Laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today cyst laparoscopy is one of the most common and simple operations. The essence of this operation is to create three small incisions on the abdominal wall and through them surgical instruments and a video camera are introduced.
Laparoscopy of ovarian cyst after surgery
An open surgery is in any case an injury to the human body. Trauma to the tissues is accompanied by a number of negative reactions of the whole organism. After all, in essence, the organism is an integral system, which, like any other closed system, does not tolerate interference (and even more destructive) from outside and reacts sharply to it. If a surgical intervention takes place in the patient’s medical history, most medical specialists try to prevent re-operation and prescribe it in the most extreme cases when other treatment methods do not have a positive effect. At the same time, in the modern medical world, laparoscopy is considered the most painless and least traumatic operation, as it requires minimal surgical intervention. Therefore, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst after surgery is one of the most benign ways to solve the problem of removal. It is obvious that the less stress we apply to the body during treatment, the more it is inclined to cope with the disease itself. So it is believed that if a patient has undergone a preliminary open surgery, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst after surgery is the most loyal and simple way to remove a cyst.
Preparation for laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Preparation for laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is as follows: first of all, it is necessary to pass tests. All necessary tests are prescribed and prescribed by the attending physician. As a rule, these are urine tests and blood clotting tests, as well as tests for determining glucose levels, and blood tests for the presence of AIDS, hepatitis, and infectious diseases are also mandatory. Immediately before the operation, a thorough examination of all the pelvic organs, chest organs and an electrocardiogram is carried out. In the evening before the day of surgery and on the day of surgery, mandatory enemas are made, and in addition, laxatives are recommended at this time. It is necessary to limit the intake of water and food on the eve of laparoscopy. The last meal is allowed in the evening before the operation day, but not later than at 19:00. The last intake of water is possible at 22:00 hours, in the evening before the day of the operation. Later it is forbidden to eat or drink any liquid, up to the operation itself. Directly on the day of surgery, you should consult with your anesthesiologist about the features of your body, if any, about the upcoming anesthesia. It is also important to remember that at the time of the operation, the pubic area should be shaved.
Laparoscopic Ovarian Cyst Tests
Before surgery, laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst must first be tested in a series of tests, the results of which will help the doctor in charge of performing the operation as safely and painlessly as possible. Mandatory analyzes before laparoscopy of ovarian cysts:
- general blood and urine analysis;
- blood test to determine the blood group and Rh factor;
- electrocardiogram and fluorography;
- biochemical blood test to determine the level of glucose, total protein, bilirubin;
- blood test to study the presence of HIV, hepatitis B groups and C, syphilis;
- vaginal smear to determine the microflora;
- hemostasiogram to determine the degree of blood clotting.
All tests before laparoscopy of ovarian cyst are prescribed by the attending physician, who can also advise on the relevance of the tests and explain the significance of each for a properly performed operation.
How is ovarian cyst laparoscopy performed?
After the patient undergoes all preliminary examinations, and results of analyzes come, the operation itself follows. Before surgery, many are concerned about how laparoscopy of the ovary is performed. This operation is quite simple, fear and concerns about laparoscopy are often unnecessary and do not justify themselves. On a special gurney, the patient is taken to the operating room, where she is helped to be transferred to the operating table. Next, an intravenous catheter is installed to deliver all the necessary medicines to the body. After the anesthesia works, the patient falls asleep on the stomach and the perineum is lubricated with a special disinfectant solution and a urinary catheter is inserted if there is a need for it. The abdominal cavity is filled with gas, the operating doctor makes several punctures through which the necessary tools for the operation are inserted and the video camera that displays the image on the screen. The surgeon sees the internal organs on the screen and conducts the operation, using the image from the monitor. Using tools, the cyst is removed without touching the healthy tissue of the ovary. Next, the gas is released from the abdominal cavity with the help of a special device and a stitch and a sterile dressing are placed on the injured tissues. In some cases, after removal of a cyst, a silicone drainage tube can be left for a day, as the doctor will inform the patient about after laparoscopy.
How long does laparoscopy of ovarian cysts?
