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Tablets from neuralgia
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Anti-inflammatory tablets from non-steroidal neuralgia are often used for complex treatment. This group of medicines is used in the treatment of almost every disease. These medications take away uncomfortable sensations and lower the temperature if it appears.
Indications for use
Tablets from neuralgia Finplesin prescribed for the following diseases: atypical and typical neuralgic diseases (caused by multiple sclerosis) and idiopathic neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve, as well as the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Neuromultivitis in neurological practice has indications for use in the complex treatment of patients with neuralgia (intercostal and trigeminal nerve).
The drug Nyz is often prescribed for neuralgia.
Tablets Ketonal, as well as Ketonal Uno and Duo doctors prescribe when symptoms of relief pain syndromes of neuralgic origin, having different locations on the body (severe and moderate severity of the form) appear.
Sedalgin Plus is used for symptomatic therapy of pain syndromes that occur in neuralgic diseases of peripheral NA.
Voltaren is indicated in the occurrence of neuralgic pain syndromes in the spine.
Spazgan is used in the process of short-term therapy to remove the symptoms of a neuralgic disease.
Tablets for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia
Postherpetic neuralgia is a complex of painful sensations that appear in a patient on the body in places where shingles have previously poured out .
Often, antiviral tablets against neuralgia are used to treat this disease, including valaciclovir, acyclovir, and famciclovir. These drugs were recognized by patients as most effective in the process of preventing the appearance of neuralgia or reducing the severity of the symptoms.
A clinical study demonstrated that the above drugs can reduce pain from herpes zoster, as well as reduce the risk of postherpetic neuralgia. The results of famciclovir were analyzed, which showed that prolonged postherpetic neuralgia can occur with severe rash, severe acute pain, in older patients. Also, the results demonstrated that when using tablets for the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia, pharmacyclovir, the frequency of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease and its duration are significantly reduced.
Patients suffering from shingles can be treated by combining anesthetics with PGN, as well as antiviral treatment. Effective medications are amitriptyline, lidocaine, pregabalin, gabapentin.
Farmakodinamka Finlepsin is an antiepileptic drug that can also have antipsychotic, antidepressant and antidiuretic effects. With neuralgia, the drug performs an analgesic function. During the action, the potential-dependent sodium channels are blocked, which allows stabilizing the membrane of overexcited nerves. In addition, there is a decrease in the synaptic movement of impulses and inhibition of the appearance of serial neuronal discharges. The drug does not allow Na + -dependent action potentials to be re-formed in depolarized nerves. If secondary or essential neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is observed, the drug prevents the appearance of pain. After taking Finlepsin she retreats about 8-72 hours later.
Tablets from neuromuscular neuromultivitis have such pharmacodynamic properties: phosphorylation turns vitamin B1 into a so-called cocarboxylase (this is a coenzyme of many different enzyme reactions). In turn, the phosphorylated form of the vitamin B6 is a coenzyme in the metabolism of amino acids. He takes part in the biosynthesis of various neurotransmitters (adrenaline, dopamine, histamine, norepinephrine, and GABA substances). During the maturation of red blood cells, as well as hematogenesis, vitamin B12 takes part. It also helps transfer methyl groups (and other single carbonaceous fragments), synthesize proteins and nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.
Tablets from the neurology of Finplepsin have a slow, but full absorption. The intake of food has no particular effect on the degree and rate of absorption of the drug substances. With a single dose of medication, C max is reached after 12 hours. T max is a period of 4-5 hours. In plasma, the drug reaches a stable concentration after 1-2 weeks. Medicinal substances are metabolized in the liver, mainly through the epoxy route. In the process, the main metabolites are formed: the inactive conjugate with glucuronic acid, as well as the active substance carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide. The main isoenzyme, which is involved in biotransformation of carbamazepine in a new form, is cytochrome P450 (CYP3A4). When taking a single tablet of carbamazepine 72% goes with the urine, and the remaining 28% - with feces.
Pharmacokinetics Neuromultivitis - its components are water-soluble vitamins, so they will not be cumulated. Pyridoxine, together with thiamine, is absorbed by the upper intestinal department, and the rate of this process depends on the size of the dose. Cyanocobalamin is absorbed because of the presence in the stomach, as well as the upper intestinal part of the internal factor. Further, the substance enters the tissues together with transcobalamin II (transport protein). The components of the drug are metabolized in the liver. They are excreted from the body through the kidneys (approximately 8-10% remain unchanged).
