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Super Psori cream from psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Scaly lichen - this name very eloquently describes the pathological changes of the skin in psoriasis. Eruptions that cause physical and psychological discomfort, can disappear within a month or a little more time - say the manufacturers of this cream. It is not a medicinal product, the declared composition of the cream is natural and contains substances that in pre-hormonal times were used to treat skin diseases: naphthalan, saltol, sulfur, tar - each separately. In this cream they work together, providing a complex action, supported by plant extracts. If there is no intolerance to any component, perhaps it is worth a try.
The cream has a dark brown color, however, it is well absorbed thanks to a delicate texture and does not stain clothes and clothes. It does not contain flavorings, therefore it has a specific smell due to its composition. The effect of using the cream is noticeable almost immediately - the itching disappears, the dryness, swelling and tightness of the skin disappear. A few days later the area of lesions begins to decrease.
Indications of the super Psori cream from psoriasis
The cream formula was developed specifically for the treatment of psoriatic rashes, however, as shown, it can be used in other skin diseases of inflammatory and infectious genesis, since it contains components that have antiseptic properties. The cream moisturizes the skin, literally for one application eliminates itching and beginning irritation. It can be used during the period of remission with a preventive purpose.
A multicomponent complex of ingredients, each of which itself copes well with dermatitis and dermatoses, has, according to reviews, a quick and effective effect. First applied to the skin layer of the cream disinfects the surface of the epidermis, softening the crusts on psoriatic plaques. As absorption takes place, the active ingredients begin to work in deeper layers of the skin. Almost immediately the skin becomes softer, the itching calms down and new papules stop appearing, the inflammation gradually decreases, the disease regresses. Foci of lesion contract, cease to deliver unpleasant sensations and the epithelium heals. Pharmacodynamics of the drug is determined by the pharmacological properties of its components, potentiating the effect of each other.
- Vaseline medical purified - jelly-like translucent mass of natural origin. The first name is oil jelly. This substance has no taste and smell, practically does not cause allergic reactions. It is often used as a base for ointments and creams, helps to soften and retain moisture, and also - to eliminate skin damage. It has disinfecting properties.
- Solidified medical purified - light brown homogeneous mass of industrial and technical origin, more dense than Vaseline, which has a characteristic odor. Another basis of this cream, which has therapeutic qualities - keratolytic, healing, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory.
- Lanolin is a waxy yellowish substance produced by the digestion of sheep's wool. It has a peculiar smell. The popular basis of cosmetic creams, including children's, and medical ointments. Perfectly absorbed by the surface of the skin, makes it soft and silky. Promotes cellular nutrition and renewal, keeps moisture in the skin cells, has protective properties. However, more often than previous ingredients can cause irritation and allergic reactions.
- Oil from sea buckthorn berries is a storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients (organic acids: salicylic, succinic, fruit, fatty acids, micro- and macroelements, flavonoids, phospholipids, phytosterols and others). Has the ability to destroy pathogens and quench the activity of proinflammatory mediators, accelerates the healing and repair of the skin surface.
- Tar birch - has long been successfully used to eliminate the symptoms of exacerbation of psoriasis and other dermatological problems. Eliminates peeling, inflammation, exudation, disinfects the affected surfaces, relieves pain, burning and itching, renders a resolving effect. Improve the structure and appearance of the skin not only in the lesions, but also throughout the body due to systemic action on the body. Stabilizes the state of the nervous system - it passes anxiety, irritability, insomnia.
- Sulfur is a necessary substance for maintaining a healthy state of epithelial surfaces. Without it, metabolic processes do not occur, respiration of skin cells is disrupted, and protective functions are reduced. This element is essential for maintaining the health of the skin. Without sulfur, keratin is not formed, which informs strength and healthy color of the stratum corneum; Collagen, which makes the skin supple; Melanin, which protects the skin from ultraviolet and other harmful effects.
- Oil naphthalan refined - has a pronounced antipsoriatic action: it removes inflammation, pain, swelling, itching. Normalizes blood circulation and has a preventive effect against infection, heals epithelial lesions. There is an opinion that the beneficial effect of Naftalan oil is based on its action through the reflexogenic zones located on the surface of the skin on the central nervous system.
- Licorice root extract - has an effect similar to corticosteroid hormones (natural cortisone), but does not have any side effects. It is a unique natural stimulant of the immune system, possessing powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.
- Sage extract is rich in many substances useful for the skin. In addition to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it is able to regulate the processes of cellular metabolism, to activate the work of the sebaceous glands. This medicinal plant is used in the treatment of various skin problems, including with exacerbation of psoriasis.
- Extract of the string - thanks to carotenoids, flavones and chalcons, as well as polyphenols has a stabilizing effect on the processes taking place in the dermis, preventing secondary infection.
- Essential oil of peppermint - provides a relaxing, moisturizing, bactericidal, soothing irritation and itching action. It relieves pain and dilates blood vessels, has a positive psycho-emotional effect.
- Eucalyptus extract is a plant antibiotic with many valuable components for nutrition and renewal of damaged epithelium.
The texture of the cream is such that it is completely absorbed by the skin, penetrating into its deep layers. Thanks to this, despite the dark color, the cream does not leave stains on bed linens and clothes. When the cream comes into contact with water or afterwards, its effect remains the same and the quality does not deteriorate. Studies of the pharmacokinetics of the cream have not been conducted.
Dosing and administration
Before using, take a shower or rinse the area with warm water and clean easily removable flakes.
Cream a thin layer of plastered on the affected areas of the body twice a day, cover with cotton or linen cloth and leave to soak for about several hours.
In the period of remission, to eliminate dryness of the skin and prevent exacerbations, the cream is applied once during the day after taking a shower.
Use of the super Psori cream from psoriasis during pregnancy
The cream consists of natural ingredients and is not a medicinal product, however, before using pregnant and lactating women, one should consult a specialist.
Sensitization to one or more cream ingredients. It is not recommended to apply on sexual organs, in the oral cavity and mucous membranes of other localizations. Avoid contact with eyes. Not assigned to children 0-5 years.
Storage conditions
Store in accordance with the temperature regime of 5-25 ° C.
Reviews about Super psoric cream ambiguous. Many positive. Most people who use this cream note a rapid improvement in the condition, the achievement of remission after a month after application, and a positive result was observed in patients with a solid experience of the disease and experience in hormone treatment.
However, a lot of negative reviews say that this is a good moisturizing and softening cream for dry skin and nothing more. Therefore, people who dreamed of getting rid of psoriatic rashes are disappointed and upset.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Super Psori cream from psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.