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Artificial tear
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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An artificial tear is a medicine for the eyes, which is used when the lacrimal gland is broken. The medication helps protect the cornea of the eye from drying, moisturizing and softening.
Various factors contribute to the drying out of the cornea of the eye, first of all, long working at the computer, contaminated and dry air, often used contact lenses, etc., contribute to this. Breaking the lacrimal glands is called "dry eye syndrome", while the main symptom is dryness, burning, sensation of a foreign body in the eye. This disease has recently become quite common and if it is not remedied in time, it is possible to damage the cornea.
Artificial tears well help to eliminate dryness, irritation of the cornea of the eyes, which under current conditions are under severe stress: working at a computer, watching TV, and the influence of other electronic devices all have a negative effect on the state of the corneal epithelium. In addition, the influence of the external environment (wind, smoke, dust) aggravates the situation and the process of isolation of tear fluid, which serves to soften the cornea, may be disturbed. If you do not pay attention to the corresponding symptoms (resists, dryness, irritation, red eyes) in a timely manner, irreversible corneal lesions can develop.
Indications Artificial tear
The medication is prescribed with regular aggressive environmental influences (smoke, dust, cold or dry air, salt water), it is especially recommended to use people whose work activity is associated with being in unfavorable conditions.
Also, the medication is prescribed for allergic reactions, with prolonged use of the computer, during eye diagnostics, using eye aids that irritate the cornea, if the lacrimal gland is broken, with eyelid diseases (distortion, eversion, incomplete closure), after surgery eyelids or cornea.
An artificial tear is mixed with natural secretions of lacrimal glands and provides additional moistening of the cornea of the eye.
The medication creates a film on the surface of the eye and provides a lasting effect.
Clinical trials have not shown any particular risks to humans.
Use Artificial tear during pregnancy
The medication is used during pregnancy only for the purpose of a specialist. There are no clinical data on the safety of the use of medication during this period.
Side effects Artificial tear
The product immediately after instillation can cause a feeling of gluing the eyelids and discomfort. All the unpleasant feelings, usually, go through time.
The drug can provoke allergic reactions (puffiness of the eyelids, itching, rashes, etc.).
Interactions with other drugs
Before using "Artificial Tear" drops, contact lenses should be removed (if available), which can be inserted only half an hour after instillation of the drug.
Special instructions
Instructions for use
An artificial tear is used for instillation into a konktivalny bag. The drug helps to soften, moisturize the cornea of the eye, protects from drying out. The medication is used up to 8 times a day, the main active ingredient is hypromellose.
Drops of artificial tear
The medication protects the cornea of the eye from the aggressive action of the environment (dust, dry air, salt water, smoke, etc.). By their principle of action, the drops are similar to the natural tear, which is excreted by the lacrimal glands.
The drug has a high degree of viscosity, due to which contact with the cornea of the eye is more prolonged. In addition, eye drops have light refractive indices similar to natural secretions of lacrimal glands, and also protect the cornea from irritation after using other drops, help prolong the duration of action of ophthalmic drugs.
The condition of the cornea improves, usually on 3-5 days. On average, a full recovery takes place in 2-3 weeks.
An artificial tear contains hypromellose and dextran, which determine the main therapeutic effect of the drug. In addition, the composition of the medicine includes auxiliary substances (purified water, sodium chloride, polyquad, etc.).
Preparations of artificial tears
An artificial tear is traditionally composed of a polymer base. Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a huge selection of drugs for moisturizing and softening the cornea. In addition to conventional means that replace the natural secretions of the lacrimal glands, eye drops with the effect of artificial tears can also have a regenerating effect, stimulate the production of endogenous interferon, stabilize the lacrimal film, etc.
Among all the variety. We can distinguish the following dazzling drugs: Vizin, Artelak, Optiv, Vidisik.
Vizin is an artificial tear
Artificial tear VIZIN is used for allergic eye diseases, conjunctival swelling, edema of the nasal cavity. The active substance of the drug is tetrisoline, which has vasoconstrictive and decongestant action.
This tool is not prescribed for glaucoma, deep dystrophy of the cornea, children up to two years. With caution, the drug is used at high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, abnormal thyroid function, diabetes mellitus, certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels (including coronary heart disease).
Do not use Vizin simultaneously with MAO inhibitors, with drugs to increase blood pressure, during pregnancy and lactation.
The open vial should be used within a month, after that it loses its therapeutic effect and is not suitable for use.
The course of treatment - no more than 4 days. The drug is digested 2-3 drops in each konjuktivalny bag up to 3 times a day. If in the early days there was no significant improvement, it is necessary to stop treatment and consult with a specialist.
The drug can cause weakness, headaches, trembling, dizziness, drowsiness (especially with prolonged treatment), as well as convulsions, heart rhythm disturbances, increased pressure, etc.
Artificial tear without preservatives
Drops are produced with the addition of preservatives and without them. Preservatives are necessary in order to extend the shelf life of the open vial.
Drops without preservatives quickly become unsuitable for use, as a rule, such drugs are used in severe cases, when one bottle is enough for 1-2 days.
Artificial tear for eyelashes
Artificial tear is often used not only to soften and moisturize the cornea of the eye, but for the growth of eyelashes. The agent is applied along the line of eyelash growth several times a day. About two weeks later, you can see the result of the eyelashes increase almost twice.
Artificial tear for eyelash growth
It contains salts that are identical to natural secretions of lacrimal glands. The drops applied on the growth line of the eyelashes act irritatingly on the roots and promote their growth.
The product is sold in almost any pharmacy at a price of 50 to 200 UAH. The cost of the drug depends on the composition (with or without preservatives), the volume of the bottle, the manufacturer and the country in which the product was manufactured.
Analogues of artificial tears
An artificial tear, like a number of other pharmaceutical preparations, has analogues (agents with a similar principle of action, the same international non-proprietary name or ATC code).
Among the variety of remedies for softening and moistening the cornea of the eye can be identified: Vet-chest (eliminates fatigue, burning sensation in the eyes), Vidisik (used in the case of insufficient lacrimal glands), Optile (used for excessive dryness of the cornea), Artelak appointed with dry eye, reduced tear secretion), Hilo-chest (with dry eyes), Stokpos (dry eye syndrome), Oftagel (dryness of the cornea).
The remedy has a fairly large number of positive reviews. The drug is often prescribed to patients who, due to their professional activities, are forced to spend time at the computer for a long time, as well as for those who encounter chemical substances, aggressive external influence (dust, salt water, smoke, dirt, etc.).
After using the drug, most patients notice an improvement in the condition, dryness, irritation, foreign body sensation disappears in the eyes, redness and rezytes disappear.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Artificial tear" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.