Functional ovarian cyst
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Functional ovarian cyst (CJC) is a neoplasm formed in the ovarian follicle during ovulation. Such tumors do not acquire a malignant form and are relatively safe. But if the neoplasm rapidly increases, it delivers a painful discomfort, can squeeze adjacent tissues.
There are two types of functional cysts:
- The follicular cyst is formed when the ovum does not leave the follicular formation and fluid accumulates there.
- Luteal cyst - is formed if the egg leaves the follicular formation, but the follicle cavity is closed and liquid continues to accumulate in it.
The cause that activates the process of forming a functional ovarian cyst is a hormonal imbalance, but there are a number of equally significant factors:
- early onset of the menstrual cycle.
- thyroid dysfunction.
- inflammation of the pelvic organs and sexually transmitted infections.
- dysfunction of the endocrine system, changes in the total hormonal background.
- abortion, abortion.
- hypothermia.
It is very important for a woman of any age to monitor her health, so it is important to avoid hypothermia, warmly dress and regularly visit a gynecologist.
The functional ovarian cyst can develop imperceptibly, in parallel, without causing changes in the functioning of the body. In more than half the cases, the woman does not even know that the process is already running in her body. And the larger the size of the cystic formation, the more pronounced is the symptomatology:
- soreness in the lower abdomen (due to compression of the growing neoplasm of neighboring organs and tissues).
- changes in the cycle of menstruation.
- bloody discharge outside the menstrual period, bleeding is possible.
It is very important not to forget that the PCF carries a hidden danger - it can burst, cause bleeding in the abdominal cavity. At the first signs of rupture of the tumor - high temperature of strong and sharp pain in the abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. If this is not done, it will lead to the development of peritonitis and the final prognosis will be disappointing. In order to control the growth and changes in the tumor, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist on a regular basis and do ultrasound of the ovaries and pelvic organs.
Functional cyst of the left ovary
The functional ovarian cyst on the left is much more common. This is due to the peculiarities of physiology - most often the ovule ripens and comes out on the left side. Provoke the pathology of the ovary on the left side of the intestine (inflammatory processes are quickly transmitted through a thin wall of muscles and mucous membranes).
Functional cyst of the right ovary
The functional ovarian cyst on the right is much less common. To provoke a tumor can be an inflammatory process in the intestine, appendicitis. It is not difficult to diagnose the PCJ, it is enough just to clarify the localization of pain and character.
Functional ovarian cyst size 7cm
PKJ often reaches a small size, the diameter varies from 5 to 7 cm. Cysts of small diameter, up to 4 cm do not operate - it is enough to observe and if necessary, medical treatment is indicated. If the diameter of the cyst is more than 8 cm, then a number of complications may develop:
- Torsion of the legs of cystic education.
- Rupture of the tumor.
- Necrosis of neoplasm.
If the functional ovarian cyst is 7 cm in size or there are complications of cystic formation, then surgical treatment is indicated. The PCF is caught and sutured by laparoscopy. This is a more sparing and less traumatic kind of surgical intervention. If there are signs of necrosis of the ovary or a torsion of the legs of the tumor, then perform a cavitary operation and remove the ovary itself.
Pain in the lower abdomen with a functional cyst
If the functional ovarian cyst hurts, then it is worth to clarify what the nature of pain is and when the pain sensations increase - during walking, running, with sudden movements, physical activity, sexual intercourse. The pain may indicate that the tumor has increased or the tumor has become complicated by torsion, rupture or necrosis of the ovary.
Symptoms of torsion of the cervical spleen, rupture of neoplasm or necrosis of the ovary:
- "Dagger" pain in the groin or lower abdomen;
- dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
- low blood pressure;
- high fever, bowel disorder;
- if a woman is put on the side where the pain syndrome is expressed, the pain is significantly weakened.
In any case, with the manifestation of the described symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.
Functional ovarian cyst during pregnancy
Functional ovarian cyst does not prevent the normal development of pregnancy. With the development of the follicular cyst, which is formed in the ovulation period, conception and pregnancy pass without pathologies. In addition, by the beginning of the second trimester, the neoplasm dissolves without medical or surgical intervention.
In the cyst of the yellow body, which appears due to the pathology of the blood supply to the ovary's yellow body and the accumulation of fluid in it, there is also no threat of pregnancy and fetal health. In general, the functional cyst of any type and pregnancy are quite compatible, but do not neglect the visit to the doctor and timely diagnosis - to prevent the rupture of the tumor or its torsion.
Functional yellow body cyst
A functional yellow body cyst is formed during the second half of the menstrual cycle, some time after ovulation occurs, an area that has not regressed is the basis for cystic education. Due to the violation of circulation in the cavity begins to accumulate fluid, stretching the walls of the cavity. The size of the functional cyst of the yellow body can reach 6 cm.
The development of the cyst of the yellow body is not accompanied by a pronounced symptomatology, and 2-3 months later the new formation disappears on its own. The cell material of the yellow body tumor as well as in the case of follicular cysts produces progesterone. Therefore, violations of menstruation are associated with the prolonged action of progesterone. In rare cases, with a yellow body cyst, uterine bleeding occurs. The reason for this violation is the uneven and prolonged peeling of the endometrium.
