Types of red spots on the skin of the legs for various diseases
Last reviewed: 23.11.2021

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There are many diseases that are accompanied by rashes on the lower limbs. Types of red spots on the legs depend on the factors that caused them. All spots are divided into:
- Vascular
- Inflammatory - arise because of the increase in the diameter of the vessels and are called roseola. If the disease occurs in the acute stage, the rash may peel and rise above the epidermis. Similar is observed in infections, eczema and dermatitis. If roseola is not inflamed, then it does not differ from normal tissues. This form is typical for patients with syphilis, erythrasma, and pityriasis.
- Oedemas - appear due to a local allergic reaction. The disorder is associated with fluid retention and impaired blood circulation.
- Hemorrhagic - represent hemorrhages in the upper layers of the dermis. If they are associated with inflammation, then the permeability of the vessels increases. If there is no inflammatory reaction, the defects appear due to injuries or bruises, contact with allergens. Observed with vasculitis, toxicermy, hypovitaminosis and infectious diseases.
- Pigmented
If the level of pigment changes in the skin, this leads to the appearance of hyperemic zones. Pigmentation can be from pale pink to dark red and chocolate. Such changes are called freckles, lentigo and chloasma.
- Freckles - have a small size, arise when exposed to ultraviolet examination.
- Chlazmy are large spots of intense color, formed on the legs and face. Associated with increased production of melanin. Very often observed in diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and liver.
- Lentigo - congenital markings, can be of different shapes and sizes. Often combined with the cornification of tissues.
Also on the body may be areas of skin that do not contain pigment. They are called vitiligo or leukoderma. Occur with syphilis, abdominal or typhus, psoriasis, pityriasis.
Red spots on my legs it itch
Many people who are prone to various eruptions, face such a problem, when the red spots on the legs itch. This symptom may indicate such pathological conditions:
- Eczema - redness consists of small bubbles with a clear liquid inside.
- Psoriasis - redness protrudes above healthy skin, itches and flakes.
- Mycosis - arises from fungal infection, spreads rapidly, causes severe itching.
- Bowen's disease - in its symptoms, this pathology is very similar to psoriasis. But without timely treatment can develop into squamous cell carcinoma.
- Red lupus - on the legs and other parts of the body appear red areas, very often in the form of a butterfly.
The above diseases are most often encountered. Each case requires careful diagnosis and treatment.
Red scaly patches on the legs
When penetrating the body of pathogenic microorganisms or the development of autoimmune diseases, very often there are red scaly patches on the legs. Symptoms can be associated with such factors:
- Allergic reaction
- Hormonal disbalance
- The initial stage of varicose veins
- Erysipelas
- Insect bites
- Psoriasis
- Hemangioma
- Vasculitis
- Mycosis
- Cutaneous syphilis
- Pink lichen
- Streptodermia
If the red rash is scaly, but does not cause painful sensations, then most likely it is pink zigzira. This disease is not contagious, it occurs with a weakened immune system and after suffering colds. Another common cause of redness and flaking is psoriasis. Unpleasant symptoms occur in fungal diseases.
Red spots on the legs hurt
Any changes in the skin are evident, regardless of their concomitant symptoms. If you are faced with such a problem that red spots on your legs hurt, then this can be caused by such reasons:
- Viral diseases - rubella, chicken pox, measles. Often takes place against the background of high fever and deterioration in overall well-being. Redness can be a symptom of syphilis. In addition to the defeat of the legs, there are changes on the mucous membranes.
- Fungal diseases - with mycosis, the spots on the legs strongly itch, causing painful sensations. Most often the rash is localized on the fingers.
- Problems with blood circulation - in this case, tissue changes are associated with bursting capillaries. Thrombocytopenic purpura provokes local hemorrhages, which are accompanied by painful sensations.
- Mechanical and chemical effects - rubbing or irritation of the skin, rashes due to allergic reactions, also accompanied by discomfort.
- Diabetes mellitus - on the body formed small areas, which becomes dry and rough. In some cases, they are cracked, which can develop into trophic ulcers.
