danger of other diseases, which can be determined by a mammalogist, dermatologist or obstetrician-gynecologist.
Let's list the reasons that can cause reddening around the nipple:
- Eczema of the nipple. Redness is the initial stage, which does not last long. The process develops fairly quickly and is accompanied by the appearance of hyperemia of the skin. The patient feels severe itching, burning at any touch or mechanical action on the skin of the breast. Characteristic signs for eczema, except redness around the nipple, can be considered small rashes (papules), they often burst, secreting exudate. The skin in the zone of eczematous lesions is edematous, the cracks are covered with damp crusts.
- Mechanical damage in the form of nipple cracks. Redness as the first stage of the state passes into the bleeding cracks, which is inevitably accompanied by pain. Running forms of mechanical nipple trauma are potentially dangerous and can lead to an inflammatory process, an increase in temperature. Most often, this phenomenon is typical for the post-natal period, when a woman feeds an infant, without preliminary preparing the mammary glands. Also, the cause may be the incorrect position of the baby during feeding, the bite of the teeth of the growing child. Cracks are dangerous because small infections can get any infection and infect not only the mother's body, but also the baby. In addition, reddening of the nipples and further inflammation provoke damage to the subcutaneous tissue and capillaries. Infiltration of the inflammatory process inside is a risk of developing mastitis.
- Thrush is also accompanied not only by itching and burning, but also by the reddening of the nipples during the initial period of fungal skin development. Later, after hyperemia, a woman has a painful sensation, especially during the feeding of the baby. The skin of the nipples acquires a characteristic red color with a white touch, glitters and is strongly irritated.
- Redness around one nipple with absolutely healthy and unchanged second one is a serious symptom, which speaks about the risk of oncopathology. Paget's cancer often does not manifest in the initial stage of clinical signs, pathology can be determined even when there is reddening of the nipple, irritation of the skin of the areola. More often this disease affects one breast, however in practice of doctors there are also bilateral cases. Burning around the nipple, serous discharge, changing the shape of the nipple - this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.
Redness near the nipple
Redness near the nipple is not necessarily a symptom of a serious illness. In most cases, it is the irritation of the areola (the site near the nipple). The mechanical cause (close underwear), trauma (bruise, fall) and other "household" factors can provoke temporary reddening of the nipples. Also, redness occurs in nursing mothers, if they have not prepared the mammary gland in time for the process of feeding. Nevertheless, congestion, redness near the nipples can be a reason for anxiety, and this is due to the following reasons:
- Redness near the nipple associated with bearing a child. During this period, many systems of the body of a woman change the mode of functioning. Pain sensations, changes in the color of the areola and nipple are considered quite acceptable, transitory physiological phenomena. Usually the first symptoms of a change in the mammary gland come in 2-3 weeks after conception, in connection with hormonal reorganization general sensitivity, breast tissue, ducts begin to "prepare" for childbirth. Any friction (uncomfortable clothing, underwear), mechanical irritation (carefully performed hygienic procedures) can cause both flushing and pain.
- Near the nipple, reddening may appear, followed by damp, pink vesicles with thrush. Aureol looks like a continuous irritated spot, the nipples swell, hurt. Candidiasis is usually associated with an existing fungal disease of the nursing mother (candidiasis of the oral cavity or vagina).
- Redness near the nipple can be caused by an incorrect feeding technique, when the baby is applied to the breast in such a way that seizing the nipple causes it to be traumatized
- Mastitis is also a factor that provokes redness near the nipple. This inflammatory process most often develops on the background of stagnation of breast milk (lactostasis). Symptoms of beginning mastitis are pain in all the mammary glands, there may be redness near the nipple, increased body temperature.
- Fibrous-cystic mastopathy is periodically manifested by signs similar to mastitis. In the chest and in the nipple region there is pain, the areola changes color, sensitivity. This disease is diagnosed in women before the menstrual cycle (that is, not in pregnant women). The mammary gland significantly increases in size, the nipples also change shape, the areola slightly hyperemic.
- Reddening of the nipples and the skin around them can be evidence of the onset of the tumor process. Often oncology in women does not manifest itself symptomatically, neither pain, nor other signs, and can have only visual signs. Any discoloration of the skin near the nipple or deformation of the nipple itself should force a woman to see a doctor immediately for a thorough examination and to identify the cause of the disease.
Pain and redness of the nipple
What can cause pain and reddening of the nipple?
- Sexual maturation of the girl. At pubertal age, the hormonal system is rebuilt in jumps, all organs associated with its functioning respond to the slightest jump. The pain and reddening of the nipple at this age can be considered a physiological norm if these symptoms are transient. Otherwise, the girl should go to the gynecologist.
- The period of menopause, during which the hormonal background affects the organs associated with it.
- Pregnancy. In the period of waiting for the birth of the baby in the body of the future mother, everything changes literally. The pain and reddening of the nipple can be due to the hypersensitivity of the gland itself, the influx of blood and the increase in the size of the ducts. The cause may be an increased level of prolactin.
- PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Hormonal cyclic transformations provoke a temporary increase in the mammary gland, the nipple, as its most sensitive part reacts first to readiness for regulam. Pain and redness in such cases are considered physiologically acceptable and pass with the onset of the menstrual period.
- Breastfeeding period of the newborn. This is the time of "working" of the mammary glands in general, if they were not prepared in advance, then the pain in the nipples, redness may be a consequence. In addition, during the period of feeding, pain in the nipples can occur due to the appearance of a "milk vesicle (blockage of the duct). In turn, blockage carries the risk of developing lactostasis. Therefore, persistent pain, redness of the nipple can not be ignored, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician, gynecologist and adjust the methods of feeding (the technique of applying the baby to the breast).
- Cystic mastopathy - benign lesions in the mammary gland. Seals in the form of cysts, pain in the chest and nipples, their possible redness, discharge from them, uncharacteristic for the physiological state of a woman - these are all symptoms of mastopathy. Of course, the diagnosis should be made by the doctor after the examination.
- Purulent mastitis as an inflammatory process in an acute form can also cause pain and reddening of the nipples.
- Intraductal (intraprotective) papilloma is a benign small-tumor process that can develop in women not older than 50-55 years. The first symptom is any amount of purulent discharge from the nipple, but secondary signs may be pain in the place of growth of the papilloma, redness of the areola nipple and painful sensations in him.
- Inflammatory process in the milk duct, not associated with pregnancy and childbirth - ectasia. Pain and redness in the nipple are one of the clinical manifestations of inflammation.
- Breast cancer (breast cancer). To prevent the development of oncoprocess, any discomfort in the chest should be monitored and immediately consult a doctor. Pain symptom, reddening of the nipple - this is not yet a diagnosis, but a possible sign of a developing pathological process.
