Alternative treatment of ovarian cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Alternative treatment of ovarian cysts should be carried out in conjunction with traditional medicine, under the supervision of a doctor and ultrasound.
Alternative medicine can help in the therapy of functional cyst - follicular and cysts of the yellow body.
Usually, if for two or three months the cysts do not disappear on the background of ongoing therapy, but on the contrary progress, a question arises about their prompt removal.
Alternative treatment of ovarian cysts with herbs
Alternative treatment of ovarian cysts with herbs implies the application, most often, of herbal collection. It is necessary to know that herbs are the same medicinal tools as chemotherapeutic drugs, and have their indications and contraindications, since herbs contain both healing components and poisonous ones. Therefore, the treatment of ovarian cysts is best done after consultation of the phytotherapeutist. Therapy of ovarian cysts using herbs should be conducted by courses. The effect of the use of herbal mixtures should be waited after thirty days. In general, the therapeutic course of the ovarian cyst should not be more than three to six months. Usually, there is an interval between the courses of therapy for several weeks.
- Treatment of ovarian cysts with a herbal mixture of three components. It is necessary to unite chemist's daisy, mother-and-stepmother, sweet clover and equip them in equal parts. Then take 15-30 grams of the prepared herbal mixture and pour five hundred milliliters of water, boil and insist twelve hours. Then drink the prepared infusion for 100 - 120 milliliters four times a day.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of four ingredients. The snake root, the yellow gentian, the root of the Kalgan and the five-finger are connected in equal proportions, mixed well and poured a glass of very hot water. Drink four times a day for thirty days, after the end of the course you need to stop therapy for several weeks and start the treatment course again.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of five ingredients. It is necessary to connect the equivalent of the stakes of the bark of the Kalina, the root of the radiola rosea, chamomile, rowan berries and the herb of the motherwort. Take 15 grams of this collection, add 0.5 liters of very hot water and insist twelve hours. To consume fifty to one hundred milliliters before meals, the duration of the therapeutic course is several months.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of six components. Identical parts of the string, immortelle, wormwood, yarrow, chamomile, elecampane are joined and mixed. Take 45 grams of this herbal mixture, add half a liter of hot water and insist twelve hours.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of seven ingredients.
- It is necessary to combine in the same parts the leaves of currant, nettle, mint, as well as wormwood, nettle, thyme and hips. Thirty grams of this herbal mixture should be poured hot water (one liter) and insist all night. Eat 100-120 milliliters before meals for thirty minutes several times a day, about three months.
- An excellent result is given by the following herbal mixture - three parts of black walnut leaves are combined with one share of elderberry flowers, two parts of verbena, four lobes of a string, six parts of goldenrod flowers, six shares of licorice leaves and four licorice root segments. Fifteen grams of this herbal mixture is poured into a glass of hot water, insisted for sixty minutes and filtered. Drink one third of the glass several times a day between meals for ten days. Then stop the therapy for five days and resume it with two more courses.
- In the equivalent parts, the crushed and dry grass of oregano, mint, wormwood, motherwort, volostushki, nettle and hips are mixed. The herbal mixture is poured with five hundred milliliters of hot water and insisted for eight to twelve hours. Drink about four times a day for one to two months.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of eight components. Equivalent parts of the shepherd's bag, string, wormwood, yarrow, nettle, chamomile, roots of elecampane and leuzea. Next, prepare and drink as in the previous recipe.
- Therapy is an ovarian cyst with a herbal mixture of nine components. Equivalent parts of the following herbs are joined: the roots of elecampane and leuzea, the grass of the darkness, wormwood, alternating and yarrow, flowers of the immortelle and chamomile, hips. 30 grams of this herbal mixture pour a liter of hot water, insist all night in a warm place. Use 100-120 milliliters several times a day for thirty minutes before meals. The duration of the treatment course lasts three to four months, after the completion of the course - you need to stop therapy for several weeks.
Burdock Juice from the Ovarian Cyst
Burdock juice from the ovarian cyst is one of the most effective remedies for this pathology. Its preparation does not cause difficulties - it is necessary to squeeze out juice from juvenile and fresh leaves of a burdock, for example, with the help of a juicer. Juice from burdock is cooled and drunk daily for fifteen to thirty milliliters before meals, the duration of the treatment course is thirty days. At the end of the treatment course, juice of burdock is recommended to perform an ultrasound examination, if the cyst has not resolved, an additional course of treatment with burdock juice can be taken. The break between the course of therapy is several weeks. The fresh juice of burdock is stored in the refrigerator for no more than seventy-two hours.
