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What medicines help with streptoderma?
Last reviewed: 10.08.2022

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Medications for the treatment of streptoderma are prescribed only by a medical specialist. It can be drugs and local, and systemic exposure, which is determined by the severity of streptoderma and some features of the disease.
The first stage of treatment is the use of external drugs: they are treated with the skin, cauterized, lubricated. It can be solutions, ointments, sprays and other external agents.
The second stage is antibiotic therapy. She is appointed not always and not to everyone, but only if there is evidence. For the prevention of antibiotics should not be taken.
The third stage - according to indications - consists of prescribing an antihistamine, hormonal, general strengthening treatment. Such a step is also not universally applicable, but for some patients it may be necessary.
Adult patients with streptoderma should treat the affected areas daily with various antiseptics. Skin treatment is necessary in order to stop the multiplication of pathogens, remove the inflammatory reaction, dry crusts. All this will contribute to the early tightening of the wounds and will prevent further spread of the problem.
If a liquid bubble appears on the skin, then most often it is treated with an antiseptic, pierced with a sterile needle, allowed to come out with pus, and then re-treated the area with an antiseptic. However, not all doctors agree that the bubbles really need to be pierced: often experts advise not to touch the element in any way, waiting for its independent resolution or drying out. If a crust forms at the site of damage, then it is impossible to get rid of it: you should wait until it disappears on its own. To speed up the process, regular antiseptic treatment is also required.
- Fukortsin - combined antibacterial and antifungal agent. It is applied to the affected area at least twice a day (optimally - three or four times). The tool is quite universal: after it dries on the painful lesions, you can additionally apply ointments or creams on top. When applying Fukortsina wound may hurt or itch a little, but within a minute such sensations pass.
- A solution of brilliant green, or simply, brilliant green - is one of the most well-known antiseptics, drying and disinfecting agents. The solution is neatly distributed over the affected lesions, slightly affecting healthy tissue areas. The processing frequency is twice a day. The drug is safe and can be used to treat streptoderma in adults or in babies.
- Iodine, or an alcoholic solution of potassium iodide, is an equally well known antimicrobial, irritant and distracting external drug. It can be used twice a day for the treatment of pathological foci. Iodine is not used if the patient has a strong sensitivity to iodine preparations, or in cases where the streptoderma foci are extensive and spread throughout the body.
- Potassium permanganate, or the well-known “potassium permanganate” solution is the strongest oxidizer. Depending on the degree of dilution, potassium permanganate has a tannic, irritant, cauterizing effect. The oxygen released in the process has an antimicrobial and deodorizing effect. For treatment of wounds with streptoderma usually use 2-5% solution. More concentrated liquid can cause burns.
- Miramistin is an antiseptic with a strong antimicrobial and even antiviral effect. It is able to stimulate the immune nonspecific reaction, activates immune cells, which together leads to an acceleration of wound healing. Miramistin for streptoderma can be used as an ointment or solution. The solution is moistened with a piece of gauze and applied to the affected area, forming a bandage. Ointment is applied several times a day, in a thin layer. Alternating the application of lotions with a solution and dressings with ointment is allowed. Standard treatment is carried out until complete cleansing of the skin.
- Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic and disinfectant solution for topical use. It can handle single foci, up to 3 times per day. The average course of treatment is usually 10 days.
- Furacilin is a strong antiseptic that is active against streptococci, staphylococci and other numerous representatives of the bacterial flora. 0.02% furatsilina solution is used externally for the treatment of wounds. Allergic reactions when using the drug rarely occur.
- Chlorophyllipt - antiseptic, which is often used in staphylodermia. This is due to the high activity of the drug in relation to the staphylococcal flora. Lesions are treated 2-3 times a day with 1% Chlorophyllipt solution. Side effects are rare and are found in the form of an allergy to the drug.
- Fucidin - a product containing a focused antibiotic fuzidovuyu acid. This component affects Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic streptococcus, gram-negative flora. Drawing means is carried out three times a day, within 10 days in a row.
