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Ultravist 300
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The drug is widely used to enhance the contrast at the time of examination of the human body, for the presence of pathological changes in it. The composition of Ultravist 300 contains iodine, which allows you to darken certain parts of the organs. Thanks to this, it is quite easy to notice any pathological changes in it.
Indications Ultravist 300
Ultravist 300 is actively used to enhance the contrast of the image during the examination of organs and systems of the human body. It is used during computed tomography and arteriography, as well as venography. Intravenous and intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography is also included. The main indications for the use of Ultravist 300 are the accurate examination of all body cavities.
The solution is widely used in view of the fact that it has a lot of advantages, especially in the procedure of angiocardiography. It is used for urography, retrograde cholangiopancreatography, galactography and phlebography. With subarachnoidal administration, it is used for myelography.
This Ultravist 300 is not a drug. Ultravist 300 is not able to rid of any diseases or to alleviate the general condition of a person. Ultravist 300 is used exclusively for the purpose of researching the body, due to its specific composition.
Release form
Ultravist 300 is available exclusively as a solution for injection. Ultravist 300 is transparent and does not contain foreign particles. The main component is iopromide. As auxiliary components are sodium calcium, edetate, trometamol and hydrochloric acid. The drug has several forms of release, they differ in their volume.
Thus, Ultravist 300 is released in a volume of 10 ml and 50 ml. There is an Ultravist 300 in glass bottles. Supplied in original cardboard pack. There are bottles with a different volume, namely: 20 ml, 30 ml and 100 ml. All of them are also in cardboard packs. How much drug to choose, the doctor who conducts the study decides. Everything depends on the purpose of the work and the part of the organism being examined. There are no other forms of release. The drug is intended solely for conducting a complete examination of the body and should not be used for other purposes.
The main component of the drug is iopromide. Its molecular weight is 791.12. This component is a non-ionized, low-molar substance. It is also called triiodinated radiocontrast. Its main action is to increase the clarity of the image. This is due to the possibility of X-ray absorption by the main component of iodine, which is part of the solution. This is the pharmacodynamics of the main component, which plays one of the most important roles in conducting an X-ray study.
In addition to iopromide, the solution also contains auxiliary components. These include sodium calcium, edetate, hydrochloric acid, tometamol and distilled water. Their main function is to provide auxiliary assistance. There were no other data on the pharmacodynamics of the drug.
After intravascular injection, Ultravist 300 begins to rapidly spread across the intercellular space. The full period of its elimination is only 3 minutes, and this is in the distribution phase. Binding to proteins at low concentrations is 0.9. Some errors of ± 0.2% are possible. The solution is not able to penetrate through the intact blood-brain barrier. Despite this, in a small amount it still penetrates the placenta. After application, the maximum amount of the main component in the plasma is observed after 4 hours. The basis of pharmacokinetics is not only distribution, but also metabolism with excretion.
After the solution has been introduced even in a small amount, it is not worried about the manifestations of metabolites, they were not identified. With regard to excretion, in people with normal kidney function this period is only 2 hours. In this case, the administered dose does not matter. It is not excluded glomerular filtration. Half an hour after the introduction, about 18% of the total dose is excreted by the kidneys, after almost 3 hours almost 60%, and after a day practically the entire solution injected. For 3 days the solution completely leaves the body.
It is worth noting that patients who have the last stage of kidney failure should use a contrast agent with caution. Ultravist 300 can be enameled by means of dialysis. Violation of the functionality of the kidneys in any way does not affect the process of excretion of the drug. After all for three days only with a feces 1,5% from the entered dose will be deduced.
Dosing and administration
Before applying the solution, it must be heated to room temperature. It is necessary to examine the bottle before using it. If its integrity has been violated or strange particles are visible, it is forbidden to apply the solution. For injection of a contrast agent a special automatic injector is used. In no event can you make multiple punctures. This will avoid getting into the finished solution a small amount of microparticles. With intravascular injection, the method of administration and dose of Ultravist 300 is determined by the physician.
The solution must be introduced in a horizontal position. If the patient has severe renal or hepatic impairment, the amount of contrast medium administered should be minimal. When using the product, special attention is paid to the kidneys. Follow up with them is necessary for 3 days after the study. The dose is selected in accordance with the mass of the human body, its features and age. Usually it is 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Perhaps its excess, up to 300-350 ml.