Instead of burdock juice, you can use mush from the leaves of burdock, which is obtained by letting the leaves through a meat grinder, then use 15 grams of gruel several times a day before meals, for thirty days.
You can use in therapy infusion of burdock with acacia. To make it, you need to mix 30 grams of fresh burdock juice with 30 grams of crushed flowers and acacia leaves in a darkened bowl, cover the container and insist one week. After that, the infusion is consumed 15 grams about three times a day.
Burdock root with ovarian cyst
The burdock root in the ovarian cyst can also be very effective. In order to prepare a healing drink from the burdock root, it is thoroughly ground, take 15 grams of mashed burdock root and pour 250 ml of boiling water. The capacity is covered, insulated and insisted for six to eight hours. After this, strain and begin to cure ovarian cysts - drink infusion from the root of burdock for thirty minutes before eating 15 grams three times throughout the day. The course of therapy is two weeks.
Calendula with ovarian cyst
Calendula in the ovarian cyst can be used alone in the form of infusion, and in combination with other herbs. Calendula helps to normalize the hormonal balance of a woman and as a consequence, promotes resorption of cysts.
Infusion of calendula flowers is easy to prepare - 15 grams of calendula flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water for the night (it is possible in a thermos), in the morning, filtered and drunk during the day in several receptions. You need to use infusion daily for two months.
Collection of herbs with calendula - four grams of calendula flowers are combined with two grams of chicory root, five grams of nettle leaves, five grams of plantain leaves, three grams of rosehip, two grams of peppermint grass, two grams of grass of large celandine, three grams of leaves or sea buckthorn bark, four grams of chamomile flowers and one gram of bird cherry flowers. 15 grams of this collection should be brewed with a glass of hot water in a thermos bottle and insisted for four to six hours. After that, filter and consume one quarter of the glass one hour before meals three times a day. The duration of such therapy is thirty days, after - a two-week rest from treatment, and then therapy can be continued again.
Another effective collection of herbs with calendula is to unite in the equivalent parts the flowers of marigold, angelica root, cuff leaves, kipreja, mint and pine buds. Collect the collection pour half a liter of boiling water and insist throughout the night. They are used four times a day for several months.
Treatment of ovarian cysts with hemlock
Treatment of ovarian cysts with a hemlock is to use 10% of its tincture. To cook it, you need to pour fifty grams of chopped dry hemlock with 500 ml of vodka, seal the container tightly and insist for three weeks in a dark place, at room temperature, sometimes shaking.
Tincture hemlock eaten once a day - in the morning before eating in one hour, every day. Begin to use tincture from one drop, and daily the dosage is increased by one drop for forty days (i.e., the dose is adjusted to forty drops). The drug is dosed with a pipette, a drop of the liqueur is diluted in a glass of water, preferably in a string or oregano. It is recommended to use this tincture in small sips, so that the medicine has already begun to be absorbed in the oral cavity.
After the dose is brought to forty drops, the dosage of the tincture is reduced in the opposite order by one drop - 39, 38, etc. Up to one drop. So, one course of therapy with a hemlock looks like and is seventy-nine days.
If during the therapy there is nausea, dizziness, weakness, etc., then this indicates an overdose of the hemlock, so treatment should be stopped with the number of drops to which we have reached and begin to reduce the dose to one drop. At the end of one therapeutic course, you must stop treatment for two months, then you can take an additional course. Such treatment courses can be two to three.
Golden mustache with ovarian cyst
Golden mustache with ovarian cyst is one of the most effective means. Twenty five to thirty five joints are crushed to make tincture from a golden mustache, it is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and insisted for fourteen days in a darkened place. Once the solution has been brewed, it is filtered, and consumed in the morning and in the evening forty minutes before eating ten drops dissolved in thirty milliliters of water. Daily it is necessary to increase the dose by one drop at a time and for twenty-five days of therapy to reach thirty-five drops at a time. After that, you need to reduce the dose of drops every day in the reverse order - one at a time and reach the initial dosage - ten drops at the reception. Such courses can be conducted no more than five. After the first and second courses of therapy, the break should be seven days, and after the third therapeutic course - about ten days.
Sage with ovarian cyst
Sage in the ovarian cyst is most often used as a herbal mixture, which, in addition to sage, contains the following ingredients in the same parts: oak bark, St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, chamomile, nettle, nettle and a thousand square milliliters. 15 grams of this collection poured 0.5 liters of hot water, boiled for six minutes and insisted for sixty minutes. Use this decoction by douching or vaginal tampons.