Tablets names from neuralgia
Not all tablet forms of drugs can help in the treatment of neuralgia, because the pain sensations in this case are very unpleasant and they are not always drowned out. Because of this, doctors often advise the use of drugs of a new generation that have a more clearly defined orientation toward the elimination of painful sensations. The names of modern tablets from neuralgia are as follows:
- tiaprofenic acid;
- menovazine;
- promedol;
- naproxen;
- ketoprofen;
- ketorolac.
If we talk about medicines of the old generation, diclofenac is a fairly good remedy . But drugs like celecoxib or meloxicam are better for neuralgic diseases, because they do not cope with pains of this type very well.
Not bad coping with inflammation and pain medications, which contain bee or snake venom. This, for example, is an apifor, which has the form of tablets. But these medicines have some contraindications. They are prohibited when:
- Problems with the liver and kidneys.
- Defects of the heart.
- The bearing of a child.
- Fever.
- High sensitivity to poison.
Anesthetic tablets with neuralgia
In the treatment of neuralgic diseases, the patient, first of all, needs drugs that can remove or reduce pain. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used. The assortment of such medicines in pharmacies is very wide, so you can not buy them on the recommendation of a pharmacy pharmacist or you can not do it on your own - the doctor who is the most suitable for the patient should choose a medicine.
A specialist can prescribe pain medication for patients with neuralgia. Among such drugs are Naise, Baralgin, and also Analgin or Movalis. These tablets should be taken three times daily after meals in a dosage that your doctor will recommend. This treatment course usually does not last long, because long-term use of such medications can adversely affect the patient's health. In particular, this applies to the gastrointestinal tract.
There are also more modern pills for neuralgia. They are characterized by a longer exposure to the body. Among these drugs, the drug Melox Fort - it will be enough to take it once a day.
Tablets from intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia is a pain syndrome that occurs as a result of irritation or squeezing of nerves located between the edges.
Tablets from intercostal neuralgia are the main part of the complex treatment of this disease. In the process of therapy, the following medicament preparations are used:
- Analgesics (painkillers) are selagin, analgin, and also spazgan. This group of drugs removes the main symptom of the disease - pain. Such tablets are taken in a dosage 3-4 times / day. To accept them more often does not follow - the result will not give, on the contrary, side effects may appear;
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory tablets - voltaren and diclofenac, indomethacin, piroxicam, and ibuprofen. They remove inflammation and can relieve painful spasms. Such medications are taken 1-2 times / day. Increased dosage can lead to an increased risk of gastrointestinal pathology. Without the appointment of a doctor, medicines of this group are allowed to take a maximum of 5-7 days;
- muscle relaxants - effective pills for neuralgia. They are designed to remove muscle spasms, which are one of the factors in the appearance of intercostal neuralgia. This group of drugs includes clonazepam, baclofen, and also sirdalud. The doctor selects the duration of taking the pills individually.
Tablets from trigeminal neuralgia
Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is called a chronic disease, in which a strong paroxysmal pain is felt in the region of finding the processes of the trigeminal nerve.
In its treatment, various pills are used, among which anticonvulsant drugs are considered to be the main ones. They are used in neuralgia most often, as they can eliminate pain sensations, reducing the activity of nerve cells. Among the tablets from trigeminal neuralgia, carbamazepine is most commonly prescribed . Valproic acid medicines are also used: diphenin, convullex, oxcarbazepine, depaxin, and lamotrigine.
With this disease, drugs that have an effect on neuromuscular transmission will also be very effective. Such pills from neuralgia fill the reserve in the body of GABA substances, thus removing painful sensations. Together with anticonvulsant medications they are still effective. The most effective drug in this group is baclofen.
Sometimes doctors can prescribe a glycine amino acid - a tablet of myeglanol. The treatment course in this case will be approximately 4-5 weeks.
Antidepressants that affect the functional activity of the brain can be prescribed to reduce the perception of pain . In this case, amitriptyline is taken. Dosage - 50-150 mg / day.
More details about the disease you can read here.
Tablets from neuralgia of the facial nerve
With neuralgia of the facial nerve, the nerves that control the facial muscles of one side of the face become inflamed. Because of the disease, these muscles begin to weaken, reaching the stage of reduction or complete disappearance of facial movements, which creates an asymmetric face.