For superficial lesions in adults, it is allowed to use external preparations - ointments and creams for streptoderma, with antibacterial and antiseptic action. We do not recommend trying to find such a remedy by yourself, because it is prescribed only according to indications, and in some cases the wrong drug can only aggravate the problem. Optimally, if the patient visits a clinic or a skin clinic, where he will be carried out a bacteriological analysis of tissues removed from the areas affected by streptoderma. Such an analysis will help identify the causative agent of streptoderma, assess its sensitivity to antimicrobial agents. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate medication for the particular case.
- Levomekol with streptoderma is distinguished by a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the cleansing and restoration of the skin, eliminates puffiness. The ointment is applied under a sterile bandage or gauze once a day for a week. Contraindications to the use of funds can only be a tendency to allergies to its composition.
- Baneocin - a means for outdoor use, which quickly stops the viability of bacteria. In the composition of the agent there are two antibiotics at once, therefore its action is powerful and fast. The drug is applied to the affected areas at least two and no more than four times a day, a week course. If streptoderma has massively spread to large areas of skin, then Baneotsin is not used: it is prohibited to apply the product in large volumes.
- Lassara paste for streptoderma is considered one of the most popular, effective and affordable medicines. Lassara paste is nothing more than the well-known zinc-salicylic paste - antimicrobial, astringent, adsorbent and drying medicine. It is used for application to wounds with streptoderma up to three times a day. The total duration of application is from one to three weeks.
- Zinc ointment, zinc paste is usually used in combination with other external agents, since its mere action to cure streptoderma is not enough. Often crushed Streptocide (tablet) is added to the zinc paste, after which it is used to apply to wounds 4-6 times a day. The duration of treatment by this method is different for each individual and depends on the speed of cleansing the skin.
- Syntomycin ointment (also called chloramphenicol liniment) is a product with an extensive antimicrobial and bacteriostatic spectrum of activity. The ointment is applied directly to the affected area. The duration of therapy and the frequency of application is determined by the doctor.
- Salicylic ointment is characterized by a pronounced keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The ointment is used in the complex treatment of streptoderma in adults, for application to pathological lesions up to three times per day. Avoid contact with eyes.
- Sulfuric ointment is another antiseptic that can be used in combination with other external agents. The ointment is used up to three times a day, but the duration of treatment depends on the visible results and the individual reaction to the agent. Sometimes sulfuric ointment can cause allergies.
- Oxolinic ointment is an outdoor medication with antiviral activity that can affect flu and herpes simplex viruses. With streptoderma, oxolin will not have a therapeutic effect. However, a cure is possible if streptoderma was diagnosed erroneously, and in fact skin lesions were caused by the activation of a herpes infection. Standardly apply 3% remedy up to three times per day for two weeks.
- Ichthyol ointment is an affordable product with bactericidal, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. When streptoderma ichthyol in the form of ointment is applied up to three times a day, in a small layer. If allergies or irritation appear on the skin, ointment treatment is stopped.
- Baktroban - ointment with a bacteriostatic effect, blocks the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Baktroban is applied to the damaged areas up to three times per day, in a course of ten days. For severe kidney disease and hypersensitivity to the composition of the ointment should not use it.
Some patients, doctors advise to make a certain mixture of ointments for streptoderma. For example, you can use the following combinations:
- zinc paste + salicylic ointment + streptocid;
- zinc ointment + penicillin (tablet);
- streptocidal ointment + Fenistil gel + Purelan cream.
Self-preparing and ointment on penicillin from streptoderma. For its preparation, you must thoroughly mix the powder penicillin (sold in ampoules for injection) with zinc, or salicylic-zinc ointment. This mixture is applied to areas affected by streptoderma three times a day, until complete cleansing of the skin surface.
To accelerate recovery from streptoderma can, if you use antibacterial agents. Of course, they can not be used without evidence. Usually, antibiotics for streptoderma are prescribed for complex, deep and extensive skin lesions, when the pathological process is neglected, or when the disease becomes chronic.
Most often, antibiotics are used in the form of ointments, and systemic use is a kind of extreme measure if another treatment does not have the desired effect.
- Levomycetin in the form of an ointment exhibits a broad antibacterial activity, but does not irritate the tissue, protects wounds from secondary infection, and prevents necrotic changes. The ointment is used two to three times a day, without dressing, in a thin layer. If the wounds are extensive, the tool should be used with caution: it is not recommended to apply more than 25-75 g of the drug at a time. The duration of therapy should not exceed two weeks.