You can also prepare an infusion of sage - five grams of sage leaves pour a glass of hot water and insist fifteen minutes. They consume before meals for thirty minutes about four times a day, for several months. This infusion normalizes the woman's hormonal background and menstrual function, which is often disturbed in the ovarian cyst.
Acacia flowers with ovarian cyst
Acacia flowers in the ovarian cyst are used in the form of tincture, for which 60 grams of acacia flowers should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. This mixture is insisted for seven days, after which they consume 15 milliliters three times a day for thirty days. If necessary, the course is repeated at the end of the weekly break.
Treatment of ovarian cysts with nine
Treatment of an ovarian cyst with nine parts is to use kvass. To make it, you need to take half a glass of crushed fresh root elecampane, pour it into a 3 liter jar, add fifteen grams of yeast and the same amount of honey. The mixture is insisted for several days and is drunk 100-120 milliliters about four times a day after eating. Duration of the therapeutic one to three months, depending on the results of ultrasound examination.
Hirudotherapy with ovarian cyst
Hirudotherapy with an ovarian cyst can also be effective. A distinctive feature of hirudotherapy in the treatment of ovarian cysts is the placement of leeches inside the vagina under the strict supervision of the gynecologist's doctor-therapist, taking into account the level of hormones in the woman's body. Often the use of hirudotherapy is combined with phytotherapy, as a result, a higher positive effect is achieved.
The number of leeches, the duration of the procedure and the time of bleeding from the wounds depend on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. Usually, when treating ovarian cysts, more than ten leeches during one procedure are not recommended. In one course hirudotherapy can include from seven to ten procedures (and maybe less).
Therapy with leeches is contraindicated in case of poor blood clotting.
Tinctures for ovarian cysts
Tincture of the pion in the ovarian cyst
Peony tincture in the ovarian cyst can be prepared at home on its own or purchased at a pharmacy. To cook it yourself, you need fifty grams of peony roots, which you need to wash well, pour 500 milliliters of vodka, close the container tightly and put it in a dark place for several weeks. Periodically tincture must be shaken. After a few weeks, the tincture is filtered and the ovarian cysts are started to be treated - take five milliliters of tincture, dilute in a small volume of water and consume about three times a day for thirty days, after the end of the course - it is necessary to interrupt the therapy for eleven days, and then go through an additional course of therapy.
Tincture of raisins for ovarian cysts
Tincture of raisins in the ovarian cyst is prepared easily, to make it, you need to take three hundred grams of raisins, pour five hundred milliliters of vodka and insist in a dark place at room temperature for fourteen days. Use tincture is necessary for 15 milliliters three times a day before meals. Therapeutic course of the ovarian cyst lasts thirty days. The prepared tincture is enough for ten days, so you need to take care of preparing a new tincture in advance.
Tincture of wormwood with ovarian cyst
Tincture of wormwood in the ovarian cyst is prepared as follows - fifteen grams of bitter wormwood mixed with fifteen grams of wormwood, five grams of birch buds, one crushed aloe leaf, ground red pepper on the tip of the knife and poured five hundred milliliters of vodka. The prepared mixture is insisted for ten to twelve days. Then filter and use tincture of 15 ml three times a day for thirty minutes before eating. The tincture can be diluted in water in a ratio of one to three. For the course of therapy should be used one - two bottles of wormwood tincture.
Compress of wormwood with ovarian cyst
Compress of wormwood with an ovarian cyst can be done daily for one month. For its preparation, a bunch of wormwood should be poured with boiling water, after three minutes the steamed grass is wrapped in gauze and warmed up in the area of the lower abdomen for two hours.
Tincture of mushroom in the ovarian cyst
Tincture of mushroom in the ovarian cyst has a high therapeutic effect with different types of cysts. To make the tincture, it is necessary to take cone-shaped young fly agarics, clean and place in a liter jar to the top. Then fly agaric should be filled with vodka, so that they completely cover. To insist it is necessary from two up to three weeks, as a result the red-brown liquid having a sharp smell will turn out. Use tincture one drop three times a day, increasing one drop per reception and bring to ten to fifteen drops at a time (for example, the first day - one drop three times a day, the second day - two drops three times a day day and so on). After that, the daily dosage is reduced by one drop per dose and adjusted to one. They take a break in therapy for fourteen days, if the cyst does not disappear, or does not become smaller, an additional course can be taken.