- Psoriasis - redness and pain can become the initial signs of a disease that is localized in the chest area.
- Herpetic viral infection in the mammary gland zone most often affects the nipples. They develop rashes, specific characteristic vesicles, pain appears, the nipple skin acquires a bright red color.
Reddening of the nipple and compaction
Redness in the nipple, the compaction may be caused by the accumulation of either lipid cells, or a sign of an onset purulent process, but it can also be a signal that the oncology develops in the mammary gland. As a clinical manifestation, the reddening of the nipple in conjunction with the dense structure of the part of the breast is an occasion for immediate medical attention and for a comprehensive examination.
Let's list some factors that can provoke redness in the nipple and compaction itself:
- Atheroma or retention cyst of the sebaceous gland. The skin in the areola of the nipple is rich in glands, including the greasy ones. In turn, the sebaceous glands constantly release a specific substance - the sebaceous secret. For various reasons, it is not completely removed from the gland and clogs a barely noticeable duct in the nipple area. The disease is not life threatening to women, in the nipple is rare, but the atheroma is prone to inflammation, can fester and often recur.
- Another type of atheroma is galactocele or a stagnant process and subsequent blockage of the milk duct in women breastfeeding.
- Cystadenopapilloma or intraprostatic papilloma. Benign neoplasm of small size, which looks like a cyst. Such papillomas can form in all sectors of the breast and parts of the nipple, where there are ducts. Papillary cystadenoma can be single (solitary) or multiple. If it is not treated in a timely manner, the papilloma can provoke an intraprotocol oncology process. Therefore, the tightness and redness of the nipple is a signal to start the examination and treatment.
- Fibrous-cystic mastopathy can also cause pain, redness in the nipple. The disease is characterized by the fact that a woman begins to examine (palpate) the breast herself and discovers in one of the sectors, perhaps closer to the nipple, a seal. These manifestations need medical advice, diagnosis and treatment.
- Condensation and reddening of the nipple often appear in breast-feeding women. This state is considered transitory and associated with incorrect feeding techniques, as well as with natural hormonal changes in the body.
- Pregnancy can become a factor provoking redness, enlargement of mammary glands and nipples proper. Nipples can become more dense, sensitive. These are the permissible symptoms of a general reorganization of the future mother's systems.
- Mastitis. In addition to hyperemic nipple, painful sensations and a palpable mucus, mastitis can be accompanied by high body temperature, headache and general malaise. Treatment consists in neutralizing stagnant processes in the lymphatic system and in the mammary gland as a whole.
Itching and redness of nipples
Itching, reddening of the nipples is a discomforting and disturbing condition for women. If the reddening of the nipple is accompanied by burning, itching, then we can safely say at least about the reaction of specific neurons of the VNS (autonomic nervous system) to the irritating factor. The specific cause of itching and reddening of the nipples is determined by the doctor - mammologist, gynecologist or dermatologist.
If the symptoms are transient and disappear with a simple change of synthetic underwear, clothes for cotton, comfortable products, the itch was most likely caused by excessive dryness of the tender nipple skin and irritation.
In addition, itching, burning and reddening of the nipples may indicate dermatitis. Dermatitis in its turn is divided into several types:
- Neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis.
- Simple dermatitis (artificially) - develops only in the place of contact with the stimulus.
Distinguish these skin diseases is quite simple, especially in the initial stage.
- Contact (simple) dermatitis is characterized by a clear localization of symptoms, i.e., itching, reddening of the nipples will be only at the point of contact with the stimulus. If dermatitis is not treated in a timely manner, nipples can form cracks and develop an inflammatory, often purulent, process.
- Allergic reaction to the skin of the nipples is characterized by a brighter, red color. On the skin of the nipple there are specific vesicles (vesicles), which at the dissection strongly itch.
Also, redness and itching can be symptoms of developing nipple eczema.
How to identify the signs of eczema?
- Redness, erythema, itching.
- The formation of small papules (specific nodules) and Czechs on the skin of the nipple.
- Papules are transformed into vesicles with a liquid (vesicles).
- The liquid in the vesicles becomes purulent, the bubbles go to the pustular stage.
- Bubble formations become wet, redness increases, the nipple's skin becomes inflamed and covered with a crust.
- The process of a unique recovery of the skin with eczema is characterized by the formation of scales, keratinized elements.
Atypical coloring of the nipples, itching may be due to such causes:
- fungal skin lesions, most often this happens with breastfeeding in the presence of Candida albicans in the oral cavity of the baby.
- the expansion of the ducts of the breast (breast), when, in addition to hyperemia in the areola, the woman observes the discharge, swelling and deformity of the nipple.
It should be noted that reddening and itching of the nipples is one of the signs of the oncological process - nipple cancer (Paget's cancer), so when the first disturbing symptoms appear, a woman needs to eliminate such a serious, life-threatening disease.
Reddening areola nipple
Reddening of the areola nipple can be a normal, physiological phenomenon, provided that in the woman's body there is a hormonal reorganization - pregnancy, menopause. Areola is the skin covering the nipple, the skin color can range from red to dark brown. Pigmentation is the "work" of melanin, which in turn also consists of several components - pheomelanin and zoumelin, their ratio and affects the tint of the areola nipple.
The color of the nipple nipple depends on many factors:
- Genetic factor.
- Age of the woman.
- Nationality.
- Taking certain medications (tetracycline group or salicylates).
- The onset of menstruation.
- Pregnancy.
- The pubertal period.
- Climax.
- Dermatological diseases.
- Viral, bacterial infections.
- Oncopathology.
Let us consider in more detail the most common causes that cause reddening of the areola nipple:
- Pregnancy and discoloration of the nipple, including areola - the most common cause. Reddening of the areola can be caused by intensive production of melanocytes, which are also interrelated with the hormonal system.
- Elemental skin irritation around the nipple. The reason - the wrong attachment of the baby to the breast during feeding and trauma to the delicate skin of the areola.
- Use of an incorrectly selected breast pump during the feeding of a newborn baby.
- Often the reddening of the areola nipple is caused by a rather joyful event in the life of the mother and baby, related to the eruption of the first teeth. The inevitable irritation of the nipples, the skin around them - is a kind of "pay" for the growing up of the baby. Fortunately, such a period does not last long, and the child grows up, and the nursing mother, as a rule, quickly adapts to the new feeding technique
- Intoxication of the whole organism, more often medicamentous. If a woman suffers from any chronic disease and takes a course of drugs from the tetracycline group for a long time, one of the side effects of the drugs may be the redness of the nipple areola as an allergic reaction.
