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Pills for cough
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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To successfully get rid of cough, first of all, you should determine the type of cough and only after that go to the choice of a drug that helps to overcome, rather than aggravate the ailment.
Most of the cough medicines are dispensed without a prescription, however, it must be remembered that the path to recovery begins with the establishment of a correct diagnosis. Tablets from a cough, shown with one type of cough, are capable of harming in another course of the disease. That's why pay attention to your condition.
For exhausting attacks with a sore throat, not giving a night's sleep, you can recognize a dry cough. In medical circles, this type of cough is called unproductive, characterized by a lack of sputum, as well as pain in the muscles of the abdomen and chest. The cause of this cough is irritation of pharyngeal cough receptors. Cope with the problem in this situation will help antitussives, stopping the attack.
The productive type of cough is accompanied by the separation of the separated. Sputum preparations from bronchial tubes, trachea and lungs are facilitated by expectorants (increase production of detachable drugs) or mucolytics (dilute sputum). Some pills for cough by stimulating special cilia help to clear the airways.
Use of drugs containing codeine (narcotic substance) is possible in the most severe cases. Preference should be given to codeine in its pure form or its analogue dextromethorphan. With regard to combined drugs, they have an expectorant effect. As a result, on the one hand, such drugs facilitate the release of sputum, and on the other - consist of components designed to suppress cough, preventing the discharge of the separated. The latter is unacceptable in the productive form of cough.
Indications for use of tablets against cough
The cause of coughing is not always respiratory diseases. Cough often accompanies infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial current, which include: laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. The cause of coughing can be childhood diseases, for example, whooping cough, as well as allergic conditions. Coughing attacks characterize the pathological processes of the organic type of the brain, manifest themselves on the nerves, in cardiac disorders (heart disease, angina pectoris, etc.), with the defeat of the respiratory tract by aggressive media. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is important to establish and eliminate the root cause of the disease, and not solve the problem of coughing in any fastest way.
The choice of a cough pill depends on the nature of the cough. In conditions accompanied by a dry, excruciating cough, the means that depress the center of cough in the brain are shown:
- Combination preparations with the active ingredient codeine - "kodelak", "terpinkod N", "tercodin";
- pastilles based on dextromethorphan - "alex plus";
- substances with butamirate - "sinecode", "omnitus", "panatus".
Tablets "libexin" with the active substance prenoxdiazine soothe the cough receptors of the throat, keeping the respiratory functions and not causing pharmacological dependence. The drug is equal to codeine by the strength of the drug effect. Cough seizures are also a means for resorption based on menthol and eucalyptus ("pectusin"), as well as preparations from licorice - "glycyram"
With viscous, poorly draining and sparse sputum are effective:
- mucolytic agents based on bromhexine - "bromhexine", "ascoril", "solvin";
- preparations with ambroxol - "ambroxol", "kodelak bronho", "ambroben", "flavamed";
- expectorating mucolytics of acetylcysteine - "ACTS", "fluimutsil", "acetestin".
Indications for the use of tablets against cough with the active ingredient acetylcysteine concern cases where it is necessary to increase the amount of detachable.
An expectorant effect is also achieved by the use of phytopreparations - "mukaltin", "lycorin", "pectussin", "thermopsis".
In addition to the correct selection of medicines, it is important to ensure sufficient humidity in the room and drink more liquid (up to 6-8 glasses per day).
Form of issue
All pills for cough can be divided into the following groups:
- drugs that suppress the center cough in the brain and affect the nerve endings of the receptors;
- agents affecting smooth muscle structures and bronchial mucosa;
- drugs that have a direct effect on bronchial secretion (sputum).
From the above, you can make an unambiguous conclusion that the treatment is selected individually for each case. An important form is also the form of the release of the product. Effervescent tablets and for resorption are characterized by a high rate of action and digestibility, but are unlikely to be suitable for babies. Very small patients are recommended sweet antitussive syrups. People suffering from peptic ulcer, hyperacid gastritis or having an increased acidity of gastric juice will be countered with effervescent antitussives.