It is necessary to treat such a disease in the early stages, as this makes it possible to prevent the possible occurrence of complications, as well as various residual phenomena. Effective in this case will be tablets from neuralgia of the facial nerve prednisone, which belong to the group of corticosteroids.
Reception is carried out within 5 days in the mornings. Dosage on the first day is 60 mg, and then gradually decreases. Finish taking the drug should be no later than 10-14 days. In such doses, these pills from neuralgia are safe and effective in reducing the edema of the nerve, because of which the intraosseous canal is impaired. In this case, the recovery occurs fairly quickly. Another plus - disappear pains in the behind-the-scenes area.
Tablets from shoulder neuralgia
Traditional modern medicine in the process of treating shoulder neuralgia involves a large set of procedures. They are mainly aimed at getting rid of the painful sensations in the shoulder. To this end, painkillers are used - pill from shoulder neuralgia, in addition to which various physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out.
Usually, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat this disease, which remove inflammation, which provokes the appearance of pain. This allows you to reduce the intensity of pain. Among the drugs used are the following:
- Diclofenac;
- Ketanov;
- Ibuprofen.
If necessary, anesthetics can be used until the novocain blockade. Such treatment has a disadvantage - anti-inflammatory drugs can not be taken for a long time, because this increases the risk of various side effects.
The course of treatment may include not only tablets from neuralgia - injections may also be used. In addition, doctors recommend using local drugs - to smear a sore spot with therapeutic gels or ointments.
Method and dosage of tablets from neuralgia
Tablets from the neurology of Finplepsin are prescribed in the following dosages: adults should take 0.2-0.3 g / day. Further, this dosage gradually increases, reaching 1.2 grams. The maximum per day can be taken no more than 1.6 g. The entire daily dose is consumed for 3-4 doses, which last longer form time - for 1-2 doses. Children from 6 years old take 20 mg / 1 kg. Not assigned to children under 6 years of age.
The way of application and the dose of tablets from neuralgia Neuromultivitis - to take inside 1 table. 1-3 times / day. The duration of the treatment course is assigned to each patient individually. The medication is taken after eating, it should be taken with water without chewing the pill.
Ketonal preparation is usually prescribed for administration 1 time / day in a dosage of 1 table. Maximum allowed 2 tablets / day. The medicine must be taken either during meals, or immediately after the end of the meal. The tablet should be washed down with water. To prevent possible development of NSAID-gastropathy, medicines from the group of antacids can additionally be prescribed.
Use of tablets against neuralgia during pregnancy
The use of pellets from neuralgia during pregnancy is possible in the case when the pain is very strong, which is why the mother develops a stressful condition. But, applying tablets from neuralgia, you need to take into account the teratogenic effect of the medication - it either should not be at all, or it should be minimal. Individual tolerance of the drug to the patient and her pregnancy period should also be taken into account.
The approach to the treatment of the disease of each patient must in any case be individual, and therapy should be carried out by a qualified specialist. After all, in this case it is necessary to take into account not only the health of the future mother, but also the health of her baby.
Contraindications for use
Finlepsin has the following contraindications for use: a strong sensitivity to the substance of carbamazepine; acute intermittent porphyria; disorders in the process of bone marrow hematopoiesis; combination with MAO inhibitors; the existence of an AV blockade. Take the drug carefully, if there is decompensated CHF, there is hypopituitarism or ADH hypersecretion syndrome, hypothyroidism, or hepatic insufficiency. Do not appoint elderly patients and those who have increased intraocular pressure.
Neuromultivitis is not recommended for patients who are sensitive to the components of the drug. Also, it is not prescribed for children under 12 years old.
Tablets from neuralgia Ketonal are contraindicated with intolerance of the components of the drug and salicylates, because there is a risk of the formation of a cross allergy. It is also not recommended for exacerbated ulcer of the duodenum or stomach, developing syndrome of nonulcer dyspepsia, history of bleeding (especially if the cause is not clear). Heavy forms of liver, as well as renal failure, asthmatic attacks in the history are also considered the basis for contraindication. Also, the drug is not prescribed to patients breastfeeding; pregnant; children under 14 years.
