Cystic ovarian change
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Cystic ovarian changes are a gynecological disease that occurs as a result of impaired functioning of the female body due to hormonal factors.
Cysts can be different in their characteristics and determined by what structures of the ovaries in each case, hormones were produced.
The largest part of the total number of cases in which a cystic ovarian change is noted is represented by cysts functional or as they are also called - false. They are characterized by a spontaneous appearance, not provoked by any obvious apparent causes, and tend to the same spontaneous disappearance. Their occurrence is not associated with the appearance and spread of cellular atypia, which is characteristic of cancer. The formation of functional cysts leads to a violation of the functions of the ovaries, they are not very large, in some cases they can provoke clearly localized unilateral pains and lead to violations of the monthly cycle.
One of the types of false cysts is the follicular cyst. With her after two weeks of the cycle, the egg does not release from the follicle, and estrogen production continues. This causes a delay in menstruation and the absence of ovulation.
It happens that the yellow body after the occurrence of ovulation does not resolve, and it continues to produce estrogen and progesterone. This phenomenon provokes the appearance of the cyst of the yellow body. Begin to show all the signs inherent in the state of pregnancy, but the test results indicate that the woman is not pregnant.
With this cystic change, surgery is not required.
Cysts of an organic nature are not related to violations of the hormonal balance in the body, spontaneous remission in their presence does not occur. If the cyst is large, it can put pressure on nearby organs - rectum, intestine, bladder. The existence of a small cyst can take place asymptomatically.
Dermoid organic cysts are fluid-containing formations with the presence of cutaneous fat. Pseudomucinous cysts fill the yellowish liquid with a thick viscous liquid in a consistency reminiscent of gelatin. Cysts serous have a light yellow serous content.
All organic cysts are recommended to be removed because they are likely to degenerate into oncology.
Causes of cystic ovary change
Causes of cystic ovary changes are mainly associated with a violation of the hormonal balance in the body. This mainly applies to the excessive production of androgen, the male sex hormone. Affected by this disease can be women of different age groups. It can develop both during the period of puberty of a girl during the development of the menstrual cycle, and in women at an older age. In the latter case, cysts can appear as a consequence of genitourinary chronic diseases.
Adverse factors contributing to an increase in the likelihood of developing such a disease are: heredity, a variety of stressful situations, acute respiratory diseases, artificial termination of pregnancy, especially if abortions were performed during the youthful period of a woman's life. Causes of cystic ovarian changes can also be caused by travel or by moving to a new place of residence in a region located in another climatic zone. In addition, cysts in the ovaries can develop as a consequence of the fact that there are other diseases characterized by impaired functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal gland or thyroid gland.
Symptoms of cystic ovarian changes
There are a number of characteristic signs, changes and irregularities in the functioning of the female body, the appearance of which suggests that they represent symptoms of cystic ovary change.
Evidence of the presence of such a disease can disrupt the regularity with which menstruation occurs. Processes the formation of cysts in the ovaries can lead to the violation of ovulation until its complete absence - anovulation. This has as its manifestations changes in the monthly cycle, prolonged, over a month of delaying menstruation or amenorrhea - their absence. Sometimes delays of menstruation for a long period can be replaced by periods of uterine bleeding.
Symptoms of cystic ovarian changes are also manifested in the appearance of a tendency to increase skin and hair, acne, acne and seborrhea may appear. The phenomenon accompanying development in the ovaries of cysts is a sharp increase in weight from 10 to 15 kilograms. Obesity can be as a pattern of uniform distribution of deposits throughout the body, and occur in the male type - with an increase in fat mass mainly in the abdomen and waist. In addition, the amount of hair on the body increases: in the perineum, on the stomach, in the thighs and in the legs, the appearance of the "antennae" above the upper lip is noted.
There are regular painful symptoms of a pulling nature, of moderate expression, covering the lower abdominal parts and capable of irradiation to the waist and pelvic region.
Conducting a study on the content of hormones shows the following results. Exceed the norm of its content hormones produced by the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland and ovaries.
Cystic change in the right ovary
In the process of normal healthy functioning of all organs of the female body, the sex hormones are produced in the necessary ratio, both female - progesterone and estrogen, and male - androgens. Cystic change in the right ovary, and equally in the left, destroys the homeostasis, which is the state of the optimal balance of hormones in the human body. Growing at the same time the amount of male hormone produced that predominates over the female leads to the suppression of the processes of monthly egg maturation, that is, ovulation does not occur.
Absence of ovulation, and as a result - a symptom of primary infertility due to cysts that occur in the ovaries, is one of the characteristic signs of this disease. In addition, a cystic change in the right ovary leads to violations of the menstrual cycle (oligo amenorrhea), and the growth of hair on the body, may also appear overweight.
The emergence of cystic changes in the right ovary can be due to impaired functioning of the pituitary gland, the hypogothalamus, the female gonads, thyroid gland, and adrenal glands. A certain role in increasing the risk of developing this disease can also play a hereditary factor. In addition, the prerequisites for the appearance of cysts in the ovary can be covered in an excess of insulin, which contributes to the active production of androgens.