The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the physician based on the symptoms, age and individual characteristics of the patient's body. For any pharmacological agent, regardless of the form of release, there are contraindications and side effects. For example, a popular drug for wet cough - thermopsis, consisting entirely of natural ingredients, is prohibited in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants. Babies are not able to cough up a large amount of waste mucus, which in some cases provokes respiratory failure. In children under 5 years of age, a drug with an overdose provokes a vomiting reflex, is contraindicated in pregnant women and people suffering from peptic ulcer and 12-gut.
Therefore, before starting treatment, you should establish the correct diagnosis and get recommendations for taking antitussive medications from a specialist.
Pharmacodynamics of tablets against cough
To date, there is no universal cough pill, due to the fact that the therapeutic effect on dry and wet type of cough is fundamentally different. In the presence of dry cough, it is not advisable to use tablets for wet cough with a stopping effect, which will cause blockage of bronchial lumens with departing phlegm. Medicinal substances from the productive (wet) cough, which help to reduce the viscosity and easily withdraw phlegm, are useless in case of dry cough caused by trachea inflammation, irritation of bronchial mucosa, the influence of aggressive media.
Actively acting on the cough center, drugs are divided according to the principle of impact on: central, peripheral and combined effects. Pharmacodynamics of tablets against cough (the mechanism of action on the human body) is characterized by the properties of the constituent components. For example, drugs with narcotic substance codeine are effective enough for a dry, debilitating cough without sputum discharge. However, these medicines are released strictly by prescription, as they are addictive. Modern pharmacology has no less effective, safe, non-narcotic drugs that do not affect the respiratory center. To such accessible antitussive tablets carry - "libexin", "tusuprex" and others. They most often lower the receptor sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa (peripheral effect), but also can block the cough reflex. From this group of drugs there is no addiction, so they are used for cough therapy in children.
Multicomponent tablets for cough are effective for any course of the disease, excluding wet cough. Coughing in this case can disrupt the purifying capacity of the lungs, the withdrawal of mucus and lead to the development of pneumonia, problems with ventilation. Combined funds have the most impressive list of side effects and contraindications. It is also difficult to select the right dosage and the lack of the ability to combine them with other drugs.
When it comes to a damp cough, most often remember the popular tablets for coughing "thermopsis". And here the patient needs to be as attentive as possible. The fact is that the familiar and inexpensive means of "thermopsis" is now available in two formulations:
- does not contain chemistry, includes only the herb of lanceolate and sodium hydrogencarbonate (possible therapy for children);
- consists of codeine (narcotic substance), herbs of thermopsis, sodium bicarbonate and licorice root.
Consider the pharmacodynamics of this drug:
- codeine - is characterized by a minor sedative, analgesic effect, blocks the cough reflex without suppressing the respiratory center and the functions of the ciliated epithelium, does not reduce the amount of secretion in the bronchi;
- thermopsis grass (with active ingredients - isoquinoline alkaloids) - activates the respiratory and vomiting centers. It has a distinct expectorant effect, promotes activation of secretory function of bronchial glands, stimulation of ciliary epithelium and acceleration of mucus excretion;
- sodium hydrogen carbonate - causes the pH-shift of the bronchial mucus towards the alkaline medium and reduces the viscosity of sputum. Stimulates the work of ciliated epithelium and bronchioles;
- root of licorice - provides an easy divergence of secret due to the content of glycyrrhizin. Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.
Pharmacokinetics of tablets against cough
By pharmacokinetics is understood the biochemical transformation of drug molecules in the human body. The main pharmacokinetic processes include - suction, excretory (excretory), distribution and metabolic properties.
Absorption of the tablet from cough occurs after dissolution, usually in the small intestine. Further, the molecules of the drug enter the systemic circulation. Absorption has two characteristics - the speed and degree of absorption (decreases when a pharmacological substance is used after a meal).
The distribution of the drug occurs in the blood, intercellular fluid and tissue cells.