With intravenous digital subtraction angiography, 300 mg per milliliter are used. The solution is inserted bolus into the ulnar vein. The rate of administration should not be more than 8-12 ml / s. It is possible to increase the rate of administration, but not more than 10-20 ml / s. If the bolus is rapid, this will reduce the time of contact between the contrast component and the walls of the vein.
With computed tomography, you must enter Ultravist 300 bolus. This action is carried out with the help of a special automatic injector. Part of the dose is administered in this way, the rest for 6 minutes. During computer tomography of the whole body, the dosage depends on the organ being examined. Computerized tomography of the skull requires the introduction of 1-2.5 ml / kg of body weight.
Intravenous urography requires the introduction of funds for 1-2 minutes. The smaller the age of the patient, the earlier it is necessary to take a picture. The first image is taken immediately after 3 minutes after the administration of contrast medium.
In myelography, Ultravist 300 is given in a dose of up to 12.5 ml. This is the maximum dosage. It should not be significantly increased if only one use is planned. When administered to the body cavity, the entire process must be monitored by fluoroscopy. Dosage is completely dependent on the body weight, as well as the age of the patient. With arthrography appoint 5-15 ml of contrast medium. With ERCP and the study of other cavity doses, it all depends on what kind of clinical problem needs to be addressed.
Use Ultravist 300 during pregnancy
Necessary studies regarding the use of the solution during the gestation of the child was not carried out. After all, during this period, to be influenced by X-rays is highly not recommended. Therefore, the use of Ultravist 300 solution during pregnancy is prohibited. It is always necessary to compare the possible positive effects with the risk of developing fetus. X-ray examination involving the use of contrast medium, or its complete absence, always carries a risk for the baby.
Studies conducted on animals show slightly different results. So, the danger of iodine use for the purpose of diagnostics is completely excluded. The component is not capable of leading to a risk for pregnancy, as well as harm to the developing embryo and fetus, and, finally, to further childbirth. Despite this, the process must be completely controlled by a specialist.
The safety of the use of the remedy in infants who are breastfed is not fully understood. There is no data on the penetration of injection through breast milk into the baby's body. Excretion is insignificant, therefore risk for the kid is improbable.
There are no special contraindications, but there are some features of the use of the drug. So, with caution it is used for intolerance, especially if a person suffers from having cardiovascular diseases. Special recommendations concern the violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland. The main contraindication to use is the patient's old age and his difficult condition.
With intravascular injection, there is a risk of kidney damage, so people with disabilities should use the solution with caution. Contrast substances can cause nephrotoxicity. This condition is characterized by transient impairment of kidney function. It can arise after using Ultravist 300. In extremely rare cases, it leads to the development of acute renal failure. Ultimate danger Ultravist 300 is for people with diabetes, as well as having multiple myelos.
With cardiovascular diseases, there is a risk of serious changes in the human body. It can be either hemodynamics or arrhythmia. Intravascular injection leads to puffiness of the lungs in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In the case of disorders of the nervous system, there is a risk of developing seizures. With extreme caution Ultravist 300 is used in autoimmune diseases.
Side effects Ultravist 300
Not allergic reactions can not be so often. Among the side effects of Ultravist 300 include: urticaria, rash and erythema. In rare cases, there is an anaphylactic shock, which can include fatal cases. Vascular edema, as well as mucocutaneous skin syndrome, is not excluded. From the endocrine system, it is possible to develop changes in the functionality of the thyroid gland, as well as thyrotoxic crisis.
The nervous system can also suffer. Quite often there is a headache, dizziness and anxiety are not excluded. In extremely rare cases, there is hypoesthesia, fear, excessive agitation and convulsions. It is not excluded loss of consciousness, as well as ischemia, stroke and paralysis.
On the part of the organs of vision, there may be vagueness of sight and its violation. Very rarely there is conjunctivitis or lacrimation. Hearing organs can also react negatively. The cardiovascular system responds with chest pain, heart failure, and myocardial infarction. Do not exclude a jump in blood pressure.
