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Eucazoline H
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Eucazoline H is used to remove the common cold. Its active substances actively remove the inflammation of the nasal mucosa and in a short time allow you to breathe again full chest.
In the autumn-winter period, many people suffer from a cold, which is accompanied by a strong cold. At this time, you need to pick up not only the right treatment, but also start to fight the problem as quickly as possible. In this case, this medicine will help. He is able to quickly eliminate the inflammation of the nose and remove unpleasant symptoms.
Indications Eucazoline H
The main indications for the use of Eucazoline H are the use of medication with a strong cold. It can be caused, not only by the presence of a cold. Often the rhinitis occurs independently against the background of inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
Eucazoline H is able to fight with the active manifestation of acute rhinitis or rhinosinusitis. The remedy eliminates hay fever and helps with the appearance of otitis media. Actively take it to reduce the inflammation or swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
Medication has not only a therapeutic effect, but also ancillary. It is used before the diagnostic or treatment procedures that will be performed in the nasal passages. It completely removes the remains of mucus and thus allows you to make the necessary manipulations.
This is an excellent tool that can quickly rid of excessive nasal congestion and facilitate breathing. The main thing to use is Eucazoline N for the intended use and do not exceed the prescribed dosage.
Release form
The form of the drug is nasal drops. This remedy is designed to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of nasal congestion. To ease breathing for a few minutes only nasal drops are capable. Ordinary tablets for such a quick action are not capable.
One bottle contains a clear, yellowish, oily liquid. Thanks to it, there is a quick relief. In one bottle there are 10 ml of medicament. Relief after application is due to the content of active substances. So, one milliliter contains a milligram of xylometazoline and the same amount of eucalyptus oil.
Take Eucazoline N should be in strict accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, you can damage the body and cause an allergic reaction from the nasopharynx. Therefore, despite the increased effectiveness of the drug, it should not be taken in elevated doses. Nasal drops of Eucazoline N are able to cope with the task and in a short time to relieve the condition of a person.
Pharmacodynamics - Eucazoline H, which is used to treat diseases of the nasal cavity. This is an ordinary sympathomimetic, which is in combination with other drugs, except corticosteroids.
Eucazoline H has an adrenomimetic effect. It is peculiar to narrow the vessels and thereby eliminate a bad cold. During the application of the medication to the nasal mucosa due to this action, the inflammation of the mucous membrane is significantly reduced. In addition, hyperemia, exudation disappears and respiration generally improves.
Eucalyptus oil, which is part of the removed dry mucosa. Thus, the inflammation decreases and antiseptic action appears. Eucazoline H also has excellent anti-inflammatory functions.
If you use it in therapeutic doses, it acts locally. The effect of the drug can be felt after 3-4 minutes after application. And the effect can last for several hours. Eucazoline H has an active effect and improves the condition in a matter of minutes.
Pharmacokinetics - Eucazoline H acts as a place and is perfectly absorbed into the nasal mucosa during normal use in small amounts. The action of the medicine begins in a few minutes, this is its permanent plus.
The effect can last 8-10 hours. Eucazoline H has an adrenomimetic effect. All this happens thanks to the active components that make up its composition. When applying the drug to the mucous membrane, an immediate effect on it occurs. Inflammation of the nose decreases due to the vasoconstrictive action of Eucazoline N.
There is hyperemia, exudation and nasal breathing improves. Within a few minutes a person will be able to breathe deeply. Eucalyptus oil has an excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Thanks to its positive properties and active components, relief comes quickly and lasts a long time. Eucazoline H is not one of those that have a temporary effect and simply facilitate breathing. In addition, Eucazoline H treats the disease.
Dosing and administration
Dosing and Administration Eucazoline H depends on the severity of the disease. Before you apply the product, you need to hold the bottle in your hands. Due to this effect its contents warm up to body temperature. Such an action is necessary.
Then you need to remove the cap and lightly pressing on the rubber insert-dropper to drip into each nostril for 1-2 drops of the drug. You do not need to do anything else, the remedy is simply inserted into the nose and buried. After the done action, it is necessary to close the cap of the bottle, so that the agent does not begin to erode.
Adults and children need to take 1-2 drops of the drug no more than 3 times a day. And this manipulation is done with each nostril. If it is a question of children from 7 till 12 years, it is necessary to use one drop up to 3 times a day. It is important that the percentage of the drug is 0.1%. Use the medication for 7-14 days. Then the treatment ends. If Eucazoline H has not had the necessary action, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.
Use Eucazoline H during pregnancy
Use of Eucazoline N during pregnancy is possible, but only after consulting a doctor. The fact is that this medication is not taken orally, therefore, in fact, it does not penetrate the body. No, this kind of action is partially, but only in the nose. The active components of the drug are absorbed into the nasal mucosa and have a momentary effect.
The drug does not penetrate the stomach and other organs. Therefore, he can not bear any danger for the future mother, and even more so for her baby. But, the risk is always and the situation is different. So it's better to get an expert consultation about this issue once again, so that later there will be no problems.
