


, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Evika is an anti-inflammatory drug for women with genital diseases.

Indications Evika

Evica has proven itself in the complex therapy of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, occurring for various reasons, dysmenorrhea, salpingitis, endometritis, colpitis, infectious complications of abortions and STDs, with post-menopausal bleeding and abnormal vaginal discharge, leukorrhea. 


Release form

Evica - capsules of blue color, inside containing a brown powder. The composition includes only natural components: an extract of Indian sarak bark, an extract of Simplocos crispy bark, an extract of chamomile flowers and other herbs. Thus, Evika does not harm other bodies and systems.


Saraka Indian - contains tannins and sterols, helps to stop bleeding. It acts on the muscular layer of the uterus and endometrium.

Symplocos felted - accelerates the absorption of inflammation, it is recommended for menorrhagia.

Valerian Indian contains valeric acid. Soothes and has a mild sedative effect. It is used for headache and anxiety in women with menopause pathology.

Chamomile contains the essential oil, coumarins, ascorbic acid, apigenin. It also calms the nervous system, anesthetizes and heals.

Abraham tree regulates hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycle.

Palma Catehu helps with whites.

Thus, Evika is great for women who have hormonal imbalances, irregular periods. Eliminates fatigue and increased nervous excitability, reduces flushing of the small pelvis, eliminates manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Evika warns the transition of inflammation of the genitals into a chronic form. 


There are no data, no studies of the pharmacokinetics of Evik's preparation have been conducted.

Dosing and administration

Dosage of Evica with leukorrhea and in standard cases without severe bleeding - 1 capsule 3 times a day after meals. With persistent bleeding - 2 capsules 3 times a day. Duration of the course check with your gynecologist.

Phytotherapy in gynecology is an alternative to many hormonal medicines. Special success pharmacologists have achieved in the treatment of herbs uterine bleeding, PMS and inflammation of the female genital organs. Even our great-grandmothers knew, for example, about the healing properties of the oak bark and used it for douching. Also widely used was St. John's wort with its essential oils, healing resins and high content of vitamins, especially vitamin C. This herb has no worse sedative effect than valerian. In the composition of St. John's wort there is a substance called hypericin, which perfectly fights depression. Bactericidal action has daisy - a seemingly simple, common and ordinary-looking flower. She perfectly anesthetizes and activates the main guardian of our health - immunity. It is well suited for topical application in the treatment of vulvitis and colpitis. For the same purposes, you can use eucalyptus, calendula, ayr. The leaves of the watch, the rhizome of elecampane, the grass of the turnip can be used for microclysters. It is useful to take warm baths with birch leaves, but only in the period between menstruations. To combat heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding, use ergot preparations and decoction of nettle. In the treatment of painful menstruation - pharmacy chamomile, kalina, celandine and bleached. Sage, like chamomile, has bactericidal properties.

Hops, sweet clover, linden and licorice are known as sources of phytoestrogens - plant analogues of female sex hormones. But to start treatment with phytohormones you need to know the level of your own sex hormones. You can wait a long, more than a month, treatment. The rapid effect of phytotherapy can not be expected. In food, phytoestrogens come with soy and berries. Phytohormones have antitumor activity.

In chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages, collections of medicinal plants with an antimicrobial and soothing effect can be recommended. Such herbs are part of the drug Evika. After its reception, you will improve your general well-being, strengthen your blood vessels and nervous system. The advantages of phytotherapy in gynecology do not cause doubts: the herbs act on the female body favorably, very gently, there is no withdrawal effect.

Phototherapy of the XXI century is based exclusively on scientific data. Today she is experiencing a second birth. Thanks to modern technology, the exact dosage has become available to milligrams, it has become convenient to take medications, they can be stored for a long time. As elsewhere, in phytotherapy, the quality of treatment is determined by knowledge in the field. Modern medicine successfully works with plants. Deeply studied pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of plants and to this day, although most of their properties have long been studied, all new unique properties are revealed. Since 1989, more than 60 monographs on phytotherapy have been published. Food and dietary supplements to phytotherapy do not include. Modern phytopreparations should be impeccably high-quality and safe. The content of useful substances in plants depends on the soil, fertilizers and the quality of the raw materials processed. Therefore, plants for phytotherapy are grown specifically, control their growth at all stages. The plants from which the preparation of Evika are produced are no exception. Raw materials are processed by special technology, specially cleaned. The frequency of Evik's side effects is almost 4 times lower than that of synthetic drugs.

In serious cases, the approach to treatment should always be comprehensive, and phytotherapy should only be of an auxiliary nature. Often it is necessary to treat not only gynecological, but also other concomitant diseases in order to achieve a good result. A good result is, first of all, a happy and blooming woman. You can only bloom if you are healthy. Often in women with gynecological diseases, nervous and urinary systems are disrupted. That is, to solve your problems, the gynecologist, urologist and neurologist will cooperate. The best effect is provided by phytotherapy together with antibiotics, hormones, physiotherapy and sanatorium treatment. If a woman is harassed by debilitating bleeding, she is prescribed vitamin K.

Special anguish to women of all ages delivers premenstrual syndrome. Everyone knows that almost all women shortly before menstruation become irritable, crying, their mood changes, besides, they constantly want to sleep and sweat around their legs. Tides and sleep disorders are a common complaint of women after 40 years. With all these symptoms, Evika fights successfully. Especially relevant phytotherapy is for those women who can not or do not want to carry out hormone replacement therapy. Some hormonal drugs are very poorly tolerated by patients. An ideal remedy for menopausal disorders should also protect against osteoporosis. It is hormonal changes that lead to the fact that bone tissue after menopause loses its density. In the treatment of synthetic hormones, the risk of developing breast cancer increases, and in Evik's treatment, such risk not only does not increase, but decreases slightly. Cases of stroke and thrombosis of veins associated with HRT are also known. When taking phytopreparations, such side effects did not occur.

Thanks to the fact that Evika and other phytopreparations in gynecology began to be produced in the form of tablets and capsules, their use has become very convenient, the grass no longer needs to brew and worry about proportions. Evika can be used regardless of the menstrual cycle, during intermittent treatment it is not necessary to interrupt. Evika is optimal for patients who refuse to take hormonal medications. It has a positive effect not only on the reproductive system, but also on the nervous system due to the valerian and chamomile included in its composition. Evica has astringent, antispasmodic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and blood-resurrecting action. Anti-inflammatory effect of the drug Evika realized by reducing the uterine musculature, it is for this reason, pregnant women do not prescribe the medication - the tone of the uterus increases with admission. 


Use Evika during pregnancy

Evika is not used in pregnant and lactating women.


Evika is contraindicated in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug and to girls under 18 years of age.

Side effects Evika

Sometimes there may be allergic reactions and stool retention. 

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Cases of drug overdose not detected

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.


Shelf life

Shelf life 2 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.



To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Evika" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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