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Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Calendula Ointment Dr. The massage is intended for external use and is used in medical practice, primarily as a wound-healing agent. This preparation contains a purified extract of marigold flowers. "Calendulae flores" is the international name for the ointment, which means "Calendula flowers". This herbal remedy has a pronounced antiseptic effect, antimicrobial and bactericidal properties, contributes to the strengthening of the vascular walls, the renewal of cells, the regulation of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and the reduction of pressure.
Calendula (the second name - "marigolds") was considered the favorite flower of Queen Margot. This beautiful yellow-orange flower with spicy resinous aroma is attractive not only externally, but also has medicinal properties. Moreover, all parts of the plant contain useful substances: carotenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, microelements, organic acids, as well as a range of useful essential oils and calendene, the most valuable ingredient that increases the healing properties of calendula. The flowers of this plant are often used in alternative medicine for the manufacture of medicinal tinctures, ointments, essential oils, with which you can treat abrasions, wounds and various skin diseases.
Indications of the calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss is used, first of all, for the healing of wounds. Thanks to the unique properties of calendula, the medicinal ointment removes inflammation, itching, irritation, and also moisturizes the skin.
Indications for use Ointments Calendulae:
- bruises;
- hematomas;
- cracks in the skin;
- diaper rash in infants;
- skin irritation of different etiologies;
- burns;
- frostbite;
- acne and acne;
- cuts and abrasions;
- rashes of any origin;
- purulent wounds;
- varicosity;
- Infectious-inflammatory skin diseases;
- excessive dryness of the skin.
Doctors recommend a calendula ointment for painful insect bites, eczema, fungal or bacterial infection, dermatitis. Ointment can be used for cracks in the corners of the mouth ("zaedah") as a bactericidal agent. Any cut or abrasion can be anointed with this disinfectant and the fastest wound healing.
The ointment has proven effective in suppressing the growth of streptococci and staphylococci, tissue regeneration processes, increased granulation, strengthening of the vascular walls, regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands, strengthening and stimulating hair growth. The product has a tonic and calming effect on the skin, moisturizes and protects it, and also makes it more elastic due to the natural ingredients that make up its composition. The ointment removes any skin irritation - for example, from chlorine water, sunlight, frost air.
Release form
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss (Germany) belongs to the pharmacological group of anti-inflammatory drugs of plant origin and is released in pharmacies freely, without the need for a doctor's prescription. The main pharmacological properties of this drug are bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
The form of the drug in the form of an ointment promotes convenient application in the treatment of various "skin problems" (irritations, edema, superficial burns, abrasions, wounds, acne, etc.).
In 10 grams of ointment contains the following ingredients:
- extract of calendula flowers (0.4 grams);
- lard;
- oil of corn cobs.
The main component of homeopathic ointment - herbal extract of calendula - favorably affects the skin, relieving inflammation and reducing pain, actively moisturizing it and feeding it with nutrients.
The ointment has a uniform consistency and is unpacked in tubes and glass jars of different capacity - 20 and 30 grams each. A cardboard pack contains one tube of the drug. The color of the ointment is yellow or light orange, the preparation has a characteristic "vegetable" smell.
There are other forms of drug release - in the form of briquettes with plant raw materials, powder, tinctures, which are used to stimulate the reparative processes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Calendula Ointment Dr. The thais is an effective remedy that is used to treat skin diseases, to heal wounds and to remove inflammation.
Pharmacodynamics of the drug is based on the action of the calendula officinalis, which contains many useful components:
- essential oils;
- flavonoids;
- polysaccharides;
- isoramnetin;
- carotenoids;
- saturated fatty acids;
- triterpene alcohols;
- quercetin glycosides;
- scopoletin and others.
In a complex, all these substances have a reparative and anti-inflammatory effect, are disinfected, show antimicrobial activity. After application to the skin, the ointment is absorbed rather slowly, and pain, puffiness, itching, convulsions, and inflammation decrease gradually. Antimicrobial effects on pathogenic fungi and bacteria are exerted by flavonoids, essential oils, triterpenes and a number of other substances that make up the extract of calendula flowers. Flavonoids also have a pronounced antioxidant effect, which manifests itself in the restoration of active molecules - free radicals, and also contribute to the strengthening of capillaries.