- Dermatological diseases - any rashes can cause increased dryness of the skin and painful sensations. In addition, they can be accompanied by such symptoms as: fever, febrile condition, increased nervous excitability and others.
Regardless of the cause of changes in skin, pain symptoms require careful diagnosis and treatment.
Red spots on the legs
Most often, red spots on the legs are associated with such causes:
- Lichen
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Insect bites
- Exposure to the skin of some plants
An unpleasant condition can be caused by seasonal or food allergies. In this case, in addition to rashes, there is general weakness, increased tear, cough, runny nose and a slight increase in body temperature. For treatment use antihistamines, both for internal and external use.
Red spot on the foot like a burn
A dermatological reaction in which a red spot on the skin looks like a burn causes a real panic. And this is not surprising, since such a state can be associated with such serious reasons as:
- Staphylococcus syndrome (the tissues look scalded, that is, after a burn with boiling water).
- The syndrome of Lyell and Stevens-Johnson (reaction to taking medications that suppress the immune system).
- Toxicological load on the liver (violation of bile outflow, cirrhosis, hepatitis).
Red burn stains on the body can occur in such cases:
- Urticaria - there is a rash in the form of red vials filled with liquid. It is accompanied by itching and burning. It arises because of taking medications, temperature changes, infectious lesions. For treatment use antihistamines.
- Herpes zoster is a viral pathology caused by damage to the nervous system or the common cold. Treatment consists of antiviral therapy, antidepressants. Rashes can be lubricated with special ointments and solutions that dry the wounds.
- Allergic reaction - skin changes similar to burns are observed when the organism is intoxicated with helminths. In this case, treatment is anthelminthic therapy.
- Atopic dermatitis - most often defects appear on the inside of the knee and on the elbow. The rash is associated with a variety of allergens. To eliminate it, a special diet, physiotherapy, and antihistamines are indicated.
- Stresses and nervous overstrain - the symptoms suddenly appear and after a certain time they pass by themselves.
Regardless of the cause of skin changes, do not leave them without attention. Therefore, you should consult a dermatologist and go through a comprehensive diagnosis, treatment.
Red dry spots on the legs
If red dry spots appear on your feet, then this may be due to such factors:
- Low-quality cosmetics
- Underwear and clothes made of synthetic fabric
- Depilation / epilation
- Uncomfortable shoes
- Dehydration of the body
- Fungal infection
- Diseases of the liver and gallbladder
- Avitaminosis
- Effects of ultraviolet cure
Let us consider in more detail the possible causes of hyperemic dry areas on the lower extremities:
- Allergy - it can be a reaction to food, clothing or detergents. Most of all, this problem affects children and people with sensitive tender skin.
- Fungus - candidiasis lesions are manifested by dry areas on the body and severe itching. The disorder usually occurs after a prolonged intake of antibiotics.
- Stress - provokes a variety of rashes, including red dry spots. Similar reactions are observed in diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Diseases of the internal organs - most often these are problems with the liver and gallbladder. These bodies are responsible for removing toxic substances from the body, and problems with their functioning are manifested by skin reactions.
- Deficiency of vitamins - as a rule, rashes occur in autumn and spring, when the immune system is most weakened.
- Ultraviolet - prolonged exposure to UV affects the skin condition negatively. The sun causes not only rashes, but also cancers.
The epidermis is sensitive to both external and internal factors. The body reacts sharply to improper care and the use of irritating cosmetics.
Red and white spots on the legs
Medicine knows a lot of diseases that are accompanied by red white spots on the legs, consider the main ones:
- Hypomelanoz
- Pink zigira
- Pithyroidism
- Leukoderma
- Intoxication of the body
Similar symptoms are observed in fungal infections, which have passed into a chronic form. Red spots on the legs may be a symptom of liver disease, a violation of the production of bile, pathologies of bile ducts.
To establish the cause of a morbid condition, the patient is assigned a complex of diagnostic studies. First of all, laboratory tests and ultrasound. The analysis on hormones is necessarily carried out, as hormonal changes also can provoke pathological symptoms. Treatment completely depends on the cause of the disorder.