Cystic change in the left ovary
Cystic change in the left ovary is a disease associated with hormonal imbalance in the body, and is due to the failure of the regulation of the menstrual cycle due to impaired functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or adrenal glands.
Currently, there is a classification of this female ailment into two of its varieties. The first form is true or primary polycystosis. It is caused by the presence of congenital disease or certain hereditary factors of predisposition to this disease. The secondary form of the disease has as its cause the disease of the ovaries.
Factors representing a risk group of what can develop cystic changes in the left ovary are susceptibility to stressful situations, a sudden change in body weight in the direction of both increasing and decreasing, it also can occur when taking contraceptives and breast-feeding.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this disease, if not taken timely appropriate measures to cure it, can lead to infertility.
On the other hand, its detection, in many cases occurs just during the examinations and diagnostic activities to determine the cause of infertility.
However, a diagnosis in which there is a presence of cystic changes in the ovaries should not cause panic and despair. Currently, there are a sufficient number of different treatment methods that will help cope with this disease. The main thing is to start treatment on time.
Comprehensive diagnosis is carried out using a comprehensive examination by ultrasound, laboratory blood tests for hormones and the presence of hidden infections, a smear for the determination of microflora.
Cystic change in both ovaries
Cystic changes in both ovaries - a woman's disease, also called polycystic ovary, is characterized by the fact that small cysts grow on the surface of the ovaries. The cause for the development of such a pathological process is the hormonal imbalance in the female body. The course of the disease may differ in the absence of any symptoms, in some cases, it is possible to violate the function of menstruation by the type of oligomenorrhoea. Distinctive signs of the presence of this disease in addition is the growth of hair on the body, a sudden significant increase in body weight, the appearance of acne.
Polycystic congenital type or - primary can first appear in adolescence, during puberty in the process of how the menstrual function is formed. In subsequent periods of a woman's life, the cause of the appearance of a cystic change in both ovaries may be a chronic pathology associated with the functions of the endocrine system, or due to infectious and inflammatory processes in the female genitourinary system. This type of disease is called secondary polycystic ovary.
The formation of cysts in the ovaries, and especially if in such processes are involved both left and right at the same time, requires as soon as possible a more rapid onset of appropriate treatment. Otherwise, there is a high probability of infertility.
Cystic ovarian change and pregnancy
Cystic ovarian change and pregnancy - an approach to this issue requires special attention and attention, since cysts in the ovaries pose a danger to the health of women at any age. It does not matter whether the woman gave birth before she was diagnosed and confirmed the presence of the disease. If the disease is diagnosed during pubertal period, the girl must regularly undergo therapeutic courses of hormone treatment in order to avoid the possibility of all kinds of complications. The positive result of such treatment measures, as well as the removal of the cyst by the laparoscopic method, is that due to this the possibility of a favorable prognosis of gestation and the birth of a healthy child is enhanced, even if the future mother has such a disease. Thus, it can be argued that the cystic ovarian change and pregnancy - in the realities of the present moment of time are not something out of the ordinary.
It is only necessary to remember when planning a child that the effectiveness of treatment and the likelihood of early recovery depend on how early the disease is diagnosed and how timely appropriate measures are taken to prevent further development of pathological progress. It is also important to take care of that, too, to protect yourself from hypothermia, the progression of chronic diseases, to avoid stress factors and situations.
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Diagnosis of cystic ovarian changes
Diagnosis of cystic ovarian changes and the identification of this disease mainly occurs during the passage of a preventive gynecological examination by a woman. Therefore it is very important to visit a relevant medical specialist who, on the basis of regular examination of the state of the genitourinary system of the female body, can see signs that can indicate the beginning of the process of cyst formation in the ovary, in one or both at once. And, on the basis of the affirmative results of the necessary additional diagnostic measures, appoint the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.
The diagnosis stating the presence of cysts in the ovaries is put in cases when there is a combination of at least two of the following factors:
- The presence of disturbed ovarian function, the consequence of which is the irregularity of the cycle of menstruation, as well as the absence of ovulation and the inability to become pregnant
- The phenomenon of excess for the female body production of male hormones androgens. Hyperandrogenia causes the appearance of an increased amount of hair on the body, provokes acne eruptions, leads to increased skin greasiness and seborrhea
- The increase in the size of the ovary and the presence of cystic changes in it were detected during the echoscopic or laparoscopic examination.
Diagnosis of cystic ovarian changes is carried out using a number of methods of instrumental research and laboratory tests. Their application is preceded by a general examination in order to determine the type of constitution, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, the nature of hair follicles, etc .; and the passage of a vaginal-abdominal examination by a woman on a gynecological chair to detect changes in the size of the ovary and the presence of seals.
Ultrasound examination shows that the ovary is enlarged in size, has a dense capsule and there are many small follicular cysts on the periphery. According to the results of doplerometry, there is increased blood flow in the vessels of the ovary.
A laboratory blood test is done to determine the content of hormones produced by the ovaries, the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands.
It allows to confirm the cystic changes in the ovary and carry out laparoscopy.