The allocation of drugs is carried out in an unchanged form or as substances of biochemical transformation - metabolites, which have a higher polarity and solubility in the aqueous medium in comparison with the initial substance, which causes a simple excretion with urine.
Excretion (excretion) of the drug is possible through the urinary, digestive system, as well as through sweat, saliva and with exhaled air. The excretory function is influenced by the rate of receipt of the drug with the blood flow to the excretory organ and the characteristics of its own excretory systems. The most common way - the kidneys, bronchial glands and mucous respiratory system.
The pharmacokinetics of tablets from cough is based on the main active ingredient that is part of the drug:
- codeine - is characterized by a high rate of absorption, blocks the cough after half an hour after ingestion, provides a persistent antitussive and analgesic effect up to six hours. It is transformed in the liver, the half-life begins in 2-4 hours;
- glaucine hydrochloride - is well absorbed by the digestive system, transformation occurs in the liver, excretion by the kidneys (metabolites of the primary species);
- ambroksol - is maximally absorbed, excreted in urine;
- bromhexine - absorption reaches 99% in half an hour after use. In plasma it forms a bond with proteins. It is characterized by penetration through the placenta, accumulation in the liver, kidneys, fat and muscle tissue. Half-life occurs an hour and a half later;
- carbocisteine - is actively absorbed and metabolized during the primary passage through the liver. The maximum concentration is observed two hours after oral administration. Excretion is carried out with urine practically unchanged;
- acetylcysteine - has a low bioavailability (no more than 10%), which is explained by the formation of cysteine during the primary passage through the liver. Peak concentrations - after 1-3 hours. Characterized by penetration through the placental barrier. For excretion, the kidneys respond, a small part of the substance in the unchanged form excretes the intestine.
Dosing and Administration
The specificity of taking antitussive medicines depends on the nature of the disease, the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism, the presence of chronic diseases, the presence of harmful habits (for example, smoking), body weight and a number of other factors.
To establish the correct diagnosis, a specialist should appoint a proper treatment. The method of application and dose is also determined by the doctor individually.
Tablets for coughing "Libexin" or "Libexin muko" (with mucolytic carbocysteine, reducing the viscosity of phlegm) are used without chewing up to 4 times a day. Dosage depends on the patient's age and varies from the fourth part of the tablet to two tablets per one-time intake. The duration of the effect is up to four hours.
Tablets from cough "stoptussin" drink up to 6 times a day, since the period of partial elimination is six hours. The medicine for resorption "falimint", which helps with an unproductive irritant cough, is allowed to apply up to 10 times a day, provided the duration of therapy is not more than several days.
Mucolytic preparations based on plant raw materials should be consumed before meals. The recommended dose of "mukultina" for adults is 1-2 tablets up to 4 times a day, for children - from half a tablet to two tablets for a one-time appointment. "Thermopsis" without codeine is attributed to the tablet three times a day for up to five days. The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 0.3 g or 42 tablets. Children who have reached the age of 12 are allowed on a pill 2-3 times a day. The appointment of "bromhexine" to adults and children from 10 years is 8 mg three to four times a day. Children under two take this drug 2 mg three times a day. The treatment course can be up to four weeks.
Effervescent tablets from the cough "ATSTS" drink after eating, pre-dissolving the medicine in half a glass of water, juice or cold tea. The daily norm of the drug depends on the body weight: patients with a weight of more than 30 kg. Use up to 800mg. Facilities. Children dosage is selected based on age: up to 2 years - 50 mg. 2-3 times / day, from 2 to 5 years - 400 mg. In four receptions, from 6 years - 600 mg. For three sessions. Duration of treatment varies from three to six months, which is affected by the complexity of the pathological condition.
Use of cough tablets during pregnancy
A pregnant woman before taking a pill from a cough should carefully study the instructions and consult a doctor. The specialist determines the cause of the cough, and prescribes the appropriate treatment. Coughing attacks are caused not only by infections of the upper or lower respiratory tract, but also allergic, neurotic reactions, stomach or diaphragm problems, thyroid gland diseases, cardiovascular system disorders, and the like.