Spot on foot with red rim
Faced with such a problem as a spot on the foot with a red rim, first of all suspicions fall on such dermatological diseases:
- Allergy
In most cases, this is a sign of dermatitis, which can be both contact and oral (the use of products, medicines). At the initial stage on the limbs formed rashes with a red rim, they do not hurt and do not itch. In the case of contact damage, the rash becomes blisters with a liquid that bursts and becomes crusted.
- Autoimmune pathologies
- Psoriasis is a skin disease in which papules and a rash with red edges appear on the body. Gradually the spots become dry, begin to peel, causing severe itching and discomfort.
- Lupus erythematosus is a chronic autoimmune disorder that manifests as pale red and pink changes with a distinct red border. The lesions are thickened and scaly. After their healing, scars remain on the skin.
- Fungal diseases
- Erythrazma is a common fungal disease. Most often it is diagnosed in people who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene and are prone to hyperhidrosis. Eruptions are localized not only on the legs, but also in the skin folds, near the navel, under the breast.
- Ringworm is a fungus that most often affects children. Infection occurs when contact with sick animals. Spots appear on the legs, abdomen and scalp. Inside the rash there are gray-white scales.
- Trichophytosis - at the first stage, one defect is formed on the skin with a distinct red contour. Gradually it increases, appears not only on the limbs, but also on the trunk, buttocks, face.
- Lichen
- Pink lichen - occurs due to viral invasion and manifests itself when the defenses of the immune system weaken. Spots of a clearly defined shape, rough to the touch, may be accompanied by itching.
- Shingles - occurs when colds and hypothermia of the body. On the skin are formed bubbles with liquid, which gradually burst, leaving behind a round or oval areas with a red rim.
- Red flat lichen - affects not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. Most often occurs in women aged 40-60 years.
If any rashes on the skin are found, seek medical attention. The dermatologist will conduct the diagnosis and identify the presence of concomitant symptoms. After this, complex treatment will be prescribed, which will eliminate skin defects and the cause of their appearance.
Red spot on the foot with a clear border
Skin reactions reflect the general condition of the body. A red spot on the leg with a clear border can be associated with various factors. Most often these are such reasons:
- Fungal diseases
- Infectious Diseases
- Viral infections
- Allergic reactions
- Endocrine disorders
Under fungal diseases means lichen. So, pink lichen is an inflammatory reaction of a viral origin. Round rashes are characteristic for ringworm and a number of other fungal pathologies.
When viral diseases on the skin appear rashes in the form of bubbles with a clear liquid. Gradually they burst and on the body defects are formed with sharp edges and a red crust. Similar symptoms are observed after a tick bite, that is, infection with spirochetes Borrelia burgdorferi, causing Lyme disease.
In allergic reactions, the rash may be of different shapes and localize not only on the legs, but also on other parts of the body. In this case, different reactions occur to different allergens. Timely appeal for medical help can identify the cause of the disease and begin treatment.
Red spot on the foot with densification
The appearance of such a symptom as a red spot on the foot with densification is a warning signal that can not be ignored. Similar is observed with insect bites, wearing tight clothes or shoes, allergic reactions. Some drugs lead to the appearance of hyperemic seals on the lower extremities.
Dermatological reactions occur with a hemorrhage in the upper layers of the skin. Because of the inflammatory process, the walls of the vessels expand and changes appear on the body. If the rash itches and causes painful sensations, then it can be eczema, psoriasis, lichen or dermatitis. If there is scaling and itching, then this indicates rosela, syphilis, vasculitis, Bowen's disease.
Another possible cause of the disease state is hemangioma. This disease belongs to the oncological, and without timely treatment can go to cancer. Another possible cause is hemosiderosis. This pathology is quite rare, begins with the defeat of the legs, and gradually moves to other parts of the body.