Laparoscopy is an “elegant” operation, very accurate and requiring the utmost attention of the surgeon, as it is carried out under high magnification and with extreme caution to minimize injuries to healthy tissues and blood loss. However, laparoscopy is considered the most painless and simple method of operation. Answer the question how long the laparoscopy of ovarian cysts lasts is definitely impossible. Since it depends on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. On average, laparoscopy may take from 15 minutes to an hour. With all the preparations, the introduction of anesthesia and the exit from the state of anesthesia, the operation can generally take up to a maximum of three hours. The duration of the operation also depends on the qualifications of the doctor who conducts it. On average, in patients with moderately severe pathology, the laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst itself lasts about 40 minutes. The method of laparoscopy today is considered the most painless, gentle and safe, relative to other existing methods of operation.
Laparoscopy of an Endometrioid Ovarian Cyst
An endometrial cyst is formed on the surface of the ovary or inside it and is a cavity bounded by walls of varying thickness filled with thick contents. A dangerous feature of such a cyst is damage to its walls during menstruation, which leads to the ingress of fluid into the abdominal cavity. In most cases, the occurrence of an endometrial ovarian cyst occurs unnoticed by a woman and ends with impaired reproductive function and infertility. Currently, surgery for this disease is a direct indication for treatment, due to the ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment, as well as the exclusion of the possibility of oncological formations. The most common treatment for this pathology is laparoscopy of an endometrial ovarian cyst. Endometrioid ovarian cyst is usually bilateral and quickly increases in size. Laparoscopy of an endometrioid ovarian cyst carried out at an early stage of the disease is the safest and guarantees a high percentage of the favorable postoperative course without complications and significant changes in the woman's body.
Laparoscopy of a parovarial cyst
A paraovarial cyst is a tumor-like formation that forms from the epididymis of the ovary. This disease can occur as absolutely asymptomatic, and with a pronounced characteristic symptoms. The danger of this pathology is that, unlike some other types of ovarian cysts, the paraovaryl cyst never resolves on its own and cannot disappear in the process of any self-treatment, education is subject to mandatory surgical removal. The most common method of removal is laparoscopy of the paraovarial cyst. The condition of the patients after laparoscopy of the paraovarial cyst is good, the reproductive system quickly returns to normal, in most cases there is no re-formation. When deciding on the need for surgery, the doctor focuses on a number of indicators of the patient's condition, such as the overall size of the cyst, the dynamics of its growth, and the presence of discomfort. The possibility of negative consequences of surgical intervention (with very large cysts or the presence of concomitant pathologies of the pelvic organs).
Laparoscopy of the dermoid cyst
Dermoid cyst of the ovary is a benign formation on the body of the ovary, consisting of various tissues present in the human body, which are in a jelly-like fluid and are located in a fairly dense capsule. A dermoid cyst can consist of nerve tissue, fat, bone tissue, hair, teeth, or skin. Most often, this cyst is found after it reaches a certain size and begins to injure neighboring organs, delivering a lot of discomfort to the woman. A dermoid cyst is constantly growing in size, therefore it is recommended to perform a removal operation as soon as possible. There is a very easy, painless and effective surgery to remove - laparoscopy of a dermoid cyst. After such operations, the occurrence of recurrence of the disease is minimized, at the same time, laparoscopy of the dermoid cyst is the most benign treatment method for the woman's body.
Laparoscopy of ovarian cyst during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman's life, because at this time many women are beginning to more closely monitor their health. The diagnosis of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy horrifies many women. But in fact, this diagnosis is not as scary as it seems. Naturally, an ovarian cyst can be a serious danger, both for the mother and for her unborn child. Large sizes of cysts can provoke a miscarriage or the need for an abortion in late pregnancy, besides the fetus, increasing in size, puts pressure on the body of the cyst, which can cause it to break, which is extremely dangerous for a woman. Pathological changes in the body of a woman can be accompanied by discomfortable sensations, but they can also pass completely unnoticed, without any symptoms. Therefore, during pregnancy should be carefully examined for the presence of ovarian cysts.
If the cyst is still there, then today's operational methods allow you to remove it with minimal risk to the body of the mother and child. Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is a safe and gentle treatment. Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy minimizes external intervention in the body and removes the cyst, with the least effect on healthy pelvic organs and the fetus itself.
Laparoscopy of ovarian cyst: contraindications
Although laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is considered to be one of the simplest and most painless operations to remove a cyst, there are still contraindications for this operation. Such operations are contraindicated for people who have had an infectious disease for a month before the operation, and laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst is contraindicated for people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So bronchial asthma during an exacerbation is a direct contraindication for this operation. Patients with high blood pressure are also at risk, and laparoscopy in these patients can be performed only with the permission of a physician, after the results of tests and a thorough study of history. For an operation laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, contraindications may be such as problems with blood coagulation (to determine the level of coagulability before surgery, a special blood test is performed), a hernia in the anterior abdominal wall. There are relative contraindications for surgery, in which the attending physician decides whether laparoscopy is appropriate. This is a high degree of obesity, cervical cancer, large abdominal adhesions or the presence of a large amount of blood in the abdominal region. Also a relative contraindication is the large size of the pathological formations on the ovary and a malignant tumor of the ovaries.