- Candidiasis during the feeding of a newborn baby. Symptoms of candidal infection are typical - reddening of the nipple, surrounding tissues, cracks, itching. Also, you should pay attention to the oral cavity of the baby, as a rule, candidiasis is found in the mother and the child.
- Eczema is a fairly rare disease in the mammary gland. However, neglected cases can give a similar symptomatology when eczematous inflammation affects both the nipple and areola
- Herpes. Viral infection often manifests itself in the nipple region, but the areola can also be prone to the pathological process and change its color.
- Atopic dermatitis in combination with dry skin of the nipple and areola is characterized by typical reddening, itching and the appearance of microcracks on the nipple.
- Cancer of the breast (breast). Reddening of the nipple, its areoles are very similar to the signs of eczema or psoriasis. Early symptoms of cancer are not too apparent, so it is dangerous. Therefore, for any atypical manifestations on the chest, in the nipple region, the areola of a woman should consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to exclude oncology or begin treatment at an early stage. Paget's cancer can manifest itself in three forms:
- Color change and dermatological symptoms in the nipple-areolar zone.
- Reddening areola nipple combined with a change in shape.
- Onkoprotsess in the mammary gland without clinical manifestations in the nipple and areola. Redness, burning in the nipple and surrounding tissues is usually a sign of a running process.
It should also be noted that Paget's cancer almost never affects both mammary glands. If reddening areola, itching, pain sensations are observed only on one breast, it is necessary to immediately be examined and begin treatment.
Redness of nipples during pregnancy
In pregnancy, reddening of the nipples is considered a normal change associated with the restructuring of the whole organism and the hormonal system in particular.
Most often the color changes not the nipple itself, but its areola, which becomes darker, sometimes almost brown in color. The reddening of the nipples and areola is explained by the increase in the production of a specific protective pigment, melanin. In turn, the development of that pigment is needed to prepare the mammary glands for the lactation process, for feeding. The degree of color change, the timing depends on the trimester of pregnancy, more often it occurs in the middle of the period. Closer to childbirth as the mammary glands increase and the physiologically explainable extension of the equine cover, the nipples and areoles acquire a normal, former color. Reddening of the nipples can also "bypass" the pregnant woman in the same way as the pigmentation of the skin in other parts of the body (chloasma), it all depends on the genetic predisposition and other individual characteristics.
What exactly happens to the mammary gland during pregnancy?
- Strengthening the brightness of the color of the nipple and its areola.
- There may appear a so-called secondary areola, containing Montgomery's glands (tubercles that disappear with time after delivery).
What symptoms can accompany reddening of the nipples during pregnancy?
- A small painful sensation associated with an increase in both the breast and nipple.
- Often the nipple skin itches and itches, it is caused by the growth, enlargement of the mammary gland and stretching of the tender integument.
- Changing the size and shape of the nipples.
- The skin of the nipples can become more dry and prone to cracking. This condition needs treatment with harmless, neutral moisturizers, ointments.
- The aureole of the nipple can be slightly darker than the nipple itself.
- The nipple's skin becomes more sensitive and reacts to any irritation factor. However, it is during this period that a woman needs to prepare her breasts and nipples for the baby's feeding period, so you should not be afraid of exacerbating the sensations. On the contrary, the mammary glands should be "trained", following the procedures recommended by the doctor.
What are the symptoms of a future mother should see a doctor immediately?
- If the reddening of the nipples during pregnancy is accompanied by persistent severe pain.
- If the local temperature of the skin changes upward (the skin becomes hot, dry).
- If the reddening of the nipples is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge from them.
- If the pain in the nipple region is localized only on one breast.
- When the redness of the nipple is accompanied by the appearance of vesicles, papules.
In general, reddening, enlargement of the nipples can be one of the first signs of the onset of conception, which is not only a normal phenomenon, but for many women and a reason for joy in connection with the expectation of the birth of a baby.
Reddening of nipples during feeding
When feeding, reddening of the nipples is considered quite a frequent occurrence. In most cases, this is due to improper preparation of the breast during pregnancy, with individual features of the skin of the mammary glands, as well as non-compliance with feeding techniques.
Consider how the process of feeding the baby takes place, in order to better understand how to avoid reddening of the nipples when feeding.
The production of breast milk is the process of active formation of a specific secretory fluid. In order for milk to be sufficient, the mammary gland during pregnancy is increased, its blood supply is increased. The skin of the nipple is characterized by the presence of smooth fibers, which are also supplied with blood, so the nipple is able to release not only breast milk after childbirth, but also a different kind of secretory fluid outside of pregnancy or the period of feeding. At the feeding stage, the nipple undergoes additional loading, becomes denser, thickens, and its color changes in connection with these changes. Such phenomena are considered acceptable if the nipple's skin retains its elasticity, is not covered by cracks and in principle does not cause a woman uncomfortable sensations.
In addition, changes in women who give birth for the first time, and those who fall into the category of miscarriages, differ in appearance and activity of the manifestations.
- The first births are the growth of the milk ducts, the change in the shape of the breast of the nipple, the local pigmentation develops more actively, but at the end of the feeding period it also quickly recovers, returning almost to the original parameters.
- Repeated deliveries - changes in the breast and nipples induced by the period of pregnancy proceed slowly, and after the termination of feeding partially remain.
- Third and subsequent delivery is characterized by the fact that reddening of the nipples, enlargement of the mammary glands, pigmentation can remain unchanged for quite a long time (in some women the changes are persistent).
Reddening of the nipples during feeding can be provoked by other factors:
- Abrasion, the appearance of cracks is inevitably accompanied by reddening of the nipples during feeding. The cause may be anomalies of the nipple's shape (flat), dry skin, an incorrect technique of applying the baby to the mammary gland. Cracks quickly heal with proper treatment, neglected conditions can lead to infection, inflammation.
- Lactostasis. This is not a pathology, not a disease, but a stagnant process, a blockage of the duct. The causes of lactostasis can be different, but the symptoms are typical - pain, a feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland, an increase in body temperature, there may be reddening of the nipples, palpation reveals local seals. The state of milk stagnation can lead to an inflammatory process, up to mastitis. Therefore, with any emerging signs of lactostasis, nursing mothers should perform self-massage of the breast, and even better - see a doctor.
- Reddening of the nipples during feeding in conjunction with changes in the areola, swelling of the chest, pain may indicate mastitis or mastopathy. In mastopathy, the reddening of the nipples can be combined with their slight retraction, but without obvious changes in shape.
- Allergic reaction in the presence of an allergy in a history of a nursing mother. Reddening of the nipple during feeding with allergies is an occasion to consult a doctor, a temporary refusal to breastfeed and adequate treatment, taking into account the fact that the need to feed the baby should be in the first place (taking antihistamines is not advisable, the diet of a woman should be reviewed, reaction).