Red spots on the legs with bubbles
There are many diseases that are accompanied by a symptom such as red spots on the legs with bubbles. It can be various allergic reactions and even a rare bullous pemphigoid. Consider the most common causes of bubble rashes:
- Urticaria - Some forms of this pathology cause a rash with a turbid liquid inside. An allergic reaction can be caused by both mechanical damage and various chemical substances.
- Varicella - viral pathology, as a rule, occurs in patients of childhood. Infection occurs by airborne droplets and by contact with the patient. At the initial stage of the disease, small redness appears on the body, which quickly turn into bubbles with a clear liquid. Gradually vesicles burst, leaving brown crusts.
- Sun burns are one of the most common causes of the appearance on the skin of changes with bubbles. This is observed with photodermatosis and prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Fungal diseases - blistering rashes on the legs are characteristic for mycosis of the feet and the dyshidrotic form of the epidermophyte.
- Contact dermatitis - the symptoms appear with direct contact with the allergen. As an irritant can act synthetic linen, plants, cosmetics.
- Tinea is a serious disease affecting the central nervous system. Characterized by a sharp onset with a sharp increase in body temperature and the formation of inflamed vesicles on the skin.
- Eczema is a pathology of the neuro-allergic nature. It has many forms and symptoms, including red formations with vesicles.
Each of these pathologies requires careful differential diagnosis and timely treatment.
Red watery spots on the legs
Quite an unpleasant symptom, with which at least once, but faced everyone - it's red watery spots. On their feet they appear with allergic reactions, wearing uncomfortable shoes, burns (chemical, sunny). In this case, the blister itself is not dangerous, but the damage to its skin leads to the formation of a wound. And an open wound on the legs is the access to it of pathogenic microorganisms and a high risk of infection.
The main causes of blisters on the legs:
- Mycosis - most often fungal infection occurs in public places, for example, in the pool, gym or on the beach.
- Allergic reaction - the irritant can become new shoes, underwear, foot cream.
- Insect bites.
- Burns.
In addition to the above reasons, red watery formations on the legs can be calluses. They are usually formed on bones, fingers or feet. Their appearance is associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes or clothes. Treatment can be done at home. To do this, the affected areas should be treated with any disinfectant (peroxide, iodine, zelenka) and covered with antibacterial patch. If the formation is large, then with a sterile needle it should be gently punctured, freed from internal fluid and treated with a local antibiotic.
Red spots on the legs in the form of bites
To date, medicine is known for many reasons, because of which there are red spots on the legs in the form of bites. If such rashes make themselves felt in the warm season, the main reason is insects. But in the cold season, skin changes can be associated with such factors:
- Parasitizing microorganisms - a rash in the form of bites appears when attacking fleas, scabies mites, bed bugs. Such formations can itch, causing discomfort and a desire to comb the skin.
- Allergic reaction - observed after use or contact with allergens. Eruptions can be either small or large. Treatment consists of determining the irritant and preventing possible contacts with it.
- Urticaria is a dermatological pathology with skin formations of pink color of oblong, swollen form. When they are traumatized, a red bloody crust forms. The disease occurs due to the action of allergens, infectious agents.
- Varicella is a serious disease, most often diagnosed in children. On the legs and other parts of the body there are small, hyperemic defects that resemble bites. Gradually the rash is transformed into vesicles with watery contents and bursts.
- Measles - in its symptoms resembles ARVI. Rashes resemble insect bites, most often appear on the face and limbs.
- Rubella - on the body changes are formed with a tubercle in the middle, which is very similar to the bites of wasps or bees.
- Sweating is a dermatological reaction to extreme heat. The most manifested in children. Pimples are pink and red, located near each other. Very often they are mistaken for insect bites.
- Scarlet fever is another disease that most often manifests itself in childhood. It begins with a sore throat and fever. The tongue becomes crimson, a red rash appears on the body, which is similar to the bite of midges.
All of the above reasons for the disease state require careful study and a differential approach to diagnosis.