- Erythromycin, erythromycin ointment perfectly removes inflammation and prevents the reproduction and growth of the causative agent of streptoderma. In addition, the ointment has another important property: it reduces the amount of skin secretions. Erythromycin ointment is applied to the affected area up to three times a day, seven or ten days. The drug can not be used in severe hepatic pathology, with an allergic reaction to the composition of the drug. Erythromycin tablets are used on the basis of the daily maximum amount of the drug - up to 2 g / day.
- Tetracycline ointment is a popular topical antibiotic that is active against many pathogens. Tetracycline is characterized by a pronounced bacteriostatic effect: the drug inhibits the vital activity and reproduction of bacteria, acting directly on their cells. The application of the ointment is carried out up to two times a day, treating not only the lesion, but also some healthy tissue. The average duration of therapy may be two or three weeks. When joining a fungal infection, tetracycline is not used.
- Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav is prescribed in the amount of 2 tablets daily - for example, one tablet in the morning and evening. These drugs are not used for hepatitis, cholestasis, allergies. Recall that systemic use of antibiotics is possible only in extreme cases: it is unacceptable to use pills for prophylaxis or without a doctor's prescription.
- Flemoxine Solutab is a representative of the systemic beta-lactam antibiotics, semi-synthetic penicillin. Tablets are taken orally, 500-750 mg twice a day, or 500 mg three times a day. During treatment, the patient may experience nausea, diarrhea, which pass with the abolition of the drug.
- Sumamed (Azithromycin) is a macrolide antibiotic belonging to the category of azalides. It can not be prescribed if the patient had cases of hypersensitivity to azithromycin, erythromycin, any macrolides. When streptoderma Sumamed most often prescribed in the amount of 500 mg once a day, and the whole treatment lasts three days. Capsules are taken between meals (food masses make it difficult for the antibiotic to be absorbed).
- Lincomycin - an antibiotic of the group of lincosamides, has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. Lincomycin is usually taken between meals, 500 mg three times a day. The duration of the reception is determined by the doctor. The longer the treatment of streptoderma Lincomycin, the higher the likelihood of side effects in the form of digestive disorders, changes in the liver, vertigo and tinnitus.
- Amoxyl - combined tablets, represented by amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Pill ingestion can not be associated with food intake. The dosage is regulated by the doctor individually.
In some cases, for the treatment of streptoderma have to use hormone-containing external agents. They are used in the form of ointments, as prescribed by the doctor, in such situations:
- if the adult streptoderma is combined with eczema, allergies, atopic dermatitis;
- if treatment with antibacterial and antiseptic agents causes the patient to develop an allergic process;
- if streptoderma acquired a chronic course;
- if vulgar ecthyma is diagnosed.
Hormonal ointments should not be used in the face and the outer genital area, as well as with extensive pathological lesions.
- Sinaflan - a corticosteroid agent based on fluocinolone acetonide. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antipruritic properties. The use of Sinaflana should be strictly determined: without a strict testimony of such a drug is not prescribed. At the stage of increased activity of the bacterial pathogen Sinaflan should not be used, as this may aggravate the situation.
- Akriderm is a corticosteroid ointment or cream, with a pronounced antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine property. When streptoderma means is applied to small affected areas of the skin, thinly, almost without rubbing. Do not use a bandage after applying the drug. If Akriderm is supposed to be used in the face area, then it is not necessary to carry out the treatment for more than five days.
- Advantan - methylprednisolone ointment. It is used externally only as prescribed by a medical specialist, once a day.
- Triderm is a combined agent whose composition is represented by betamethasone dipropionate, gentamicin and clotrimazole. Thus, Triderm simultaneously has both antimicrobial and anti-fungal effects, cures allergies, and stops the development of the inflammatory process. When streptoderma use a small amount of money twice a day. The average duration of application is from two to four weeks. For a long time to use the tool can not be, because of the increased likelihood of developing systemic adverse events typical of corticosteroids.