In the early stages of pregnancy, it is generally not recommended to resort to the help of any medication. In this case, it is desirable to give preference to standard and safe forms of treatment. Eucazoline H is not capable of causing any harm, but despite this, taking it alone is not recommended.
Contraindications to the use of Eucazoline H are present and to a greater extent they are associated with intolerance of some components of the drug. There are also more weighty reasons, according to which you should not use a medicine. So, this is a closed-angle glaucoma. In this case, you need to use several other drugs.
The agent actively struggles with the effects of acute rhinitis, but in atrophic form it can not be taken. Naturally, arterial hypertension also applies to contraindications.
Despite the excellent composition and the lack of any harmful components in it, babies can not use the remedy. But this restriction is temporary. Use of medicines is prohibited for children under 7 years old, those who are older it is possible to resort to such therapy.
Naturally, not all people know about the presence of some problems that prohibit the use of this medication. Therefore, self-treatment is prohibited, because only the attending physician can determine whether the medicine is allowed or not. Eucazoline H is used after approval by a specialist.
Side effects Eucazoline H
Side effects of Eucazoline H may occur, but mostly against the background of the present allergic reaction. In general, the drug is harmless, but if a person has an increased hypersensitivity to certain components, then the development of various reactions is possible.
If there is irritation of the nasal mucosa, then use the drug is not recommended. If you experience burning, tingling and sneezing, you should also cancel the medication. If against the background of all this there is also dryness of the mucous membranes of the nose, then, most likely it is an allergic reaction.
In rare cases, the development of swelling of the nasal mucosa is possible. Often this process is provoked by prolonged use of the drug. It is not excluded the appearance of increased heart rate, violation of heart rate and increased blood pressure.
There may be a headache, nausea, vomiting, sleep and vision disturbance. If you use the drug for a long time, you can not exclude the appearance of a depressive state. Therefore, use Eucazoline H in the recommended dosage.
Overdosage Eucazoline H is not completely excluded. It can be caused by the presence of an allergic reaction. With frequent instillation of the nose may manifest negative symptoms. So, it can be a headache, increased dryness in the nose, nausea and the development of depression.
In some cases, all this is accompanied by increased pressure and temporary visual impairment. If this occurs, you can not use the medicine. It is necessary immediately to stop such treatment. In this case, antagonist drugs will help. Symptomatic therapy is not excluded.
If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear and after discontinuation of the drug, it is worthwhile to see a doctor. Most likely, it is a manifestation of a persistent allergic reaction. In this case, a person is assigned quality treatment. After all, you can not leave the situation unchanged. Cases when there were active symptoms of an overdose were not observed. But, in spite of this, use Eucazoline N with extreme caution.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions with other drugs are possible, but if they do not have the same action. The drug should not be taken concomitantly with monoamine oxidase inhibitors. A similar situation is with tricyclic antidepressants.
There are no more restrictions on this matter. It is important not to take several nasal drops at the same time, it can cause a persistent allergic reaction. If a person uses more than one medicine, then attention should be paid to its composition.
When there are the same substances, they can enhance each other's action in close interaction. What can adversely affect the condition of a person. Therefore, before starting treatment it is worth consulting with a doctor. Not many people know how to properly take a remedy and with what it can interact. Such situations and provoke serious health problems. Therefore, use of Eucazoline H is necessary in strict accordance with the instructions.
Storage conditions
The storage conditions of Eucazoline H should be optimal. Any medicine should be stored out of the reach of children. Toddlers in any case should not use such means. One instillation can cause a persistent shock reaction from the body.
It is necessary to comply with the temperature regime, it usually ranges from 8 to 15 degrees Celsius. But, despite such low rates, it is not recommended to send the medicine to the refrigerator. In general, to expose the tool to the effect of low temperatures is not worth it.
It is important to find the ideal place for storage, usually the optimal first aid kit meets the optimal conditions. There it is dry, warm and there is no superfluous light. In addition, the presence of dampness is also not observed. That's why you should give preference to it.
After using the drug, it is necessary to cover the bottle with a lid. Otherwise, all active components will fade and the product will be unusable. Conditions for the storage of Eucazoline H must be observed to the fullest.
Shelf life
The shelf-life of the drug depends on the conditions under which it is stored. So, you can use the medication for one year. But it is worthwhile to monitor the appearance of the bottle and its contents. If during use a person has felt an unpleasant smell, most likely, a medicine, has become worthless.
The consistency of the drug should not change, it also speaks of the unfavorable influence of external factors on it. It is worth keeping the temperature regime during storage. Nasal drops take a temperature of 8-15 degrees. But this is not a reason to store them in the refrigerator.
The location of the preparation should be dry and not damp. Completely excluded from sunlight. Due to such storage conditions, the life of the product will not be reduced artificially.
It is important not to allow mechanical damage to the bottle, this will significantly shorten the duration of its usefulness. Only the right conditions, will preserve the unchanging properties of Eucazolin N.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Eucazoline H" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.