Symmetrical red spots on the legs
Faced with a problem such as symmetrical red spots on the legs, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. Such rashes often indicate such serious problems as:
- Syphilis - in this case, skin changes are a secondary infection. In addition to the legs, defects can also form on other parts of the body. Their main feature is a symmetrical arrangement. In most cases, they pass on their own within 2 months, that is, without treatment. But after their disappearance begins the second stage of the disease - faint rashes in the buttocks, mammary glands, groin and forearm region.
- Drug toxemia is another pathological disease with rashes of symmetrical form. In addition to redness, blisters and papules appear on the body. After they disappear, the areas of hyperpigmentation remain on the tissues.
- The toxic shock syndrome - proceeds with skin changes that resemble hives, but have a symmetrical shape. When they are damaged, reddish nodules appear.
Timely appeal for medical help will identify the cause of the disease state and eliminate it.
Red spot with a crust on the leg
Many problems in the body are manifested by various changes in the skin. The most common symptom is the appearance of rashes, which can be of different shapes, sizes and, of course, localization. In this case, a red spot with a crust on the leg is most often associated with such factors:
- Allergic reactions - arise due to contact with aggressive substances, plants, animals, medicines, products. Bubble defects with liquid contents appear on the limbs and other parts of the body. After the blisters burst or are injured, there is a trace on the body with a healing crust.
- Infectious diseases - many viral, fungal and bacterial infections are manifested by rashes.
- Pyoderma - inflammatory pathology caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal microorganisms. Because of it, round formations with small blisters and other rashes form on the skin. Gradually they turn into crusts, which can itch and cause painful sensations. In some cases appear jazvochki with serous or sukrovichnym content.
- Viral diseases - scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox.
- Fungus - lichen-colored, pink, flat, red, etc.
- Dermatological diseases - red changes in the epidermis with crusts on the legs can occur with psoriasis, eczema and other diseases.
That is, rashes on the skin, regardless of their shape and size, can be a symptom of various diseases. Timely appeal for medical help will reveal pathology and begin its treatment.
Red spots on the legs with diabetes
Various diseases of the endocrine system, and especially diabetes, cause severe metabolic disorders. This has a negative effect on the functioning of all internal organs. Also cease to work properly and integuments. Red spots on the legs with diabetes can be caused by such diseases:
- Necrobiosis
- Dermatitis
- Xanthomatosis
- Atherosclerosis
- Dermopathy
The mechanism of their appearance is associated with the slowing down of metabolic processes in the epidermis. Because of this, harmful toxins accumulate in the tissues. Since the body is not able to quickly get rid of them, they cause skin reactions.
Red spots on the leg with varicose veins
Such a pathology as varicose veins is an independent disease of the vessels that transport blood to the heart. In some cases, it occurs with other diseases or is their complication. Varicose veins suffer most of all in easily squeezed and moving tissues: legs, esophagus mucosa, rectum, spermatic cord.
Red spots on the leg with varicose veins are one of the symptoms of the pathological process. Since the disorder has a progressive nature, it rarely causes irreversible changes in the skin, muscles, tissues, subcutaneous veins. If every day the rash becomes more and more, then this indicates an aggravation of the disease.
For treatment and prevention of serious complications, you should consult a dermatologist and phlebologist. It is possible to improve the condition of the skin by yourself. For this it is recommended to normalize body weight, regularly engage in therapeutic gymnastics, wear compression linen and take venotonicks.
Red spot on the foot after bite
In their symptoms, insect bites have much in common with dermatological diseases and allergic reactions. A red spot on the leg after a bite can easily be confused with symptoms of dermatitis or a burn from nettle. But, despite this, bites differ from skin pathologies. There are such signs of attack of insects:
- Localization of damage - bites often occur on open and easily accessible parts of the body. First of all, these are the legs and hands.
- Kind of bite - on the skin, you can see damage in the form of a point or an obvious local puncture. Sometimes there is a local hemorrhage, swelling.
- The amount of damage - the only rash on the legs indicates exactly the insect bite, while the multiple rash is a sign of an allergic reaction.