Consequences after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
The postoperative period of laparoscopy for the most part, the case passes easily and painlessly for the patient. Usually, by the second postoperative week, the ability to work and physical activity is fully restored. Consequences after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts can be directly related to anesthesia, since for different people anesthesia causes completely different, often unpredictable, reactions of the body. The consequences after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts can also be expressed in adhesive processes that, without treatment, can lead to infertility and the development of a number of gynecological diseases. Unfortunately, adhesions after any operation is a fairly common problem. If the postoperative regimen is not properly followed, there is a risk of developing infectious processes in the body, since laparoscopy is still relatively easy, but the operation requiring intervention in the body, the ovaries after laparoscopy are somewhat traumatized, which facilitates the access and spread of infections. In order to minimize the negative effects after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, it is necessary to observe a doctor regularly throughout the year, follow all of his instructions and undergo a restorative drug course after surgery.
Complications after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Minor complications after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts occur in only two percent of a hundred cases. The list of minor complications includes such postoperative symptoms as nausea or vomiting, postoperative infection, which is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, chills and fever. Small bleedings are also possible in places where incisions were made. There are also a number of serious complications, which are extremely rare and as a percentage take less than one percent. But, nevertheless, there is still a low probability of such complications. Serious complications after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts are associated for the most part with the professionalism of the surgeon. Such complications include damage to the healthy organs of the small pelvis, damage to large important vessels, such as the aorta or genital vein, and nerve damage to the pelvic area. In addition, there are a number of cases when complications are caused by severe allergic reactions to anesthesia and body reactions to carbon dioxide, a gas that is injected into the abdominal cavity during surgery.
Pain after laparoscopy ovarian cysts
After laparoscopy, ovarian cysts can cause quite severe pain where the incisions were made. This should not cause too much anxiety and suspicion, because it is the body’s natural response to surgery. If the pain is too strong and causes discomfort, you should consult with your doctor, who will have to prescribe the most effective pain medication, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient. Also, pain after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts can be localized in different places in the abdominal area, but, as a rule, such pains disappear within three to five days after surgery. If the pain lasts much longer and is very disturbing, it is imperative that you seek medical advice, since such pain after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst may indicate the occurrence of complications. Also, after surgery, there may be a slight pain in the shoulder, due to the fact that the gas that is injected into the abdominal cavity during the operation may be a stimulus of the phrenic nerve. In rare cases of pain after laparoscopy, ovarian cysts are caused by an infection that has formed at the incision sites. In these cases, antibiotics are used to treat infection and relieve pain.
Temperature after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst
During the normal postoperative period, the temperature after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst in the first few days after surgery may rise to 37 degrees. This should not cause concern, since such a rise in temperature is a sign that the body is accumulating its strength to heal wounds and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. Such a rise in temperature in most cases is not accompanied by any other negative symptoms indicating that some poor-quality processes occur in the body. However, if this temperature lasts more than ten days after surgery, you should consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of inflammation. A strong temperature increase should be a warning signal, since in most cases such symptoms indicate possible complications. Thus, an infection that has arisen at the sites of incisions or directly at the site of cyst removal can provoke a sharp and significant temperature rise to 38 degrees and above.
Ovarian cyst discharges after laparoscopy
After any surgery on the ovary, a shift in the menstrual cycle occurs, and ovarian cyst discharge after laparoscopy can occur either immediately after surgery or in any other postoperative period of time. This is considered normal and should not be a cause for any alarm. Such secretions are usually minor and slimy and can persist for several weeks. A yellowish-green or brownish-green vaginal discharge is a sign that the body has an infection and should cause immediate medical attention. Such secretions are often accompanied by characteristic symptoms, such as general weakness, drowsiness, high temperature, pulling pain in the lower back, discomfort sensations in the mucous genital organs. White discharge occurs when laparoscopy of ovarian cysts was performed at the time when antibiotics were taken, and they say that thrush appeared. Such secretions may also be bloody. But these character traits do not always indicate exactly thrush. There are a number of cases when whitish discharge indicates the presence in the body of a woman of other infections, the nature of which can be established only by passing a vaginal smear for analysis.
Pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
The laparoscopic method for the removal of pathological formations has opened up completely new possibilities in the field of medicine. During laparoscopy of ovarian cysts, the ovary itself is not removed and even for the most part of cases, healthy organ tissues are not injured. Only the body of the cyst itself is removed, after which the ovary gradually restores and normalizes its functions. Pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst may occur as soon as possible, and some time after the operation. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the cycles of the functioning of the reproductive system under normal conditions. According to statistics, on average, after the removal of a cyst, the ovary recovers to three months. Therefore, in the next three months after surgery, pregnancy may not occur, but it is not desirable until the time when the body is fully restored. In addition, after laparoscopy, ovarian cysts should for at least a month refrain from sexual intercourse, to prevent the development of complications and infections, as well as to reduce the trauma of the ovary to a minimum. According to statistics, only five percent of women who underwent laparoscopy of ovarian cysts could not become pregnant within a year after surgery. For all other women, pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts occurred in the period from one to six months after the operation. If a woman becomes pregnant in a short time after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, she needs to be under the supervision of a doctor, who will eliminate the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus, and also warn of a possible recurrence of the disease in the future mom.
Recommendations after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
According to the rules of medical institutions, the patient after a laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is in hospital so that doctors can monitor her condition and adaptation. If no acute complications arise, the patient is sent home, where she must follow all the recommendations after laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst regarding the postoperative regimen. Within a month, it is necessary to keep from sexual intercourse in order to prevent trauma to the ovary, infection, or seam divergence. The first two weeks after the operation is prohibited to take a bath, and after all water procedures it is necessary to lubricate the joints with disinfectants. In the first month after the operation it is also forbidden to drink alcohol, too fatty and heavy food, because it prevents the body from quickly coping with the adaptation period. The wound in the abdominal wall is very sensitive, so it is recommended to wear loose clothing to prevent squeezing of organs and damage to the stitches. During the first few days, bed rest is recommended, but in the following days, doctors advise to be active, as this will accelerate the end of the postoperative period.
The postoperative period after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Many women in the postoperative period after laparoscopy of the ovaries experience some emotional discomfort, expressed in anxiety, unreasonable fears, excessive tearfulness and sudden mood swings. The adaptation period after laparoscopy is an order of magnitude easier and faster than after a band operation. However, the attending physician prescribes painkillers for the first time after surgery and antibiotics to avoid inflammation. If there is a need to remove the stitches, they are removed on the seventh day after the operation. The first week you need to do a dressing, which includes a change of sterile dressings on postoperative wounds and lubrication of the incisions with antiseptic. During laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, the integrity of healthy tissues is not disturbed, therefore, menstrual function is not disturbed. Normally, the next menstruation after surgery should be on schedule. It is also recommended to reduce physical exertion, in particular, to limit weight lifting to three kilograms. In the postoperative period after laparoscopy, ovarian cysts are recommended to eat small portions many times a day and to exclude from the diet fatty and heavy foods, spicy and salty to normalize the bowels.
Limitations after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
As with any other surgery, there are limitations after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts. First of all, these are restrictions in sexual intercourse, since the first month after the operation, doctors recommend observing sexual rest. There are also restrictions in sports, physical activity and weightlifting. Those who are engaged in any sport are not recommended to restore workouts earlier than one month after the operation, and when restoring workouts, increase the load gradually, starting with the least. As for weight lifting, doctors do not recommend lifting more than three kilograms in the first three months after the operation and more than five in the next three months. After this period, you should see your doctor. If within six months after surgery there were no complications, the doctor will allow you to return to the usual way of life and the usual loads. There are also some restrictions in the diet, since for the first time (approximately two to three weeks, depending on the patient's condition), it is recommended to limit the consumption of too hot and salty foods, and also to exclude alcohol.
Rehabilitation after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Rehabilitation after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts is much faster than after other types of operations and takes an order of magnitude less time, as there is no serious damage to the tissues of the body. From the very first day, patients can move independently and take light food. Full rehabilitation of orgasm occurs three to six months after surgery, depending on the individual indicators. During the rehabilitation period, there must be a dynamic medical observation of the patient, the control ultrasound examination is carried out one month, three and six months after the operation, and thereafter always every six months. Rehabilitation after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts most often proceeds without complications and with a minimal degree of discomfort.
