


Physiotherapy with furunculosis

Treatment of furunculosis includes the most convenient and sufficiently effective method, which uses physiotherapy - laser (magnetolaser) therapy.

Physiotherapy with phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

Physiotherapy with phlebitis and thrombophlebitis in the workplace, at home, involves the application of the most convenient and sufficiently effective methods of laser (magnetolaser) therapy.

Physiotherapy for trophic ulcers, long-term non-healing wounds

For the treatment of trophic ulcers, long-term healing wounds, physiotherapy methods - laser (magnetolaser) therapy, as well as exposure to low-frequency alternating magnetic field are most convenient and effective.

Physiotherapy for asthenic syndrome

The concept of "asthenic syndrome" in its essence corresponds to the diagnosis of "neurosis" with the predominance of either excitation processes or inhibition processes of higher nervous activity, which are caused by the impact of various factors.

Physiotherapy for migraines

The main task of physiotherapy with migraines is to stop an attack of headache due to the normalization of vascular tone. The possibilities of hardware physiotherapy at the time of the attack of pain are limited. One of the optimal therapeutic methods in this case is the method of information-wave action with the help of the Azor-IC apparatus.

Physiotherapy for vertebral cerebral ischemia

Physiotherapy for vertebrogenic cerebral ischemia uses laser (magnetolaser) therapy methods, information-wave exposure methods and magnetotherapy.

Physiotherapy for neuritis and neuralgia of peripheral nerves

As with osteochondrosis of the spine, from the methods of physiotherapy in the arsenal of a general practitioner (family doctor), the basic ones are short-pulse electroanalgesia, drug electrophoresis and laser (magnetolaser) therapy.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the spine

The main task of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the spine is to eliminate or significantly reduce the characteristic pains, which predetermines the choice of the method of physiotherapeutic influence.

Physiotherapy for joint diseases

The main diseases of joints include arthritis of the corresponding etiology, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. And if arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are not so common in patient wards, osteoarthritis - the degenerative-dystrophic process in the joints begins to appear from the age of 40, and after 60 years there is practically every person.

Physiotherapy for chronic colitis

Physiotherapy in chronic colitis is caused by the pathogenetic orientation of the effect of the corresponding physical factor and is aimed at improving the motor-evacuator and secretory functions of the large intestine.


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