- If a woman uses a poor-quality breast pump, the redness of the nipple and areola can also be explained by this factor.
- Candidiasis, which is characterized by redness in the nipples, pain, itching and inflammation of the areola. Thrush, as a rule, affects the child, often it is the candidiasis of the oral cavity of the baby that causes reddening of the nipples in the mother.
- Very rarely reddening of the nipples and areoles during the period of feeding can indicate Paget's cancer. This disease is rare enough among mammary gland diseases in pregnant and lactating women.
Complications and consequences
The consequences of reddening of the nipples depend on the cause and severity of the condition.
If the reddening of the nipples is associated with physiological changes - pregnancy, menopause, feeding the baby with breast milk, the consequences do not disturb the woman because they are practically nonexistent. The red nuance of the nipples and areola, as a rule, disappears, giving way to the usual color of the skin.
An exception may be the second or third pregnancy, when the hormonal background is habitually transformed and the development of pigment (melanin) is fixed.
Nevertheless, untimely diagnosed and not receiving adequate treatment of symptoms, can threaten with serious diseases, up to oncological ones.
We list some of the most dangerous consequences for women's health:
- Melanoma of the nipple, the symptoms of which are very similar to ordinary dermatitis. This, in addition to the redness of the nipples, can be itching, skin irritation areola, peeling. Often a woman begins to treat the nipples, believing that it neutralizes a transient allergic reaction. The result can indeed be achieved, the symptomatology subsides for just a few days, but then comes back again and gets worse. Relapses of reddening of the nipples, peeling of the skin becomes more frequent, there is pain, burning sensation in the nipple and atypical discharge from it. The diagnosis of the oncology process disproves or confirms a biopsy. The consequences of not timely detected diseases can be deplorable, therefore, in case of any disturbing signs appearing in the breast zone, a woman should consult a doctor and immediately begin treatment.
- Nipple cancer or Paget's cancer. In the advanced stage it changes the color of the areola, the skin becomes dark red, peeling off, covered with a characteristic crust. Cancer of the nipple most often affects one breast, this is its specific symptom. Therefore, if a woman observes reddening of the nipple on only one breast, an appeal to a mammologist, an oncologist should be immediate. Timely diagnosed disease, initiated therapy significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of negative consequences.
- Mastopathy. Its consequences are the return of symptoms, that is, relapses, as well as the risk of developing breast cancer. The severity of the consequences is directly related to the etiology of the disease. If the cause of mastopathy is hormonal failure in combination with thyroid dysfunction, then treatment should be comprehensive. Without the use of specific drugs to normalize the thyroid function relapses are almost inevitable. If the mastopathy develops in the form of nodes, the risk of overgrowing the disease in the oncology process is high. It is believed that reddening of the nipples is not the main sign of mastopathy, however it can be a signal that the pathology passes into the critical stage. To prevent serious consequences it is possible only with the help of regular breast examination at the mammalogist and timely started adequate treatment.
- Eczema, neurodermatitis nipple. The consequences of it often bring psychological discomfort, as the color, sometimes the shape and appearance of the nipple, areola is disturbed. For a woman, this is not quite an aesthetic spectacle can be a reason for low mood, down to depressive. In such cases, the level of anxiety should be reduced by informing about the consequences of the nipple eczema. In fact, with complex treatment, observance of all medical recommendations, the skin is restored quickly enough, reddening of the nipples passes. If the neurodermatitis proceeds for a long time in severe form, recurs, correct the appearance of the nipple and areola after treatment can be done with the help of cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. The consequences of eczema nipple do not really look very nice, but they do not pose a threat to life and are amenable to correction.
Complications of reddening nipples - this is usually a neglected form of cancer. All other types of complications are not threatening, although they can deliver quite unpleasant sensations, discomfort and visually look not aesthetically pleasing. If the reddening of the teats in time to begin to heal, properly take care of the skin, follow all the doctor's recommendations and observe personal hygiene, complications are amenable to correction, and difficult cases are corrected with the help of cosmetology procedures or minimally invasive operations.
What can provoke complications: and what they can be:
- Thrush. Complication can be considered interruption of feeding the baby, as well as a fairly deep erosive damage to the skin of the nipples, of course, if the disease is diagnosed late and is not treated adequately.
- Dairy ducts can become clogged if the reddening of the nipples is a symptom of mastitis. Help to reduce the severity of the complication may change the feeding regime, it must be agreed with the attending physician. Blockage is not considered a formidable consequence, but leads to the rejection of breastfeeding, and this in turn is undesirable for the baby (everyone knows that mother's milk is the best way to strengthen the immune and other systems of a newborn baby).
- Cracks in the skin of the nipples are also fraught with complications. Infection, which penetrates the wound surface, causes an inflammatory process in the nipple. Inflammation is potentially dangerous in itself and carries the risk of inflammation of the entire breast (mastitis). In addition, through the cracks in the nipple gets Candida, respectively, there is a "field" for the development of thrush, which is treated in a complex way - therapy is shown for both the mother and the baby.
- Mastitis, in which reddening of the nipples is possible, should be considered separately. Complications of mastitis are an infiltrative form of the disease, and purulent mastitis is also possible. All such complications are dangerous inflammation of the lymph nodes, extreme forms of complications - phlegmon or gangrenous process.
- If the reddening of the nipples is not treatable, or the woman does not pay attention to the symptom and starts the state of the skin of the breast to an extreme degree, it is possible to get infected, right up to the abscess. Complications associated with suppuration, fraught with surgery and the corresponding recovery period after it.
- Sepsis. This complication is extremely rare, but it should be mentioned. Septic intoxication of the body is a consequence of an extremely neglected infectious process
- Pagetta's cancer. The oncological process.
Diagnostics of the reddening nipples
Diagnosis of reddening of the nipples begins with the treatment of a woman to the doctor. Next, a standard procedure is performed by any professional doctor:
- Questioning the patient, collecting anamnesis. Redness of the nipples is a sign that can not be considered the only clinical manifestation of a single disease. A gynecologist or mammologist can ask when the redness of the nipple or areola first appeared, what uncomfortable sensations accompany this symptom, under what circumstances the reddening of the nipples has arisen.
- Examination (palpation) of the breast. In this way the doctor checks the breast for the presence or absence of tumor processes, seals and other signs of serious pathology. Palpation is not the only method of examination, therefore, by identifying an anxiety symptom, the doctor may prescribe additional diagnostic procedures.
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands to clarify the location of the compaction, its shape and stage of development.
