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Vitamins for diabetics: what to take?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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One of the most difficult problems of our time is the treatment of various diseases that occur against the background of metabolic disturbances. This is due to the fact that in metabolic disorders all the processes in the body proceed with some changes. For example, vitamins in diabetes also have their own specific application. The principles of treatment of a patient with diabetes are that a person must adhere to a strict diet with limited use of carbohydrates and fats. But the food should be rich in proteins and vitamins. Therefore, vitamin is usually prescribed approximately 1.5-2 times higher than normal.
Can I drink vitamins for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
A necessary condition for successful treatment and maintenance of the condition in diabetes is the use of a sufficient number of vitamins. In this diet should contain the optimal amount of all the vitamin. They can be drunk individually, but it is better to take a multivitamin course, that is, a course of vitamins, which include a large number of all necessary vitamins, micro-, macroelements, minerals for the full development of the body.
Indications Vitamins for diabetes
If a person has been diagnosed with diabetes, he needs to take vitamins. Indications increase if a person feels weakened, if his appetite is broken, working capacity, concentration of attention, thinking are reduced. If the subjective state of a person tends to deteriorate. It is also necessary to take vitamins in the event that a person feels weak, helpless, he has irritability, anger, if he became distracted. In the event that a person often suffers from colds and infectious diseases, influenza, the use of vitamin is mandatory.
It is required mainly vitamins of group A, B. You can buy a special complex, which includes these vitamins. Brewer's yeast proved to be very successful, in which almost the whole group is contained. Yeast is sold at the pharmacy. You can also include in the diet foods rich in vitamins of this group. With diabetes, the body's ability to synthesize vitamins of this group is significantly reduced. In the vitamin deficiency of this group, the vitamin can indicate arrhythmias, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate and respiration.
Release form
Vitamins for diabetics are available in the form of tablets, capsules, dragees. Also there are some vitamins, for example, vitamin C, which is available in the form of effervescent tablets, intended for dissolution in water. There are suspensions from which syrups and solutions are prepared. Also used vitamins in the form of injections for intravenous and intramuscular injection. You can prepare a vitamin mixture, or balm, which will include vitamin products (from plant components, homeopathic remedies).
What vitamins to drink in diabetes, titles
There is quite a lot of vitamin that you can drink to diabetics. There are vitamins produced by various manufacturers. Of all the vitamins, such vitamins as Aevit, direct, oligim, vitrum for diabetics, alphabet, multivitamins, optics, blueberry forte (in case of concomitant decrease in vision) are the best ones. It is also possible to take separately folic acid, vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Vitamins of such producers as Stirol, Vervag, Doppelherz are quite effective.
Complex of vitamins in diabetes
The main vitamins to be received by a person suffering from diabetes are the vitamins of group A, E, C, B, D. These are vitamins, the synthesis of which significantly decreases on the background of the disease. The patient needs to increase the dosage of these drugs by about 1.5-2 times compared with the norm.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is normally synthesized by the human body under the influence of sunlight (ultraviolet) in the upper layers of the skin. With diabetes, these processes are violated, and accordingly, this vitamin is not produced by the body. Therefore, he must necessarily come from outside. You can buy at the pharmacy separately. A rich source is the caviar of fatty fish. You can also prepare a mixture yourself.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E normalizes metabolic processes, stimulates the restoration of cellular and tissue structures, stimulates the production of hormones and enzymes. It is extremely necessary for patients with diabetes. The effectiveness of this vitamin is enhanced in combination with the vitamins of group A. There is a fairly effective drug Aevit, which is available in the form of a solution or dragee.
Vitamins for the eyes in diabetes
To normalize the eyesight, a sufficient amount of vitamin B, C, A, and E is required. Various mixtures are also used. Well-proven blends with blueberries, because it contains blueberries in its composition a large number of vitamins and microelements, aimed at restoring vision and feeding the eyes.
Will send
It is recommended for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Normalizes carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Vitamins are quite convenient to use. So, usually these vitamins are prescribed one tablet per day. Overdose and side effects occur rarely.
This vitamin complex is quite well established. Suitable for people with diabetes, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, with an impaired endocrine background and reduced immunity. Can be recommended during pregnancy. Assign a pill a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. But usually it ranges from 28 to 69 days.