Bites can be both harmless and go through a couple of hours after the appearance, and very dangerous, provoking swelling, hemorrhages and other complications. All skin disorders after bites are divided into several groups according to external signs and possible consequences:
- Light, unobtrusive and not causing painful symptoms. After them on the body are small points or redness, which quickly pass by themselves.
- Slight injuries and more pronounced. For example, bites of mosquitoes, fleas or bedbugs. Attack of one insect is unobtrusive, but multiple injuries cause unpleasant symptoms: itching, burning, allergies, feverish condition.
- Bites with pronounced local reactions. They provoke severe pain, swelling, redness, various allergic reactions and even anaphylactic shock. They can be provoked by attack of wasps, bees, hornets, some ants, flies and other insects.
In addition to insects, the appearance of defects on the foot can be associated with the bite of ticks, poisonous spiders, scorpions or scolopendrons. Such damage is a serious danger. Also do not forget that if the bite does not cause severe complications, then dangerous infectious agents can be brought into the bloodstream.
There is a definite relationship: pronounced and painful lesions rarely cause infection, while less noticeable bites are more dangerous. If, after a suspected bite of an insect or other arthropod body, severe swelling, rash, headaches and dizziness, sudden drop in pressure, rapid heart rate, or shortness of breath, then seek medical help immediately.
Red spots on the legs after the shower
Many people face such a problem as red spots on their feet after the shower. In this case, rashes can make themselves felt after both warm and cooler water procedures. The reasons for their occurrence are most often associated with such factors:
- Increased stiffness of running water.
- Too hot or cold water.
- Strong rubbing of the skin with a washcloth.
- Use of cosmetics that irritates the skin, for example, scrubs or mud packs.
- Cold and hot shower.
As a rule, red rashes after hygienic procedures are associated with a decrease in the effectiveness of sympathetic (vasoconstriction) and parasympathetic (vasodilatation) links in the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the work of internal organs, including blood vessels, glands of internal and external secretion.
Uneven rashes on the lower extremities may indicate dermal or, for example, venereal diseases. For their diagnosis and treatment should contact a dermatologist.
Red spots on the legs after sauna
Exposure of the body to elevated temperatures is one of the causes of various kinds of rashes. Red spots on the legs after the sauna are usually associated with active work of the subcutaneous capillary mesh, which is activated by the thermal procedure.
There are a number of recommendations that minimize the risk of dermatological problems during bath procedures:
- The use of various cosmetic (lotions, shampoos, scrubs) and natural (vegetable brooms, herbal decoctions) can cause an allergic reaction, which will quickly progress because of the increased temperature and humidity.
- Before visiting the sauna, you should wash off the creams and ointments from the skin, as they clog the pores and prevent them from cleaning. It can also provoke dermatological problems.
- Before the procedure it is forbidden to eat, a light snack is allowed. This is due to the fact that under the influence of active heat, proteins trigger the rotting processes in the intestine, which negatively affects the work of the liver and is manifested by skin rashes. Under the prohibition, alcohol also enters.
If the redness is minor and there are not too many, then do not panic. It is enough to leave the sauna in a cooler room. This will help reduce the velocity of the blood stream, restore the heart rate and the pressure will return to normal.
Red spots on the feet after shaving
Removing unnecessary hair with a shaver is still the most popular and affordable method of hair removal. Red spots on the feet after shaving, however, as well as on other parts of the body, are most often an irritation of the skin. Carry out the razor over the body, remove the upper layer of the epidermis, so the rash - this is quite normal reaction.
Unpleasant symptoms can occur with the use of shaving cosmetics or for skin care after the procedure. That is, reddening occurs not only because of irritation, but also when using a special foam, various lotions, oils or moisturizers.
The easiest way to prevent such a reaction is to choose another method of hair removal. If you still give the advantage to shaving, then you should adhere to such simple rules that protect the skin from redness and rashes:
- A quality razor with a double or triple blade and a protective strip impregnated with aloe juice.
- Before the procedure, do skin peeling. The use of scrub removes dead skin particles and minimizes the risk of rashes.
- Do not shave dry or damp skin. Well treat it with a special cream, foam or soap.
