Consequences of cervical erosion
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Erosive damage to the epithelial layer of the cervix is called erosion. The causes of such damage may be some infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, a disorder of the microflora of the vaginal environment, premature entry into sexual life. The consequences of cervical erosion in the vast majority of situations are not so harmless.
The main purpose of the cervix is reproduction, and the mucosal discharge from the cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal and the surface layer of the cervix should ensure free penetration of the seminal fluid into the uterus. In addition, a healthy neck tissue is a potential barrier against getting into the uterine cavity of all kinds of infectious agents.
Symptoms of the effects of cervical erosion
Among the most common adverse effects of untreated or improperly treated pathology, we can distinguish such:
- Mucous layer damaged by erosive process is an unobstructed way for getting a lot of various infections. The danger of getting an infectious disease of the internal genital organs rises at times. Because of the damaged mucous cervix of the uterus, diseases such as:
- endometritis (inflammatory endometrial reaction);
- myometritis (inflammatory process in the muscular layer of the uterus);
- endometriometritis (inflammatory process of the endometrial and muscular layer of the uterus);
- Salpingitis (inflammation of two or one fallopian tubes);
- oophoritis (inflammatory reaction in one or in two ovaries);
- salpingoophoritis, he is an adnexitis (combined inflammation of the ovary and fallopian tubes, on one or both sides);
- pelvioperitonitis (inflammatory reaction of the pelvic peritoneum).
- Untreated erosion can become a causative factor in the early detection of the cervix in a pregnant woman, which poses a threat of premature birth or the spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
What are the symptoms of the effects of cervical erosion on the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the internal sexual organs?
- Soreness in the lower abdomen, in the pelvic area.
- With suppuration of the process - high temperature, frequent heartbeat, fever.
- Bleeding or discharge of blood from the vaginal cavity, which has no connection with menstrual bleeding (possibly after sexual contact).
- Other pathological excretions (syphilis, pus, etc.).
- Painful sexual intercourse, discomfort during sexual intercourse.
- Problems with urination.
- Rarely - a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, dyspepsia.
Sometimes complications of erosion can occur with a minimum of symptoms, or completely in a latent form. Therefore, a woman may not know about her illness. Pathology in the future may adversely affect the ability to conceive, as well as the course of pregnancy itself.
Where does it hurt?
Consequences of large cervical erosion
With great erosion of the cervix, ideal conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms are formed, which can lead to the emergence of various inflammatory and infectious diseases. The most common infection is chlamydia, fungal infection, trichomonas and other microorganisms, which, due to erosion, freely enter the uterine cavity and into the appendages. All these factors can lead to the woman's inability to conceive, as the erosive surface plus foreign pathogenic flora and inflammatory processes are a great obstacle to normal fertilization.
Moreover, erosion on the surface of the uterine neck can be regenerated from a benign process into a malignant oncology, that is, to provoke the development of a cancerous tumor of the cervix.
Cervical cancer is a dangerous and, unfortunately, very common phenomenon among women of childbearing age with diagnosed untreated or completely untreated erosion.
In order to avoid such dangerous complications, all women without exception are recommended to visit a specialist in gynecology every six months and undergo all necessary examinations. The doctor will choose the necessary treatment plan immediately after the detection of the pathology of the cervix.
The consequences of neglected cervical erosion
Erosion of the cervix is considered a benign process, but it is not necessary to assert the harmlessness of this disease. Of course, sometimes this disease can self-heal without any medical manipulation, but in most situations, the erosive process is the main factor in the onset of tumor complications.
In addition, running erosion can cause:
- herpetic infection or chlamydia;
- human papillomavirus (which, in turn, can trigger the appearance of genital warts and the development of precancerous conditions);
- the transition of erosion to the bleeding stage, which most experts estimate as a precancerous state of the uterine neck.