Vitamins for Diabetics
These are multivitamins that are prescribed to patients with a pronounced hypovitaminosis B. This pattern is often observed with dysbacteriosis, after antibiotic therapy and against diabetes mellitus. Vitamins are comfortable. The course of treatment is designed for 33 days. Every day should be drunk on a pill.
Vitamins for diabetics Verwag Pharma
It is a vitamin complex, designed specifically for patients with diabetes mellitus. Include 11 vitamins and 2 microelements. Applied for the treatment of the underlying disease and prevention of possible complications. Positively affects the eyesight. It is recommended to appoint in the event that there is a propensity to develop diabetic neuropathy. Perfectly increases the tone of the body, soothes. The advantage of this drug is that it facilitates the conversion of surplus glucose into energy.
Vitamins for diabetes Doppelherz
It is a vitamin complex that includes the whole necessary set of vitamins for diabetics. Quickly and effectively eliminates beriberi, helps strengthen the body. Prevents the development of complications. Effective in fighting fungal infection, increases the immune status. Includes not only vitamins, but also minerals.
Vitamins with chromium in diabetes
Diabetics need to normalize metabolic processes. They improve state of health, relieve fatigue, pain syndromes, irritability. Contain both vitamins and minerals in the required daily concentrations. Also the composition includes amino acids. Apply for the second type of diabetes. Thanks to the normalization of metabolism and the inclusion of amino acids in protein metabolism, the patient can do without insulin. Well-proven means such as picolinate, chromium picolinate, alpha-lipoic acid.
B vitamins for diabetes
Diabetes promotes the development of hypovitaminosis B, as it ceases to be developed. There can be vitamin complexes, monovitamins.
Vitamin B6
Insufficiency of pyridoxine develops against the background of diabetes. Also, hypovitaminosis can develop against the background of antibiotic therapy. The need for it can increase to 3.5-4 mg. Signs are increased irritability and inhibition. Also suspected hypovitaminosis can be prolonged insomnia, the development of polyneuritis of the upper and lower extremities, with dyspeptic disorders and lack of appetite. Also the signs are the development of stomatitis, glossitis.
Vitamin B12
Recognize this disease can be based on a clinical picture and an analysis of the level of pyridoxine in the blood and urine. It is treated with a full-fledged diet, which includes liver, fish, meat, vegetables. It is necessary to mix yeast in the diet. Additionally, it is prescribed in the form of injections.
Folic acid
In other words, it is vitamin B9 - the main vitamin in diabetes. Normalize metabolic processes, used to treat diabetes. Almost always recommend pregnant women. In addition to normalizing metabolism, it normalizes the microflora, acidity indicators, promotes bowel cleansing, increases appetite, cleanses the kidneys and liver, normalizes their function.
Alternative means
Vitamins for diabetics can be purchased in ready form in the pharmacy, and you can also prepare the house yourself from natural ingredients. Consider the recipes.
- Recipe # 1
To prepare, take a tin spoon of tansy, aralia Manchurian, tea tree, pour about 500 ml of red wine (for example, Cahors), and then add half a teaspoon of coffee and clusters of viburnum. All this insists at least 3-4 days, drink 50 ml per day. The course of treatment is at least 28 days (complete biochemical cycle).
- Recipe # 2
Take in equal parts dry green tea, ginseng, eleutherococcus extract. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of each component, add about 20 grams of sea-buckthorn oil, 3 tablespoons propolis, 500 ml of alcohol, insist for at least 5 days, drink small amounts twice a day, 28 days.
- Recipe # 3
As a basis, take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add about a tablespoon of the following ingredients: lefthand safflower, rhodiola rosea, lemongrass chinese, flax seed. Stir until a uniform consistency is formed, after which they leave to infuse for a minimum of 24 hours.
- Recipe # 4
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml) add a tablespoon of parsley, decoction of oat straw, pumpkin juice. Then 2-3 drops of fennel essential oil are added. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe No.5
For preparation take a teaspoon of powder from dried blackened cockroaches, mix with a tablespoon of honey, add half a glass of black radish juice, pour 500 ml of alcohol (vodka). Insist for a minimum of 24 hours. Drink a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
- Recipe No.6
Take in equal parts the seed of parsley, the root of wheat grass, a decoction of flax seeds (a tablespoon), hemp makin (a teaspoon). All this is filled with milk, brought to a boil, set aside, cooled, drunk a glass a day.