- According to the indications, a biopsy can be prescribed, it is necessary for suspected Paget's cancer. Atypical cells can be detected in the skin material, as well as sampling of the secreted fluid from the nipple for examination under a microscope.
- If the reddening of the nipples is provoked by an inflammatory process, a woman can be assigned blood tests, urine tests to identify the cause of inflammation.
- It is quite difficult to diagnose reddening of the nipples with a suspicion of eczema. The process often develops quickly, and the woman does not immediately seek medical attention, trying to cure the problem herself. Getting on reception to the gynecologist, the patient demonstrates the nipples in such a way, when the inflammation can be considered polymorphic, that is, the symptomatology points to several possible causes at once. To specify the diagnosis, a blood test or skin tests for allergens is prescribed to rule out an allergic reaction.
Analgeses with reddening of the nipples, as a rule, are not required. Most often, the doctor has enough time to collect anamnesis (information about the onset of a symptom), examination and observation of treatment in dynamics. However, there are reasons that cause redness. Irritation of the skin of the nipples that need clarification.
What tests can be prescribed:
- Blood test for hormones. Often changes in the hormonal background provoke pathological processes in the mammary glands and as one of the symptoms of the disease - reddening of the nipples
- A blood test for the determination of the pathogen of the inflammatory process.
- A blood test to specify the causative agent of a bacterial infection.
- Allergic reactions that cause redness of the skin of the breast, nipples or areola, require the identification of a specific allergen. A woman can be assigned allergic tests - both with the help of skin research, and blood.
- If the nursing mother notices the baby and the symptoms of thrush in her, which is characterized by specific symptoms, including reddening of the nipples, the doctor can prescribe an analysis for determining the type of candidiasis infection.
- With a herpetic rash, it is recommended to donate blood for examination and detection of the type of herpes.
- If a patient is suspected of oncology, tests for cancer markers are assigned to the patient.
- With intraprostatic papilloma, both instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound, mammography) and analyzes (immunoenzyme, total blood count, analysis for concretization of metabolic disorders) can be prescribed.
Also, when the nipples are reddened, the standard tests - OAK (general blood test), biochemical analysis, analysis for the determination of baked samples and other clinical blood tests are included in the comprehensive examination list.
Instrumental diagnostics
Instrumental diagnostics with reddening of the nipples is appointed as a method of concretizing the diagnosis. Reddening of the nipples can be a sign of many diseases, therefore, in addition to examining and analyzing blood tests, the doctor needs additional information and information.
What kinds of instrumental diagnostics are used in the diagnosis of a symptom - reddening of the nipples?
- Ultrasound of the mammary glands in order to identify or exclude the latent tumor processes, and also to specify the localization, shape, and size of the seals (cysts, neoplasms).
- Mammography - a specific instrumental method, designed to study exclusively the mammary glands.
- MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging for visual clarification of changes in the shape, size of the nipples, as well as for specifying the species, type of tumor.
- Echography for visualizing the state of the milk ducts and the vascular system, which provides nutrition to the tissues of the mammary glands.
- Biopsy. Analysis of the tissue material of the mammary gland or nipple for the detection of atypical (cancer) cells, their type, quantity. Biopsy as a method of instrumental diagnostics makes it possible to differentiate the tumor process and to prescribe an adequate, effective treatment.
Instrumental diagnosis for reddening of the nipples is needed to exclude or confirm Paget's cancer. Timely detection of cancer pathology significantly increases the chances of recovery in general, and also affects the quality of life of the patient even in the most severe stages of breast cancer.
Precise diagnosis allows you to differentiate the type, severity of the disease, the risk of developing and spreading the process to nearby areas of the breast, lymph nodes and organs. Mammography, MRI, ultrasound, immunohistochemical scrapings (cytology) is far from a complete list of instrumental methods that help a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and start treatment.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis for reddening of the nipples is necessary to specify the cause of the symptom and the appointment of an effective treatment. This is especially important if a mammologist, a gynecologist, suspects the development of an oncological process in the mammary gland. Pagetta's cancer has a characteristic sign - changes in the shape, color of the nipple. The sooner a correct diagnosis is made with this pathology, the more successfully complex therapy passes and the more likely it is to have a positive result.
How does differential diagnosis work with Paget's cancer?
- Collection of information and the beginning of the development of symptoms, the circumstances of its appearance, the general state of health, including the presence of chronic diseases.
- Examination of mammary glands, palpation.
- Ultrasound examination of the breast.
- Mammographic examination.
- Examination of the tissue material (nipple skin, adjoining area - areola) is a histological or cytological analysis. Cytology involves taking tissue or discharge from the nipple and examining the print with a special glass. The technique of analysis is simple enough, in contrast to further actions and interpretation of the result. The glass is applied to the affected area of the skin of the nipple, the resulting impression is stained and examined by a microscopic method. Histology differs from cytomethod in that the tissue material is obtained with a special needle. Local anesthesia is performed, the tissue is taken with a needle and then examined with a microscope. The diagnostic material can be obtained directly from the nipple tissue, areola, and from nearby lymph nodes, if the disease is started and develops long enough.
- Immunological analyzes are needed to identify oncoprotein compounds and cytokeratin. This allows you to confirm or completely exclude breast cancer, as well as to clarify the stage of development of Paget's cancer.
If the doctor, when examined, except for the reddening of the nipples, finds clinical signs of neurodermatitis, eczema or psoriasis, differential diagnosis may include examining the tissue for the detection of infectious agents. Such actions are needed to clarify the diagnosis and prevention of a secondary inflammatory process in the mammary gland. In addition, redness, irritation, itching in the nipple area can be a signal of allergy, retention hyperkeratosis of the nipple, depriving, impetigo, and more serious pathology, for example, melanoma. Differentiation is an opportunity to exclude medical errors, to select drugs and methods for treatment, to give women a sense of comfort and health in general.
Differential diagnosis shares such diseases:
- Eczema.
- Intra-flow papilloma.
- Peregrine lichen.
- The milkman's nipple.
- Dermatitis.
- Eczema.
- Squamous cell carcinoma.
- Paget's cancer.
- Mastitis.
- Allergy.
Treatment of the reddening nipples
Treatment of reddening of the nipples is directly related to the etiology of the underlying disease.
The most common causes of reddening of the nipples and standard methods of treatment:
- Cracks in the nipples of the breast. A similar skin condition is usually diagnosed in breast-feeding women. The most effective way to quickly cure skin nipple cracks is to pre-prepare the mammary glands for feeding. Prevention of the disease largely prevents the development of deep erosive processes. Even if cracks appear, they do not deliver uncomfortable sensations, do not interfere with the feeding regime and successfully heal. Treatment of reddening of nipples with cracks consists in careful care of the breast, treatment of nipples with antiseptic means, observance of a diet and most importantly - changing the schedule and technique of feeding itself. External medicinal products are prescribed by the attending physician, it can be anti-inflammatory solutions, moisturizing lotions, creams and antibacterial ointments.