After a while after using the calendula ointment, heat is felt at the application site. This is due to the slightly pronounced irritant effect of the agent, which is explained by the activation of the thermoreceptors of the soft tissue by triterpene substances. As a result of sympathetic impulses, the circulation process in the soft tissues is stimulated. This makes it possible to strengthen the processes of regeneration, as well as metabolism in the skin. The anti-inflammatory property of the ointment is actively manifested after about a couple of hours after application.
Calendula Ointment Dr. The theissa is used topically, applied to the skin surface to relieve skin inflammation, so it does not penetrate into the bloodstream. Most often this tool is used to heal small wounds and abrasions, to treat diaper rash, skin cracks, eczema, etc.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug is based on the rapid removal from the human body of the active ingredient (plant extract of calendula) through the urinary system. Thus, the medicine does not accumulate inside the body.
The drug is made in the form of an ointment, which contributes to its convenient use. Ointment should be applied to skin areas with a thin layer, it is possible under the bandage, avoiding places of irritation. With the help of the main action of calendula flowers - antiseptic - the desired result is quickly achieved: inflammation decreases, itching and puffiness decreases, skin regeneration processes are improved. Calendula ointment has proven effective and is prescribed by doctors in cases of skin lesions by fungus or bacteria. Thanks to the unique chemical composition of calendula, positive results are achieved in the treatment of skin irritations, inflammations, wounds. The flowers of marigolds contain flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids, tannins, coumarins, essential oil. These substances provide antiseptic and wound healing effect.
Dosing and administration
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss must be used only externally, following the instructions to the drug and the doctor's recommendations.
The way of application and dose are indicated in the instruction: the agent should be applied to the skin with a thin layer several times a day (usually 2-3 r.). With pain in the back, bruises or bruises, the ointment must be carefully rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements. At night, the ointment is applied to the damaged area of the skin and an occlusive dressing is applied. Usually, the treatment for ointment of calendula is 1 week, but in more serious cases ointment is recommended to apply up to 14 days. The duration of such therapy is determined by the course of the pathological process and the effectiveness of treatment.
It should be noted that the ointment of calendula is used in cosmetology with the purpose of narrowing the pores, reducing the intense secretion of subcutaneous fat, getting rid of acne. Before applying the ointment, the face skin should be degreased, i.e., cleaned with lotion.
Calendula ointment helps to get rid of cracks, often appearing on the skin of the heels. Many people use a combination of ointments with vitamin A to provide extra nutrition to the skin. The mixture is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the heels, gently rubbed, a gauze napkin and a sock should be applied from above. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day.
Thus, Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss is used for bandages, compresses, applications, adhering to the rules when applied in order to avoid side effects.
Use of the calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss during pregnancy
Calendula Ointment Dr. Thesex has a plant extract as its main active ingredient, so it does not cause any concern when used by women during the period of gestation. Despite this, the expectant mother must necessarily consult with her doctor before starting any medication, including ointments.
The use of Calendula Ointments during pregnancy is acceptable in the case of a woman having varicose veins. Ointment must be rubbed into the affected and painful places on the legs. In general, there is no information about the safety or dangers of using this external drug in pregnancy. The doctor can prescribe a calendula ointment to a pregnant woman only if necessary (with varicose veins, burns, insect bites, abrasions or purulent wounds).
It is not recommended to carry out the treatment on your own, - it threatens with unforeseen side reactions or complications. Especially if the question of the effect of the drug on the pregnant woman's body has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, future mothers should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor and use the ointment of calendula only by prescription. This also applies to any other medicines.
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss usually does not cause any unforeseen reactions and is well tolerated by the body. This is due to the fact that it contains a plant extract, that is, in fact, it is an absolutely safe phytopreparation.
Contraindications to the use of the ointment of calendula mainly concern the increased individual sensitivity of the organism to the components of the preparation. Despite the fact that the ointment is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, it is not recommended to use it without prescribing a doctor. If you have any skin problems, you should contact a medical professional, and only after consulting a doctor to take the medicine strictly by prescription.
It is also necessary to take into account the ineffectiveness of the ointment or the occurrence of side effects in the form of allergies. If, after 5 days after applying the calendula ointment, skin is not restored, or the condition worsens, you need to stop treatment and seek help from a polyclinic.
Especially cautious people should be treated with ointment, suffering from allergic reactions, since calendula can provoke the development of Quincke's edema or dermatitis. With caution appoint ointment of calendula to small children under 3 years, as well as pregnant women.
Side effects of the calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss is usually tolerated by the patient well, and only in rare cases can side effects occur in the form of allergic reactions of the body to the components of the drug.