Echoseristics of cystic ovarian changes
Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs allows to make a visual assessment of the ovaries condition, and also helps to identify possible changes in the thickness of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Transvaginal method of ultrasound of pelvic organs in women consists in the introduction of a special ultrasound sensor in the vagina. This diagnostic device, emitting special high-frequency sound waves, transmits the reflected signal to the computer monitor screen, where an image of the internal organs located in the small pelvis is reconstructed, among which are also the ovaries. The use of transvaginal echography allows us to achieve a greater degree of informativeness in the study, if we compare it with the transabdominal view of ultrasound diagnosis. When placing the sensor in the vagina, it becomes possible to visualize the content that occurs in the preovulatory follicles, determine the maturity stage of the oocytes, and diagnose endometriosis in its small forms. In addition, this method of investigation is effective in polycystic ovaries, and also allows to diagnose uterine pregnancy in obese women in the presence of processes of formation of adhesions in the pelvic region.
Echoes of cystic ovarian changes when visualized on the screen of the ultrasound device have the form of a so-called "string of pearls". This designation was used to describe how the ovarian follicles look when they are ultrasound. Each of the dark circles on the computer image is the image of a cyst on the ovary.
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Treatment of cystic ovarian changes
Treatment of cystic ovarian changes is based on an integrated campaign and is appointed after comprehensive diagnosis has been performed. The treatment courses for this disease are of great duration and include, if there is such a need, the use of drugs that have an effect on the hormonal sphere of the female body. The main directions on which all therapeutic measures are oriented is the facilitation of the restoration and normalization of the processes associated with ovulation and the menstrual cycle, the ability of a woman to bear childbirth.
Depending on the indications, stage and severity of the disease, as well as other concomitant factors, treatment of cystic ovarian changes can be performed conservatively, or by surgical intervention.
The essence of conservative treatment is that hormonal preparations are prescribed: anti-estrogens; combined oral contraceptives of anti-androgenic action, which manifests itself in the restoration of the cycle of menstruation, and as a result of which hyperandrogenia passes; gonadotropins - stimulants of ovulation.
In those cases when treatment with conservative methods may not be effective enough, and besides if endometrial hyperplasia develops, the surgical method of treatment becomes topical. To date, surgery for cysts in the ovary is mainly performed by the laparoscopic method and is characterized by a low degree of trauma. During such a surgical intervention, a wedge resection is performed, the essence of which consists in the partial removal of the ovarian tissue undergoing cystic changes. Another type of surgical intervention is the cauterization, or cauterization, of affected areas of the ovary. As a result, the level of androgen production decreases, and ovulation is normalized.
After surgical intervention, 65% of women who underwent this operation are able to become pregnant. The most favorable for this is the period during the first six months after such treatment.
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Prevention of cystic ovarian changes
Prophylaxis of cystic ovary changes is of great importance because the healing to the full extent of this disease, if it has appeared, is not possible. The main task of treatment is reduced mainly to ensure the maximum possible favorable conditions and to increase the possibility of becoming pregnant. Women who live with this disease, when they plan a child, are prescribed a treatment course aimed at restoring and stimulating the development of the egg. Since the cystic ovarian changes tend to progress with increasing age, pregnancy should be planned as soon as possible.
Prevention of cystic ovarian changes is a series of mandatory rules and principles, the adherence to which will lead to a reduction in the risk of this disease. To ensure maximum safety from this possibility, it is sufficient to adhere to recommendations on preventive measures similar to those for all other diseases of the urogenital system of women. One of the earliest and simplest rules for fulfilling the rule is the need for regular visits to the appropriate medical specialist for gynecological examinations. Detection of the disease at an early stage, increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome of a timely treatment, and avoids the many associated side effects and complications associated with its progress . The most formidable of which is infertility.
An important factor is also the prevention of infections, inflammations and diseases that can adversely affect the functioning of the ovaries.
During the puberty of girls, their mothers are responsible for showing interest in their "female" health status, and if there is a suspicion of the possibility of cysts in the ovaries to take their daughter to a qualified gynecologist as soon as possible.
Prognosis of cystic ovarian changes
The prognosis of cystic ovarian changes is favorable insofar as the timely detection of symptoms and changes in the body of a woman have allowed to assert that this disease takes place. If the diagnosis is made in the early stages, at the beginning of the development of the pathological process and the necessary treatment is immediately prescribed, this ailment is given to effective healing.
In the case if the disease progresses as it progresses to reach its rather severe stages, this causes a prognosis of cystic ovarian changes of a very negative nature. One of the main aggravating factors in this case is such a feature of the mechanisms of development and flow of this disease as its carcinogenic properties. This means that, if untimely or untreated, it can provoke malignant processes in the endometrium of the uterus.
In addition, cysts in the ovary act as a factor of provoking bleeding in the uterus. But the most serious consequence of neglected and taken on time measures against cystic changes in the ovary is a significantly increasing risk of infertility.
On the other hand, although it is often believed that this ailment and the opportunity to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a child are mutually exclusive phenomena, this is by no means a verdict. With proper treatment, a woman has every chance to experience the joys of motherhood.