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Last reviewed: 10.08.2022

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Videin is a drug of cholecalciferol, the basis of which is a molecule called videhol (a combined combination of cholesterol and cholecalciferol in a 1 to 1 ratio) and located inside a casein protein shell. Taking into account the weak resistance of cholecalciferol to oxidative processes, cholesterol contained in the structure of videhol acts as a kind of endogenous protective barrier against oxidation processes; at the same time, protein is such an exogenous barrier.
At the same time, the composition of the drug contains tocopherol acetate, which is an antioxidant factor complementary to cholecalciferol in the human body. [1]
Indications Videin
It is used to treat and prevent the development of rickets or rickets-like pathologies in a child, and in addition, with osteopathy having a different etiology, disorders of mineral metabolism ( osteoporosis or osteomalacia) and D-hypovitaminosis during pregnancy.
In addition, it is prescribed for persons who are operated on for false joints or orthopedic deformities, accompanied by signs of slow consolidation of fractures in the case of fractures affecting the extremities.
It can be used in combination treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, chronic eczema or diffuse lesions in the connective tissue area.
Release form
The release of the therapeutic element is realized in tablets - 10 pieces inside a contour package. The box contains 5 such packages.
Videin, being a substance of cholecalciferol, is an active participant in the regulation of the functions of a large number of systems with organs, and in addition to different types of metabolism. For example, it helps regulate phosphorus and calcium metabolism, enhances intestinal Ca absorption as well as phosphorus reabsorption within the renal tubules, aids healthy bone growth and formation, and maintains normal blood P and Ca levels.
Cholecalciferol regulates the main types of metabolism - protein and lipid. In addition, it regulates the binding processes of enzymes and hormones (not only calcium-regulating ones (calcitonin with parathyrin), but also GCS, gastrin with thyrotropin, insulin, etc.), and with it receptor proteins. [2]
Cholecalciferol promotes the differentiation and multiplication of cells in all tissues with organs (this includes blood components), pancreatic b-cells and immunocompetent cells. In addition, it regulates the function of the parathyroid gland. [3]
It was revealed that the vitamin is very important in reproductive processes. It is believed to be essential for fetal, embryonic, and postnatal development of children.
With D-hypovitaminosis, the likelihood of the appearance or potentiation of the course of many diseases increases, including childhood rickets, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, CVS pathologies, and so on.
The absorption of cholecalciferol is realized within the distal part of the small intestine and is equal to 85-90% of the consumed portion. In the case of cholestasis or other reasons that reduce the flow of bile into the intestine, the absorption of the vitamin may be weakened.
Cholecalciferol is a compound with no biological activity. Through the blood circulation, it penetrates into the liver, and there, under the influence of cholecalciferol-25-hydroxylase enzymes, it is transformed into 250HD3. This component is a translocating form of cholecalciferol, and in addition, an important bioactivator - low values of 250HD3 act as a physiological catalyst to support the metabolism of phosphorus with calcium and cholecalciferol. Formed inside the liver, 250HD3 moves inside the kidneys, where it continues to transform into metabolic elements with hormonal action - 1,25- together with 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
To maintain the development of physiological processes, it is very important to maintain the required balance of the main metabolic components of cholecalciferol, because they are participants in the regulation of different parts of the same physiological processes.
Excretion of the vitamin is carried out by the intestines - along with bile, over a period of 1-2 days (while its partial absorption occurs - enterohepatic circulation). The use of Videin in a 30-45-day cycle leads to the deposition of cholecalciferol within the hepatic reticulocytes. Further, the vitamin is released from the depot, creating effective medicinal values of metabolic elements with activity for 3 further months. At the same time, there is a gradual decrease in their indicators inside the plasma - by the end of the 4th month.
Dosing and administration
The medication is taken orally, with food, or within 10-15 minutes after. You need to make an appointment 1 time per day, at the same time.
Babies need to crush the pill and mix it with milk or other liquid, and then give it with food.
To prevent rickets in young children, the medication is used in 30-day courses at a dosage of 2000 IU per day (during the 2nd, 6th, and 10-11th months of life). Further, repeated cycles are performed 2-3 times a year, with at least 3-month breaks, until the child reaches 3 years of age.
Often a sick child should take the medicine for 30 days in a portion of 2000-4000 IU, and then 2-3 30-day cycles per year at a dosage of 2000 IU, with at least 3-month intervals.
For children undergoing anticonvulsant treatment for a long time (seduxen, phenobarbital or diphenin) or administration of corticosteroids, the medication is administered in a daily dosage of 2000-4000 IU (30-45-day course) with the possibility of repeating the cycle after a 3-4-month break.
For the treatment of rickets in a child, given the degree of intensity of the lesion, Videin is used in a portion of 2000-4000 IU per day, in the period of 30-45 days. Then 2-3 times a year during the period of 30 days it is administered in a daily dosage of 2000 IU (intervals are at least 3 months).
In the case of rickets-like diseases, the therapeutic portion (in the range of 4-14 thousand IU) is selected personally for the patient.
For diffuse lesions of connective tissues, psoriasis, rheumatoid-type arthritis or chronic eczema, drugs are administered in the amount of 4000 IU per day for a period of 45 days. You can repeat the cycle after 3 months.
In the case of limiting states of the dysmetabolic and infectious forms, secondary immunodeficiencies, congenital femoral dislocations, and in addition to this, children who live in places contaminated with radionuclides, the medication is administered per day at a dosage of 2000-4000 IU (for 30 days). Further - in portions of 2000 IU, 30-day cycles, 2-3 times a year, with a minimum of 3-month breaks.
For pregnant women from risk categories (diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney / liver damage with clinical symptoms of hypocalcemia and disorders of bone tissue mineralization, gestosis and rheumatism) - 1000-2000 IU per day during the period of 28-32 weeks of gestation (2 months), without time-of-year bindings.
Treatment in people with bone disease requires the intake of 4000 IU of Videin per day for a period of 30 days. If necessary, repeat the cycle after a 3-4 month interval.
The main contraindications:
- severe intolerance associated with the medication;
- hypercalcemia;
- urolithiasis, in which the presence of Ca stones is recorded.
Prolonged drug overdose can provoke the appearance of toxic effects, constipation, arthralgia, hypercalciuria or -calcemia, myalgia and headaches, and in addition, loss of appetite and renal dysfunction.
It is necessary to cancel the medicine, give the patient a lot of fluids, prescribe a diet with low Ca levels in food, and also take actions that help eliminate hypercalcemia.
Interactions with other drugs
The combined use of the drug with GCS or anticonvulsants causes a weakening of the drug effect of Videin.
With the simultaneous use of drugs with diuretics, the likelihood of Ca metabolism disorders increases (you need to monitor blood and urinary Ca values).
Storage conditions
Videin must be kept in a dark place, closed from small children. Temperature values are within the 25 ° C mark.
Shelf life
Videin can be applied within a 30-month term from the date of manufacture of the pharmaceutical product.
The analogs of the drug are the substances Ideos and AlfaForkal with Akvavit-d3, as well as Ergocalciferol and Tridevita.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Videin" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.