Most often, the yellow body cyst is found on ultrasound, in the first trimester of pregnancy. On average, in diameter, the tumor reaches 4-5 cm, but can reach up to 6-9 cm. During pregnancy, after 14-16 weeks, the functional ovarian cyst (yellow body) ceases to grow and resolves. This is because the placenta regulates the production of hormones. The presence of a cystic neoplasm does not threaten pregnancy, and its absence is not a very positive sign - indicates a lack of hormones and pregnancy can be interrupted.
What's bothering you?
Rupture of functional ovarian cyst
The rupture of the functional ovarian cyst poses a direct threat to the life of the woman - pathology is accompanied by peritonitis and pain syndrome, which can lead to death if surgery is not timely provided. Timely treatment in the hospital will help to establish a correct diagnosis and save life.
There are a number of symptoms that characterize the fact that the functional ovarian cyst has ruptured:
- high fever not decreasing after taking antipyretics;
- sharp, "dagger" pain in the lower abdomen;
- lethargy, weakness, malaise;
- uterine bleeding, unusual discharge from the genital tract;
- nausea, vomiting;
- an unclear consciousness, pallor, cold, sticky sweat;
- the abdomen is tense;
- low blood pressure, weak pulse.
If these symptoms occur, call a doctor immediately. So it will be possible to exclude possible options and diagnose the rupture of the functional cyst to provide further assistance.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
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Basically, the treatment of a functional ovarian cyst does not require treatment and without causing unpleasant symptoms gradually disappears. The necessary treatment includes two stages:
- Relief symptomatology (anesthesia and a decrease in the feeling of squeezing the cyst of adjacent tissues and organs).
- Preventive measures that prevent the formation of new tumors - the treatment of birth control pills.
Primary treatment
Includes systematic examination of the gynecologist and monitoring the dynamics of the neoplasm. The tumor can disappear in a month or two. After the expiration of the prescribed period, another inspection is conducted to determine the further treatment tactics.
If the cystic formation has not disappeared and has not decreased in size, additional tests are conducted to exclude another pathology and prescribe the actual treatment. This term shows symptomatic treatment - with the help of painkillers prescribed by the treating doctor.
Continuous treatment
If, after two months of observation, the PCJ has not decreased and continues to grow, then medication or surgical treatment is indicated.
With functional cysts, the doctor prescribes taking birth control pills for several months. This contributes to a change in the hormonal balance and prevents the emergence of new cystic formations.
In severe cases, with intensive growth of the neoplasm, its operative removal is shown - cystectomy. Laparoscopy is indicated if the tumor has not disappeared and continues to develop. This type of operation minimizes the complexity of the operation and eliminates long-term recovery in the postoperative period.
If the CJF has an atypical form, there is a risk or suspicion of the development of ovarian cancer, a laparotomy is recommended.
How to treat a functional cyst?
Factors determining the treatment regimen for functional ovarian cysts are the cause, size, dynamics of development and age of the woman.
- Functional ovarian cyst is hormone-dependent. Therefore, the treatment is aimed at restoring the hormonal balance, which will stop the development of the tumor and prevent relapses. In addition, a homeopathic and vitamin complex is shown. This will restore the normal operation of the reproductive system and strengthen the protective properties of the woman's body.
- Regulation of the weight of the patient. Excess weight can adversely affect the work of the ovaries. It is noted that the dynamics of the disease improves with the normalization of weight and balanced nutrition.
- Parallel observation and correction of the work of the entire endocrine system - stabilization of the thyroid gland, pancreas, kidneys, liver.
Supportive treatment aimed at restoring the body's strength.
Treatment of functional ovarian cysts with hormones
For the treatment of cysts, hormonal preparations are shown, since the functional ovarian cyst is hormone-dependent. The hormonal drug is selected by the doctor strictly individually, most often it is oral contraceptives (birth control pills). The hormonal drug prevents the onset of ovulation, and the duration of admission is also selected individually - from several months to a year. After the neoplasm dissolves, one-year-old reception of contraceptives is shown.
Also, birth control pills are prescribed to prevent relapse. But only in those cases, if the patient's age is under 35 years old and she does not abuse tobacco smoking. Only a doctor can choose an effective method of treatment and prevention, taking into account all the patient's data.
Duphaston with a functional cyst
The functional ovarian cyst, as a hormone-dependent formation, is treated with hormonal drugs that are indicated in polycystic or relapse of the tumor after its self-resolution.
One of the most effective drugs is Duphaston. It is an analog of progesterone, which compensates for the lack of hormones in the ovaries and balances their balance in the body of a woman, stimulates the work of the yellow body. This drug does not affect ovulation, allows smooth transition to the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Luteinizing hormones are produced, which affects the growth of the neoplasm - it decreases in size, the walls collapse and stick together, and then the PCJ completely resolves.
In addition, taking the medication does not cause complications from other systems and positively affects the condition of the uterus. The drug can be taken during pregnancy, but like any hormonal drug, take it under the supervision of a doctor, with an accurate description of the dynamics of the disease.
Admission and dosage are prescribed by the treating doctor individually, but there are a number of generally accepted contraindications:
- Incompatible tumors, cancer.
- The pathology of the liver is hepatitis, cirrhosis.
- Low coagulation rate.
- Individual intolerance.
In addition, Dyufaston is not an absolute salvage in the treatment of CJD. If, after treatment with the drug for two to three months, the dynamics are disappointing and the functional ovarian cyst continues to grow, the question of stopping the medication and changing the tactics of treatment is being considered.
More information of the treatment