Recovery after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst
Recovery after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, when following the postoperative recommendations of a doctor, occurs rather quickly. As a rule, after two or three weeks, the ability to work is fully restored and the patient can go to work if necessary. The menstrual cycle in some individual cases may be off track, but this is not considered a pathology and, after some time, the rhythms level off and the amount of discharge stabilizes. Since laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is related to organ preservation operations, it has virtually no effect on future pregnancies and childbirth, and on the health and development of the fetus. Also, if a woman of childbearing age, in the period from three to six months after laparoscopy, she is prescribed hormone therapy to fully normalize the functioning of the ovaries and maintain adequate hormonal levels. After healing of surgical incisions on the body of a woman, two or three small scars with sizes ranging from 5 to 10 millimeters remain, which, if properly cared for in the postoperative period, become almost invisible after a time.
Treatment after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts may reappear after surgery. The probability of such cases is not very big, but it is still there. In addition, after laparoscopy, adhesions may begin in the body, which entail unpleasant consequences for the health of the woman. Therefore, in most cases, doctors prescribe treatment after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts. In order to prevent the recurrence of cystic formations, medications containing elements of male hormones are prescribed. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are also prescribed. The name of this drugs looks frightening and many women are afraid that drugs of this kind will entail some complications in the functioning of the body. In fact, this drug was originally created as a medicine for the treatment of infertility. But later, scientists and doctors discovered some other positive possibilities of these medicines. Also, after laparoscopy, ovarian cysts include a course of antibiotics that prevent inflammation in the operated areas. For a more active recovery, doctors also prescribe vitamins and some herbal preparations.
Nutrition after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
Nutrition after surgery laparoscopic ovarian cysts should be formed so that the body was as easy as possible to rehabilitate after surgery. It is very important to eat foods that contain fiber, since it is fiber that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines and on the indicator of blood glucose levels. After laparoscopy of ovarian cysts, it is recommended to carefully monitor the condition of the intestine, since these organs are in close proximity to each other. For the same reason, doctors recommend that in the first month after surgery, refrain from eating fatty and difficult to digest foods, as well as those dishes that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, too hot or too salty foods. Otherwise, you can follow the usual diet, with the condition of the mandatory exclusion of alcohol for six weeks after the operation.
Diet after laparoscopy of ovarian cysts
There is no definite diet in the medical meaning of this term after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst. But in the usual sense of the word, as restrictions in the usual diet, there are still some recommendations. Diet after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst should be as gentle to the body as possible so that the reproductive system can recover quickly. Therefore, doctors advise not to overload the body with heavy products, not to overeat and not to drink alcohol (besides, most likely after a laparoscopy, a course of antibiotics will be prescribed, therefore alcohol is strictly excluded). Diet after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst is very simple and consists in consuming healthy light meals in small portions many times a day. It is also recommended to use a lot of products containing fiber and natural vitamins that are found in fruits, vegetables and other products of plant origin. Also good for the process of healing and wound healing are grass-containing products and fresh juices.
Laparoscopy Cyst Reviews
For the most part, laparoscopic cyst reviews are positive. Patients noted painless operation, a satisfactory condition in the postoperative period and no further complaints. In addition, the majority of patients who underwent cyst laparoscopy became pregnant after surgery and bore a healthy baby without any changes in health during pregnancy associated with reproductive function and directly with the removal of the cyst itself. Immediately before the operation, women, as a rule, experience anxiety and fear about laparoscopy of the cyst, but after the operation they note that the anxiety was unnecessary, since the operation was very easy. Some reviews about laparoscopy of the cyst are negative, but in most cases this is due to the lack of professionalism of the surgeons who performed the surgery, with the right choice of a specialist, the patients are satisfied with the result. Also, according to reviews, it can be noted that the state of postoperative scars in most cases is more than satisfactory, since over time they become almost imperceptible due to their small size.
Price laparoscopy ovarian cysts
The price of laparoscopy of ovarian cysts depends on the type and complexity of the operation. In determining the value taken into account the size of the cyst, its nature, location and difficulty of removal. It also takes into account individual accompanying procedures that can be assigned in each case. In addition, the price of laparoscopy of ovarian cysts depends on the clinic where the operation takes place and the qualifications of the surgeon who performs it. The cost of laparoscopy of ovarian cyst in Ukraine also varies depending on the region and ranges from 4 to 15 thousand hryvnia. A more detailed price should be obtained from your doctor in view of the particular pathology and the individual code of the medical institution.