- Thrush. Reddening of the skin of the nipple or areola is accompanied by severe itching, so treatment necessarily includes remedies that remove irritation. In addition, the diet of a woman necessarily changes, drugs are prescribed that activate immunity and eliminate the cause - infection of the body with candidias. It should also be noted that the thrush almost always affects both the mother and the newborn baby, so the treatment is both a woman and a baby.
- Allergy. First of all, the causes of an allergic reaction are neutralized. After diagnosis, when an allergen is detected, all risks of contact with it are excluded. If the reddening of the nipples is caused by a food allergen, the system and diet change. Elimination of an aggressive allergenic agent allows you to quickly eliminate external clinical manifestations of the disease and prevent their occurrence in the future. Antihistamines may be prescribed, both in the form of external agents, and in tablet form.
- Tumor processes in the chest, in which reddening of the nipple is considered one of the clinical manifestations of Paget's cancer, are subject to complex treatment. Therapy, procedures are appointed by the oncologist. Operative intervention is indicated for a certain degree of severity of the process, when the operation stops the development of atypical cells.
- Mastitis, mastitis, in addition to external drugs and medicines in the form of tablets, is also treated with physiotherapy procedures. Physiotherapy allows you to resolve stagnant phenomena in the mammary glands and accelerate recovery.
Women who discover a reddening of their nipples, often resort to alternative methods of treatment. Such methods can indeed be effective, provided that the doctor recommends them. Self-medication and breast diseases are unacceptable, especially if we consider that breast cancer is still leading among all oncological pathologies in women aged 20-25 to 55 years.
Medications that are prescribed for reddening of the nipples can be either external or in the form of tablets. Category, classification of drugs depends on the cause of the disease, as well as the entire treatment system. We list the most common drugs that can reduce the intensity of the symptom and give a therapeutic effect.
- At cracks on nipples medicines are appointed or nominated in the external form. It can be ointments containing non-aggressive anti-inflammatory substances, taking into account the fact that cracks often occur in breast-feeding mothers. Here is a list of the most popular means for treating cracks:
- Lanovit.
- Solcoseryl.
- Avent.
- Bepanten.
- Ointments containing beta-carotene or tocopherol.
- Dexpanthenol.
- Cream-balm for the healing of cracks in the nipples.
- Desitin.
- Sudokrem.
- Lanovit.
- Retinoic ointment.
- We'll see.
- Vulnuzan.
- Actovegin in the form of a gel.
- A solution of chlorophyllipt.
- Nipple eczema involves long-term treatment, since eczematous dermatitis is inherently allergic. The agents that are prescribed for eczema may be:
- Prednisolone, which has anti-allergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory properties.
- Ointment hydrocortisone. Effective medicine for allergic form of eczema. Ointment has its own contraindications, therefore it is not recommended to use it alone
- Dermasan, an effective drug, if neurdermatitis, eczema is diagnosed for the first time and at the initial stage of development.
- Because reddening of the nipples with eczema is accompanied by severe itching, worsening of overall well-being, patients can be prescribed tranquilizers, antidepressants.
- Etymizol, which has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect.
Severe stages of nipple eczema suggest the use of corticosteroid hormone drugs. All types of eczematous dermatitis require drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect:
- Thrush on the nipples is treated with preparations of an antifungal group - fluconazole, diflucan and from a variety. Medicines are selected and appointed by the doctor, especially if the therapy is for a nursing mother.
- Paget's cancer. Medicines are prescribed strictly in accordance with the type of oncopathology. So, with the ulcerative form of cancer, in addition to traditional antitumor therapy, external means can be recommended that adequately relieve skin inflammation. If the cancer develops as an eczematous type, the drugs are selected as part of a treatment similar to eczema therapy.
Drugs with reddening nipples - this is the prerogative of a doctor, only an expert can differentiate clinical manifestations, make an accurate diagnosis and choose effective, effective drugs.
Ointment for reddening nipples
Ointment from the reddening of the nipples is selected depending on the cause that provokes the symptom. Also, one should take into account the woman's anamnestic data and the state of her health at the time of starting treatment.
Reddening of the nipples in most cases is associated with hormonal changes in the body or with pregnancy or lactation. Oncopathology can also be a cause of irritation of the nipple's skin, a change in its shape, but in such cases, the treatment and ointments should be specific, as well as the process of the disease itself.
The list of ointments from reddening of the nipples:
- With lactostasis (milk stasis) it is recommended to use cooling or absorbable ointments. This effect has Traumeel, all ointment preparations with arnica, calendula extract, chestnut, heparin gel.
- Cracks in the nipples are also successfully treated with preparations in the form of ointments. Ointment from the reddening of the nipples with cracks should have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial action to quickly stop the spread of the infection and not "let it" deep into the tissue of the breast. Solcoseryl, ointments containing lanolin, sintomycin ointment, Purelan, Bepanten, ointment with sea buckthorn oil, Panthenol, Tsindol, Desitin and other drugs are effective, which can be very effective if appointed by a doctor according to the indications and after the diagnosis is clarified.
- Candidiasis, which provokes reddening of the nipples, is treated with external means that neutralize the fungal infection. Ointment from reddening of the nipples with thrush is nystatin ointment, flukanazole, lamizol. However, it should be remembered that thrush is a phenomenon that occurs when breastfeeding. Therefore, any ointment can get into the digestive tract of the baby, so prescribe medications, including ointments, should only be a doctor.
- Eczema is treated as an allergy as a whole. Ointment for nipple eczema can be effective if it is combined with taking medications in the form of tablets. Medicines for eczema are classified as antihistamines, and corticoids can also be prescribed if eczema passes into a severe stage - Prednisolone, Skin-cap, Soderm, Dermasan. Also effective is an ointment with a drying effect.
Alternative treatment
Alternative treatment of reddening of the nipples can be very effective, if an exact cause of the symptom is established and treatment is prescribed by a specialist, a doctor. It is especially important to remember this to pregnant and breastfeeding women. Not all phytogens, herbal infusions, decoctions can be harmless, in addition, when illiterate use of phytotherapy is wasted precious time, and the disease can take a heavy shape. Traditionally, alternative treatment is used simultaneously with the basic therapy, or after it as a means of fixing the result.
Phytotherapy with reddening of the nipples - these are the procedures:
- Lotions (decoctions, infusions).