Side effects of tablets from neuralgia
Side effects of tablets from neuralgia Finplepsin:
- Nervous system - it hurts and dizzy; disorder of thinking, the appearance of hallucinations; hyperkinesis and paresthesia, as well as aggression unmotivated by external stimuli;
- Gastrointestinal tract - nausea with vomiting; increased hepatic transaminases;
- Respiratory organs - pulmonitis;
- Cardiovascular organs - low or high blood pressure; decreased heart rate; problems with AV-conduction;
- Hemopoietic system - a decrease in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, as well as platelets;
- Kidneys - the development of diseases such as hematuria or oliguria, edema, nephritis, and kidney failure;
- The endocrine system is a strong increase in the prolactin index in conjunction with the developing galactorrhea, a change in the indices of thyroid hormones; gynecomastia may occur;
- Others - allergies, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
Tablets from neuralgia Neuromultivitis are mostly well tolerated by patients. Sometimes there may be nausea, tachycardia, allergies in the form of rashes on the skin and itching. If side effects occur, you should cancel the medication and consult your doctor.
Due to an overdose of Finlepsin, there may be disorders of consciousness, as well as depression of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, kidney problems and hemopoiesis disorder. Treatment in this case consists of washing the stomach, taking laxatives, as well as enterosorbents. Due to the fact that the drug binds well to proteins in the plasma, in the case of an overdose, forced diuresis, as well as peritoneal dialysis will be ineffective. Small children can perform a replacement blood transfusion.
Tablets from Neuromultivitis neuralgia have the following symptoms of overdose (it is possible only if very large doses are taken for a long time): more than 2 g / day of vitamin B6 can cause neuropathies with ataxia manifestations, as well as problems with sensitivity. In addition, there may be convulsions with a change in EEG indices. In some cases, there is seborrheic dermatitis or hypochromic anemia. Sometimes, with an overdose of vitamin B12, there may be eczematous changes in the skin, as well as acne. When treating a patient, symptomatic therapy is performed.
Overdose Ketonalum can lead to problems in the functioning of the digestive tract (it is vomiting and nausea, as well as pain in the epigastric region). Sometimes in the gastrointestinal tract may begin to bleed. There may also be problems in kidney function and confusion. In the treatment of overdose, therapy is carried out (depending on the manifestations), and sorbents are taken and the stomach washed.
Interactions with other drugs
It is forbidden to drink Finlepsin simultaneously with MAO inhibitors. Other anticonvulsant drugs may reduce the similar effects of Finlexin. If you take a medicine with valproic acid, you may experience a mental disorder or a coma condition. Tablets from the neurology of Finplesin increase the toxicity of lithium. If you use a medication with calcium channel blockers, macrolides, cimetidine, isoniazid, its plasma concentration increases. In addition, the drug reduces the activity of contraceptives, as well as anticoagulants.
Interaction with other drugs tablets Neuromultivitis - combination with levodopa helps to reduce the antiparkinsonian activity of levodopa. If you apply the drug together with ethanol, the absorption of thiamine deteriorates sharply (in the blood, this figure may decrease by 30%). When treating neuromultivitis, do not take multivitamin complexes that contain vitamin B.
If you take Ketonal together with diuretics, as well as pressure-reducing drugs, their hypotensive effect may decrease. The drug improves the effectiveness of anticonvulsant drugs and antiglikemic medicines. With ACE inhibitors and diuretics enhances nephrotoxic effects. Ketonal increases the toxicity of substances such as cytostatics, lithium, and methotrexate.
Storage conditions
- Finlepsin should be kept in a place that is closed to children at a maximum temperature of 30 ° C.
- Neuromultivite storage conditions: it should be stored at a temperature of 15-25 degrees.
- Ketonal is kept in a well-ventilated and dry place with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
- Nyz product should be stored in a place that is closed from sunlight and dry place with a temperature of no more than 25 ° C.
- Tablets from neuralgia Sedalgin Plus stored at a temperature of maximum 25 ° C in a place protected from sunlight.
- Voltaren should be in a dry place that is not accessible to children. The maximum storage temperature is 30 ° C.
- Spaghegan is stored at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees in its original packaging.
Shelf life
- Tablets from the neurology of Finplepsin are suitable for use no more than 3 years from the date stamped on the drug package.
- Neuromultivitis has a shelf life of 3 years. The date is on the packaging. After its expiration, the drug can not be taken.
- The period of use Ketonala - 3 years. After the expiration date printed on the package, it can not be used.
- Nyz is permitted for use within 36 months from the date of issue.
- Sedalgin Plus has a shelf life of 2 years.
- The drug Voltaren can be taken within 3 years from the date indicated on the package of the drug.
- Spazgan is good for 3 years. The period is indicated on the package. At the end of the medicine should not be taken.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from neuralgia" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.