The greatest danger is a dry, painful cough. Such seizures can increase intra-abdominal and blood pressure in a future mother, which can trigger a mechanism for premature resolution of pregnancy, placental abruption and even cause interruption of pregnancy.
Most of the pharmacological drugs are prohibited for admission during the waiting period of the baby. However, the use of tablets against cough during pregnancy on the basis of plant components such as:
- "Mukaltin", containing the grass of the althea. Take under strict supervision of the doctor three to four times a day, before eating. The duration of therapy is one to two weeks;
- sucking pills-candies based on eucalyptus (better without sugar) - the inclusion of the herbal mixture in them, usually, minimally. The positive effect is achieved due to the abundant production of saliva, which moisturizes and softens the pharyngeal region and larynx, where desires for coughing arise;
- drugs with active substance dextromethorphan (suppresses the cough center) is prescribed for severe attacks, when it is impossible to eliminate the problem in another way;
- bromhexine in many expectorants is also often used to treat pregnant women;
- "Bronchitis" is a German medicine made from plant components. It is indicated for any type of cough (on a tablet three times a day, after a meal). The duration of the course is from seven to ten days;
- "Ambroxol" - dilutes thick viscous mucus, facilitates expectoration. Allow for the treatment of pregnant women under supervision of a specialist in the second / third trimesters;
- "Kodelak" - is not desirable during gestation, since codeine is a drug that can cause dysfunction in embryonic development, often generates heart disease. Assign only in emergency cases, when other means are powerless.
In any case, one should not engage in self-medication during pregnancy even with alternative medicine. Oddly enough, even plant raw materials can harm with individual intolerance. The choice of the method of treatment, the dosage of the drug and the duration of the therapeutic effect are prescribed by the doctor strictly individually.
Contraindications to the use of tablets against coughing
Each medication has indications, contraindications and a list of side effects. Tablets from cough are selected on an individual basis for each patient. Particular care should be taken when treating cough in young children, pregnant and lactating women.
Combined antitussive drugs are not prescribed in cases of individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation, children under two years of age, as well as in the presence of respiratory insufficiency of the second / third degree and the presence of severe bronchial asthma.
The use of expectorant tablets is inadmissible in parallel with the intake of substances that depress the cough center and inhibit the cough reflex. This combination provokes severe inflammatory diseases of the lower parts of the respiratory system (for example, pneumonia).
Contraindications to the use of tablets from the cough "thermopsis" spread to infants with bronchitis or pneumonia, as with abundant sputum, they can not clear their throat, which will cause respiratory failure. Known tablets at high dosages cause nausea in children at the beginning of the course.
Mucolytics "bromhexine", "ACTS", "ambroxol" is not recommended during the exacerbation of bronchial asthma due to the threat of bronchospasm. "Bromhexine" is contraindicated in the first three months of gestation, to children under three years old, with the presence of a stomach ulcer, recent bleeding and individual intolerance. Tablets "ACTS" can be administered after the tenth day of life, but they are not used for pulmonary hemorrhage, stomach ulcer, hepatitis, in cases of renal insufficiency and intolerance to fructose. The drug is not combined with tetracycline, a semisynthetic group of penicillins, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, as well as with other antitussive drugs in order to avoid stagnation in the airways.
Effervescent or absorbable tablets from cough are famous for their speed of digestion and effectiveness, however they are not suitable for therapy of patients with high acidity, gastritis and stomach ulcer.
When choosing a cough remedy, you should follow the instructions, but it's best to visit a competent specialist who will determine the cause of the painful condition and write out the most effective remedy.
Side effects of tablets against cough
Tablets from cough have their list of side effects - from nausea to drug dependence.
The drug "Libexin" requires admission strictly according to the prescribed schedule (four times a day according to the patient's age), without chewing to avoid anesthetizing the oral mucosa. A popular medicine "stoptussin" can cause diarrhea, headache, pain in the abdomen, dyspepsia, allergic reaction and dizziness. When taking "tusupreksa", used in the treatment of dry, unproductive cough, in some patients there is a digestive disorder.