From the respiratory system may sneeze, in rare cases, rhinitis and swelling of the mucous membrane. Sucking can swallow, tongue, throat and face, often in these places there is swelling. Development of respiratory failure and respiratory arrest are not ruled out.
From the side of the digestive system, it is possible to develop nausea, vomiting and taste disorders. Not so often there is a diarrhea, a pain in a stomach and swelling of salivary glands. From the side of the urinary system, renal dysfunction is not excluded. Possible development of acute renal failure.
In general, the body can react with a heat exchange failure, chills, increased sweating. In rare cases, there is a change in body temperature and local pain.
When carrying out studies on the safety of contrast media on animals, no risks were detected. Including the possible development of acute intoxication. With intravascular injection, an overdose can not be ruled out. It manifests itself in the form of a violation of the balance of fluid. There may be abnormalities on the part of electrolytes. The development of complications from the cardiovascular system as well as the lungs is not ruled out. Eliminate negative symptoms is possible. For this, the level of the liquid as well as the electrolytes are monitored. Observe the need for the functionality of the kidneys. The essence of the treatment is to maintain the working capacity of vital organs and body systems. If a certain dose has been entered erroneously, you should compensate for the loss of water. This is done by means of infusion. Observation of a person is carried out for 3 days.
When the solution is administered under the brain envelope, the risk of developing neurological complications is not ruled out. In this case, the patient should be under the supervision of doctors. In order to prevent the risk of large amounts of solution entering the ventricles of the brain, a complete aspiration of the contrast component is performed. If the dose has been mistakenly exceeded, it is necessary to monitor the state of the central nervous system for the first 12 hours. Perhaps an increasing increase in reflexes. In more severe cases, hyperthermia, respiratory depression and stupor are observed.
Interactions with other drugs
It is not recommended to use Ultravist 300 together with biguanides at the same time. Perhaps the development of cumulation of the latter, as well as lactic acidosis. To prevent this complication, it is necessary to stop using biguadenids 2 days before the X-ray examination, which implies the use of contrast medium. You can resume receiving biguanides only after the kidney function has been restored. Ultravist 300 can interact with other drugs, but only with extreme caution.
Simultaneous application of Ultravist 300 together with the means regulating the nervous state of a person can reduce the convulsive threshold. Among these drugs include any antipsychotics and antidepressants. This increases the risk of developing reactions that cause the contrast medium to be used. Patients using beta-blockers may be resistant to drugs that have a beta-agonist effect.
In patients using a contrast medium, together with interleukin B, detached reactions can be observed. These include fever, raw materials, as well as flu symptoms. Within a few days after using the contrast medium, it is worth noting the thyroid-stimulating isotopes of the thyroid gland. They can reduce effectiveness for diagnosing and eliminating thyroid disease.
Storage conditions
Keep the contrast medium is necessary in a special way. Ultravist 300 should not be open for long. In fact, storage conditions require full compliance with the temperature regime. But, if the substance was already open, then it does not matter. So, the temperature regime should not exceed 30 degrees of heat. It is desirable that the drug is out of the reach of children. It can not be used in its pure form, it is introduced solely through the means of special adaptations into an organ that requires study. The ingestion of it into the gastrointestinal tract with oral use can lead to severe poisoning.
One clinical use of the drug may be limited in view of its short duration of use. In some cases, the presence of additional components in the contrast medium may lead to a delayed action of the agent. The clinical use of these substances can be limited due to the short half-life of the contrast. This greatly limits the shelf life, even if all the basic rules are observed.
Shelf life
Ultravist 300 is stored in a dark place. On average, the shelf life of the contrast medium is 3 years. During this period, it is necessary to comply with all the main recommendations. It is advisable not to go beyond the permissible temperature regime, which is 30 degrees. Admit children to the drug in no case it is impossible.
During the whole period of validity it is necessary to pay attention to the external data of the means. Ultravist 300 has a transparent consistency and does not contain any particles in its composition. Precipitation is completely excluded. If this appears, use of a contrast agent is prohibited. Before use, you should carefully examine the Ultravist 300.
The storage place should not contain moisture, direct sunlight and high temperature. This will save all the useful properties of the tool and apply it for a given time. There are no other specific instructions regarding storage times.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Ultravist 300" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.