Eczema on the nipples
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Causes of the eczema on the nipples
To date, there is no reliable information on this item. Many believe that the problem arises from a background of internal factors. It can be diseases of internal organs, digestive organs. It is likely that the pathology causes a problem with the thyroid gland, kidney damage, as well as metabolism.
External factors can influence the development of eczema. These include contact with chemicals, dyes, solvents, and other means. Infections such as streptococci, staphylococci are capable of provoking defeat. Particular role in this case is given to fatigue, stress, and also medicines.
Skin is closely related to the functionality of internal organs. Toxic products that enter the intestine and form in it are excreted along with the feces. Any violation of this inhibits this conclusion, and everything remains in the body. Thus, and the skin suffers. A similar situation applies when there is a problem with kidney function. If the disturbances are observed for a long time, then the toxins are exacerbated and this leads to the development of eczema. Allergic reaction often leads to damage to the skin.
Eczema is familiar to many, it originates from antiquity. However, every year the number of causes causing defeat is growing rapidly. New factors are added that introduce some corrections into the etiology and pathogenesis. The main point of development is the disruption of the central nervous system. Often, everything happens because of the penetration of infections into the body. Allergic reactions, poor heredity and weak immunity are another factors in the development of the lesion.
A classic problem has always been the presence of an allergic process. It begins with an immune response that carries a pathological character. It is she who forms lesions and inflammatory processes on the skin. Immune shifts play an important role. Most people suffering from eczema have pronounced changes in IgG and IgE immunoglobulins. In addition, IgM values are reduced.
Immunity becomes weak due to the presence of infectious antibodies in it. All this leads to the development of an inflammatory process or a relapse. As a result, there are pathological changes in the skin. Do not forget about the fact that the problem also has a neurogenic nature. Most often, eczema occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the nervous system.
If we touch upon the question of heredity, then the development of the process against the background of a genetic predisposition is associated with many factors over several generations. At this stage, polygenic multifactorial inheritance is of great importance. The diversity of pathogenesis does not allow for an unambiguous conclusion. Everything is purely individual for every reason of occurrence.
Symptoms of the eczema on the nipples
Whatever the form of the ailment, the symptomatology is always the same. Initially, the erythema begins to manifest itself, it is an ordinary reddening of the skin. Then the affected skin begins to warm. Simply put, their temperature is somewhat higher. This process is called hyperthermia. A man begins to pester a strong itch. If at this stage the victim begins to honor the affected skin, then the condition may become more complicated. Infection can not be ruled out.
At the papular stage, papules begin to appear. These are nodules that do not have a cavity. They rise above the surface of the skin, as a rule, have pinkish-red hues. As for the size, it does not exceed the pinhead. Over time, the papule becomes covered with scales, the redness disappears. Skin can return to its original state.
Then comes the vesicle stage. It is due to the progression of papules. Then they begin to accumulate liquid. Some bubbles disappear over time, and all the contents are released to the outside. Often they become purulent. Behind this stage, the next step is pustular. The contents of the vesicles are turbid, they accumulate leukocytes, which turn into pustules.
Stage wetting. The formations become wet and take a pinkish-red hue. If the affected skin has hair, then they fall out. When infected, the picture is more pronounced. The inflammatory process may eventually subside, and then flare again with renewed vigor. If there is an infection, pus begins to accumulate. If the nipple is damaged, the skin becomes dark brown and crusted.
The last article is scaly. As soon as the skin begins to recover, the damaged areas begin to tear off and fall off. The skin becomes dry and covered with horny plaques and scales.
First signs
The disease begins with a slight reddening. It is this process that is the first in the formation of eczema. For all types of pathology, common symptoms are characteristic. So, on the skin appears a site on which there is inflammation. It is characterized by a bright color, sometimes blue. Looks like the skin looks thick. Then there is a rash, its frequency and appearance depends on the type of eczema.
Over time, the skin itch begins to develop, which can manifest as periods, and be permanent. In most cases this interferes with normal life and does not give a normal sleep at night. If the formed bubbles try to open, it will not become easier. On the contrary, there is a risk of infection and the development of purulent inflammation. Ranks become painful, cracks appear. During an exacerbation, an increased body temperature may be observed. When the inflammation begins to subside, the skin dries and loses its former elasticity, begins to crack.