Side effects of tablets from the cough of the mucolytic group ("bromgexin", "ACTS", etc.) include the onset of bronchospasm, which is especially dangerous in the period of exacerbation of bronchial asthma. Such patients should prefer broncholytics without atropine. Admission of the drug "ACTS" in addition to the above is fraught with skin reactions, elevation of blood pressure, dyspepsia.
Tablets from a cough based on thermopsis are also capable of provoking an allergic effect (itching, rash on the skin, etc.) and cause nausea.
Medicinal substances from cough of narcotic content (for example, with codeine) cause pharmacological dependence, allergy. In case of an overdose, constipation, vomiting, delay in urine release, problems with coordination of eyeballs movement, weakness, respiratory center depression are observed.
If coughing attacks increase, and there is no opportunity to visit the doctor, then carefully study the instructions for the drug being purchased for contraindications and side effects.
The reaction of the body to taking a pill from a cough can be completely different. In some cases, patients are concerned about nausea due to individual intolerance to the components of the drug. An overdose of an antitussive drug can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching, rashes on the skin.
Symptoms of acute or chronic overdose from narcotic tablets (eg, codeine-containing):
- blurred vision;
- sticky, cold sweat;
- weakness, drowsiness;
- change in blood pressure;
- a nervous state;
- fast fatiguability;
- bradycardia;
- unreasonable anxiety;
- convulsive condition;
- respiratory problems;
- pain in the chest;
- miosis;
- stopping breathing;
- coma;
- loss of consciousness;
- the emergence of pharmacological dependence;
- loss / weight gain.
In the most severe cases, gastric lavage, restoration of respiratory system functions, normalization of blood pressure and work, introduction of special substances into the vein, such as naloxone (opioid analgesic) are required.
Interactions of tablets against cough with other drugs
Combined pills for cough with mucolytic effect "codeterpin" increase the effect of hypnotics, sedatives and analgesics. This must be taken into account before the reception of persons driving a vehicle and engaging in other activities requiring increased attention.
Antitussive drug "ACTS" is forbidden to admit with tetracycline group, semisynthetic preparations of penicillin, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. Do not combine "ACTS" with other tablets from coughing to prevent stasis of the airways.
"Libexin" should not be combined with mucolytics, expectorants, since sputum excretion can be difficult.
With regard to the interaction of tablets against cough and other drugs that cough up the cough reflex as codeine, it can be unequivocally said that the latter complicate the coughing of diluted sputum and its accumulation in the lungs.
A number of pharmacological agents strengthen each other's action. This effect is observed with simultaneous reception of "glycodine" with narcotic antitussive agents. In this case, "glycodine" often interacts with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Before you start taking any cough medicine, carefully study the instruction leaflet and do not forget to notify the attending physician of the medications you take.
Conditions for storing tablets against coughing
The main conditions for the storage of tablets against cough include the following points:
- The storage location must be dry, closed to light penetration and inaccessible to children;
- the acceptable temperature is usually 15-25 ° C, unless there are specific instructions in the manual;
- place medicines away from heating / heating appliances.
Do not carefully trim the empty part of the blister to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the packaging. After a while it will be difficult or absolutely impossible to determine what helped this "white" tabletochka. Moreover, you can take the wrong medicine. The same goes for fans to shift tablets into containers from other drugs.
If the coughts, sealed in a paper blister, get wet - discard them immediately. It is unlikely that such a package will preserve the medicinal properties of the drug from the effects of the aquatic environment.
Visual discoloration of the tablet, layering, etc. Is a reason for its urgent disposal.
Get a useful rule for yourself - every six months to conduct an audit in the medicine cabinet, replenish it with the most necessary medications, including antitussives. It is also expedient to store pharmacological preparations in groups according to the intended use.
Shelf life
Remember that the expiration date on the package applies only to sealed preparations. Do not store or use expired medications, no matter how "normal" they may seem.
Shelf life on tablets from cough may vary from 3 to 5 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pills for cough" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.