When a gynecologist examines a neglected erosive process, the doctor usually takes out an element of epithelial tissue from the erosion surface. This procedure is called a biopsy. In some cases, instead of a biopsy, a smear can be taken for a cytological examination. Both these and other diagnostic methods are aimed, first of all, at detecting a potential cancer disease.
With erosion of the cervix, it must be remembered that delay with gynecological examination and delaying with treatment can lead to very unpleasant and even tragic consequences.
Effects of erosion of cervical uteri
Removing cervical erosion is possible in many ways. Each case, the doctor considers separately and individually decides on the choice of treatment methods, taking into account the characteristics of the disease in each patient. Are taken into account the factors of the development of the disease, the course of pathology, as well as the size and depth of erosion.
Removal of erosion can be carried out by the following methods:
- laser removal;
- radio wave removal;
- cauterization of erosion by liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction).
Despite all the positive aspects of these methods, there are some undesirable consequences of erosion of the cervix. Consider the possible consequences of each of the most popular methods of erosion treatment.
- Diathermocoagulation using electric current is considered an affordable and effective way to remove the erosive process. The effects of cauterization of cervical erosion by electric current can be different. For example, there is a large percentage of the probability of scar tissue formation in areas of the former erosive surface. In the future, this may present difficulties in the disclosure of the cervix during labor. For this reason, this method only applies to women who do not plan to have children in the future.
- The consequences of freezing cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen are that not always a specialist can maintain confidence that all layers of damaged tissues have been exposed to the cryodestruction procedure. Because of this, getting rid of the pathology may be partial, with the possible development of a relapse of the disease in the future. In addition, treatment with liquid nitrogen often becomes impossible due to the large depth of the lesion. And with the wrong form of erosion, it is possible to damage completely healthy tissue, because it is difficult to manipulate liquid nitrogen with a standard-sized tip. To prevent the consequences of cryodestruction of cervical erosion, this technique is advised to be used only with erosions of small scales.
- The effects of moxibustion of cervical erosion by the laser are much less pronounced. Laser therapy is the most preferred technique that can be used by patients of any age, including those who plan future pregnancies in the future. The percentage of development of recurrent diseases after cauterization of erosion of the cervix with a laser is extremely low, but it still exists. In some cases, laser cauterization can promote the development of secondary infection of internal genital organs and even the formation of endometriosis.
All of the above consequences of erosion of cervical erosion may not affect you if therapeutic procedures are performed by a qualified and competent specialist. For this reason, in order to conduct therapeutic and diagnostic activities, it is necessary to contact well-known clinics and medical centers that have been proven by time and experience, in which there is adequate equipment and trained specialists.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of the consequences of cervical erosion
Unfortunately, there are no ideal therapeutic methods yet. However, you still need to undergo treatment, and not yourself, but by contacting a good and experienced specialist. Curing a disease is much easier and faster if the procedures are started on time. Treatment of the consequences of erosion of the cervix will be much more complicated, longer, and the result may be less favorable.
Ignore the disease is unacceptable, since the lack of proper treatment threatens the transition of the process to a malignant course, or other equally dangerous complications, of which we have already mentioned.
To date, doctors have a large selection of treatments than it was just a few years ago. When choosing a therapeutic procedure, the doctor relies on the results of tests, the age and general health of the patient, the severity of the erosive process, as well as the wishes of the woman herself. To listen to advice and carefully follow all the prescriptions of the doctor - only this can guarantee the full safety of the genital function of the female body, and also serve as a preventive measure for the development of the oncological pathology of the genital area.
Unfortunately, the consequences of cervical erosion - this is a frequent phenomenon in gynecology. However, prevention of these consequences is possible in most cases, and this primarily depends on the patient herself. Timely diagnosis, regular visits to the doctor (especially if there have already been treated erosions in the past), observance of personal hygiene rules, attentive attitude to sexual contacts and partners are all the basic principles that prevent erosion of the cervix and its undesirable consequences.
More information of the treatment