Eczema areola nipple during pregnancy
This phenomenon often occurs due to various factors. The mother's body is significantly weakened during pregnancy, so any infection can enter it. The immune and nervous systems are not going through the best of times. From here, eczema can easily take its start. It is not necessary that it will arise directly during this period. More often, pathology is already present, and due to some changes in the body of a woman, during pregnancy it becomes aggravated. It's enough just to support your own organism and fight the state of progression.
During pregnancy, do not take any medication. Therefore, the problem will have to be dealt with through ointments and alternative means that do not penetrate the body. Lubricate nipples with anything in the period of breastfeeding is extremely forbidden. Dangerous components can enter the baby's body. There is nothing terrible and dangerous in eczema, but it needs to be eliminated.
ICD-10 code
Dermatitis and eczema are coded under numbers (L20-L30). Note. In this block, the terms "dermatitis" and "eczema" are used as interchangeable synonyms. Completely eliminated chronic (child) granulomatous disease (D71), dermatitis: dry skin (L85.3), artificial (L98.1), gangrenous (L88), herpetiform (L13.0), perioral (L71.0), stagnant I83.1-I83.2) Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue associated with exposure to radiation (L55-L59).
- L20 Atopic dermatitis. Excluded: limited neurodermatitis (L28.0).
- L21 Seborrheic dermatitis. Excluded: infectious dermatitis (L30.3).
- L22 Diaper dermatitis.
- L23 Allergic contact dermatitis
Included: allergic contact eczema Excluded: allergic bowel syndrome (T78.4) dermatitis: BDU (L30.9), contact OBD (L25.9), diaper (L22) caused by substances taken internally (L27), eyelids (H01.1 ), simple irritant contact (L24), perioral (L71.0) eczema of the external ear (H60.5) of skin and subcutaneous tissue disease associated with exposure to radiation (L55-L59).
- L24 Simple irritant contact dermatitis.
Included: simple irritant contact eczema. Excluded: allergy of the NBU (T78.4) dermatitis: BDU (L30.9), allergic contact (L23), contact BDU (L25.9), diaper (L22) caused by substances taken internally (L27), eyelids (H01. 1), perioral (L71.0) eczema of the external ear (H60.5) of skin and subcutaneous tissue diseases associated with exposure to radiation (L55-L59).
- L25 Contact dermatitis, unspecified.
Included: contact eczema, unspecified Excluded: allergy of the NOS (T78.4) dermatitis: BDU (L30.9), allergic contact (L23) caused by substances taken internally (L27), eyelids (H01.1), simple irritable contact (L24 ), perioral (L71.0) eczema of the external ear (H60.5), skin and subcutaneous tissue damage associated with radiation exposure (L55-L59).
- L26 Exfoliative dermatitis. Pitiriasis of Gebra. Excluded: Ritter's disease (L00).
- L27 Dermatitis due to substances taken internally
Excluded: adverse effect of drugs BDU (T88.7), a reaction to food, excluding dermatitis (T78.0-T78.1) allergic reaction of the BDU (T78.4) contact dermatitis (L23-l25) drug: photoallergic reaction (L56.1), phototoxic reaction (L56.0) urticaria (L50).
- L28 Simple chronic lichen and prurigo.
- L29 Itching
Excluded: neurotic scratching of the skin (L98.1) psychogenic itching (F45.8).
- L30 Other dermatitis.
Excluded: dermatitis: contact (L23-L25), dry skin (L85.3) small-boned parapsoriasis (L41.3) congestive dermatitis (I83.1-I83.2).
Complications and consequences
If the pathology was mild, then pale pink spots may remain on the skin. For a heavy current, a dark red color is characteristic. Skin covers are covered with coarse crusts, and after complete elimination the skin remains coarse and rough. May develop peeling, pigmentation and changes in skin tone. In fact, all this is not so scary.
The disease destroys the integrity of the skin, or rather violates it. Therefore, through the skin may well penetrate viruses, microbes and fungi. One of the consequences of eczema is an infectious disease. That it complicates the course of the disease. Pathology can also affect the nervous system of a person, leading to a disruption in her work. As a result, a person does not sleep well, insomnia pushes him.
Severe form of the disease can flow into the chronic. All this pester the patient for years. It is difficult to cure her, and almost impossible. On the site of the lesion, new wounds appear. Over time, the skin can become completely affected, the skin becomes very sensitive.