- Manufacture and use of ointments based on extracts from herbs, plants.
- Common baths for the whole body with decoction of herbs, medicinal plants.
- Compresses with infusion of phytosbores.
- Ingestion of specially prepared broths.
Herbal preparations should have the main properties that help to neutralize the reddening of the nipples:
- Safety and absence of side effects.
- Anti-inflammatory or antibacterial action.
- Mitigating effect.
- Wound healing action.
- Drying wetting wounds properties.
- Resverting, decongesting effect.
Alternative treatment for reddening nipples involves the use of such plants or herbs:
- St. John's Wort.
- Mint.
- Plantain.
- Chamomile.
- The root of the marshmallow.
- The sequence.
- Oak bark.
- Highlander serpentine.
- Violet.
- Dandelion.
- Leaves and flowers of clover.
- Sophora is Japanese.
- Birch leaves.
- Leaves of blueberry.
- Needles of juniper.
List all the medicinal herbs or plants within the article is not possible, so we suggest studying several proven, effective recipes:
- Prepare the phytospora - for 1 part of oregano, mint, leaves of plantain, juniper berries, chamomile, St. John's wort. 1 teaspoon of dry shredded herb collection pour a glass of steep boiling water, insist 40-45 minutes. The filtered infusion is cooled to a comfortable temperature and used as a lotion, which removes itching, irritation and reddening of the nipples.
- Leaves of dried geranium, lavender, dandelion root, flowers and leaves of violet, spray, centaury, celandine, oak bark - 1 part each. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in the thermos for 10-12 hours (convenient to brew at night). If the infusion is too concentrated, dark, it is slightly diluted with water and used as a washing of the entire breast, including the nipple. Washing should be carried out at least twice a day for 10-14 days. Also, the broth acts perfectly as a lotion. Gauze napkins are moistened in herbal infusion, squeezed and applied to the damaged, reddened nipple for 1 hour. This method is effective for nipple cracks and neurodermatitis.
- No less effective is the reception of fitovann. The recipe is to take an equal number of celandine and chamomile (25 grams each), pour 500 ml of cold water, insist an hour, then simmer for about 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bathroom, dilute the warm comfortable temperature with water, take a bath every other day for two weeks. Alternative treatment of reddening of the nipples will burn in the bathing system in the bath with the infusion of the burdock root - the root is ground, a tablespoon is poured into 500 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, poured into the base volume of water in the bath.
- Decoction, which should be drunk for a month. Leaves of black currant, nettle, grass and flowers of violets, chamomile, rosehips - 1 tablespoon. The mixture is stored in a dry jar or canvas bag. Every day, prepare a decoction - 1 teaspoon of phytospora is poured 300ml of boiling water, insists 30-40 minutes. A strained healing broth should be drunk in small sips during the day, the course - one month. The product perfectly cleanses the blood, strengthens the immune system and helps the body cope with inflammatory processes, including in the mammary gland.
- To the category of alternative treatment are such recipes - applying to the reddened pacifier pulp of raw pumpkin, pea flour mixed with cabbage juice. Do not forget about the useful wound-healing and anti-edematic properties of cabbage leaves or burdock leaves. Purulent inflammation, the mammary gland that provokes a fever and reddening of the nipple's skin, you can try to cure a slurry of freshly harvested beans. The same effect has a bandage with steamed and mashed figs.
Alternative treatment of skin diseases of the nipples brings a result only if the cause of the symptom is precisely established and the herbal therapy scheme is made up by the doctor.
Herbal Treatment
Treatment with herbs with reddening nipples helps to reduce discomfort, remove irritation, inflammation or itching. Properly selected herbs are able to have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, as well as accelerate the healing of microcracks and wounds. At the same time, it must be remembered that not all phytogens are neutral and safe, therefore, before using decoctions or infusions, it is advisable to consult a specialist phyto-therapist or treating doctor.
The list of means and methods that are included in the category of "herbal medicine":
- Treatment of St. John's Wort. Broth or infusion of St. John's wort well heals small wounds, cracks on the nipples. Recipe for broth - 2 tablespoons of dry herbs pour 2 glasses of cold water, allow to brew in this form for 4-5 hours. Then the liquid is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled to a comfortable temperature, filtered. The resulting broth can wipe the nipples crack every 2 hours for 2-3 days. Also effective are lotions - a cotton swab dips into a decoction, soaked and superimposed on the skin of the nipple and areola. Useful properties and possesses the oil of St. John's wort (can be bought at the pharmacy), it is applied to a gauze napkin, applied to the nipples, leaving for 1 hour.
- Reddening of the nipples, inflamed skin of the areola, especially when eczematous dermatitis is well treated pulp flesh. Pumpkin boil, kneaded with milk to the state of gruel. The resulting poultice is collected in a gauze pouch (or wrapped in a thin cotton cloth). Flesh is left on the nipples for the night. This method helps to remove inflammation and activates the purulent contents from purulent wounds.
- Psyllium seeds are useful for reddening nipples as an anti-inflammatory agent. Seeds need to be crushed in a coffee grinder or crushed, pour boiling water in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. Chilled broth is used as lotions. Also effective is the phytomass from the seeds - the crushed seeds are poured with a small amount of water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Ointment lubricate the reddened skin 2-3 times a day until the irritation is completely neutralized.
- Beans of Japanese Sophora insist on alcohol basis (1: 1). Tincture helps with dull ulcerative skin lesions of the nipple (dermatitis, eczema). Sophora is effective as a means, pulling pus, disinfecting wounds.
- The leaves and inflorescences of lime have an antiseptic effect. Poultices from linden broth are an excellent way to relieve reddening of the nipples.
- Rice starch is effective at wetting forms of nipple eczema. Starch is applied to gauze, applied to the affected area of the breast, leaving for 4-5 hours.
- Infusion clover (a teaspoon of herbs for a glass of boiling water - 15 minutes to insist) is used as a remedy to remove the redness of the areola of the nipples. Sweetbread ointment - ground grass mixed with propolis, is applied to the breast with mastitis or on the skin around the nipple with intrapropatic papillomas.
- Aloe juice is able to heal nipple cracks, small erosive wounds. Aloe leaves are left for 2-3 days in a dark place, grind or crushed, wring out the pulp, juice is applied to the wounds, the skin of the nipple.
- Herbal treatment includes the use of celandine. It should be noted that the juice of celandine can be both useful and have a negative effect. Therefore, the use of this method requires strict adherence to the prescription. 5 drops per 150 ml of boiled water is a safe concentration that has a healing effect on reddening, cracked nipples.
Herbal treatment is an excellent method, supplementing the basic therapy for complex nipple diseases, as well as a means for preventing various lesions of the skin of the breast.