In addition to the above recommendations, provide the skin with sufficient moisture. Do not forget about sunscreen, since ultraviolet radiation when hit on inflamed tissues provokes hyperpigmentation.
Red spots on the feet from frost
Allergy to cold is a rare disease. Red spots on the feet from frost are one of the symptoms of this pathology. Signs of an unpleasant condition are most often manifested in wet weather, at a low temperature, in contact with cold water.
The main cause of rashes is the malfunctioning of mast cell cells located beneath the surface of the skin. They protect the tissues from injuries, infections and diseases. With allergy to cold, mast cells appear due to sudden temperature changes. A similar condition often occurs when the immune system is exhausted, which reacts improperly to any external stimuli.
- Cold dermatitis - the skin appears red dry changes with flaking and burning. The size of such rashes is 2-5 cm, with cracks on the surface. Most often manifested in unclosed and sensitive areas of the body. May be accompanied by conjunctivitis and runny nose.
- Cold hives - on the skin defects are formed, which quickly transform into blisters with liquid contents. There is severe itching and burning. Similar reactions on the legs often occur in lovers of cold weather in thin pantyhose or light clothing. In especially severe cases, the development of Quincke edema is possible.
If such reactions often make themselves felt, then you should seek medical help. Treatment consists of strengthening the immune system.
Red spots on the legs after alcohol
One of the symptoms of intoxication with alcohol-containing drinks is the red spots on the legs. After alcohol, they manifest themselves for a couple of hours, or even 1-2 days and act as an acute reaction of the body to substances that are part of the intoxicating beverage. In most cases, an unpleasant condition is associated with exposure to ethanol (a compound of alcohol and hydrogen). The disorder is observed when using artificial mixtures with various flavors and additives. Strong allergens are hop and yeast, which are used in the production of alcohol.
Red spots on the legs from alcohol, that is, a kind of allergic reaction, can be both acquired and hereditary. In the latter case, a person can not drink alcohol at all, because there are sharp reactions.
Symptoms of alcohol allergy:
- Rashes on the legs and other areas of the body.
- Peeling and itching of rashes.
- Severe headaches and shortness of breath.
- Sharp decrease in pressure.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Jumps in body temperature (a person throws something in sweat, then in cold).
To prevent a painful condition, you should give up alcohol. If the allergy manifests itself in an acute form, then it is recommended to wash the stomach and conduct symptomatic therapy with taking antihistamines.
Red spots on the foot after fracture
Such a symptom as the red spots on the foot after a fracture can arise due to a variety of reasons. Very often, with a fracture of the lower extremities, there is a deep vein thrombosis of the lower leg. The disease begins to acutely manifest with prolonged immobility and wearing a cast bandage. Gradually blood clots resolve, but the valves remain damaged. Because of the dilated vessels on the legs, pigmentation occurs.
Another possible cause of a skin reaction is contact dermatitis due to prolonged wearing of gypsum and chemicals that make up it. If the limb is for a long time on the hood, that is, in a suspended state, then in addition to the rash, red blisters may appear. Pressure gypsum bandage can cause a violation of the circulation of tissues and subcutaneous tissue.
In any case, painful symptoms require medical attention. To do this, you should consult a dermatologist, traumatologist and phlebologist. After a comprehensive diagnosis, the most appropriate treatment will be prescribed.
Red spots on the legs with HIV
One of the most dangerous virus diseases, destructively affecting the human immune system is the immunodeficiency virus. Red spots on the legs with HIV are one of the symptoms of pathology. Rashes also occur on other parts of the body, while the type of rash is completely dependent on the effect of provoking factors.
Skin changes in HIV have a parasitic-viral character. Most often I diagnose such pathologies in patients:
- Pyoderma
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Vascular changes
- Mycotic lesions
- Papicular eruptions
Viral rashes are also quite common in immunodeficiency. More often than not all patients reveal such dermatological problems:
- Shingles Herpes
- Herpes
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Cytomegalovirus infection
It is the rash that is the first sign of infection. But in most cases, such symptoms go unnoticed, so the disease progresses.