If the eczema appeared on the labia, then over time the skin will become smooth, thin and sedentary, which will cause discomfort. That is why the disease is easier to prevent than to fight with all sorts of complications.
Dangerous complications can occur against a background of eczema, along with herpes viruses. As a result of this penetration, a fever or chickenpox may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid contact with the herpes virus and, if possible, not to communicate with people who have expressed its signs. If the disease has a family member, it is worth covering up the affected area, so that the virus does not penetrate into eczema.
Herpes can lead to papular rash, which in its appearance resembles bubbles on eczema. Under such influence, the disease can aggravate. The person feels bad, he is feverish. Often the problem extends to internal organs, which burdens the condition of the victim. In such cases, you need to seek help from a medical facility. The patient should use medicines based on acyclovir. These include the pill Aciclovir and Zovirax, as well as ointments. This will stop the spread of the infection and prevent possible consequences.
Diagnostics of the eczema on the nipples
Diagnosis is based on the characteristics of the disease. So, eczema has always been considered the most common pathology of skin. Only here are the reasons for its development, the mass, and not all have yet an explanation.
Inflammatory processes are able to spread to neighboring areas. The disease is polymorphic. This means that several stages of pathology development can be observed at one site. Acute currents can stop without treatment. But there are difficult to heal forms. Relapses occur quite often. Because of this, eliminating the problem is not so simple.
Diagnosis of the presence of pathology can be based on clinical symptoms. The person is pruritus, there are pain syndromes on the wetting stage. It's enough for the doctor to examine the patient and collect an anamnesis. Diagnose the cause of the pathology and can be in the laboratory. This process is lengthy and as a result can not give results.
In any case, the patient should donate blood for the presence of allergens, as well as to conduct allergic tests on skin integuments. Based on these data, you can make a diagnosis.
Preliminary analysis is based on patient complaints and external examination. But to make an accurate diagnosis, the patient should undergo a series of examinations. Analyzes in skin pathology can be divided into several types. These include those that are done in the first place, and then other studies that reveal the main cause of pathology.
The first step is to study the tissues and scrapings under a microscope. This analysis allows you to identify any changes in tissues, as well as processes characteristic of eczema. To see by means of research it is possible and the causative agent, which all and provoked. Then, a general blood test is done to determine the severity of the inflammation, as well as the intensity of the present allergic reaction. Then follows a biochemical blood test, which allows you to see metabolic disorders.
It is important to determine the immunoglobulins in the blood. This will confirm the diagnosis. The increased content of immunoglobulins of class E and G is characteristic for cutaneous pathology. The study lends itself to feces, it can reveal eggs worm. Often they become pathogens.
The general immunogram will allow to fully assess the state of the immune system. Thanks to it you can choose a quality treatment. In addition to these studies can be assigned and additional. You should not neglect them.
Instrumental diagnostics
This type of diagnosis is multifaceted and includes several basic procedures. The first thing a person needs to do is sow the material taken from the affected areas. Thanks to such a study, one can test sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, as well as to pathogens of the inflammatory process. This will allow you to select quality treatment.
The coprogram includes the study of the composition of feces. This study provides complete information about the condition of a person, as well as hidden problems of the body. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will allow to see changes in the organs, which can lead to the development of cutaneous pathology.
A considerable role is given to biochemical research of serum autoantibodies in the blood. This will identify the immediate allergen. Skin allergic reactions with specific antigens are also performed. This will also identify the immediate allergen.
In addition to all the methods described, dermatologists can also assign differential studies. In general, it is possible to determine for what reason the pathology has occurred only after carrying out all diagnostic measures. By one analysis or instrumental surveys, it will not be possible to get the full picture.
Differential diagnosis
Preliminary diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a person's complaints, as well as an external examination of the patient. This is quite enough to reveal the patient's pathology. True, it is worth paying special attention to the reason for which it arose. For this it is necessary to pass special tests and undergo a complete examination.
Initially, scraping is performed. This will allow you to study the affected tissue, identify the nature of the inflammation, as well as the pathogen that led to this condition. Do not lose sight of the general analysis of blood, it demonstrates the severity of inflammation. Then a biochemical blood test is submitted, which allows to reveal the disorders associated with the metabolism.