- Recipe # 7
As a basis, take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add about 20 grams of agave leaves, 30 grams of wormwood, a tablespoon of onion juice, and 50 ml of radish juice. Stirred until a uniform consistency is formed, after which it is set aside and allowed to infuse.
- Recipe # 8
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml) add 30 grams of dried or fresh berries of hawthorn, a tablespoon of thyme, half a glass of buckwheat. Then 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil are added. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe # 9
For cooking, take a tablespoon of ripe fruit of hawthorn, 30 grams of yarrow herb, grass horsetail, grass mistletoe, leaves of vinca small, pour about 500 ml of cognac. All this insists at least 3-4 days, drink 50 ml per day. The course of treatment is at least 28 days (complete biochemical cycle).
- Recipe # 10
Take in equal shares fruit of a dogrose, grasses marshweed marsh, leaves of a birch povisloy, a grass of mint peppery, a root eleutherococcus prickly. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of each component, add about a glass of carrot juice, insist for at least 5 days, drink small amounts twice a day, 28 days.
- Recipe # 11
As a basis, take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add 40 grams of fruits and leaves of the holly cassie, herbs of kidney tea, the roots of a large burdock. Stirred until a uniform consistency is formed, after which it is set aside and allowed to infuse.
- Recipe # 12
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml) add a tablespoon of plantain large, sage, melissa herb, medicinal herb, flowers and hawthorn fruits, herbs veronica, a sheet of wild strawberry. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe # 13
For cooking, take a tablespoon of parsley, anise seeds, onion peels, pour alcohol or vodka (500 ml). The course of treatment is at least 28 days (complete biochemical cycle).
- Recipe # 14
Take in equal parts the juice of aloe tree, cranberry, lemon, 30 grams of pure honey, a glass of natural red wine. Fill all this with 500 ml of alcohol, insist for at least 5 days, drink small amounts twice a day, 28 days.
- Recipe # 15
As a basis take vodka or pure alcohol (500 ml). Then add about a tablespoon of the following ingredients: a mixture of Icelandic moss, horsetail, nettle, sporicha, pure bee honey. Stir until a uniform consistency, then drink half the glass a day.
You can also prepare a vitamin mixture yourself from components rich in vitamin B.
- Recipe # 16
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml) add a tablespoon of walnuts, ground into a gruel, fennel seeds, pharmacy rye, young pine tops, walnut leaves, cornstarch vulgaris, pharmacy hamsters. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
- Recipe # 17
For cooking, take a tablespoon of flowers immortelle sand, the roots of valerian, 50 grams of beeswax, pour about 500 ml of alcohol, and then add half a teaspoon of coffee. All this insists at least 3-4 days, drink 50 ml per day. The course of treatment is at least 28 days (complete biochemical cycle).
- Recipe # 18
Take in equal shares the flowers of white acacia, chamomile, goose grass goose. Add half the glass of juice from berries of viburnum and barberry, tea from yarrow flowers, pour 500 ml of alcohol. Drink a third of glass a day.
- Recipe # 19
As a basis, take vodka or pure alcohol. Then add about a tablespoon of the following ingredients: geranium meadow, camel thorn, veronica gray, real slipper. Stirred until a uniform consistency is formed, after which it is set aside and allowed to infuse.
- Recipe # 20
In ordinary alcohol (500 ml), add a tablespoon of tansy flowers, St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark, willow, the roots of the blood-groove. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.
Vitamins are embedded in the chain of reactions of the Krebs cycle, are subjected to numerous molecular and atomic processing, and then become available for tissue and cell metabolism. Has a metabolic effect on the body. Many of them in the body have a metabolic effect. Most enter the body with food, and as part of other components. They differ in their ability to be integrated into metabolic processes, especially in carbohydrate. Act as catalysts for the reactions of fat metabolism, respectively, increases the rate of metabolism of fats and their splitting.