Side Effects Ointments Calendulae are most often manifested in people suffering from allergic diseases. In such situations, rashes on the skin, severe itching, redness of the skin, hives can be observed. In extremely rare cases, angioedema may develop.
Therefore, an ointment with marigold extract is not recommended for use to people who are highly sensitive to this herbal component, as well as pregnant women and preschool children. It should be taken into account that the calendula ointment is intended exclusively for external use, therefore its use inside is unacceptable. It should also avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membrane of the mouth and eyes.
When the ointment enters the person, symptoms such as bitterness in the mouth, nausea, burning and pain in the stomach, that is, signs of intoxication of the body, can be observed in a person. In this case, gastric lavage and antacid preparations are indicated. It should also be noted that when smoking is observed a decrease in the activity of the drug due to the acceleration of the process of flavonoid metabolism.
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss should be applied to the damaged areas of the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day, but if done more often, the symptoms of an overdose are unlikely to appear. At the moment, there have been practically no cases of ointment overdose, and this is indicated in the instructions to this medication.
Overdose Calendula Ointment can manifest itself only as an increase in adverse reactions from the body, especially in people prone to allergies. That is, with excessive use of the ointment may appear various allergic reactions - redness of the skin, swelling, development of hives or dermatitis. Therefore, the patient is recommended to act according to the prescriptions of the doctor and not to exceed the dosage of the ointment in order to avoid the possible appearance of signs of an overdose.
In general, calendula ointment perfectly copes with its functions, helping to remove inflammation, eliminate skin irritations, narrow pores, moisturize the skin well, and accelerate wound healing. In practice, the effectiveness of ointments has been proven in the treatment of eczema, fungus, infected wounds, varicose veins, burns, thrombophlebitis, anal fissures, pressure ulcers and even trophic ulcers. By the way, in the summer with the help of this ointment you can quickly alleviate the condition when sunburn occurs.
Interactions with other drugs
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss is recommended to be used after the appointment of a doctor and according to the instructions. Data on the interaction of the drug with other drugs have not been fixed to date. However, if you use several external products (ointments) at once, be sure to consult with the attending physician about this. Self-medication can worsen the situation and lead to undesirable consequences. Especially this applies to pregnant women who are not recommended to take many medications so as not to harm the future child.
Interactions with other drugs have not been reliably studied, therefore it is better to follow the prescriptions of the doctor and not to experiment with health, combining several medicinal products at the same time. Homeopathic ointments contain natural ingredients in their composition, and this ensures their safety. However, if you take drugs containing hormones, complications may occur in the form of allergic reactions or other adverse symptoms. In any case, if side effects occur as a result of taking several drugs, including the ointment of calendula, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Storage conditions
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss must be used strictly for the intended purpose, after checking the expiry date of the drug. If the ointment has darkened or changed its original color and smell, has deteriorated externally, or its consistency has changed (it has become liquid), it is not recommended to use such a remedy. Most likely, this means that the storage conditions of the drug have been violated. The spoiled medicine should be disposed of immediately and in no case should it be used for treatment. It is very important to check the date of sale of the medicine in the pharmacy, so as not to buy the overdue product.
The storage conditions of the calendula ointment (like any other ointment) - in a cool place or at room temperature, not exceeding + 25 ° C, in an inaccessible place for young children. After opening the tube it is recommended to store the ointment in the refrigerator. Another important condition, which concerns the storage of any ointments, is to avoid direct sunlight. Therefore, it is best to use the closet for this purpose, having allocated the uppermost shelf specially for storing medicines.
Shelf life
Calendula Ointment Dr. The taiss is made from natural ingredients and does not contain any harmful substances, in particular fragrances, chemical dyes and preservatives. Therefore, the drug can be used until the end date of implementation, subject to the storage rules specified in the instruction. It is not recommended to use an overdue ointment, because its therapeutic properties are reduced.
Shelf life of the ointment is indicated in the instructions to the drug and is 2 years. At the end of this expiration date, the unspent ointment must be discarded. It is important to remember that any delayed medication, be it pills, ointments or ampoules for injections, can be a serious danger to human health. So, an ointment with an expired shelf life may cause different allergic reactions, or do not have the desired effect.
Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss must be properly stored and used for its intended purpose, so that its healing properties have a beneficial effect on the result of treatment.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Calendula Ointment Dr. Theiss" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.