It is important to determine the level of immunoglobulins, their significant increase indicates the nature of eczema. Feces are studied in detail. If worm eggs are found in them, then the main cause of cutaneous pathology is immediately clear. It is also important to pass the general immunogram. This will allow to study the features of the immune system and to identify the true cause of the disease.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the eczema on the nipples
Elimination of eczema requires special rules. It is not necessary to drink any medications. It is enough just to observe special dietary rules, as well as habits in general. So, if it is a question of nursing mothers, in order to avoid infection of the baby it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. The question is especially acute when the pathology has a microbial or fungal form.
It should be more closely related to the selection of underwear. When eczema nipples bras are worth changing as often as possible. It is advisable to give preference to laundry without synthetics and wool. After all, it can cause additional irritation. It is recommended to avoid contact with household chemicals. Hygiene products are also included in this list. They are capable of provoking an exacerbation.
Nutrition rules play an important role. It is advisable to give preference to the milk and vegetable diet. It is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals, low-fat varieties of meat and fish. It is completely excluded from the diet fried, salted and spicy. Alcoholic drinks and products with preservatives are prohibited. It is advisable to limit contact with water to affected areas of the skin, the body should not overheat. Skin covers should be moistened, use medicinal cream.
Drug treatment is mandatory, it must be used in conjunction with other measures. Details of medicines will be provided below. Alternative methods can be used, but only after consulting a specialist. In any case, the elimination of pathology should be comprehensive.
To treat eczema, there are a lot of different drugs. So, it's worth using enterosorbents, they allow to lower the intoxication of the organism. Among them are Enterosgel and Atoxil.
- Enterosgel. The agent is appointed inwards. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is usually 7-14 days, depending on the condition of the person. Contraindications: the remedy should not be used for people with intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity. Side effects: constipation is not excluded in the first days of admission.
- Atoxyl. One or two bags should be dissolved in 150 ml of liquid. The remedy is taken one hour before the meal. The duration of the course and the frequency of admission is prescribed by the doctor. The drug is designed to eliminate toxins from the body. Contraindications: gastric ulcer, intestinal obstruction. Side effects: constipation was noted.
Widely used and hormone therapy. True, its continued use can be fraught with serious consequences. The most commonly used prednisolone and dexamethasone.
- Prednisolone. The dose is set individually. Usually enough 4-6 tablets per day, this is the maximum dose. It depends entirely on the condition of a person and is adjusted by the attending physician. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis. Side effects: possible obesity, the appearance of acne, mental disorders.
- Dexamethasone. Dosage should be appointed by the attending physician on an individual basis. An approximate dose of up to 15 mg per day. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. There are no side effects.
Vitaminotherapy can be used. It includes the use of folic acid, ascorbic acid and B vitamins.
You can get all this from pharmacy products and from products. This technique is usually used with weakened immunity.
Antihistamines are indicated for all types of eczema. It could be Pipolfen, Loratin.
- Pipolphen. Adults and adolescents are recommended to consume 75-100 mg 3-4 times a day. The maximum dose should not exceed 500 mg. Contraindications: children's age, hypersensitivity, cardiovascular system disorders. Side effects: drowsiness, anxiety, disruption of the cardiovascular system.
- Loratin. The agent is used inwards. One tablet or a measuring cup per day is enough. The duration of therapy is determined individually. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects: fatigue, dermatitis, the possibility of obesity.
An important role is given to immunomodulators. They are especially effective in the period of exacerbations. Typically, they prescribe Timalin, Immunofan.
- Timalin. The agent is administered intramuscularly. Adults appoint 5-20 mg. For children, the dose is adjusted. Duration of treatment is assigned individually. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. There were no side effects.
- Immunophane. The medication is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The dose is administered on an individual basis, depending on the patient's condition. The duration of therapy can be adjusted. Contraindications: hypersensitivity. Side effects: not observed.
Alternative treatment
Alternative medicine includes a lot of proven methods that will help to remove unpleasant symptoms of pathology. Gifts of nature can provide tremendous assistance. Special medicinal properties are the bark of oak, willow, burdock root, dandelion. Pay attention to the berries of strawberries, blueberries and black currants. There are several basic ways to get rid of the painful symptoms of eczema.