Homeopathy is an additional effective method, which fixes the basic treatment with the help of medications. It should be remembered that homeopathy with reddening of the nipples should be carefully selected, and the course of treatment can be very long. Homeopathic remedies work well in the treatment of reddening of the nipples for pregnant or lactating women, provided that the complex is appointed specialist. Homeopathy acts gently, does not cause side effects and can be used for almost all categories of patients.
Here are examples of homeopathic schemes that can be prescribed for a woman with reddening nipples:
- Calcarea carbonica.
- Graphite.
- Aconite.
- Sulfur.
- Mastopol.
- Conium.
- Bryony.
- Phytolacca.
Homeopathy is effective for treating the cause of the symptom, redness, itching and irritation of the nipples as a consequence of the disease is often removed in the first week of taking homeopathic remedies. For example, treatment of lactostasis (milk stagnation):
- Aconite is effective at the very beginning of the disease, especially with mastopathy. Dosage and treatment is prescribed by a specialist in homeopathy.
- Bryony helps as a soft absorbent.
- Belladonna works great in inflammatory processes that provoke reddening of the nipples.
- Calcium carbonate helps to normalize the inflow and outflow of breast milk, so you can prevent the development of lactostasis and, as a result, irritation, reddening of the nipples of the mammary glands.
- Pulsatilla nigricans helps reduce the risk of breast milk stagnation, hence it can be considered a means of preventing various problems with the skin of the nipples.
- Local homeopathic therapy is the use of arnica, calendula in various forms. These drugs help to heal cracked nipples, small wounds, including purulent.
- Borax helps to dry damp, ulcerated wounds on the skin of the nipples.
Homeopathy can speed up the process of treating reddening of the nipples, reduce the severity of the symptoms even with serious pathologies of the mammary glands, but the treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who has special knowledge and experience with homeopathic medicines.
Operative treatment
Surgical treatment for reddening of the nipples, irritation of the skin of the breast is an extreme measure, which is indicated only in severe forms of serious diseases. As a rule, preventive timely measures, breast care, accurate diagnosis and conservative treatment give their result, and the woman has the opportunity to avoid surgery. Operative treatment is prescribed in oncopathologies or advanced stage of mastopathy. In addition, severe types of mastopathy are also treated promptly, if the diagnosis shows an inflammation of a purulent nature. The abscess is opened, drained, the procedure can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia, depending on the depth of suppuration and the degree of its spread. Consider the option of surgery for Paget's cancer:
- The method of operative intervention and its volume is directly related to the diagnosis and stage of the oncological disease.
- Radical mastectomy is the choice of the method for the invasive form of the oncological process.
- Partial removal of the sector, tissue (pectoralis muscle) is indicated with non-invasive cancer.
- Resection of a part of the breast can also be shown in the initial stage of the process, in which case surgery includes removal of the nipple and areola. After the recovery period, a woman can turn to a plastic surgeon for breast mammoplasty, nipple and areola.
- If atypical cells are localized only in the nipple region, this site is removed, and the spread of cells is stopped by radiation therapy.
- Typically, surgical treatment for Paget's cancer is accompanied by additional methods and procedures that stop the spread of atypical cells - chemotherapy, gamma procedures, the appointment of hormone therapy.
- Lymph nodes can also be removed if cancer cells spread to the lymphatic system. Differentiation of the diagnosis and localization of the lesion is clarified with the help of ultrasound, mammography, biopsy, cytological analysis.
- Gamma-therapy is indicated as an alternative to surgical treatment for patients over the age of 60, when the operation can not be performed according to physiological age indices.
It should be remembered that timely diagnosis and treatment starts helps a woman to save her breast or allow a doctor to prescribe an organ-preserving method of surgical intervention. In addition, early detection of atypical cells reduces the risk of complications after surgery and increases the chances of survival even in the most severe forms of breast cancer.
Prevention of reddening of the nipple, areola consists in a systematic examination of the breast, careful and careful care of the breasts as a whole. General advice on prevention is identical to the recommendations for preventing breast and pelvic disorders in women. This is due to the relatively high prevalence of cancer among the fair sex.
Tips for preventing redness of the nipples, diseases associated with the mammary glands in women:
- Careful breast care and hygiene
- Use of comfortable, preferably cotton underwear (bras, t-shirts, tops)
- Keep the mammary glands from direct sunlight and heat
- The use of natural means for breast care, the exclusion of soaps, gels containing chemicals and synthetic perfumes, significantly reduces the risk of irritation of sensitive skin
- During pregnancy, it is wise to prepare the breast properly for the period of feeding to minimize the risk of nipple cracking, reddening and irritation of the areola
- Elimination of allergenic foods from the diet, adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle in general
- Strengthening the immune system, which helps to resist infectious, viral diseases
- Timely appeal to specialists, doctors at the slightest alarm signs, symptoms found in the area of the mammary glands
- Conducting regular self-diagnosis of the breast.
The prognosis for reddening of the nipples is generally one of the most favorable among all the typically "female" diseases. Reddening of the nipples is quickly and effectively treated, of course, provided that the diagnosis of the cause of the symptom is accurate and the treatment is started on time.
Let's list the variants of the predictions for the treatment of reddening of the nipples:
- Thrush. Effective treatment completely eliminates reddening of the nipples, the prognosis of treatment of mucocutaneous candidiasis is favorable
- Mastopathy. The prognosis depends on the type, degree of spread of inflammation in the chest, but overall the outcome of the treatment is usually good
- Severe forms of mastopathy can lead to oncopathology or become a favorable environment for the development of breast cancer. The prognosis of therapy for breast cancer is directly related to when treatment is started and with the degree of severity of the pathology
- The prediction for Paget's cancer is variable. The risk of a negative outcome is associated with the stage of the cancer, its activity and the state of the woman's health, more precisely, with the presence or absence of chronic diseases before the diagnosis
- The prognostic panel in oncopathology also has a fairly wide spectrum. Medical science does not stand still, literally every year new technologies, methods, devices and tools appear, helping to reduce the negative statistics of cancers. If Atypical cells are docked on time, there is no metastasis, the survival rate of patients is almost 90% within 4-5 years. Further prognosis depends on the likelihood of relapse and preventive measures that the woman is taking.
Reddening of the nipples is not a life-threatening symptom, however, as a symptom, the symptom needs to clarify the underlying cause and adequate treatment. If skin irritation of the nipple, redness or cracks is treated comprehensively and in a timely manner, uncomfortable, painful sensations pass quickly and without consequences. Protecting the breast, systematically inspecting and caring for it - this is the main way, helping to avoid many of the troubles associated with diseases of the breasts as a whole.