- External agents such as Acyclovir or Gerpevir are not effective for streptoderma. They are used if the disease was diagnosed erroneously, but in fact the pathological foci are caused not by bacteria, but by viruses — for example, the herpes simplex virus. In such a situation, Acyclovir is really prescribed, which is thinly applied to the damaged tissues up to 4 times a day, or used as compresses twice a day. With a correct diagnosis, the effectiveness of such treatment will be noticeable after 4 days.
- Streptocid as an ointment is suitable for use in mild and moderate manifestations of streptoderma in adults. The ointment is applied in a thin layer on the affected area of the skin. May be applied under the bandage. The frequency and duration of use of the ointment is adjusted by the doctor. The development of an allergic reaction during treatment with streptocide is not excluded: in such a case, the ointment is urgently canceled.
- Hyoxysone is an external drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antihistamine effects. He copes well even with strong itchy sensations, relieves from burning. Ointment is applied loosely on damaged skin, up to three times a day. Hyoxysone is contraindicated for mycoses and viral lesions of the skin.
- Biseptol is a combined antibacterial tablet, the composition of which is represented by active sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. When streptoderma in some cases, practice a treatment regimen that combines the reception of Biseptol inside and the addition of crushed tablets in an ointment (for example, in zinc). Biseptol take two tablets in the morning and evening, after meals. Additionally, the lesions are treated with an ointment into which the crushed Biseptol tablet is mixed. This treatment continues for at least five days, or until complete cleansing of the skin.
- Argosulfan is an ointment that is close in action to streptocid ointment. The composition of Argosulfan is represented by silver sulfathiazole, which has an extensive spectrum of antimicrobial activity with respect to the mixed flora. Ointment is not used for hypersensitivity to sulfanilamide funds. Adult patients suffering from streptoderma, ointment is prescribed to treat wounds up to three times a day. Most often, the drug is well tolerated by patients.
- Pimafukort is a cream based on natamycin, hydrocortisone and neomycin. The combination of antibiotic and corticosteroid causes anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, bactericidal and fungicidal activity of the drug. Treatment by Pimafukort should not be long - no more than two weeks. Means process the affected areas up to 4 times a day. During the first few days of treatment, Pimafukort may experience exacerbation of streptoderma, which does not require discontinuation of the drug.
- Zindol is a dermatoprotective suspension prepared on the basis of glycerin, zinc oxide, talc, starch and ethanol. Tsindol is an excellent antiseptic, tannic and desiccant. When streptoderma is distributed over the affected area with a tampon, up to three times per day. Allergic reactions to the drug are rare.
- Calamine is a soothing lotion, which is sometimes used for streptoderma in order to reduce itchy sensations. The lotion is not suitable for monotherapy and requires the additional use of antiseptic and antibacterial drugs.
- Polysorb is an enterosorbent that can excrete the toxic components of exogenous and endogenous etiology from the body, as well as allergens, bacterial endotoxins, toxic substances that are formed inside the intestine during the decomposition of protein products. Polysorb can be an excellent complement to the main therapy for streptoderma, but it cannot completely replace it. The drug helps to accelerate the cure, but only if adequate external treatment of the disease. The daily amount of the drug for adults is 12 g (should be divided into three doses). Suspension is taken orally not less than an hour before meals or taking medication. Side effects are rare: constipation may rarely occur.
- Clotrimazole is antifungal ointment that is not used for true streptoderma because it is not feasible. Clotrimazole can be reassigned if streptoderma was diagnosed erroneously, and in fact the patient has a fungal infection of the skin. Also, the tool can be used when attaching a secondary fungal infection. The ointment is used to apply up to three times a day, until complete recovery (approximately 2 weeks).
In some pharmacies for patients with streptoderma, various so-called talkers are specially prepared for external use. Their composition is not always the same: it may include sulfur preparations, methylene blue, Fukortsin, zinc preparations, etc. The effectiveness of such talkers is also different: there are no definite reviews on this subject.
It makes no sense to use the entire list of existing drugs in the treatment of streptoderma. For high-quality elimination of the problem, two means may be quite enough. The degree of efficiency must be traced for five to six days in a row. If there is no improvement, then it is better to immediately switch to other, more powerful drugs.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "What medicines help with streptoderma?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.