- Recipe 1. You need to cook chicken eggs. Their number depends entirely on the vastness of the affected area of the skin. Eggs need to be cleaned and yolks extracted from them. Then take the fork, put the yolk on it and hold it over the fire. At this stage, droplets of liquid will start to be allocated, they need to be collected in a special container. The process is long, but it's worth it. Obtained by the liquid it is worth to smear the affected area 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out until the foci of inflammation completely disappears.
- Recipe 2. If the onset of peeling, it is just to apply to the affected area orange peel.
- Recipe 3. When pestering wet sores, you can make compresses from ryazhenka. To do this, the fermented milk product is simply superimposed on gauze and on the affected area.
Herbal Treatment
Alternative medicine has established itself long ago. Special importance in it are medicinal herbs. Cope with unpleasant symptoms of eczema with the help of their simple.
- Recipe 1. Aloe and Kalanchoe juices. It is necessary to take these ingredients and apply to the affected skin. You can attach them both in an unchanged form, and gruel. It will also help a cotton wool soaked in the juice of these plants. It is worth it to wipe the affected area. All this is done within a week. Once the inflammation comes down, the technique can not be used.
- Recipe 2. Purity. This ingredient is widely used in dermatology to eliminate purulent inflammation, lichen and eczema. The product actively removes the itching and facilitates the human condition. You just have to use the juice of the plant. You can also prepare infusion for ingestion. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of herbs and roots of celandine, all this is filled with boiling water. Insist should be for an hour. Wet the resulting remedy is the focus of the lesion several times a day.
- Recipe 3. You can prepare an effective herbal collection. For this, take 2 tablespoons of burdock root, dandelion and yarrow. All this is filled with a liter of boiling water. Tincture should be allowed to stand for 30 minutes, then drain. Take 2 tablespoons a day.
Homeopathic remedies have proved themselves long ago. But, take them with extreme caution and only under the guidance of an experienced homeopath. You should consider the basic medicines.
- Calcium carbonicum. You can take it as a child or as an adult. Particularly well, it is suitable for patients with dying wounds. Unpleasant symptoms are removed quickly. The main direction of the drug - the elimination of chilliness, sweating, rashes. Suitable for people during the period of exacerbation of the pathology, which occurs in the winter.
- Petroleum. The composition of the drug includes: gasoline, kerosene and coal oils. It removes itching, rashes, and alleviates general symptoms.
- Arsenicum. The agent is indicated for any form of eczema. It is widely used in dermatology and homeopathy. It actively removes sloughing, densification and relieves burning pains. Hepar sulfuris. Widely used in various forms of eczema.
A detailed list of medications can be obtained from a homeopath physician. This treatment can not be started on its own. There is a risk of worsening of the condition, as well as strengthening of existing symptoms.
There are several main recommendations regarding the prevention of cutaneous pathology. So, the first thing to do is to avoid working in harmful industries. To a greater extent, this applies to people who have a genetic predisposition to the disease. Restrict contact with allergens and irritants.
It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will strengthen the body, which will be able to withstand many diseases. Stresses, nervous shocks should be ruled out. It is advisable to give preference to clothes and linen made from natural fabrics. Tight shoes, gloves and clothing should be completely excluded.
It is necessary to treat diseases in time, especially those that can lead to the development of eczema. The use of alcohol and tobacco is completely excluded. A young mother needs to accurately introduce lures, lead a correct lifestyle. After all, the condition of a woman can affect the baby. This issue is especially acute during pregnancy. Observance of special rules will avoid eczema.
The prognosis of the course of the disease can depend on many factors. So, first of all it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the state of the organism of the victim. This applies to his nervous system and immune functions of the body. An enormous role is played by the prescription of the disease, the frequency of relapses, as well as the working conditions of the victim.
The acute form of pathology has a more favorable prognosis. So, to eliminate microbial and seborrheic eczema much easier. These two types are perfectly amenable to therapy and can be completely eliminated. Idiopathic and pruriginous forms of the pathology pathology are severely cured. But, nevertheless, the probability of cure is high.
The prognosis worsens significantly if pathology develops in young children, as well as in older people. After all, this mainly occurs against the background of violations of the body's protective functions. In general, the forecast depends entirely on how quickly a person turned for help. Naturally, his condition plays a big role, as well as the prescribed treatment. Eliminate the chronic form of eczema can not, exacerbations will manifest themselves often. The pathology lasts for years, the forecast is unfavorable.