Tincture of pine nuts with an ovarian cyst
Tincture of pine nuts with an ovarian cyst is prepared in this way - it is necessary to crush one glass of pine nuts with peel, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for fourteen days in a darkened place. Then use 15 milliliters three times a day for thirty minutes before eating. The tincture can be diluted in one quarter of a glass of water. The course of therapy is three to six months under the supervision of ultrasound.
Tincture of the bovine uterus in the ovarian cyst
Tincture of the bovine uterus in the ovarian cyst is highly effective. For its production, fifty grams of dry grass should be poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and insisted for twenty-one days in a dark place. Use tincture of twenty-five drops before meals for twenty-one days.
Tincture of kirkason from ovarian cyst
Tincture of Kirkazon from the ovarian cyst is prepared from 200 grams of its fruits, which are poured with one liter of vodka and insist for seven days. Then filter and fifty grams of this tincture is diluted in 400 grams of water, after which the solution is divided into four parts and consumed before meals for one hour. The duration of the treatment course is twenty-one days.
Purity of ovarian cyst
Purity from an ovarian cyst will be especially effective in cysts of inflammatory genesis.
250 grams of young celandine is crushed, thrown into five hundred milliliters of boiling water and continue to cook for one to two minutes. Then they insist for thirty to forty minutes, filter and drink fifty milliliters before meals several times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Simultaneously it is possible to syringe this solution on two hundred milliliters several times a day. The course of therapy - from one and a half to two weeks.
Juice celandine (one glass) is combined with honey (two hundred grams) and alcohol tincture of propolis (fifty milliliters). Use before meals for thirty minutes to five grams two to three times a day, for thirty days. After that, it is necessary to interrupt the intake of the tincture for several weeks, and then again to continue therapy until full recovery. The medicinal mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.
Five milliliters of celandine juice is bred in fifty milliliters of water, drank and washed down with a hundred milliliters of milk. Drink once a day for twenty days, after the end of the course, the therapy should be interrupted for ten days, and then the treatment is repeated. With repeated therapy, the dosage of drinking celandine juice can be increased to ten milliliters.
Flaxseed oil with ovarian cyst
Flax oil in the ovarian cyst is used at thirty milliliters once a day, and at the same time you can drink three hundred to four hundred milliliters of green tea. These drugs reduce the level of male hormones in the female body and normalize, in this way, the hormonal background, which contributes to the resorption of the cyst, primarily functional.
Kalina with ovarian cyst
Kalina with the ovarian cyst, as the experience of phytotherapists shows, is also very effective. To do this you need:
- Every morning for thirty minutes before eating, i.e. On a hungry stomach, properly chew dried berries of a Kalina in quantity from ten up to fifteen pieces. The duration of such therapy is one and a half to two months.
- The berries of a viburnum in a glass container are crushed with a flea market or a wooden spoon, then they are wiped through a sieve (bones and peel remaining in the sieve are not needed). From the resulting gruel of Kalina take 60 grams and put in a jar, add 60 grams of honey, stir and leave in the refrigerator. This amount of the mixture will be sufficient for the course of therapy. The scheme for using this mixture is as follows:
- 1st week - we use the mixture on the edge of a teaspoon, without washing down for twenty to thirty minutes before eating;
- 2nd week - 5 grams of the mixture before meals;
- Week 3 - 15 grams of the mixture before meals;
- 4th week - 15 grams of the mixture before meals in the morning and evening;
After a month's course, you need to take a break for thirty days. After a break in therapy, use the mixture in descending order:
- 1st week - 15 grams of the mixture before meals in the morning and evening;
- 2 nd week - 15 grams of the mixture before meals;
- Week 3 - 5 grams of the mixture before eating;
- 4th week - use the mixture on the edge of the knife before eating.
If there is an increased coagulability of the blood, then the use of viburnum is not recommended.
Propolis in the ovarian cyst
Propolis in the ovarian cyst is no less common alternative medicine for this pathology. Propolis can be administered orally and via tampons.
Fifty milliliters of spirituous tincture of propolis is combined with 250 milliliters of celandine juice and 100-150 grams of honey. The resulting composition is well stirred and consumed ten milliliters twenty minutes before meals. The treatment course is thirty days, after - you need rest for one month, and then you can continue the treatment until recovery.
Application of tampons with propolis. To make ointments from propolis, you need to take a small piece of propolis (fifty grams), pour 250 milliliters of vegetable oil and heat. After the propolis has melted, you need to add half the yolk, boiled hard and stir well. The mixture must be filtered and cooled. The mixture is smeared with a tampon and placed in the vagina for the whole night, and in the morning they are removed. The course of therapy is ten to twelve days. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and heated before use.