They contribute to the accelerated regeneration of tissues, increase resistance, the ability to resist infections also increases. There is also an additional ability to synthesize vital components, structures. Promote better absorption of nutrients. Under the influence of the vitamin and their complexes there is regulation of the ion transport, the synthesis of collagen, elastin, components of cells and tissues is regulated, the activity of the glands of internal and external secretion, respiratory enzymes is increased, the ability to phagocytosis is enhanced, and the synthesis of antibodies is enhanced. Also, some negative reactions are inhibited, for example, the release of histamine from cells, the synthesis of mediators.
Dosing and administration
It is impossible to say unambiguously in which dosage to take vitamins, since each of them requires its own dosage. In addition, the dosage is individual and is determined by many parameters.
Application for children
Children without fail need vitamins. They regulate the basic metabolic processes in the body, stimulate growth, develop the organism, participate in all major biochemical reactions. A characteristic feature is the ability of the vitamin to enhance immunity, and, accordingly, endurance, body resistance, the ability to withstand infections.
Use Vitamins for diabetes during pregnancy
Vitamins can also be used during pregnancy. They are extremely necessary for the body. But you need to carefully consider in this period to determine the needs of the body. Since it's not just about one organism, but just a few. It should be borne in mind that the organism is subjected to increased stress, intoxication, increased sensitization, decreased immunity, the hormonal background changes. You need to consult your doctor before you start any treatment, including taking a vitamin. The doctor should conduct a preliminary analysis to determine the concentration of the vitamin in the blood or urine, and on the basis of these tests, designate the necessary complex.
Vitamins are contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity, individual intolerance to the vitamin and their individual components. It is also worth noting that some vitamins can be contraindicated if the vitamin content analysis shows their high concentration in the body. Also, bacterial infections serve as a temporary contraindication to the appointment of a vitamin, since they enter act as growth factors for microorganisms, and accordingly, enhance the infectious process. The exception is vitamin C, because it has antioxidant properties, prevents the development of infection.
Side effects Vitamins for diabetes
In normal dosages, all vitamins are safe in normal concentrations, which do not exceed the daily allowable dosages. But there may be some side effects that must be taken into account in the treatment. For example, iron preparations can induce indigestion. This causes a darkening of the stool. Reception of iron preparations is not supposed after the spent operation on a stomach and an intestine. Iron preparations are stored in a place inaccessible to children, as overdose and poisoning can occur.
Also, it is necessary to take potassium preparations carefully, since they exert pressure on the liver and kidneys, irritate the stomach. Calcium creates an additional burden on the heart. A frequent side effect is arrhythmia. Also there is constipation, nausea, vomiting. Also, if the calcium intake is not enough fluids, urolithiasis can develop.
Overdose is most often manifested by headache, nausea, dyspeptic disorders arising from the gastrointestinal tract. Some vitamins can cause respiratory and cardiac disorders. It should also be taken into account that too high a dosage of the drug can even lead to a fatal outcome, if timely not to provide first aid.
Storage conditions
Keep vitamins should be in the original packaging, in a place that is protected from direct sunlight rays. Also, you need to ensure that they are not accessible to children and animals, which will avoid poisoning and overdose. Vitamins that need to be stored in the refrigerator. Store on the bottom shelf, on the door. Usually the method of storage is indicated on the package.
Good vitamins for diabetics
It is necessary to take vitamin C (pure, without glucose). Produced in ampoules, dragees, tablets. It is called vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Necessarily need iron (trade name - ferrous sulphate, ferrogradumet, tardiferone). Quite effective complex, which includes iron sulfate and vitamin C (for example ferroplex, sorbifer). The composition of potassium-normin is potassium chloride. Diabetics also require colcalciferol (vitamin D3). You can buy magne B6, which includes magnesium lactate and pyridoxine. Vitamin A is also produced under the name retinol palmitate.
With diabetes, you can drink various vitamin complexes, multivitamins. If you analyze the reviews, it can be noted that most patients prefer to take exactly the multivitamins, which contain the entire necessary complex of vitamins, minerals, minerals in optimal dosages and ratios. Almost all patients note that such vitamins are very convenient to use. There are practically no side effects. But you must strictly follow the dosage, otherwise the risk of overdose is high. On the other hand, reception without the need for harm does not cause it simply has no effect. As for monotherapy, which takes vitamins separately - it is also quite effective. Especially in the event that there is a deficit of only one or more of the vitamin, and the rest are normal.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Vitamins for diabetics: what to take?" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.