The main contraindication to the use of propolis is allergic reactions to bee products. Before using propolis it is necessary to take a small amount of it to determine if there is an allergy to it or not.
Soda in the ovarian cyst
Soda in the ovarian cyst is used by compress. To make it, you need to take three liters of boiled water, one glass of vodka and the same amount of vinegar, as well as 15 grams of soda. Next, soda is quenched with vinegar and all ingredients are mixed. Then in the manufactured solution, moisten a soft tissue and apply it as a compress in the lower abdomen for the whole night. The therapy takes several weeks, after which it is necessary to stop putting compresses for three weeks. If the effect of therapy is insignificant, then the treatment course is repeated. This compress can also be used for polycystic ovaries.
Infusions of herbs in ovarian cysts
Infusions of herbs in the ovarian cyst are no less effective in this pathology.
- The infusion of raspberries and mulberry in the ovarian cyst is easy to prepare. For the purpose of preparing it, you need to connect 15 grams of raspberry leaves with fifteen grams of grass of a mulberry, pour one glass of hot water and insist. Eat 200 - 240 milliliters about four times a day for four months.
- Infusion of pine needles or spruce is prepared in this way - 45 grams of needles pour a liter of hot water and insist in a thermos all night. This amount should be drunk within 24 hours. The course of therapy is thirty days.
- To make the infusion of goose fungus grass, take 30 grams of it and pour 500 milliliters of hot water, insist, strain and consume 100 to 120 milliliters three times a day before meals for thirty minutes.
- Infusion with clover is highly effective in ovarian cysts. To make it, you need to dry the dried heads and stems of the clover plant (four pieces) in boiling water (one and a half liters), cover and insist from evening until morning. After that, strain and use small portions throughout the day so that everyone drinks. The duration of the therapeutic course is two months.
- You can take infusion from the seeds of wild carrots. To make it, fifteen grams of seeds of wild carrots are poured into one glass of hot water and insisted for several hours. The obtained infusion is consumed one third of the glass before meals three times a day.
- Not bad helps with a cyst of the ovary infusion from a bedstraw lazy. To make 15 grams of this herb, pour one glass of hot water and insist for about one to two hours, strain and consume one third of the glass three times a day before meals for thirty days.
- Half a glass of shells from pine nuts are poured hot water and continue to heat on fire for an hour. Once the infusion has cooled, add water to the original volume. Use this infusion three times a day for two months.
Walnut with ovarian cyst
Walnut in the ovarian cyst is often used because it is highly effective in the disorder of the hormonal sphere in the female body, resulting in the formation of functional cysts.
- 60 grams of walnut partitions are poured over with three glasses of hot water and boiled for thirty minutes. Eat 100-120 milliliters about four times a day.
- The tincture of walnut shells is also very effective. To make it, you need a shell of fourteen nuts in a 0.5 liter jar to pour alcohol and insist for about eleven days in a dark place. Use ready tincture in the morning before eating 15 ml.
Baths with ovarian cyst
- Baths with the ovarian cyst are prepared from baby soap (thirty to forty grams) and raw chicken eggs (4 pieces). Baby soap should be grated on a fine grater and beat with eggs to get a uniform composition. This mixture is poured into a basin and poured with warm water and sit in it for about fifteen minutes, every day before going to bed for ten days. For this period, you should abandon the intimate relationship. Such trays are recommended for use on the 10th day of the cycle. The treatment course can be repeated after the next menstrual cycle.
- For local baths are used and broths from herbal mixtures:
- leaves of birch, nettle and mother-and-stepmother;
- leaves of marigold, snake mountaineer and plantain;
- grass wormwood, licorice roots and elecampane.
Application of onion swab with ovarian cyst
The use of the onion tampon in the ovarian cyst also contributes to the resorption of the cysts. To do this, it is necessary to remove the core from a medium-sized bulb and drop it into honey in the morning so that it will soak in the evening. In the evening, the honey-soaked core of the bulb is wrapped in gauze and placed in the vagina for the whole night, and in the morning it is seized. The therapeutic course should be no more than ten days.
Blue clay with ovarian cyst
Blue clay in the ovarian cyst is used as follows - it needs to lubricate the lower abdomen, especially in the ovaries, for ten days, then the treatment stops for six to seven days and then continues to blur. This treatment course is conducted for thirty days.
When treating ovarian cysts with alternative methods, it is necessary to be under constant supervision of a doctor and perform an ultrasound to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy - a change in the dynamics of the size of the cyst and thus avoid possible complications.